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1、Unit1一.【精选词汇】重点短语1. the changes to Sunshine Town阳光镇的变化the changes to 的变化 (p8)知识链接change n.变化,常用复数changes。 e.g. Great changes have taken place since 1995.2. in the southern part of town in the southern part of在的南部 south southern知识链接east东部eastern东部的, west western, north northern3. in the past在过去at pre

2、sent现在in the future未来;将来,注意这些短语中的介词和冠词。4. turn the place into a park turninto把变成知识链接Heat turns water into vapor.热使水变成蒸气。 Turn this sentence into English.5. play cards and Chinese chess打牌、下象棋,e.g. Its pleasant to play cards and Chinese chess.6. water pollution水污染air pollution空气污染,noise pollution噪音污染

3、(p9)知识链接Water pollution was a problem before. 7. used to dump its waste into water used to do sth过去常做某事,注意否定式、疑问式的形式知识链接used to do sth 否定式used not to do sth或didnt use to do sth疑问式Did sb use to do sth?或Used sb to do sth? There be和used to合用的形式为There used to be。根据要求进行句型转换:She used to teach history. 否定式

4、:She used not to teach history.或She didnt use to teach history. 疑问式:Use she to teach history?或Did she use to teach history?用法拓展be used to do sthbe used for doing sth被用于做某事e.g. Stamps are used to send letters.Stamps are used for sending letters. be/bee/get used to (doing) sth习惯于某事e.g. My grandma used

5、 to live in the city but now she has got used to the country life. Tom is used to getting up early.8. in some ways在某种程度上;在某些方面in this way以这种方式相关短语:All the way 一路上,沿着 this way 这边走 in different ways 用不同的方法In the same way 用相同的方式 on the/ones way to 在/某人去的路上 No way没门 By the way 顺便问一下 lose ones way 迷路翻译:在

6、某些方面,她看起来像她的妈妈。_9. feel a bit lonely from time to time from time to timeat timessometimes有时;不时地Time相关短语:Have a good /wonderful time 玩的开心、愉快Its time (for sb.) to do sth.该是某人做某事的时间了In time 及时 on time 准时 have(no) time to do sth. 有/无时间做某事翻译:我们已经许多年没见面了,但我们不时的通邮件。_知识链接a bit形容词原级或比较级a little形容词原级或比较级,有点 a

7、 bit of不可数名词a little不可数名词 e.g. a bit of watera little water用法拓展not a littlevery非常,not a bitnotat all一点也不 a little bit,有点,有几分 I am a little busy right now.10. throw away扔掉“动词副词”结构,e.g. throw it/them away11. have an interview with sbinterview sb采访某人;对某人面试;与某人面谈 (p12)知识链接My parents have had an intervie

8、w with my teacher. They interviewed 20 people for the job. There are a number of interviews with some famous football players.12. the best model I have ever seen 我曾见过的最好的模型 (p17)知识链接the形容词最高级名词单数sb have/has ever done, 某人曾做过的最的 the most wonderful film (that) he has ever watched他看过的最精彩的比赛用法拓展ever通常用于疑

9、问句中或否定句中。e.g. Have/Has sb ever done sth? Nobody ever stepped in this cavern.没人曾经踏进过这洞穴。 ever since自从起到现在(用于现在完成时),for everforever永远;永久地13. move into the new flatsmove into搬进,move out of搬出 (p18)14. lend me a booklend sb sthlend sth to sb把某物借给某人,是“借出”。知识链接borrow sth from sb向某人借某物,是“借入”。15. a recent ph

10、oto一张近期照片,write about the changes to Moonlight Town (p21) Recently(完成时的标志)16. a tourist attraction旅游胜地attraction n. 吸引;向往的地方attract vt.吸引attractive有吸引力的It has bee a new tourist attraction. Hepburns beauty and charm attracted Colettes attention. 17. centuryone hundred years世纪;百年。某世纪用序数词。如:21世纪the twe

