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1、牛津高中英语模块一语言点 Unit 1 School life一、Reading1. be happy with / be satisfied with: 对满意 Are you happy with you present situation?2. The school starts around 9 a.m. and ends about 3:30 p.m. 学校上午大约9点上课,下午3:30结束。3. earn sb sth: 为某人赢得 Make / earn a living: 谋生 His honesty earned him much respect. It is wrong t

2、o earn a living by gambling. 靠赌博为生是错误的。4. respect (1) n. 尊重,尊敬 have respect for sth: 尊重 treat sb with respect: 尊重 Old people should be treated with more respect. 重视,考虑 show respect for sth: 考虑 You should show respect for others feelings when municating with others. 方面 in all respects: 在各方面 with resp

3、ect to sth: 就而言,关于 With respect to your enquiry, I enclose an explanatory leaflet. 关于你的询问, 兹附上有关说明资料。 vt. 尊敬,重视,考虑,遵守 Respect the law / your proposal【例题】 Mr. Brown is a _ old man and all his neighbors are _ to him. A. respectful; respectable B. respectable; respective C. respectable; respectful D. r

4、espective; respectable 答案为C。【注意】respective,respectful,respectable,respected的区别 这四个单词看上去都是respect的衍生词,其实respective不是,因此跟它没有关系,意思是“分别的,各自的”,后面常常加名词的复数形式,如: We all went back to our respective homes after playing. 游戏之后我们都回了各自的家中。 其他三个单词都是respect的衍生词,但意义不同。respectful表示主动含义,意思是“对恭敬的,尊敬的”。如: The workers ar

5、e respectful to me. 工人们对我很尊敬。 respectable表示被动含义,意思是“可敬的”。如: He is a respectable teacher. 他是一位可敬的教师。 respected仍是表示被动,过去分词作定语表示被动多用于修饰人,它与respectable的区别在于respectable表示受人尊敬的可能性,但未必被respected。如: Our respected Chairman Mao is immortal. 我们敬爱的毛主席永垂不朽。(众所周知,毛主席是被大家所爱戴的。)5. average (1) n. 平均数,平均水平 on average

6、: 平均来看 above/below average: 高于低于平均水平 These marks are well above average. We fail one student per year on average. (2) adj. 平均的;普通的,平常的 Average temperature. An average girl.6. struggle: n. & vi. 斗争,奋斗;挣扎;争夺be a struggle for sb: 对来说是困难的事struggle to do sth: 努力做struggle against/against sb for sth: 为与某人斗

7、争struggle to ones feet: 挣扎着站起来struggle on: 挣扎着坚持下去 It was a real struggle for you to be on time. Im struggling to finish the job you tell me to do. The leaders are struggling against each other for power. We have lost two of our best players, but were struggling on.7. devote: vt. 致力于,付出,献身 devote st

8、h / oneself to sth: 致力于;为付出 He has devoted all his being to his career.devoted: adj 热爱的,忠实的,全心全意的 be devoted to sb / sth: 热爱忠于 She is devoted to her motherland. devotion:(1)n. ( to sb / sth) 挚爱;献身,忠心 a mothers devotion to her son. (2)n. 虔诚 a life of great devotion 信仰诚笃的一生8. for free/free of charge:

9、免费 I got this ticket for free from one who didnt want.9. fun (1) n. U 快乐,乐趣 滑稽,幽默 有趣的人或事 what fun: 多么快乐 have fun: 玩得高兴 just for fun: 当笑话,取乐 What fun we had! Have fun on such beautiful beach! Im learning to cook just for fun. She is very lovely and full of fun. 她很活泼又很幽默。 Its not much fun going to a p

10、arty alone. 独自一人去参加聚会没意思。 (2) adj. 有趣的,愉快的 a fun night.10. look back on/think back to: 回顾 Looking back on those days, I still cant figure out what went wrong. 11. with satisfaction: 满足地,满意地 He accepted my offer with great satisfaction.二、Grammar1. graduate from sth: 从毕业2. after graduation: 毕业以后3. dev

