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1、Unit 2 Our animal friends一、词组归纳:1.an SPCA officer 一位动物保护协会的官员2.prevent animals from danger 保护动物远离危险=save animals from danger / keep animals from danger 3.at the SPCA 在动物保护协会4.be cruel to sb. 对残忍5.leave these puppies in the street 把这些小狗遗弃在街上6.have no food or water 没有食物和水7.be hungry and thirsty 又饥又渴8.

2、keep one as your pet 收留一只作为宠物9.prefer doing A to doing B 比起做B来更喜欢做A10.the yellow and brown one 黄褐相间的11.be in danger 处于险境12.be dangerous to 对危险13.care for 照顾,照看= take care of /look after 14.help homeless animals 帮助无家可归的动物15.give them a booklet to read 给他们一些小册子看16.Feed him/her 3-4 times every day 每天喂他

3、/她3、4次17.special dog food for puppies 特殊的小狗粮18.Give him/her a bowl of water to drink. 给他/她一碗水喝19.Give him/her hard dog biscuits to chew. 给他/她硬的狗饼干咀嚼20.Give him/her a basket to sleep in. 给他/她篮子睡21.Give him/her a blanket to keep him/her warm. 给他/她毯子保暖22.Hold him/her carefully with both hands. 用双手小心的抱他

4、/她23.Take him/her to a park for a walk every day. 每天带他/她去公园散步 24.dont need to do sth. 不必做某事= neednt do sth. / dont have to do sth. 25.a kitten / a young cat 小猫26.be kind/friendly to sb 对和蔼可亲be unkind to sb. 对不友善27.help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事= help sb. with sth. 28.clinics for sick animals 收治生病动物的诊所29.t

5、he vets in the clinics 诊所的兽医30.play with kittens 和小猫玩31.junior members of the SPCA 动物保护协会的初级会员32.help sb. by doing sth. 通过做某事来帮助某人33.collect old blankets 收集旧毯子34.raise money for 为筹钱35.be useful to 对有用36.live in a cave 住在洞穴里37.hunt for food 猎食38.life guards 救生员39.guard the houses 守卫房屋40.a blind man 一

6、位盲人41.in different ways 用不同的方法42.on the farm 在农场43.cross the road safely 安全地过马路44.find missing people 找到失踪的人45.catch a thief 抓小偷 catch thieves 抓捕小偷46.make a display 制作展板47. the SPCA 动物保护协会= the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 48. keep warm 保暖49. play with a puppy 和小狗玩50. need to do

7、sth. 需要去做某事否定句 dont need to do51. promise to do sth 承诺做某事 promise not to do sth 许诺不做某事52take good care of 好好照顾 = look after well53the police 警方 54. Do you know what the SPCA is? 你知道什么是SPCA么?55. keep one puppy as your pet 养一只小狗作为宠物56. like best = favourite 最喜欢57. prefer the black one 更喜欢黑色的一只58. a ba

8、sket to sleep in 一个睡觉的篮子59. hold carefully with both hands 用双手小心地抱着60. buy sth for sb 为某人买某物61. sometimes 有时候62. save animals from danger 拯救动物免受危险63. must do sth. 必须做某事64. sick animals 生病的动物65. keep people safe from danger 保护人们安全免受危险66. hunt animals for food 猎杀动物获取食物67. should do 应该做某事68. on their f

9、arms 在他们的农场里69. bring sth to sb 把某物带给某人70. look after sb well = take good care of sb 很好的照料某人71. in many different ways 在许多不同的方面二、新单词/词组讲解:1. mean 意为“表示的意思” (过去式meant)【例句】 What do you mean? What do you mean by?【拓展】Whats the meaning of ? Whats the meaning of this word?2. arrive at 意为“到达” (1) arrive at

10、 后面接小地方(如车站、影院等)(2) arrive in 后面接大地方(如国家、城市、地区等)(3) 若是地点副词,则不需要介词【例句】 We arrived at the airport at four oclock.【拓展】Reach 是及物动词,后面无需介词Get 是不及物动词,后接to3. wele 意为“受欢迎的”【拓展】wele的特殊用法:u “欢迎某人做某事”可以说“sb. be wele to do sth.” 【例句】 Foreign friends are wele to visit China.u “欢迎某人来某处” 可以说“Sb. be wele to some pl

