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1、_Module1 Age1、调查、了解别人情况的有关用语Whats your name?Whatss name?How old are you?I am years old.How old is he/she is(about)years old2、 现在进行时的使用。表示现在正在发生事情或动作,时态结构是:人称+am/are/is+动词ing形式eg:I am fishing.He/She the cat is fishing.3、 描写一个人的外貌特征He/She looks+young/beautiful/strong/tall4、 祝贺生日的用语:Happy birthday! 回答:

2、Thank you!5、 动词ing的基本变化规则(1) 直接加ing,如dodoing, paintpainting(2) 去e再加ing,如havehaving, comecominggivegiving, drivedriving, makemakingcloseclosing, useusing(3) 双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ing,如:shopshopping, skipskipping, sitsittingrunrunning, putputting, getgettingswimswimming, forgetforgettingMoule2 Activities思考问题1、

3、 复习现在进行时的时态,结构:am/are/is+动词ing。 表示形式一般有。Im listening to the music.He is cooking in the kitchen.She is skipping.You are playing.We are dancing.口诀:三个朋友不分离,缺了一个出问题,I与am,you与are, is搭配他,她,它,(he,she,it)2、 注意询问数量的时候,无论回答的数量有多少,都要用复数提问:How many apples are there? There is one.How many cats are there? There a

4、re three.3、 留意动词play后紧接的名词:(1) play+名词,如:play chess/music/ basketball/football(2)play+the+乐器的名词如:play the guitar/play the piano4、 询问别人在干什么What are you doing?What is he/she doing?What are they doing?5、 告诉别人你热衷的活动,用like/enjoy+动词ing ,如: I like swimming, I enjoy reading.1.本单元包括Unit1Unit3,要学习的主要句型有:(1)Ho

5、w old is he/she? He/She is (2)Shes V-ing.(3)Is she V-ing?主要是谈论年龄和关于现在进行时的陈述句和一般疑问的形式。2.本单元归纳元音字母a的读音Unit1一、词汇乐园:四会词8个:1、photo 照片:ph的发音【f】,o发字母本身音,近义词:picture.2、year 年 ear(耳朵)前加上字母y,但ear的发音有变化,相近的词还有:bear 忍受;熊;dear 亲爱的;fear害怕;hear 听见;near 在。附近 ;pear梨;tear 撕, 眼泪;wear 穿。 3、look 看起来,看 近义词:see看见 ;watch 观

6、看 ; 词组搭配:look at ;相近的词有:book 书, cook 烹饪, 厨师; hook 钩4、tell告诉,讲 近义词:say 说 ; talk 谈论,讲述; 相近的词:sell 卖; well 好,井 5、baby 婴儿 相近的词:lady 女士 6、 child 孩子,(pl):children, 同义词:kid 孩子7、person 人 ;近义词:people 人,人们 8、sing 唱歌 相近的词:king 国王 ;ring 响;敲;戒指; wing 翅膀词语盘点:1、Unit 1 谈论的是年龄,可以按年龄分类来记单词:person: baby-childkid(boygi

7、rl)- -teenager-adult :manwoman(gentlemanlady)-old man old woman2、描述人物的词:old,young,beautiful,ugly,handsome, pretty, tall, short, lovely, cute二、句型、语法点睛:主要句型:1、What are these|those?(对应的单数:What is thisthat?)2、Whos that? HesShes .3、How old is she he ? ShesHes .years old.4、HeShe looks oldyoungbeautifulhan

8、dsomepretty.语法:现在进行时:注意结构:be动词和动词后面的ing缺一不可(口语的简答例外)。Unit2一、词汇乐园:四会词:1、birthday 生日 :可以分birth 和day 两部分来记, bird 鸟。2、so 因此;如此 :这个单词有两个完全不同的意思;相近的词:go 去, no 不, to3、happy 高兴的 近义词:glad ;可以结合Happy New Year ! HappyBirthday !来记忆。4、something 一些东西;某些东西 :这个词由some 和thing 构成,类似的词还有:someone, somebody, 用于否定和疑问的:any

9、thing, anyone, anybody.5、really:真正地 :对应的形容词:real ,相近的词:read 读6、give 给 (动词) :I后面的代词用宾格。相近的词:live 居住,生活; five 五.live 和give 中的i发【i】,five 中的i发【ai】。7、her 她(宾格):用在动词或介词后面,主格是she.8、card 卡:学过的词:postcard 明信片, car 小汽车9、 song 歌,歌曲:可以和sing 一起记,相近的词:son 儿子;long 长的; wrong 错误的10、cut 砍,切(动词): 相近的词: but 但是; hut 小屋;n

