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1、9A Unit1-4短语 Unit1 Know yourself1.一篇关于性格的有趣的文章an interesting article about personality2.它上面写着(说)It says3.做某事感觉良好 feel good to do sth. 4.使做make sb. do sth.5.与某人分享某物share sth. with sb.6.吃光它eat it up7.很有条理be well organized8.使保持井然有序keep sth. in (good) order9.炫耀show off 10.有足够的耐心做某事be patient enough to d

2、o sth.11.为我们重复语法规则repeat grammar rules for us12.想出一些新点子e up with new ideas13.对做某事好奇be curious about doing sth.14.喜欢问问题like asking questions15.踢几个小时的足球play football for hours16.容易生气get angry easily17.既不也不 neither nor.18.成为一名出色的会计make a good accountant19.爱和人交谈love talking with people20.整天工作不讲话work wit

3、hout speaking all day long21.对某人而言是可怕的Its terrible for sb. to do sth.22.对满意 be happy with 23.一位天生的艺术家a born artist24.以他极具创造力的作品给整个国家留下深刻的印象impress the whole country with his creative work25.赢得高度赞扬win high praise from26.寻找更好的东西search for something better27.放弃做会计的工作give up her job as an accountant28.放

4、弃做某事give up doing sth.29.在销售部工作work for the sales department30.在我的上一份工作中in my last job31.和数字打交道work with numbers32.日复一日day after day33.公司总经理the general manager of the pany34.处于领先地位take the lead35.落后fall behind36.迎接新的挑战take on new challenges37.高铁总工程师the chief engineer of the high-speed railway38.与相连,

5、连接connect to39.和几乎一样,简直是as good as40.花不起钱(或时间)做cant afford to do sth.41.注意每个细节pay attention to every detail42.注意做某事pay attention to doing sth.43.高标准地工作work to high standards44.心脏外科的先锋a pioneer heart surgeon45.无论怎样也不过分,越越好cant too46.不仅而且not onlybut also47.愿意加班加点 be willing to work extra hours 48.事实上i

6、n fact49.给做手术do an operation on sb./operate on sb.50.把奉献于devote to (doing) sth.51.一部艺术作品a work of art52.发现很难与他一起工作find it hard to work with him53.花大部分时间在工作上spend most of her time on her work54.花做某事spenddoing sth55. 适合这个工作be suitable for the job.56.接受别人的建议accept others advice57.三思而行think twice (about

7、 sth.)58.个性类型 types of personality59.做一位优秀的教师make an excellent teacher60.擅长做be good at doing sth.61.洗碗do the dishes62.因某事而生气get angry at/about sth.63.对有耐心/没耐心be patient/impatient with64.适合成为一名艺术家be suitable for being an artist65.对某人生气get angry with sb.66.生肖animal signs67.代表一个农历年represent a lunar yea

8、r68.按照固定的顺序出现appear in a fixed order69. 每12年every 12 years70.同一生肖年出生的人people born under the same animal sign71.有相似的性格have similar personalities72.一个的循环a cycle of73.取决于你的出生日期depend on your date of birth74.在中国农历里in the Chinese lunar calendar75.出生在兔年里的人people born in the Year of the Rabbit76.在西方国家in we

9、stern countries77.被分成be divided into .78.星座star signs79.对感兴趣be interested in doing sth.80. 只是为了好玩读一下read about them just for fun81.据说its said that82.在某些方面 in some ways83.相信他们believe in them84.受先天和环境的影响而形成be formed by both nature and the environment85害怕做某事be afraid of doing sth.86.在众人面前演讲make a speec

10、h in front of many people87.帮助我们的班级课题help with our class projects88.尽力做某事try ones best to do sth.89.做额外的工作do extra work90.忘记做某事forget to do sth.91.忘记做过某事forget doing sth.92.需要做某事need to do sth.93.赢得许多科学竞赛win several science petitions94.使他自己更有条理get himself more organized95.帮助我们温习功课help us with our le

11、ssons96.缺课be absent from school97.同意某人agree with sb.98.推荐做我们的班长remend sb. as our monitor99.做班长的最合适人选the most suitable person to be our monitorUnit 2 Colours1. 有问题,有毛病。There is something wrong with 2. 没问题。Theres nothing wrong with . . .3. 某物穿某人身上好看sth. look good on sb. 4. 某人穿某物好看sb. look good in sth.

