1、Englishman, William Low. He suggested that a double railway tunnel should be built. This would solve the problem of ventilation, for if a train entered this tunnel, it would draw in fresh air behind it. Forty-two years later a tunnel was actually begun. If, at the time, the British had not feared in
2、vasion, it would have been completed. Recently, there has again been great interest in the idea of a Channel Tunnel. If it is built, it will connect Britain to Europe for the first time in history.Lesson65 Jumbo versus the police 小象对警察Last Christmas, the circus owner, Jimmy Gates, decided to take so
3、me presents to a childrens hospital. Dressed up as Father Christmas and accompanied by a guard of honour of six pretty girls, he set off down the main street of the city riding a baby elephant called Jumbo. He, should have known that the police would never allow this sort of thing. A policeman appro
4、ached Jimmy and told him he ought to have gone along a side-street as Jumbo was holding up the traffic. Though Jimmy agreed to go at once, Jumbo refused to move. Fifteen policemen had to push very hard to get him off the main street. The police had a difficult time, but they were most amused. Jumbo
5、must weigh a few tons, said a policeman afterwards, so it was fortunate that we didnt have to carry him. Of course, we should arrest him, but as he has a good record, we shall let him off this time.Lesson66 Sweet as honey! 像蜜一样甜!The Hatheld Puffin is a modern aero-plane, but its designer, Mr John Wi
6、mpenny, is finding it difficult to get it off the ground. The reason for this is that this plane is also a bicycle. Its pilot has to pedal hard to get it into the air. After Mr Wimpenny had the plane built, it was tested thoroughly. In 1961, it was the first man-powered aircraft to fly half a mile.
7、While being flown by a champion amateur cyclist in 1963, the plane crashed on an airfield. Since then, Mr Wimpenny has had it rebuilt. He has had the length of the wings increased so that they now measure 93 feet-almost as long as those of a Dakota. Many people have shown interest in this new and un
8、usual sport. But though air cyclists may learn how to fly over short distances, and may, eventually, even get across the English Channel, it is doubtful whether they will ever cyecial news bulletin, said the voice of the television announcer, we are taking you to the macaroni fields of Calabria. Mac
9、aroni has been grown in this area for over six hundred years. Two of the leading growers, Giuseppe Moldova and Ricardo Brabante, tell me that they have been expecting a splendid crop this year and harvesting has begun earlier than usual. Here you can see two workers who, between them,目 录1 总 论11.1 概述
10、11.2 项目概况31.3 报告的编制41.4 设计依据51.5 编制工作内容及实施方案71.6项目起止时间及进度安排82 项目内容和建设规模92.1项目概况92.2 养猪场现有废物产生及处理情况102.3工程内容及建设规模确定123 项目申报符合性分析133.1 申报范围符合性分析133.2 申报条件具备性分析143.3 发展规划和产业政策符合性分析154 项目建设条件、保障措施及必要性184.1 项目建设条件184.2 项目实施的保障措施194.3 项目背景及必要性214.4 项目选址原则255 生产工艺技术方案275.1设计原则275.2废弃物治理思路275.3 工艺技术路线285.4
11、猪粪和废水无害化综合处理及利用工艺流程说明295.5无害化综合处理和利用指标要求315.6 各工艺单元处理效果315.7设计规模326 工艺选择合理性分析346.1 人工清粪的合理性分析346.2 固液分离与重轻液分离技术分析356.3 灌溉为主实现废水零排放366.4 工艺专利来源可行性分析376.5 废水综合利用零排放可行性分析377 污染治理和综合利用项目设计397.1 猪舍清粪系统改造和废弃物处理397.2 污水处理工程407.3 项目主要设备设施清单438 总图布置和公用工程458.1 总平面布置458.2 土建458.3 公用工程469 自动控制479.1 设计依据479.2 设计
12、采用的标准和规范479.3 自动化控制方案479.4 自动化水平479.5 仪表选型489.6 仪表用电源4810 环境保护4910.1废气污染4910.2废水污染4910.3噪声污染4910.4固体废弃物5011 安全卫生、消防与节能5111.1 安全卫生5111.2 消防5111.3 节能5112 人员编制和工程进度5212.1 人员编制5212.2 建设进度5312.3 工程招投标5313 投资估算与资金筹措5913.1 概述5913.2 编制依据5913.3 工程投资估算6013.4 资金筹措6113.5 申请资金理由及使用方向6114 技术经济分析6214.1固液分离设备6214.2
13、 果园工程6214.3 沼气工程6214.4 新增废水处理站6215 效益及风险分析6315.1 环境效益6315.2 社会效益6315.3 推广示范效应6415.4 项目实施风险性分析6416 结论与建议6516.1 结论6516.2 建议6653Englishman, William Low. He suggested that a double railway tunnel should be built. This would solve the problem of ventilation, for if a train entered this tunnel, it would d