10、ut 坚果; put 放。可以这样记:Cut the nut and put it in thehut.11、eat 吃(动词):相近的词:tea 茶; meat 肉。注意:吃三餐饭一般用have ,have breakfastlunchdinner.12、party 聚会: have a party ; meeting 会议重点单词岁 照片 看起来 告诉,讲 唱 婴儿 小孩 人 假日 事实更年轻的 秘密的 十几岁的少年 成年人 实话告诉你 生日 计算机游戏 卡歌,歌曲 聚会 一些、某些东西 生日快乐 非常感谢你 给 砍,切吃 高兴的 真正地 因此,如此 她(宾格) 蜡烛 玩笑 忘记 吹 吹灭

11、爷爷 兴奋的 玩笑而已重点词组生日快乐 一张生日贺卡 生日聚会 给他(她,你,我,他们) 爷爷的生日200岁 一首生日歌曲 我的假日照片 看 玩球的游戏 看起来年轻岁 很老 实话告诉你 两百重点句型她多少岁? 她12岁。那个妇女多少岁? 她24岁。那个女孩多少岁?她15岁。生日快乐!谢谢!那个男人多少岁?他25岁。那个男孩多少岁?他13岁。他们多少岁?他们40岁。练习:一, 听录音,把下列句子补充完整。1. Im twelve_ _now.2. The _in the _ is very cute.3. These mothers _the _to come here.4. The _look

12、s _his father.5. shes singing a _ _now.6. Janets friends give_a _.7. they _ the cake and _it.8. today he is _ _.9. dont play_ _too much.二,选出不同类的单词,把相应的字母编号写在题前的括号内。( )1. A.baby B. father C. mother( ) 2.A. look B. tell C. person( )3. A. photo B. ball C. sing( ) 4. A. forty B. nice C. nine( ) 5.A. pic

13、ture B. holiday C. play( ) 6. A.grandpa B. person C.mother( )7. A.cut B. excited C.happy( )8. A. forget B.eat C.party( )9.A. candle B.blow C.give( )10.A. joke B. song C.give三,选择最佳答案,把相应的字母编号写在题前的括号内。( )1. Happy birthday! -_ A. Happy birthday B.No, I dont C.Thank you( )2. Yongxians friends give _a bi

14、rthday present. A. him B. he c. her ( )3. Today is my _birthday. A.grandpa B.a grandpas C. grandpas( )4. They are having_English party now. A. an B. a C.the( )5. Im tall_handsome. A. not B.and C. but( )6. The lady is two_old. A. hundreds years B. hundred year C. hundred years( )7.-how_is the man? -h

15、es thirty years old. A.old B.many C.much( )8.-what _they? -theyre books. A.is B.am C. are( )9.these are my holiday_. A. photo B. photos C.a photo( )10.we often play_ at school after class. A. ball games B.ball game C.a ball game( )11. the lady _ young. A.look B. looks C. looking( )12. look_this beau

16、tiful lady.A. at B. in C. on( )13. the man is 125 years old. He is very_. A. young B. old C. cute( )14, to _ you the truth, Im thirty years old. A. ask B. tell C. put( )15.what _ these? They are _ .A. are candle B. is .candle C. are.candles( )16.my grandfather is 85_old.A. years B. year C. a year四,根

17、据实际情况回答问题。1. how old is your father?2. Do you have a birthday party?3. Do you like your birthday party?4. Are you excited on your birthday party? _5. Is your mother thirty years old? _6. What does your father do?7. Are you playing ball games now?_五,阅读。Hello,my name is Ben. I am from UK. I am eleven

18、years od. Today is Wednesday. Its my birthday. My family is having a brithday party for me. My father is giving me a birthday card. My mother is singing a birthday song for me. I am blowing out brithday candles. My sister Janet is cutting the brithday cake for me. We are all excited and happy.( )1.

19、Ben is _ boy. A. a Chinese B. an American C. a British ( )2. Today is _ birthday. A. Bens B. Janets C. Janets mother( )3. There are _ candles on the birthday cake. A. ten B. eleven C. twelve( )4. There are _ persons in Bens family. A. three B. five C. four( )5. Bens mother is_.A. singing a brithday

20、song.B. cutting a birthday cakeC. blowing out the candles ( )6. Ben is Janets _. A. sister B. brother C father六,仿照例子,用30个单词描述你的家人。例子:Hello, I am Ben. Im a tall boy. Im ten years old. This is my family. There are four people in my family. My father is policeman. Hes tall and handsome. He is thirty-four years old. My mother is a nurse. She is slim andbeautiful. She is thirty-two years old. My sister is Janet. She is a short gril. She is eight years old._Welcome ToDownload !欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!精品资料

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