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1、1 (每日一练每日一练)九年义务初中英语目的状语从句解题技巧总结九年义务初中英语目的状语从句解题技巧总结 单选题 1、-Linda,what are the advantages of MP5 players?-Mom,they are smaller and lighter they can be carried very easily.AunlessBifCuntilDso that 答案:D 解析:句意:MP5 播放器的优点是什么?妈妈,他们更小而且更轻,以至于他们可以轻松地被携带。本题是对连词的考查。根据答语 they are smaller and lighter 和 they ca

2、n be carried very easily 的前后对比,我们可以推断后句是前句的目的,so that 表示目的,引导一个目的状语从句,“以至于”。unless 除非;if 如果;until 直到。此空应填 so that,故选 D。2、After the 2008 Olympic Games,more and more people in western countries begin to learn Chinese _ they can better understand the culture of China.Im sure they will.Abecause ofBso th

3、atCeven thoughDas if 答案:B 解析:句意:2008 年奥运会之后,西方国家越来越多的人开始学习汉语,这样他们能更理解中国的文化。我确定他们会。2 考查连词辨析。because of 由于原因;so that 以便;even though 尽管,虽然;as if 好像。结合句意,此处强调目的,故选 B。3、The light in his room is still on.Do you know why he stays up so late?_ prepare for the coming exam.AIn order thatBSo thatCIn order toDB

4、ecause 答案:C 解析:句意:他房间的灯还亮着。你知道他为什么这么晚才睡吗?为即将到来的考试做准备。考查短语辨析。in order that 为了,后接句子;so that 为了,后接句子;in order to 为了,后接短语或单词;because 因为,后接句子。根据“prepare for the coming exam”可知,不是完整的句子,结合选项,A、B、D 选项均是接完整的句子,因此 C 符合句意。故选 C。4、Victor,could you please speak more slowly _ everyone can understand you.OK,I will.

5、AIn order toBso thatCso as toDso.that 答案:B 解析:句意:维克托,请你说得慢一点,以便让大家都能听懂好吗?好的,我会的。in order to 与 so as to 后面跟动词原形,“everyone can understand you.”是个句子,首先排除 A,C;so that 引导目的状语从句,而 so.that 引导结果状语从句,结合句意可知,此处应该是表示目的的状语从句,故答案为 B。点睛:sothat引导结果状语从句,so 后面加形容词或副词,其意为“如此以致于”。如:1)This book is so interesting that e

6、veryone wants to read it.这本书很有趣,人人都想看看。2)He ran so fast that I couldnt catch up with him.他跑得那么快,我没赶上他。so that 引导目的状语从句,其从句中的谓语动词通常和 can,may,should 等情态动词连用,而且主句和从句之3 间不使用逗号,意为“以便,为了,使能够”。如:They got up early so that they could catch the early bus.为了能赶上早班车,他们早早就起床了。5、This kind of flower needs special c

7、are _ it can live through winter AbecauseBso thatCeven ifDas 答案:B 解析:句意:这种花需要特殊的护理,这样它才能活过冬天。because 因为,表示原因,引导原因状语从句;so that为的是,以便于,引导目的状语从句;even if 即使,尽管,引导让步状语从句;as 当时候;因为。根据句意可知,这种花需要特殊的护理是为了能活过冬天,这里是目的状语从句,故选 B。6、_make ourselves safe,when can we get off the bus?As soon as the bus _.AIn order th

8、at;stopsBIn order to;will stop CIn order to;stopsDSo that;will stop 答案:C 解析:句意:为了让我们自己安全,我们什么时候可以下车?等车一停就下车。本题考查时态。in order that 为了,引导目的状语从句;in order to do sth 为了做某事,是目的状语;so that 以便于,引导目的状语从句;stops 是一般现在时,will stop 是一般将来时。第一空接动词短语 make ourselves safe 用介词短语 in order to。第二空 as soon as 引导的时间状语从句用一般现在时