14、raw in fresh air behind it. Forty-two years later a tunnel was actually begun. If, at the time, the British had not feared invasion, it would have been completed. Recently, there has again been great interest in the idea of a Channel Tunnel. If it is built, it will connect Britain to Europe for the
15、first time in history.Lesson65 Jumbo versus the police 小象对警察Last Christmas, the circus owner, Jimmy Gates, decided to take some presents to a childrens hospital. Dressed up as Father Christmas and accompanied by a guard of honour of six pretty girls, he set off down the main street of the city ridin
16、g a baby elephant called Jumbo. He, should have known that the police would never allow this sort of thing. A policeman approached Jimmy and told him he ought to have gone along a side-street as Jumbo was holding up the traffic. Though Jimmy agreed to go at once, Jumbo refused to move. Fifteen polic
17、emen had to push very hard to get him off the main street. The police had a difficult time, but they were most amused. Jumbo must weigh a few tons, said a policeman afterwards, so it was fortunate that we didnt have to carry him. Of course, we should arrest him, but as he has a good record, we shall
18、 let him off this time.Lesson66 Sweet as honey! 像蜜一样甜!The Hatheld Puffin is a modern aero-plane, but its designer, Mr John Wimpenny, is finding it difficult to get it off the ground. The reason for this is that this plane is also a bicycle. Its pilot has to pedal hard to get it into the air. After M
19、r Wimpenny had the plane built, it was tested thoroughly. In 1961, it was the first man-powered aircraft to fly half a mile. While being flown by a champion amateur cyclist in 1963, the plane crashed on an airfield. Since then, Mr Wimpenny has had it rebuilt. He has had the length of the wings incre
20、ased so that they now measure 93 feet-almost as long as those of a Dakota. Many people have shown interest in this new and unusual sport. But though air cyclists may learn how to fly over short distances, and may, eventually, even get across the English Channel, it is doubtful whether they will ever
21、 cycle across the Atlantic.Lesson67 Volcanoes 火山Haroun Tazieff the Polish scientist, has spent his life-time studying active volcanoes and deep caves in all parts of the world. In 1948, he went to lake Kivu in the Congo to observe a new volcano which he later named Kituro. Tazieff was able to set up
22、 his camp very close to the volcano while it was erupting violently. Though he managed to take a number of brilliant photographs, he could not stay near the volcano for very long. He noticed that a river of liquid rock was coming towards him. It threatened to surround him completely, but Tazieff man
23、aged to escape just in time. He waited until the volcano became quiet and he was able to return two days later. This time, he managed to climb into the mouth of Kituro so that he could take photographs and measure temperatures. Tazieff has often risked his life in this way. He has been able to tell
24、us more about active volcanoes than any man alive. Lesson68 Persistent 纠缠不休I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me. It was no use pretending that I had not seen him, so I waved to him. I never enjoy meeting Bert Dykes. He never has anything to do. No matt
25、er how busy you are, he always insists on coming with you. I had to think of a way of preventing him from following me around all morning.Hullo, Bert, I said. Fancy meeting you here !Hullo, Elizabeth, Bert answered. I was just wondering how to spend the morning-until I saw you. Youre not busy doing
26、anything, are you ? No, not at all, I answered. Im going to. .Would you mind my coming with you ? he asked, before I had finished speaking. Not at all, I lied, but Im going to the dentist. Then Ill come with you, he answered. Theres always plenty to read in the waiting room !lesson69 But not murder!