12、 5. 我确信+句子Im sure that +句子6. 我不确信+句子Im not sure if/whether +句子7. 影响我们的心情influence our moods8. 改善我们的生活improve our life9. 感到困倦/入睡feel (felt)sleepy / fall(fell) asleep10. 感到精力充沛feel energetic(n. energy)11. 感到放松feel relaxed12. 感到有压力,紧张feel stressed13. 感到有点紧张feel a bit stressed14. 感到疲劳或虚弱feel tired or we

13、ak15. 使我感到伤心make me feel sad/blue16. 代表悲伤represent sadness (n. )17. 代表平静和安宁represent calm and peace18. 代表欢乐和温暖represent joy and warmth19. 被漆成蓝色be painted blue/ paint sth + 颜色20. 在婚礼上/在结婚日子at the wedding/ on ones wedding day21. 更喜欢like sth better=prefer sth22. 最喜欢like sth best/ ones favouite23. A与B相比

14、更喜欢Aprefer A to B24. 宁愿做而不愿做=喜欢做胜于做prefer doing A to (doing) B=prefer to do rather than do =would rather do than do25. 宁愿做某事prefer to do sth =would rather do sth26. 宁愿不做某事prefer not to do sth=would rather not do sth27. 创造一种温暖而舒适的感觉create a warm and fortable feeling28. 使她振作起来cheer sb up29. 使某人想起remin

15、d sb of sth30. 提醒某人做/不做某事remind sb to do /not to do sth31. 希望得到成功hope for success32. 纯洁的/智慧的颜色the colour of purity/ wisdom33. 身心需要力量require strength in ones mind and body34. 对某人有助/重要/有用be of (great/some) help/importance/use to sb=be helpful /important/useful35. 成功的be a great success= be successful36

16、. 使得做某事更容易make it easier to do sth37. 做某事很费劲/有困难have difficulty/problems/trouble doing sth/ with sth38. 毫不费劲做某事have no difficulty doing sth39. 决定做某事decide to do / make up ones mind to do sth40. 做个决定make a decision(n. v. decide)41. 犹豫不决have difficulty making a decision42. 在A和B之间有关系There is a relation

17、ship between A and B43. 似乎更大了seem larger (seem 系动词+adj. )44. 影响我们的日常生活influence our everyday lives45. 浅色/深色light colour/ dark colours46. A很配B(A goes well with B)A match B very well =A match well with B47. A适合BA suit B (sth is suitable for sb)48. 合身Sth fit sb49. 取决于个人口味depend on personal taste50. 而不是

18、,代替做某事instead of51. 注意到你周围的颜色notice the colours around you52. 注意到某人做某事notice sb do sth (被动sb be noticed to do53. 用来庆祝活动be used for celebration54. 注意pay (much/no/more/little)attention to sth/ to doing sth55. 在古代中国的统治者the rulers in ancient China56. 在古代欧洲in ancient Europe57. 穿白色制服wear white uniforms58.

19、 发现美洲大陆discover America(发现本来存在但未被发现的)59. 答应做某事promise to do sth/ promise that60. 许下诺言make a promise61. 大学毕业leave college62. 从事色彩疗法practice colour therapy63. 奏效/不起作用It works. /It doesnt work. 64. 拿回你的钱Get your money back65. 把我的卧室漆成蓝色paint your room blue66. 容易生气get angrily easily67. 建议做某事suggest doing

20、 sth (suggestion 可数名词 advice 不可数) advise sb. to do建议某人做68. 建议不同的颜色给不同的人Suggest different colours to different people69. 根据according to 70. 穿着颜色wear +颜色/be dressed in 71. 自己穿衣服dress oneself72. A平衡BA balance B73. 配你的特征match your characteristic74. 在A和B之间保持平衡keep a balance between and B75. 那就是的原因。Thats

21、why +句子76. 红白搭配相宜。Red and white are a good match77. 试穿它/它们try it/ them on78. 陷入困境get into trouble79. 眼红green with envyUnit 3 Teenage problems1. be on 处于工作状态,在进行中2. teenage problems 青少年问题3. get fat 变胖4. eat too much 吃的太多5. eat less and exercise more少吃多锻炼6. get enough sleep 得到足够的睡眠7. drive sb.mad使人受不了