11、elop an interest in sth / bee interested in sth: 逐渐对感兴趣 After graduation from university, he developed an interest in arts.4. upon/on (doing) sth: 一就 Upon arrival, we started our work at once.5. donate: vt. 捐赠 donate sth to sb donation: n. dunein 捐赠,捐赠物 Plenty of goods have been donated to the flood

12、-stricken area.6. open day: 开放日7. regret that: 后悔遗憾 regret to do sth: 后悔要做 regret doing sth: 后悔做了to ones regret: 使遗憾的是 I regret that I cant help. We regret to inform you that the sports meeting has been put off. 兹奉告运动会已被推迟,甚以为憾。 I regret to say the job has been filled. 十分抱歉,那个工作已经有人做了。 He regretted

13、having lost such an important chance to study abroad. Much to my regret, I cant accept your invitation.三、Project1. host: n. 主人,东道主,主持人 vt. 主办,主持 host a program/ host the Olympic Gameshostess: hsts n. 女主人;(夜总会的)女招待;(电视或广播节目的)女主持人;(餐馆的)迎宾女招待vt. 作东,请客2.approve sth: 通过,批准 approve of sth: 同意,赞成 approval:

14、 赞成,同意,认可give ones approval to sth: 同意 I approve of your trying to earn some money but please dont neglect your studies. The auditors(审计员) approved the panys accounts. Have you given your approval to the trip plan?3. charge (1) v. 收费,要价 charge sb + 钱 + for sth How much do you charge me for mending s

15、hoes? 指控 charge sb with sth: 指控某人 She charged me with neglecting my duty. 她指控我玩忽职守。 进攻,冲锋 charge (at) sb We drew our sword and charged at the enemy. 给充电 charge the battery (2) n.管理,负责;指控;电荷,电量;费用 free of charge: 免费管理负责 be in charge of sth: take charge of sth: be in the charge of sb: 由负责 He was left

16、in charge of the shop while the manager was away. 经理不在时,他负责这家商店。 The department was badly organized until she took charge of it. 那个部门在她负责以前组织工作做得很差。 These patients are in the charge of Dr Wilson.4. more than: 多于; 比多; 非常(=very); 不只是 More than 10 students have attended the assembly. Im more happy to t

17、ake you there in my car. The beauty of the West Lake is more than words can describe.5. make preparations for sth: 为做准备 in preparation for sth: 为做准备(作状语) The army is making preparations for a full-scale invasion. We are doing all this in preparation for the ing exam.6. inform sb of sth: 告知某人 keep sb

18、 informed of sth: 使某人被告知让某人知道 I have been informed of the latest news. Keep me informed of what has happened.Unit 2 Growing pains一、Reading1. than expected: 和预料的相比 She stayed two days more than expected.2. cant wait to do sth: 迫不及待地做 I couldnt wait to take photos when I saw the sea.3. Eric runs in af

19、ter it, followed by a dog, walking very slowly. (1) 分词作状语,从句和主句的主语必须一致。 (2) followed by a dog为过去分词作状语,表示伴随状态。相当于and he was followed by a dog. (3) walking very slowly为现在分词作状语,表示伴随状态。相当于and it walked very slowly.4. be supposed to do sth: 应该做 You are supposed to pay the bill by Friday.5. mess: n. 脏,乱 m

20、essy: adj. 脏乱的 in a mess: 杂乱无章;脏乱不堪 The previous chairman had left the pany in a terrible mess.6. doing (动作进行主动) done (动作完成被动) with + n + to do (将来) adj / adv 介词短语 性质或特征 名词 (1) With so many people municating in English every day, it will bee more and more important to have a good knowledge of Englis

21、h. (2) With all the money spent, Jack started looking for work. (3) With so much work to do, I cant spare a minute. (4) Hearing the lion roaring, I felt frightened, with my face pale. (5) With the exams over, the students returned to their own classroom. (6) The river with grass and flowers on both

22、sides runs through our campus. (7) With a stick his only weapon, he fought the tiger.7. There is a garbage can around which are pieces of garbage and waste paper. around which为定语从句的地点状语,后面句子用倒装形式。 表示方位的副词、名词短语、形容词短语、介词短语放在句首,而且主语是名词时,句子完全倒装。常见的方位副词有:here,there,out,in,down,away,off等。 常见的名词短语有:north,s