27、 并非谋杀!I was being tested for a driving licence for the third time. I had been asked to drive in heavy traffic and had done so successfully. After having been instructed to drive out of town, I began to acquire confidence. Sure that I had passed, I was almost beginninghe nearest town. It was not long
28、 before a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors of the plane crash.Lesson76 April Fools Day 愚人节To end our special news bulletin, said the voice of the television announcer, we are taking you to the macaroni fields of Calabria. Macaroni has been grown in this area for over six hundr
29、ed years. Two of the leading growers, Giuseppe Moldova and Ricardo Brabante, tell me that they have been expecting a splendid crop this year and harvesting has begun earlier than usual. Here you can see two workers who, between them,第一章 总 论1.1 项目基本情况1.1.1 项目名称吉林省德惠市利源万头猪场标准化规模养殖及新农村绿色家园一体化建设示范园区。1.1
30、.2 项目建设单位德惠市利源牧业有限公司。1.1.3 项目建设性质新建。1.1.4 项目协作单位德惠市经济开发区。1.1.5 项目编制单位德惠市誉信农民实用技术研究会。1.1.6 技术依托单位德惠市畜牧局;1.1.7 项目负责人 德惠市利源牧业有限公司执行董事、法人代表。1.1.8 经济负责人 长春市正泽会计师事务所注册会计师; 德惠市誉信农民实用技术研究会顾问。1.1.9 技术负责人 德惠市畜牧局局长;1.1.10 项目建设地点德惠市惠发街道洪家村二社(见附件1)1.1.11项目建设内容及规模拟建吉林省德惠市利源万头猪场标准化规模养殖及新农村绿色家园一体化建设示范园区一处(见附件2)。占地面
31、积50万平方米。1、猪场建设新建现代化生态猪舍20栋,建筑面积为22000平方米。年出售优良二元种猪 6000头。年生产优质生猪20000头。年生产特种野猪4000头。2、其他特种养殖业建设新建现代化生态养殖圈舍2栋,建筑面积为2200平方米。3、现代化温室建设新建现代化温室生产区一处,占地10000平方米。建现代日光温室50栋(带工作间)。并占地2500平方米,建相应的附属配套设施。4、新农村绿色生态园建设在园区内建设生态家园住宅100栋,每栋建筑面积为240平方米。5、服务设施建设新建饲料生产车间、技术服务室、宿舍、办公室、消毒室,及道路、水、电、等设施,建筑面积为4950平方米,又600