11、ace.”【例句】 Youre wele to Beijing.4. allow 意为“允许”,后面可以接名词、代词,或接宾语从句“允许某人做某事” : allow sb. to do sth. 【例句】Our teacher allows us to go out for a walk.5. by oneself表示“单独;独自”,相当于alone 【例句】The old man lives all by himself in that big house.【常用短语】talk to oneself teach oneself enjoy oneselfDress oneself help

12、oneself to 6. apologize 意为“道歉” apologize to sb. 向某人道歉apologizeforsth/doingsth为某事/做某事道歉【例句】He apologized to her for ing late.7. lead (sb.) to. “带着(某人)到”【例句】The waiter lead him to his seat. 【拓展】lead to 还可以表示“ 通向”【例句】The road leads to the sea.8. fall asleep 意为“入睡”,侧重“自然而然地入睡”或“无意识地睡着”【注意】go to sleep入睡

13、go to bed上床睡觉 be asleep强调睡觉的状态9. start/begin to do 【例句】Everything begins to grow in spring.10. wake up “醒来”;作及物动词表示“唤醒”【例句】I woke up at five this morning. 今天早上5点钟我就醒了。John is fast asleep. Dont wake him up. 约翰正在熟睡,别叫醒他。11. from under the door 从门的下面12. with ones help (= with the help of sb.)【例句】With t

14、he help of him, we can finish the work so well.在他的帮助下,我们才可以把工作完成得如此好。改为同义句 : With his help , we can finish the work so well.【例句】Linda is not good at Chinese, but she passed the exam with the help of her classemates.13. along“沿着”【例句】We walked along the street. 我们沿着大街走。14. get down 意为“蹲下;趴下”15. fire e

15、ngine 消防车16. both 两个,两者 【注意】both 用于两个人或物;all用于三者或以上17. blindadj.瞎的,失明的,盲目的;n.掩饰,百叶窗【例句】Robertisblindinthelefteye.罗伯特的左眼瞎了。Pullingtheblindsup,sheletsomeofthebrightsunlightin. 她拉起窗帘,让一些明媚的阳光照进来。18. radion.无线电广播(不可数);收音机(pl.radios)【例句】Mymotherlistenstotheradioeveryday.我妈妈每天都听广播。19. helpfuladj.有用的,有帮助的【


17、馆或者办公楼的)接待处,服务台23. prefer A to B = like A better than B 比起B来更喜欢Aprefer preferred 更喜欢prefer = like better 更喜欢24. cross the road safely 安全地过马路 cross v. across prep. 介词 walk across= cross三、语法点:1.祈使句 祈使句的含义:用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子叫做祈使句。 祈使句的特点:通常省略主语。通常以一般现在时的动词开始,句末则使用句号或感叹号 肯定结构:u 以Do开始动词原形(+宾语)+其它成分【例

18、句】 Pleasehaveaseathere.请这边坐。有的祈使句在意思明确的情况下,动词可省略。【例句】 Thisway,please.=Gothisway,please.请这边走。u 以Be开始Be+表语(名词或形容词)+其它成分【例句】 Beagoodboy!要做一个好孩子! 否定结构:u 在句首加Dont构成否定句。【例句】 Dontforgetme.不要忘记我Dontbelateforschool!上学不要迟到!u 有些祈使句可用No开头,用来表示禁止性的祈使句【例句】Nosmoking!禁止吸烟!Nofishing!禁止钓鱼! 祈使句表达的不同含义u Goandwashyourha

19、nds.去洗你的手。(表示命令)u Bequiet,please.(Pleasebequiet.)请安静。(表示请求)u Bekindtooursister.对姐妹要和善。(表示劝告)u Watchyoursteps.注意脚下。(表示警告)u Lookout!Danger!小心!危险!(表示强烈警告)u Dontparkyourcarhere.此处禁止停车。(表示禁止)u Noparking.禁止停车。(表示禁止)2.反身代词反身代词代指某人自己,单数以-self结尾,复数以-selves结尾。第一、二人称反身代词由形容词性物主代词+-self/-selves构成,第三人称反身代词由宾格人称代

20、词+-self/-selves构成。【例句】 We can clean the kitchen ourselves. 我们可以自己打扫厨房。 Im blind and I cant go anywhere by myself. 我看不见,不能独自去任何地方。 反身代词的基本用法是在句子中作宾语或表语。(反身代词反指句子的主语,表示“本人”或“亲自”)【例句】Didyouenjoyyourselflastnight?Weshouldnotthinkonlyofourselves.Hedidthehomeworkhimself. byoneself形式,其含义为alone(单独地,独自地)Iwen