23、outh,west,east等。(1) Here es the bus.(2) Southeast of the village stands a tower.(3) By nine oclock, all the Olympic torch bearers had reached the top of Mount Qomolangma, _appeared a rare rainbow soon. (2008福建)(答案为D)A. of which B. on which C. from which D. above which8. leave sb in charge of sth: 让某

24、人负责 Who will be left in charge of the department when I am away on business?9. sink: (1) n. 水池,洗涤槽(2) v. (sank, sunk) vt. 使下沉;挖,掘;使受挫 be sunk in sth: 陷入(某种情绪). Three ships were sunk that night by enemy torpedoes. 那天夜里三艘船被敌人鱼雷击沉。 sink a well: 挖井 She just sat there, sunk in thought / gloom(忧愁) / miser

25、y(痛苦)。 vi. 下沉,沉没;下陷,(日、月)落下;降低,衰退 ones heart sink: 感到失望sink into sth: 陷入;渐渐 Wood wont sink in water. The foundations (地基) sank two feet after the flood. The sun sank slowly behind the hills. When I saw the pile of dirty dishes, my heart sank. Now China has sunk into great economic recession.10. tole

26、rate: vt. 容忍,忍受,宽容 tolerance: tlrns n. 容忍,忍受,宽容,耐受力 tolerant: tlrnt adj. 容忍的,忍受的,宽容的 be tolerant of / towards sth: 容忍;对宽容 a government which refuses to tolerate opposition.不容有人反对的政府。 racial tolerance:种族上的宽容 Her own mistakes made her tolerant of the faults of others.她因自己有错误,对别人的错误就不计较了。11. defend: vt

27、. 防御,保护;辩解 defend oneself: 自卫;自我辩解 defend sb against / from sth: 保卫免于;就为辩解 When the dog attacked me, I defended myself with a stick. The newspaper defended her against the accusations. 报纸为她辩护,驳斥对她的指责。12. deserve sth / to do sth: 值得应得应受 deserve punishment / to be punished13. that is why: 那就是为什么 That

28、is why I came late.14. be hard on sb: 对严厉;对苛刻Well, youre too close to the project. Dont be hard on yourself. 当局者迷、旁观者清,别自责了。15. be rude to sb: 对粗鲁 He was punished because he was rude to his parents.16. feel like doing sth: 想要做 feel like that: 觉得好像 I dont feel like walking alone today. He felt like h

29、e had never been to such a place.二、word power1. a piece of cake: 小菜一碟,容易的事After climbing mountains in the Swiss Alps, going up English hills is a piece of cake. 爬过了瑞士的阿尔卑斯山后,爬英国的小山简直是小菜一碟。2. a wet blanket: 扫兴的人或物The weatherman threw a wet blanket on our picnic plan when he forecast rain. 气象员报有雨,给我们的

30、野餐计划泼了冷水。3. be all ears: 认真听,侧耳聆听A detective must be all eyes and all ears. 一个侦探必须眼观六路,耳听八方。4. pull ones leg: 开玩笑Michael and Derek are good friends, but they like to pull each others leg sometimes. 麦克尔和德里克是好朋友, 但有的时候喜欢开对方的玩笑. 5. have green fingers: 有园艺技能I never have green fingers. 我向来不擅长种花草.6. top d

31、og: 当权派,头儿;优胜者He always wanted to be the one in control, the top dog. 他总是想成为可以控制一切的人,即长官大权的人。7. give sb the cold shoulder: 冷淡对待某人 He gave his wife the cold shoulder when she visited him.8. rain cats and dogs: 下倾盆大雨In the middle of the picnic It started to rain cats and dogs, and everybody got soaked

32、. 野餐进行中,突然大雨倾盆,每个人身上都湿透了。9. be ones cup of tea: 感兴趣喜爱的东西Working overtime everyday is not my cup of tea. 我可不喜欢每天加班。三、task1. handle: n. 柄,把手;把柄 Vt. 处理,管理;操作;经营 please fix a handle to my case. His careless gave his enemies a handle to use against him. 他的粗心给敌人以反对他的把柄。 An officer must know how to handle