32、0延米。1.1.12 投资及资金来源1、投资项目动态总投资10898.29万元,其中:建设投资7611.5万元;流动资产投资888.56万元;土地流转费1500万元;铺底流动资金300万元;项目前期费用和不可预见费300万元;涨价预备金200元;建设期给付借款利息98.23万元。2、资金来源企业自筹资金:5898.29万元外借资金:5000万元1.1.13 建设工期计划工期为两年。1、2009年5月 2010年12月为基础设施建设期。完成土建、场房、设备安装等工程。购进种猪。2、2010年12月 2011年12月为生产期。完成种猪饲养、二元种猪生产、商品猪饲养。到2011年年底达到设计生产规模
33、。3、到2011年年底完成现代化温室建设。1.2项目建设背景1.2.1 政策扶持吉林省德惠市利源万头猪场标准化规模养殖及新农村绿色家园一体化建设示范园区建设项目,符合社会主义新农村建设的总体要求,顺应现代农业的发展方向,满足市场对农副产品的需要。为加快畜牧业发展,国家、地方各级政府都出台了相应的扶持政策,对生猪生产实行多项补贴和奖励。1.2.2 市场潜力由于,受甲型H1N1流感的影响,生猪生产面临滑坡阶段,但从长远看,这种状况一定是暂时的,人们对肉产品的总体需求是上升的,市场的吸纳潜力是巨大的。一句话,人们的餐桌是离不开肉的。项目建设地南距长春市不到100公里,北距哈尔滨市不到200公里,东距
34、吉林市不到150公里。1.3 可行性研究报告编制依据1、国家发展计划委员会计办投资【2002】15号文审定出版的投资项目可行性研究指南(试用版);2、德惠市利源牧业有限公司与德惠市誉信农民实用技术研究会签订的项目建议书编制合同;3、建设单位提供的有关基础数据。第二章 项目建设的必要性2.1 宏观环境分析2.1.1 生活需求猪肉是人们(部分少数民族除外)餐桌上不可替代的必须品。文人骚客“宁可食无肉,不可居无竹”,但广大民众却是“宁可居无竹,不可食无肉”。2.1.2 省域优势突出吉林省的养猪业具有自身的优势和潜力。首先是资源优势,吉林省作为粮食主产区,其粮食的优势使东北猪肉和南方猪肉相比蛋白含量大
35、、口感好。养殖业属于半污染产业,如果没有足够的空间将对环境产生很大影响,土地面积达191000平方公里的吉林省,空间广阔,成为养猪业的一大优势。同时,吉林省是无疫区之一,猪的疾病防治效果好,发病率低。截止去年末,全省生猪饲养达到3600万头,比上年增长11,出栏2200万头,存栏l 400万头,比上年增长1667。能繁母猪存栏达到了137万头,比上年增长62,后备母猪存栏4567万头,比上年增长3049。2.1.3 政策扶持到位2008年省财政用于生猪生产的各项补贴、奖励资金达4000万元。用于养殖户的扶持资金1.5亿元。长春市人民政府办公厅下发了200740号文件,长春市牧业管理局、长春市财
36、政局联合下发了20073号文件,鼓励畜禽业发展。德惠市组织千名专业技术人员入户指导和技术包保,着力解决饲养和防疫中的难题。两级市财政拿出专项资金500万,用于畜禽养殖户的良种引进、人工受精、特种猪培育、能繁母猪生产、生猪保险等奖励和补贴。2.1.3 符合新农村建设需要该项目,符合长春市城市建设与发展规划;符合长春市“菜篮子”工程建设目标;符合长春市新农村总体建设规划。有利于环境保护和生态平衡。2.2 微观环境分析2.2.1 县域潜力巨大1、德惠市是传统的养猪大市,养猪业历来是农村经济的主要支撑和农民家庭收入的主要来源,在农村经济结构战略性调整和农村产业结构调整中,将大力发展养猪业作为首选项目,