22、8. have close friends 有亲密的朋友9. feel lonely 感到孤独10. get low/high marks in exam 考试得低分/高分11. feel sleepy 犯困12. manage your time better 更好地管理你时间13. a Grade 9 student 一个九年级的学生14. deal with/solve the problems 解决问题15. have no choice but to 别无选择,只能去做16. stay up late熬夜17. stay awake 保持清醒18. be worth doing st

23、h 值得做某事19. offer sb some suggestions 给某人提建议20. offer sb sth/offer sth to sb 向某人提供某物21. hear from sb22. receive/get a letter from sb 收到某人的来信23. be crazy about 对很着迷24. worry about sth 担心某事25. get into trouble 陷入困境/麻烦26. allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事27. be strict with sb 对某人要求严格28. be strict in sth对某事要求严格

24、29. develop hobbies 培养兴趣爱好30. stay out 待在户外31. achieve a balance betweenand在和之间取得平衡32. look forward to sth/doing sth期盼着33. valuable advice 有价值的建议34. make a list of 列出的清单35. work out 算出、解出36. give sb. an idea of.让某人了解37. according to根据38. express oneself 表达自己39. improve ones English 提高某人的英语40. ask fo

25、r advice寻求建议41. a youth worker 青年工作者42. get his replies 获得他的答复43. one of the top students 前几名学生之一44. laugh at sb 嘲笑某人45. pay no attention to(sth/ doing)不在意46. be proud of以为骄傲47. do well in 在(方面)表现出色48. make little progress in sth. 某事上几乎无进步49. go over 复习50. as often as possible 尽量经常51. read English a

26、loud 朗读英语52. pronounce all the words correctly正确发所有单词的音53. the correct pronunciation 正确的发音54. feel stressed 感到有压力的55. the problem of stress 压力的问题56. keep sth to yourself 不将某事说出去57. dont mention it 不客气/没关系58. be of sbs age 与某人同龄Unit 4 Growing up1. on ones mind挂在心上,惦念,烦恼 Whats on your mind ?你在想什么呢?2.

27、Whats up? 怎么啦?= Whats wrong? =Whats the matter?3. build another house for yourself 替你自己再造一所房子build sb sth=build sth for sb替某人建造某物4. finish building the house 房子造好了finish doing sth做完某事5. 在until引导的时间状语从句中,如果主句是肯定句,那么主句的谓语动词必须是持续性动词(即动作可以持续一段时间的动词),如:work,live,stay,study,play,wait等,表示主句的动作一直持续到until所表示

28、的时间为止,这时until可译作“直到为止”。例如:Ill work until he tells me to stop.我会一直工作到他叫我停下来为止。Illwaituntilhearrives.我会等到他来为止。在until引导的时间状语从句中,如果主句是否定句,那么主句的谓语动词常常是短暂性动词(即动作一会儿就结束的动词),如:e,go,leave,begin,finish等,表示主句的动作到until所表示的时间才发生,所以说notuntil意为“直到才”。例如:She didnt go to bed until she finished her homework.她直到做完作业,才去

29、睡觉。We wont go home until the rain stops.我们直到雨停了才回家。6. in different times 在不同的时代in modern times 在现代in ancient times在古代7. through the Internet 凭借(从)因特网8. a great deal of=much= plenty of 许多/大量,后接不可数名词9. attend Junior high 上初中10. try out for sth参加.的选拔(或试演)11. lose heart 泄气,灰心12. score 20 points 得20分13.

30、from then on 从那时起from now on从现在起14. in senior high在高中15. sit in the stands 坐在看台上16. because of his height 因为他的身高17. change ones mind改变某人的主意,改变某人的看法18. get the coach to change his mind让教练改变他的看法19. go on to do sth.;go on doing sth.;go on with sth.这三个短语都有继续做某事的意思,但在含义上有所不同。20. go on to do sth.表示“继续做另一件

31、事”,即接下来去做与原来不同的一件事”;go on doing sth.表示“继续做同一件事”,即间断后继续做原来没有做完的事”;go on with sth和go on doing sth意思相同He walked in the parkan hour ago, then he went on to play football.他一小时前在操场上散步,接着他就去踢球了.After a rest, we went on having our lesson.After a rest, we went on with our lesson.休息以后,我们继续上课。(说明休息前他们也是在上课)21.