33、his men. They dont handle imported goods.2. for nothing: 免费;徒劳,无结果 Children under 5 can travel for nothing. All that preparation was for nothing because the visit was cancelled.3. error: n. 错误 make an error: 犯错 trial and error: 反复试验 You will find out by trial and error which flowers grow best.4. mix

34、 sth up: 混淆;混合搀和 mix up sth with sth: 把与混淆 The chemist mixed up some medicines for me. I always mix him up with his brother. They look so much alike.5. insist: v. (1) 坚持说,坚持认为 (2) 坚持要求(should do) insist that: 坚持说坚持要求 insist on (doing) sth: 坚持(做) She insisted that he was innocent.(= She insisted on h

35、is innocence.) I insist that you take action to put this right.(= I insist on your taking action to put this right.) 我坚决要求你采取行动把事情处理好。6. allow sb sth: 允许某人 We wont allow you much time of pleasure in such a case.7. harm: vt. & n. 伤害,损害 do harm to sb / harm sb: 伤害损害 mean no harm / not mean any harm: 无

36、意伤害 do more harm than good: 弊大于利 Modern farming methods have done considerable harm to the countryside. He does not mean any harm. He is joking. Criticizing peoples work often does more harm than good.8. as for sth: 就而言As for salary, I leave it to you.关于薪水,请您定夺。9. depend on sth: 确信,坚信;依靠;取决于 depend

37、on it that: 确信坚信 You can never depend on his arriving on time. 你决不可指望他会准时来。 We can depend on it that Tom wont give up. Children depend on their parents for food and clothing. How much is produced depends on how hard we work.10. normal: adj. 正常的,正规的 n. 正常,常态,标准return to normal / be back to normal: 恢复

38、正常above / below normal: 高于低于正常水平 Train services were back to normal again after the strike. The rainfall has been below normal this time of year.11. grow out of sth: (1) 长得高大而不能穿 (2) 年龄增长不再做 (3) 由产生 grow out of ones clothes grow out of childrens games My interest in arts grew out of the time I spent

39、 during the war.12. grow into sth: (1) 渐渐成为或变得 (2) 长得大以适合(衣服) (3) 变得习惯于 She is growing into a beautiful young woman. The coat is too big for him now, but he will grow into it. She is a good actress, but still needs time to grow into the part she is playing.13. keep up with sth: 跟上;知悉It is hard to ke

40、ep up with the changes in puter technology.14. be annoyed with sb about / at sth: 因为而生某人的气He was very annoyed with me about my carelessness.15. shame on you: 你应该感到羞耻;真丢人How could you treat her so badly? Shame on you.16. forbid (forbade, forbidden): vt. 禁止禁止某人做forbid sb from doing sthforbid sb to do

41、sth:forbid doing sth: 禁止做 Women in the Middle-east are forbidden from going out without a veil(面纱). He forbade smoking during office hours.四、project1. go through: vt. (1) 穿过,通过 (2) 浏览 (3) 经历 (4) 仔细检查 go through the forest go through the files Shes gone through a bad patch recently.她最后经历了一段苦难时期。2. da

42、y by day: 一天天地,渐渐地,慢慢地(强调过程) day after day: 日复一日,天天(强调反复) Her health was improving day by day. I cant tolerate sitting at a desk day after day, doing nothing.3. be out of control: 失控 be in control of sth: 管理、控制 Inflation has been out of control. Who is in control of the project?4. think of sb as sth

43、: 认为是 We do think of this plan as a realistic way to solve the problem.5. tend: vi. 往往,趋于,倾向于 Vt. 照顾 tend to do sth: 趋于倾向于往往tend to / towards sth: 趋于,倾向于 tend sb: 照顾 Sally tends to interfere with others privacy. He tends towards extreme views. nurses tending the injured.6. in this regard: 在这一点上7. limit: n. 限制;界限,极限 Vt. 限制 limit sth to sth: 把限制于中 be limited to sth: 局限于 there is a limit to sth: 是有限的 set a limit to sth: 为设限 within limit: 适度地 without limit: 无限地 limited:

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