11、nty-first century。“在某世纪”用介词in,如:in the 20th century在20世纪。18.lonely and alone0分alone可以作形容词,“单独的 只能作表语,不能作定语Eg:He was alone in the house. lonely既可以作定语,也可以作表语。 作表语是寂寞、孤立的意思,一般指人孤独寂寞;作定语指地方荒无人烟,有浓厚的感情色彩 Eg She lives alone ,but she doesnt feel lonely. 19.Youve changed , Eddie.change. v.改变,变化,交换,替换 change

12、.into.把变成 change for.用交换Eg :Nothing will change my mind.Eg :May I change this pair of shoes for a bigger pair? n. 变化(可数名词,一般用复数), 零钱(不可数名词)They are talking about he changes to the big city.Here is your change.20. Shes just returned from the USA.Return .v. 返回 (=e back/go back)常与from /to连用 v.归还(=give

13、back)Return to +地点 返回某个地方My mother returned from the market ten minutes ago, 返回I returned home very late. 返回You must return the book next Monday. .归还21.abroad adv. 在国外He has lived abroad for many years.相关短语:Go abroad 去国外 live abroad 住在国外 at home and abroad 在国内外 return from abroad 从国外回来22. We mainly

14、municate by email.municate vi/vt 交流,交际 沟通 n.munication 交流,交际municate with sb 与某人交流翻译:父母常会发现很难跟他们的孩子沟通_23 . Since在现在完成时中的用法:1) 现在完成时+since+过去的一个时间点 如:年、月、日期、钟点等; I have been here since 1989.2) 现在完成时+since+一段时间+ago; We have known him since three years ago. 3) 现在完成时+since+从句(从句用一般过去时)。 Great changes ha

15、ve taken place since you left.4)It is +一段时间 +since 从句(从句用一般过去时) It is two years since I left school.例:Miss lin _a lot of work for the poor area since 2001. A.does B. did C.has done D.will do.二.【重点句型】1. Eddie, have you seen my food? Yes, Ive just eaten it. (p6)2. Youve changed, Eddie. You were kind.

16、Now youre not. I dont want to play with you any more.3. Youve changed too. You always wanted to play with me . always过去式used to do sth4. Coaches have been in use/service in Beijing since 1958. have been in usehave been used 5. I moved here with my family when I was two years old and have lived here

17、since then. 6. Have you ever moved house? move house搬家7. We lived till 1965, when I got married. get married结婚get/be married to sb与某人结婚 marry sb与某人结婚,e.g. She married a football player. marry sb to sb把某人嫁给某人,e.g. He married his daughter to an actor. get/be married to sb和某人结婚,e.g. Yao Ming got marrie

18、d to Ye Li on 6 August, 2007. 表示“已经结婚”用have/has got married,表示“已经结婚多久”用have/has been married for时间段或since时间点。e.g. They have got married. They have been married for 5 years.不能说成They have got married for 5 years.用法拓展marriage n.婚姻e.g. They will celebrate their fifty years of marriage next month.8. Has

19、Sunshine Town changed a lot over the years? change a lot变化大知识链接over the yearsin the last/past years这些年来,这是现在完成时的一个标志。9. There once was a shoe factory. There once was/wereOnce there was/were从前有。10. Later, the government realized it was a very serious problem and took action to reduce the pollution. t

20、ake action to do sth采取行动做某事,reduce the pollution减少污染 (p9)知识链接action (拍摄影视时用语)开始 动作,e.g. action film动作片,action star动作明星 动词为 acta very serious problem非常严重的问题problem(需要着手解决的)问题;难题,question(需要回答的)问题 e.g. solve a Maths problem, answer my question11. It is different for him to see some of them as often as

21、 before. (p12)知识链接It isadj.for sb to do sth. as often as before像以前一样经常asas12. Things have changed a lot over the years. Great changes have taken place over the years. 13. When I was in primary school, my mother took me to school. take sb to school送某人上学14. I have the same feeling too. Do you sometime