9、,主句用一般将来时。故选 C。7、The famous headmaster Zhang Guimei set up the first free senior high school for girls in Lijiang _ more girls were able to go into universities.Aso thatBeven thoughCas soon as 4 答案:A 解析:句意:著名校长张桂梅在丽江创办了第一所女子免费高中,使更多的女生能够进入大学。考查连词辨析。so that 以便;even though 尽管;as soon as 一就。分析语境可知,句子“m

10、ore girls were able to go into universities.”是“Zhang Guimei set up the first free senior high school for girls”的目的,因此用 so that引导目的状语从句。故选 A。8、We started early _ we could get there on time.Aso thatBso as toCin order toDso as not to 答案:A 解析:句意:我们出发很早,以便我们能准时到达那里。考查短语辨析。so that 以便,后接从句;so as to=in orde

11、r to 以便,不定式符号 to 后常接动词原形;so as not to 以便不,和 so as to 用法一致。分析句子结构可知空后是完整的句子,要用 so that 引导目的状语从句。故选A。9、You could save some money you can buy a gift for your mother.Ain order toBbecauseCsoDso that 答案:D 解析:句意:你应该节约一些钱,以便于你可以给你妈妈买一份礼物。考查连词的用法。A.in order to 为了,后跟动词原形;故排除 A;B.because 因为,后跟原因;C.so 因此,后跟结果;D

12、.so that 以便,引导目的状语从句。结合 can buy 表示目的,故选 D。10、Please get up a little earlier tomorrow_ you can catch the early bus.5 Ain order toBas soon asCso thatDso as to 答案:C 解析:句意:明天请早一点起床,目的是你能赶上早班车。本题考查目的状语从句。in order to 为了;as soon as 一就;so that 目的是,为了;so as to 以便,为了;根据 in order to=so as to 后接动词原形,so that 后接从

13、句,you can catch the early bus.是句子;可知要排除 A,D;as soon as 不符合题意;故选 C。11、In space,well have to tie ourselves to our beds _ we wont float away in our sleep!AbecauseBso thatCifDbut 答案:B 解析:句意:在太空中,我们必须把自己绑在床上,这样我们就不会在睡觉时飘走了!考查连词辨析。because 因为;so that 为了;if 如果;but 但是。根据“well have to tie ourselves to our bed

14、s.。we wont float away in our sleep!”可知,此处是指在太空中把自己绑在床上是为了不在睡觉时飘走,故选 B。12、We got up early _ we could catch the first bus.AsinceBwhenCthatDso that 答案:D 解析:句意:我们早起以便于能赶上第一趟公汽。考查状语从句。since 自从;when 当;that 引导状语从句没有具体的含义;so that 以便于。“we could catch the first bus”能 赶上第一趟公汽是“got up early”早起的目的,用 so that 引导目的

15、状语从句。故选 D。13、Mike is always forgetful.Please remember to remind him the important interview he wont 6 miss it.Aof;so thatBabout;in order to Cof;becauseDabout;because of 答案:A 解析:句意:麦克总是健忘,请想着提醒他这个重要的采访,目的是他不会错过它。根据 remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事;remind sb about sth 提醒某人某事;so that 为了,目的是,后接目的状语从句,in order to

16、 为了,目的是,后接动词原形;because 因为,后接句子;because of 因为,后接单词或短语;故选 A 14、Im a little bit nervous because Im leaving for New York next week.Dont worry.Ill give you a map _ you wont get lost there.AalthoughBso thatCunlessDas soon as 答案:B 解析:句意:我有点紧张,因为我下周要去纽约。别担心。我会给你一张地图以便你不会在那里迷路。考查 so that 引导的目的状语从句。although 虽

17、然;so that 以便;unless 除非;as soon as 一就,句子“you wont get lost there”是“Ill give you a map”的目的,所以句子是 so that 引导的目的状语从句,故选 B。15、My mom always asks me to take exercise regularly_ I can keep in good health.AsinceBthoughCwhileDso that 答案:D 解析:句意:我妈妈总是让我经常锻炼,这样我就能保持健康。考查目的状语从句。since 自从;though 尽管;while 当时;so that 以便于。根据“My mom always asks me to 7 take exercise regularly”及“I can keep in good health”,可知,经常锻炼的目的是为了保持健康,用 so that 引导目的状语从句,故选 D。

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