37、与农民长期形成的根深蒂固的传统期望天然契合,定将获得广大农民群众的热烈欢迎和积极配合,收到事半功倍的效果。2、随着人们生活质量的提高,本地区对猪产品的需求也不断增加。3、德惠市是国家重点商品粮生产基地县之一,盛产玉米、大豆。因此,本项目饲料原粮的来源不成问题。同时解决了农民卖粮难的问题,利于粮食更好的转化。4、项目的建设可以为剩余劳动力提供客观的就业机会。5、生猪饲养效益可观。德惠有饲养生猪的优良传统,年可出栏生猪10万头,生产效益一直看好。2.2.2 服务体系功能健全德惠市建有良好的畜牧产业服务系统,繁育、防疫站点遍布全市。自2005年以来通过人工授精技术,对本地饲养的生猪进行了大胆的改良,
38、收到显著成效。而优良种猪的引进,给当地饲养户带来丰厚的效益。 2.2.3 新式养殖具有较高起点 我公司已经积累丰厚的生猪饲养、防疫、管理、销售等经验。全体员工的科技观念,良种良法饲养技术,市场销售认知,投入产出效益分析等,都有突破性发展。为了尽快落实该项目,德惠市利源牧业有限公司已组织有关人员进行多次的技术考察与论证,在对本项目市场需求进行了大量的调查研究的同时,对资源及其发展趋势、新厂址的选择、生产能力、规模等都做了深入细致的研究工作,经过反复的研究与比较,认为建设该项目意义重大,非常必要。第三章 项目建设条件3.1 区位条件3.1.1 地理位置德惠市位于吉林省中北部,松辽平原中部,地处东经
39、12514- 12628,北纬4432- 4551区间,北及东北隔松花江与松原市、榆树市和舒兰市相望,东南与九台市相连,西南与长春市市郊接壤,西隔伊通河与农安县毗邻,处在长春、哈尔滨、吉林三大城市重心上。京哈铁路、同三高速公路、102国道等东北三条物流大动脉平行从区内穿过,地理位置优越,交通便捷。3.1.2 气象条件德惠市的气候属于中温带大陆季风气候,其特点大陆性明显,四季分明,春季多风干旱,夏季炎热多雨,秋季昼夜爽,冬季寒冷漫长。年平均气温44,年平均积温285 1。年均日照时数为26952小时,年降水量为520毫米。由于夏季影响,降水量年内季节分配不均,全年降水量集中在夏季,雨热同季有效降
40、水多,能够满足一年一熟农作物生产的需要。极端最高气温:35.9,极端最低温度:-39;年平均相对湿度:58%;冬季最大风速:29m/s;最大冻结深度:1.75m;最大积雪厚度:19cm;全年主导风向为西南风。3.1.3 水文、地质条件项目区内地下水主要是第四系全新统冲击沙孔隙潜水和第四系全新统强风化沙岩、红色泥岩夹沙岩、灰色泥岩含破碎含水层。地下水类型为重碳酸钙型水,矿化度为0.30.5g/l。为低矿化度淡水,PH值在7.4左右,水量充足,水质较好,适宜生活饮用和养殖业使用。该厂址位于松辽中段沉降带东部,为一向斜边构造,由于东南部隆起的作用,使第三系地层缺失,第四系地层直接覆盖在白垩系上。厂址
41、地层岩性结构从上至下:地表为黑色种植土,厚度为0.5m;黄色亚粘土,厚度为1.5m;灰黑色淤泥,厚度为2m;灰色中沙,厚度为7.5m。3.1.4 抗震设防烈度、设计基本加速度根据国家标准建筑抗震设计规范(GB500112001)要求,吉林省德惠市的抗震设防烈度为7度,设计基本地震加速度值为0.10g。3.2 产业环境3.2.1 德惠市利源公司概况德惠市利源牧业有限公司,证照齐全(附件3附件10),技术力量雄厚,经济实力强大。公司前身是德惠经济开发区佳裕种猪场。成立于2005年4月,进一步拓展于2009年3月。原为民营企业,现为有限责任公司。主营业务为种猪繁育、优质商品猪饲养、特种野猪饲养、饲料