22、s stay after school to chat with friends? 15. The changes to Moonlight Town have brought advantages, but they have also caused many problems for people. (p22)知识链接bring advantages to 给带来好处, advantage优点;有利条件disvantage缺点;不利条件 cause problems for给带来麻烦练习:1. when did you have your school trip? -_.A. In fiv

23、e years B.For five years C. Twice a day D.Five days ago2.He has never been to London_.A.ago B.before C. last year D. this year3. I have _finished my homework. What about you? -I finished it_. A.just,just B.just now,just now C.just,just now D.just now,just4.Im happy to see great _have taken place in

24、my hometown. A. experiences B.advantages C.dreams D.changes5.Lets not worry about our problems. We should change our problems _the chances.A.into B.to C.for D.as6.He used to _in a small village, but now he has been used to _in a big city. A.live, living B.live, live C.living, living D.living, live7.

25、-Have you got any books on english grtammar? -yes, here you are, but you must _it by Friday.A.return B.return back C.back D.give8Though he is _at home, he doesnt feel_for he has many things to do. A.alone,loney B.lonely,alone C.alone, alone Dlonely, lonely9.He is poor now._,when he was young he was

26、rich in this town. A.But B. Though C. Although D. However10.last Sunday,when I got to the station, I _I had left my ticket at home. A.understood B.realized C.believed D.seemed11.He _for ten years. A. has been married B. married C. got married D.has married12. -_have you been married?for twenty years

27、. A.How far B.How often C.How long D.How soonUnit 1 重点词组1 和玩play with sb2 不再not any more3 不同时期的交通工具transport at different times4 阳光镇的变化the changes to Sunshine Town5 非常了解这个地方know the place well6 从那时起since then7 自从2005年以来since 20058 自从去年以来since last year9 自从三个星期前以来since three weeks ago10 搬家move house1

28、1 搬到南京move to Nanjing12 搬进一座新公寓move to/ into a new flat13 在南部in the southern part of14 结婚get married15 和某人结婚be/ get married to sb/ marry sb16 变化很大change a lot17 在过去in the past18 在现在at present19 这些年以来over/ during the years20 把变成turn into21 在周末at weekends22 打牌play cards23 下中国象棋play Chinese chess24 愉快的

29、假期pleasant holiday25 玩得很开心have a pleasant time26 水污染water pollution27 噪音污染noise pollution28 过去经常做某事used to do sth29 像以前一样经常地as often as before30 把排进/ 倒进dump into31 一个很严重的问题a very serious problem32 采取行动做某事take action to do sth33 减少污染reduce the pollution34 在某种程度上in some ways35 顺便问一下by the way36 在去的路上o

30、n the way to37 挡路in the way38 开阔的空间/ 户外活动场所open space39 不时地,偶尔from time to time40 从搬出去move out of41 事实上,实际上in fact42 一处自然景点地方a place of natural beauty43 一个新的火车站a new railway station44从借borrow sth from sb45借给某人/把借给lend sb sth= lend sth to sb46 例如for example/ such as47 在使用中be in use= be in service48 带

31、去take sb to 49 一所小学a primary school50 我也是Me, too.51 独自地on ones own= by oneself= alone52 空余时间free time53 有同感have the same feeling54 青山环绕green hills around55 清新的空气fresh air56 良好的环境a good environment57 发展缓慢less development58 离远be far (away) from59 离近be close to60 给造成许多麻烦cause many problems for61 近期照片re

32、cent photos62 在近几年中in recent years63 的反义词the opposite of64 有好运have good luck65 把扔掉throw sth away66 一个真正的问题a real problem67 写一篇有关阳光镇的文章write an article on Sunshine Town68在过去的一个世纪over the past century69关于北京的过去和现在about Beijings past and present70感冒have a cold71 患重感冒have a bad cold72 受到某人的来信hear from sb= receive a letter from73 乘飞机旅行travel by plane/ by air74 享受阳光和沙滩enjoy the sun and the beach

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