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1、 JNCE 2A Unit 14 Lesson27 Chocolate heaven!教学目标教学目标 1.知识目标:能够在文章中感受知识目标:能够在文章中感受have got句句型的一般过去时态。型的一般过去时态。2.能力目标:能够用英语描述自己有什么,能力目标:能够用英语描述自己有什么,自己没有什么。自己没有什么。能够理解文章大意并能回答相应问题。能够理解文章大意并能回答相应问题。3.情感目标:激发并调动学生学习英语的兴情感目标:激发并调动学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生小组合作能力和竞争意识。趣,培养学生小组合作能力和竞争意识。教学重、难点:教学重、难点:重点:感受重点:感受have got

2、句型的一般过去时态句型的一般过去时态 难点:难点:理解理解didnt have any&didnt have much 培养学生课堂进行英语交流的能力。培养学生课堂进行英语交流的能力。Welcome to my class!(C )What kind of chocolate is Lucy going to buy?A.Dove(德芙德芙)B.Leconte(金帝金帝)C.Marconis(马可尼马可尼)Questions1.What did they have last weekend?2.What didnt they have last weekend?LUCY:Im going ou

3、t,Mum.Please can I get some chocolate?We had some sweets last weekend,but we didnt have any chocolate.LUCY:And we didnt have much chocolate the weekend before last.KAREN:You and your chocolate!OK.But you must share it with everyone else!LCUY:Im back,Mum!These are the chocolates!They didnt have any n

4、ice boxes at the supermarket.These chocolates are from Marconis.Theyre really special.LUCY:Im going out,Mum.Please can I get_chocolate?We had some sweets last weekend,but we didnt have_ chocolate.some anyLUCY:And we didnt have _chocolate the weekend _last.KAREN:You and your chocolate!OK.But you must

5、 share it _everyone else!muchbeforewithLCUY:Im back,Mum!These are the chocolates!They didnt have any nice boxes _the supermarket.These chocolates are _Marconis.Theyre really special.atfromROBERT:But chocolate is chocolate,isnt it?Why does a fancy box make it special?The main ingredient of most choco

6、late is thecocoa butter,cocoa powder and milk powder,white sugar,lactose,butter.(大部分巧克力的主要成分是可可脂、可可粉大部分巧克力的主要成分是可可脂、可可粉和奶粉、白砂糖、乳糖、黄油和奶粉、白砂糖、乳糖、黄油.)The main ingredient(成分成分)of chocolate The main ingredient(成分成分)of Marconis chocolate Marconis chocolate contains fifty percent cocoa.It uses only pure co

7、coa butter.There are no non-cocoa vegetable fats in Marconis chocolate.(马可尼的巧克力含有马可尼的巧克力含有50%的可可粉。它只用纯可的可可粉。它只用纯可 可油可油,不含无可可粉的植物油不含无可可粉的植物油.)DO IT NOW!1.How much cocoa does Marconis chocolate contain?(A)A.Fifty percent B.Thirty percent C.Ninety percent2.How much cocoa butter does Marconis chocolate

8、use?(C)A.Ninety B.Fifty C.Pure Read it!Make sentences with your partner.1.they/not have /nice boxes/supermarket.-They didnt have any nice boxes at the supermarket.2.Chocolate heaven/feel/different/in your mouth.-Chocolate heaven feels different in your mouth.Qustion time!Talk about your questions!Homework 1.听、读、看听、读、看DVD并并 背诵课文,签字。背诵课文,签字。2.根据所学句型对自己根据所学句型对自己 的东西进行描述的东西进行描述,并写并写 下来。下来。Thank you!

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