21、tonholidaybyhimself.(=Iwentonholidayalone.) ShelearntEnglishbyherself. 反身代词常用于某些固定搭配中allbyoneselflearnbyoneselfthinktooneselfsaytooneselfteachoneselfleaveonebyoneself makeoneselfathome3. 八个方位介词 In 意为“在.里面”。表示鸟,人在树上,用in the treeu in可以用来表示“在一个被包围的空间中”。inaroom/ashop/acar/thewateru in用来表示“在一大片平面的地域内”ina

22、garden/atown/thecitycentre/Franceu in常见短语inbedinhospital/inprisonintheskyinthemiddleintheworld inaphotograph/inapictureu inanewspaper和onanewspaper的区别inanewspaper: 报端;在报纸上;在报纸;强调报纸里面的内容;在报上onanewspaper:一家报纸;在报社;报社工作 Under的主要职责是表达“某物在某物的正下方” On意为“在.上面”, 常指一个物体的垂直上方,并接触,如:ontheshelfonaplateonabalconyon

23、theflooronawall【常用短语】Onabus/onatrain/onaplane/onashipOnthegroundfloor/onthefirstfloorOnthewayhome Behind 意为“某物在.后面” In front of 表示“在.的前面” Over 表示“高于.” Next to 意为“紧靠.” Between 意为“在.之间”4.词性转换: prevent v.防止,阻止 prevention n. 防止,阻止cruel adj.残酷的, 残忍的 cruelty n. 残忍,残酷save v.挽救 safe adj.安全的 safely ad.安全地 sa

24、fety n.安全 office n.办公室 officer n.官员(武官) official n.官员(文官) love v. 喜爱 lovely adj.可爱的 helpfuladj.有用的,有帮助的 helpv.帮助,帮忙 helplessadj.无助的,无自理能力的 unhelpfuladj.无益的,不愿意帮助的 mean v./adj.表示.的意思;打算;吝啬的 meaningn.意义;含义 receptionistn.接待员 receptionn.(旅馆或者办公楼的)接待处,服务台 allowv.允许 allowancen.津贴,允许,零用钱,限额 apologizev.道歉 a

25、pologyn.道歉;谢罪 leadv.(过去式led)带领;通向;指引 leadern.领导;领袖 wakev.(过去式woke)醒来,唤醒 awakeadj.醒着的 finallyadv.终于,最后,决定性地 finaladj.最终的,决定性的,不可更改的 friend n.朋友 friendly adj.友好的friendship n.友谊四、重点句型:1. Whichonedoyoulikebest?Iprefer 【prefer A to B = like A better than B 比起B来更喜欢A】此句型是关于喜好的问答。 prefer+名词Whichonedoyoulike

26、best?Chicken,meatorfish? Iprefermeat. prefer+动名词Doyouprefercookingoreatingout?你喜欢做饭还是在外面吃? prefer+不定式Doyouprefertocook,ortoeatout?你喜欢做饭还是在外面吃?Iprefertoreadbooksathome.我喜欢在家读书。 preferAtoBIpreferdogtocat.在狗与猫之间我更喜欢狗。Mostpeopleprefertrainstobuses.大多数人愿意坐火车而不愿坐汽车。Iprefersleepingathometohavingapicnic.我宁愿

27、在家睡觉也不愿去野餐。五、单元练习:(一)写作:写一篇应该如何对待动物?Think: Areanimalsourfriends?Howcananimalshelpus? Doyoulikeanimals?Whatanimaldoyoulikebest?Didyoudoanythinggood/badtoanimals?Whatareyougoingtodoforanimals?答案:(一)范文:Whatcanwedotoanimals?Animals are ourfriends. They can help us in many differentways.Ilikeanimals.Ilikecatsbest. ItookcareofmycatwhenIwas8yearsold.Imgoingtohelpanimalsandgivethemfood.范文:Whatcanwedotoanimals?Animalsareourfriends. Theycanhelpblindpeoplecrosstheroad.Ilikeanimals.Ilikedogsbest. But when Iwasyoung,Ithrewstonestodogs.Imnotgoingtodothatagain.ImgoingtohelpanimalsifIcan.

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