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1、Unit 3Preview2.Read the text for the better comprehension and answer the questions.1)Here it means in the countryside.2)It is difficult to tell the difference between the root crops you buy from stores and those you grow yourself in your garden.Note: (1) root crops: What are grown so that the roots

2、can be used for food, such as carrots.(2)tell apart:Recognize the difference between two people or things that are very similar.(3) when store bought:when they are bought in stores3)having a particular effect or influence 在起作用It refers to the back-breaking labor human beings pretend to do in a game.

3、 (Does he not refer to pretence as back-breaking? Maybe as when a very sick person pretends to be well to save someone worry?)4) It means that he thought about it very calmly and carefully before he made this decision never to plant it again. He was exaggerating of course.5) waft through: float thro

4、ugh the air in a gentle way, said of smell or noise6) It means “seriously intend to do what you say you will do.7) The worms were slowing coming out of the melting soil and they were delicious food for the birds of course. (And he was thinking it was delicious too, because it meant the end of winter

5、 and he could begin to garden.) 8) a piece of land for a particular purpose “Conflict” here refers to the struggle in his mind. (No. I think it is the sense of conflict with the earth required to make a garden that he likes?)9) Sparingly:in small quantities节约地。少量地Broadcast:sow seeds over a wide area

6、, especially by hand10) “neurotic” means “ extremely worried about something unimportant in a way that seems unreasonable to other people. The author is using this in a self-mocking tone.11)Also, your natural tendency to act as a kind and caring father or mother begins to have an effect.12) as it we

7、re: used for making a description sound less definite or less exact (well, used to make a comparison gardener as parent? A kind of personification of the growing things)可以说;在某种程度上可以说turn upon you: Here, “turn upon/on sb” means “attack sb suddenly and without warning”13) occupation: a job or employme

8、nt, but here: a way of spending your time; a pastime14) Here, a pointed piece of wood or metal etc for driving into the ground as a mark or for holding a rope etc15) slight differences in degree of green16) pocket: a small area different from the areas around itpersonal reassurance: sth that makes a

9、 person feel less worriedthrusting life: life that is moving forward quickly and powerfully17) an extension of oneself: the further growth or development of a personParaphrase: Gardening has to be another place where people continue to work hard to achieve something.18) character: the qualities that

10、 make up a persons personality character-building: helping to develop ones character 性格锻炼;品德培养。The author is now openly expressing the belief that gardening is an extremely important occupation, something human beings have been doing since Adam and Eves time. The final sentence is ironical and humor

11、ous, referring to how they disobeyed God and was driven out of the Garden.Vocabulary1.Do the following exercises on word formation rules.1)Translate the following compound words and study how they are composed.1. 累人的/繁重的 2. 耗费时间的3. 炼性格/培养人品4. 立法 5. 救火 6. 找工作/求职 7. 保护脸面的 8. 维和9. 捣乱分子 10. 止疼药 11. 摘棉工人

12、 12. 筹集资金的人 13. 算命先生 14. 管家 15. 银行老板 16. 自欺欺人 17. 自尊 18. 自信 19. 自制力 20. 自我牺牲 21. 自己的利益;22. 自我保护/自卫 23. 自律24. 店里买的 25. 手写的 26. 自家做的 27. 敌人占领的 28. 铺满白雪的 29. 四周为陆地包围的 30. 空降的 31. 包着糖衣的 32. 镀金的2)Give the corresponding nouns of the following verbs.1. enrollment2. maintenance3. exposure4. entrance; 5. ass

13、umption6. average7. consumption8. involvement9. success/succession10. revival11. implication12. reception13. deception14. conception/concept15. perception16. graduation17. penetration18. cultivation19. generation20. appreciation21. congratulation22. celebration23. frustration3)Give the corresponding

14、 verbs of the following nouns.1. pursue2. continue3. accomplish4. exist5. encourage6. occupy7. compensate8. conflict 9. compose10. spare11. reassure12. extend13. conceive2.Give synonyms or antonyms to the following words.Synonyms1. determine/decide2. smell/odor3. stop/end/quit/discontinue4. ray5. de

15、stroy6. job/work/trade/profession/career/pursuit7. huge/immense/enormous/great8. choke9. wet/moist缺答案10. reward/pay/payment/gain11. strangle缺答案12. shine/glitter13. view/sight14. reawaken/bring back to lifeAntonyms1. unnoticeable2. unromantic3. unload4. unwillingness5. useful/meaningful/sensible/advi

16、sable6. maternal7. immoral8. consumer9. quality10. tolerable11. dishonesty3.Translate the following verb+noun collocations into Chinese.1. 为这行动找个理由2. 为走这一步找个理由3. 为自己找个理由4. 当真;不开玩笑5. 提高/改善质量6. 提高生活水平7. 改良土壤8. 毁灭这个星球9. 毁了健康10. 葬送了机会11. 毁了前途12. 毁了庄稼13. 勒死/绞死一个人14. 使曀住;使窒息15. 吊死;执行绞刑16. 培育植物17. 重新燃起希望18

17、. 重新振作精神19. 重新激发起兴趣20. 培养品德;锻炼性格4.Rewrite the sentences, replacing the phrases in bold type with the appropriate expressions in their proper forms.1)in massive numbers regardless of; In some cases2)depended on nothing but3)tell apart ; cast aside4)it would be the Boxers Rebellion all over again5)at

