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1、六年级上册句型汇总Unit 1动词过去式变化规律:1. 一般情况下,直接在动词词尾加ed. 如:talktalked说 listenlistened听 playplayed玩 climbclimbed爬 visit-visited 参观,访问,拜访2. 以不发音的e结尾,在动词词尾加d. 如:practisepractised练习 3. 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,变y为i再加ed. 如:studystudied学习,研究4. 以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词,双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ed. 如:stopstopped停止5. 不规则动词没有规律,需要特殊记。如:do-did havehad

2、gowent get-got runran learnlearnt / learned taketook readread speakspoke teachtaught think-thought buy-bought bring-brought standstood sitsat saysaid is, amwas arewere write-wrote drive-drove see-saw eat-ate 单词、短语during 在期间 holiday 假期learn words and sentences学习单词和句子 play games玩游戏 learn writing学习写作 p

3、ractice listening练习听力句子时态:一般过去时,表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或存在的状态。主要有动词的过去式来体现,其标志词是过去的时间。如:yesterday昨天 last night昨晚 last week上周 last year 去年 等等。1. What did you do during the holidays? 假期间你做了什么?-I read many books./ I learnt writing. / I wrote a little storybook in English./ I visited my grandparents.Unit 2单词、短语w

4、ave goodbye挥手再见 be late for school上学迟到 read a newspaper读报纸 get up起床 play chess下棋 take a walk散步 have/has breakfast吃早餐 return home回家句子时态:一般现在时:表示经常,反复发生的动作或存在的状态。常与always/often/sometimes/never/everyday等时间状语连用。一般人称做主语,谓语动词用原型。当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词要加s或es. 第三人称单数主语包括(He,she,it以及单个名称)1. Katie always gets up ea

5、rly. 2. She often does her homework before dinner. 3. She sometimes plays chess with her father after dinner. 4. She never takes a walk.Unit 3单词、短语 world世界 find out about countries查找国家 email my friends给朋友发邮件 send greetings发送问候 search for a lot of things查找许多东西 句子1、I like my puter.我喜欢我的电脑。 2、It is ver

6、y fast.它很快。3、-What can we do on the puter?我们能在电脑上做什么?-We can email each other.我们可以互相发送问候。4、-We can search for a lot of things.我们可以查找许多东西。-We can send greetings to our friends.我们可以发送问候给朋友。Unit 4单词、短语 the Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节go shopping去购物 shopping centre购物中心 have a look看看=take a look louts seed莲子 r

7、ed bean红豆 句子1. Which type do you like? 你喜欢哪种类型?-I like the ones with lotus seeds.我喜欢莲子馅的。2. How much is a box of mooncakes? 一盒月饼多少钱?-It is 50yuan. 50元。3. This mooncake tastes good.这个月饼尝起来很好吃。4. I enjoy eating mooncakes.我喜欢吃月饼。 I enjoy looking at the moon.我喜欢赏月。 enjoy+doing喜欢做某事。Unit 5单词、短语 clear 晴朗的

8、 weather forecast天气预报 light rain小雨 heavy rain大雨 sunny and warm晴朗而又暖和strong wind强风 sunny and cool晴朗而又凉爽 light snow小雪句子时态:一般将来时,表示将来某个时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态。其标志词是将来的时间。如:tomorrow明天 the day after tomorrow后天 next week下周 next month下个月 next year明年一般将来时的句式: 肯定句:主语+will+动词原形+其他 It will be clear in Shanghai.上海将是晴朗的

9、。否定句:主语+will not(wont)+动词原形+其他 1、It wont rain tomorrow.明天将不会下雨。2、It will be sunny and cool tomorrow.明天将是晴朗而又凉爽的。3、There will be a light snow next Friday.下星期五将有小雪。Unit 6学习用单位词表示名词的数量:a of如:a bottle of一瓶 a box of一盒 a few cans of几罐 a few bars of几条 a piece of一张 a bowl of一碗 a cup of一杯two cans of Coke两罐可乐

10、three boxes of peanuts三盒花生a few bars of chocolate几条巧克力句子1. What are we going to bring for the picnic?我们打算带什么去野餐呢?-I will bring a few bars of chocolate.我将带几条巧克力。 I will bring a big bottle of orange juice.我将带一大瓶橙汁。2. I cant wait for tomorrow to e.我等不到明天的到来。3. Lets meet at the park at 9:00 a.m.让我们上午九点在