42、加工等。有员工56人,其中技术人员2人。公司注册资金500万,现拟增加投资10898.29万元,达到11398.29万元。目前已到位3510万元。公司执行董事、法人代表是阚玉喜。公司有使用权限为30年的土地50万平方米。这里地势平坦,农田环绕,远离村屯,便于生产和防疫,是十分理想的牧业生产佳地。 3.2.2 德惠市生猪生产概况德惠市是我省养猪大县,有着悠久的生猪饲养历史,现有存栏百头以上的饲养户上千家,年生产商品猪10万头。德惠市生猪防疫水平较高,有着健全完善的生猪防疫体系,十年来没有发生大的疫情。德惠市生猪饲养水平较高,猪舍多是现代化标准猪舍,饲养员必须经过市畜牧局上岗培训。3.3 基础设施
43、3.3.1 供水条件项目用水采用地下水。项目区内地下水充足,可保证本项目生产及生活用水的需要。3.3.2 排水条件项目建设地东侧30米处,有毛家村排涝站一座,可供本项目使用。3.3.3 供电条件项目由德惠市第二变电所供电,供、用电间距3公里。3.3.4 通讯条件项目建设地已有通讯线路,可以直接入网。3.3.5 交通条件项目建设地距102国道2.5公里,有乡级水泥公路相连。3.3.6 原材料采购条件项目建设地距德惠市区三公里。各项原料采购方便。3.4 人才资源3.4.1 技术队伍强大多年来,吉林农大、长春市农校,为我市培养输送了大量的养殖业技术人才。全市有高级畜牧师2人,畜牧师21人。畜牧专业毕
44、业的大学生36人,畜牧专业毕业的中专生164人。3.4.2 养殖户专业德惠市境内的养殖户,多是经过市畜牧局培训的专业户,在生猪饲养,疾病防治,饲料加工,产品销售,企业管理上有着丰富的经验。德惠市养猪协会,德惠市誉信农民实用技术研究会,经常组织养殖户进行定期的经验交流,为养殖户提供了良好的产业技能提升的平台。3.5 社会经济条件德惠市是产粮大市(县),也是经济强市(县)。年国民经济产值超过3百亿,年财政收入达到15亿,年居民存款过10亿。第四章 市场分析4.1产品市场供需情况目前,我国生猪生产还不能满足自给的需求,每年都要从其他国家进口猪肉食品。根据国家肉类协会预测,到2010年肉类食品消费需求
46、相当长的历史时期内,没有任何肉品能取代猪肉的餐桌统治地位。4.1.1 市场需求据调查,哈尔滨市每年城市消耗猪肉约4万吨,长春市每年城市消耗猪肉3.7万吨,吉林市每年城市消耗猪肉2.5万吨。随着生活水平的提高,人们日益注意饮食往自然、绿色、高营养的方向调整。这为特种养殖业生产提供了良好的销售市场。4.1.2 市场供给据调查,哈尔滨市仅产猪肉4万吨,去掉农民自食2万吨,市区居民食用猪肉缺口2万吨;长春市仅产猪肉4.5万吨,去掉农民自食2万吨,尚有缺口1.2万吨;吉林市仅产猪肉3万吨,去掉农民自食2万吨,尚有缺口1万吨。目前,我区域及周边区域特种养殖业生产还不发达,够规模的养殖基地尚未建立,不能满足
47、人们的生活需要。4.2 市场需求预测4.2.1 需求增加猪肉是人们餐桌上的必备食品。虽然受到甲型H1N1流感的冲击,需求市场出现疲软,但从长远看,人们的餐桌离不开猪肉。冲击过后,猪肉的需求将是上升的趋势。人们对特种养殖业产品存在渴望,需求量巨大。为满足人们对特种养殖产品的需求,该项目在生产生猪的同时生产特种野猪,及生产野鸡、孔雀、火鸡、大雁、甲鱼、肉犬、鱼等其他动物。为城乡餐桌的日益丰富做出贡献。4.2.2 市场需求依赖性存在哈、长、吉三市,对本区域内的生猪供给存在严重的依赖性。三市年需要猪肉10.2万吨。甚至京津、沿海、香港也存在对本区域内生猪供给存在着依赖性。这些发达区域,年需从东北掉进猪肉近50万吨。4.2.3 市场走向本项目产品销售方向有三:一是吉、长、哈三市;二是京津地区;三是江南沿海各省市。4.3 饲料市场未来一个时期,中国畜产品生产的发展将受到饲料短缺的制约。畜产品供求予盾越来越明显,总量平衡很难保持。但,东北地区粮食丰富,德惠更是产粮大县,这为畜牧业生产提供强有力的原料保证。