18、work; wormed his way into 6)the different shades of meaning7)come into play8)goes for 9)are well aware of the vast quantities of; ruining; means business 5.Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions or adverbs.1) of2)but3)apart4)into; after; to; all over again5) but; upon6)into; of; at7)apart; of;

19、aside; for 6.Translate the following sentences into English. 1)Health care must be available to all citizens regardless of their differences. We cannot justify the policy that denies the care to the large population living in the country.2)They claim to have discovered a universal law which applies

20、to all nations. 3)I often made a fool of myself when I was living with my uncle on his farm. When asked to get rid of the weed in the rice fields, for example, I often failed to tell apart the weed and the rice seedlings.4)Why go there today? Id much rather we stay until the snow ceases.5)Rice requi

21、res large quantities of water and many scientists warn us that even if we use our water sparingly, the day will inevitably come when we will be fighting over limited supplies of water resources.6)There has been quite a noticeable change in recent years. We no longer lean on export for economic growt

22、h. We now tend to put more emphasis on home consumption.7)Todays tendency is to give little kids too many tests and exams until they are no good for anything but taking exams.8)It is pointless to force professors to publish a fixed number of papers annually regardless of their quality. Besides, this

23、 is a demand even Einstein would not have been able to meet. Grammar1. Study the use of noun clauses introduced by wh- words.1. Point out the function of each of the noun clauses.A noun clause is a clause that functions as a noun. Noun clauses can be used:a) as (direct) object of verbs, as in 1), 2)

24、, 5), 7), 10);b) after the link verb be as predictive (表语), as in 4), 6), 8), 9)c) after an adjective such as (a person is) sure, certain, positive, (it is) amazing/ strange/funny, etc. as in 3) d) as subject, as in: What bothered me was how easily I had reached the decision. (para. 2, Unit 8, Book

25、1)e) after certain prepositions as object, as inThey seldom give advance notice about which school they are going to inspect. Other wh-words that are used to introduce a noun clause: who, whom, whose2. Rewrite each (pair) of the sentences using a noun clause introduced by a wh- word.1) what has brou

26、ght you to Paris2) how much he loved him3) when and why you started your own business and how you went about setting it up4) why he survived and most of his fellow travelers havent5) when we occasionally came in summer6) why the whales beach themselves 7) How the pilot managed to bring the plane dow

27、n safely8) what steps the Ministry of Railways will take to prevent a similar accident.9) disagreement on when it should be held.10) who the driver was 2. Learn to use the gerund. 1. Point out the function of each gerund in the sentences.1) digging up: object of started. it has an object and adverbi

28、al modifier of its own; doing: object of preposition before2) sending: subject of the sentence, it also has an object and adverbial modifier of its own; it being an impersonal pronoun that stand for “sending”3) keeping: subject which has an object: a garden4) binding: predictive (表语),it also has an

29、object and adverbial modifier of its own5) saying: object of preposition instead of 6) striving: subject of the relative clause introduced by where7) hoping: object of ease, which has an object clause8) reviving: object of preposition of; it has an object and adverbial modifier 2. Rewrite the senten

30、ces using the gerund.1) Missing the flight means waiting for hours for the next.2) He never makes an important decision without asking his parents advice.3) Ill return the book to you as soon as I finish reading it.4) Never enter anyones office without knocking. 5) He tried very hard to avoid saying

31、 anything that might displease his sick father.6) Instead of trying to reduce costs, they raised prices and cut production,7) He has many good qualities besides being one of the most gifted chess players in the world.8) Many of us may be eating food containing GM ingredients (含有转基因成分的食物) without rea

32、lizing it.3. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. (1) looks (2) given (3) deep(4) upward (5) reward (6) differ (7) while (8) rains(9) shade(10) growing4. Translate the sentences, using a noun clause beginning with a wh- word or a gerund. 1) Do you know how computers work?2) Anyone can do what

33、Im doing.3) Thats exactly where youre wrong.4) It is almost impossible to visit Hangzhou without falling in love with the city.5) That was why she returned to China at age 72/the age of 72.6) How they broke into overseas markets still remains a mystery to us.7) Find out who she is, where she came fr

34、om, and what she has been sent here for.8) On his first day at school, the boy came to realized what lay ahead of him.9) Education must sow the seeds of wisdom, besides implanting knowledge and skills.10) They advised people touring the area to avoid to go out alone after dark.11) One of her job/par

35、t of her work is teaching young people how to handle personal relationships.12) Making promises without keeping them is not considered a good practice. 5. Identify and correct the mistakes. Note there is no mistake in two of the sentences.1) The CEO left through the backdoor to avoid being seen by s

36、triking employees.2) Robert wanted his father to know how much he loved his father.3) Would you mind my opening the window during the break?4) Sit down and tell us when and where you last saw the wanted man. (No mistake) 5) I wonder why he should lie to meIm his best friend after all.I wonder why he

37、 should lie to me; Im his best friend after all.I wonder why he should lie to me. After all Im his best friend.6) With her salary, how she managed to buy a big house is a mystery to all his friends.7) Had he not been careless, he would have done better in the exam.8) He gave a detailed account of what had happened on that particular night. (No mistake)9) Professor Lin advised me to read more extensively. / Professor Lin suggested that I read more extensively.10) Would you describe what the attacker looks like?

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