11、公园见。Unit7单词、短语an old man一个老头 an old woman一个老奶奶 the old people老人 make tea泡茶 help old people on the road帮助老人过马路 clean their homes打扫他们的房间 make them happy让他们快乐 make cakes做蛋糕help them to get on or off the bus帮助他们上下车 help them to carry things帮助他们拿东西句子1、-What can I do?我能做什么?-I can make tea or coffee for th

12、em.我能给他们泡茶或咖啡。 2、I can help them on the road. They are weak and slow.我能帮助他们过马路。他们很虚弱而且很缓慢。3、I can sing to them and make them happy.我能唱歌给他们听并且让他们快乐。Unit 8单词、短语 keep the rivers clean保持河流干净 keep the air clean and fresh保持空气清新 plant more trees多植树 should应该 should not=shouldn t不应该 shouldnt kill wild animal

13、s不应该杀野生动物 shouldnt waste water不应该浪费水 shouldn t litter不应该乱扔垃圾 句子1. We should plant more trees.我们应该多种树。 2.We should keep the air clean and fresh.我们应该保持空气清新。3.We shouldntt waste water.我们不应该浪费水。 4.We shouldntt litter.我们不应该乱扔垃圾。 5.There isnt enough water on the earth.地球上没有足够的水。6.We must save every drop o

14、f water.我们必须节约每一滴水。Unit 9语法点:掌握形容词比较级和最高级的变化规则及用法。变化规则1.一般情况,形容词的比较级直接在词尾加er,最高级加est. 如:small-smaller-smallest2.形容词后面以不发音的e结尾,比较级直接加r,最高级加st. 如:nice-nicer-nicest3.形容词后面是以辅音字母+y结尾的,变比较级要把y改为i,再加er. 如:heavy-heavier-heaviest4.形容词后面是以一个元音字母+一个辅音字母结尾的。要双写最后的辅音字母再加er或est.如:big-bigger-biggest 5.特殊情况,特殊记。如:

15、good-better-best下面是本课的形容词:原级 比较级 最高级 原级 比较级 最高级big bigger biggest small smaller smallesttall taller tallest short shorter shortestlong longer longest fast faster fastestloud louder loudest形容词比较级和最高级的用法1. 比较级:两者进行比较,句中用“than”(比) 句子结构:A+is+形容词比较级+than+B 表示A比B更 如:Tom is taller than Mike.汤姆比麦克更高。2最高级:三者

16、以上进行比较。 句子结构:A+is+the+形容词最高级 表示A是最 如:This bird is the biggest.这只鸟是最大的。句子1.Wele to our clay art show.欢迎到我们的黏土艺术展。 2.Please take a look.请看一看。3.This bird is bigger than the first one.这只鸟比第一只更大。4.Toms hair is shorter than Mikes.汤姆的头发比麦克的更短。(两者比较的物品相同,前者已经提到,后面就可以省略不提)5.Bobs singing is the best. Bob的歌声是最

17、好的。 Unit 10单词、短语rest 休息 just 只是;仅仅 dont feel well感觉不舒服 have a cough咳嗽 have a headache头疼have a fever发烧 take medicine吃药 have a good rest休息 see the doctor看医生 drink more water多喝水句子1、Whats wrong with you?=Whats the matter with you? 你有什么问题吗?/你怎么啦?(常用于对身体状况进行询问)-I dont feel well.我感觉不舒服。/ I have a cough.我咳嗽

18、。/ I have a headache.我头疼。Unit11单词、短语concert hall音乐会大厅 see a film看电影 see a play看戏剧 enjoy the music享受音乐 go to the theatre去剧院 go to the cinema去电影院 句子1.掌握英语打xx的句型:A:Hello! Is that Anne? B:Yes. This is Anne.2.Shall用于将来时,表示将要发生的事。用于疑问句中,表示征求对方的意见。如:Shall we go to the theatre?我们去剧院好吗? Shall we go to the ci

19、nema?我们去电影院好吗?3.同时表示征求对方意见的句子还有Let引导的句型。如:Lets see a play.让我们去看戏剧吧Unit 12单词、短语 Christmas 圣诞节 decorate 装饰 colorful 彩色的 present 礼物 dress up 装扮 receive收到Santa Claus 圣诞老人 merry欢乐的 greet 问候relative亲人句子1. Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! 2. Christmas falls on 25th December. 12月25日是圣诞节。3. Heres a present/ a Christmas card for you. 这是给你的礼物。/圣诞卡片。4. Santa Claus gives out presents to children. 圣诞老人给孩子们发礼物。

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