32、 bee leader of the team 成为了队长22. in his last year of senior high 在他高中的最后一年23. at a junior college在一所专科学校24. lead his team to the national championship带领他的球队参加了全国锦标赛25. bring him to the attention of. 引起了对他的注意bring him to the attention of his teachers 引起了老师们对他的注意26. as a result 结果,因此He did not study h

33、ard,as a result, he failed to pass the exams.他学习不用功,结果没能通过考试。27. succeed in doing sth. 成功地做某事(success 名词 / successful 形容词 / successfully 副词 / succeed动词)28. force sb to do sth. 迫使某人做某事sb be forced to do sth某人被迫使做某事 (被动语态)29. take notice of sb.注意到某人30. his proudest moment他最自豪的时刻31. through hard work通过

34、艰苦的努力32. size and body type does not matter高矮胖瘦不重要33. give up doing sth=stop doing 放弃做某事,停止做某事34. graduate from high school 高中毕业后35. practice playing basketball for hours 练习打篮球打了好几个小时36. feel tired out感觉累37. wait at the bus stop在公共汽车站等候38. receive a call from sb.接到某人的xx39. e back from work下班回来40. be

35、 crazy about playing basketball 痴迷于打篮球be crazy about sth/doing sth热衷,热爱.,痴迷于41. try his best to get a ticket尽他最大的努力去买票42. be serious about sth. 用心对待某事、认真对待某事43. the best Chinese player to ever play in the NBA曾在NBA打球的最好的中国球员44. the best moment in his career 他职业生涯中最好的时刻45. in a game against 在和一场比赛中46.

36、 return to China 返回中国47. end his basketball career 结束他的篮球生涯48. break out (战争、打架、火灾等)爆发,不及物动词词组,没有被动语态49. lose ones life失去生命50. during the war在战争期间51. translate. into把翻译成be translated into被翻译成(被动语态)52. a record of 一个的记录53. human spirit 人类精神 team spirit 团队精神54. bee a symbol of the victory of the human

37、 spirit 成为人类精神胜利的一个象征55. go into hiding in her fathers office去藏在她爸爸的办公室go into hiding躲藏起来56. die of主要指由于疾病、冻饿、情感、年老等原因的死亡;die from主要指除了疾病或情感等以外的原因引起的死亡”。die of illness/ cancer 死于疾病/癌症diefromsmoking/an accident 死于抽烟/交通事故57. elder sister姐姐58. have something done使/让某事被完成,该结构中something和 done一定要能构成被动关系59

38、. have her diary published 使她的日记出版,日记和出版是被动关系I had my hair cut last Saturday.我上周六理了发,hair和cut是被动关系60. during that difficult time 在那段艰苦的岁月里61. survive the war with his friends 和他的朋友们在战争中生存下来62. admire these children for their courage 钦佩这些孩子们的勇气admire sb for ones courage钦佩某人的勇气63. cant enjoy a happy l

39、ife just as we do 不能像我们一样享受快乐生活64. live in peace生活在和平环境中65. in other parts of the world 在世界的其他地方in fear of ones life 为某人生命安全担忧66. the person who has influenced me most 对我影响最大的人67. in ones+数词复数在某人某个年龄段的时候in ones twenties 在某人二十多岁时in ones forties 在某人四十多岁时68. in the+数词复数在某个年代in the seventies 在七十年代in the

40、 nineties 在九十年代69. find something unusual about him发现一些关于他的不寻常的事70. care for the children who have lost their parents 关心失去父母的孩子71. save over 70 lives 挽救70多条生命72. people with blood cancer患白血病的人73. donate blood cells to people with blood cancer把血细胞捐献给患白血病的人donate his body for medical research after his death 在他死后捐献遗体供医学研究74. to ones surprise 令人惊奇的是to ones joy/happiness令人高兴的是75. be kinder to others than to his own family 对别人比对自己的家人更友善76. have a heart full of love有一颗爱心

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