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1、Module1 EuropeReading.Task 1:name the scenic spots according to the pictures.Louvre,France.Arch of Triumph,France.Stonehenge,Britain.Leaning Tower of Pisa,Italy.Colosseum in Rome,Italy.Aegean Sea.Task 2:Get to know Europe!.abcdefFranceGreeceItalyPortugalSpainUnited KingdomabcdefFranceGreeceItalyPort

2、ugalSpainUnited KingdomTask 3:Work out the locations!.Task 4:Matching game!Match the prepositions with the pictures.across through along on off between acrossthroughalong onoffbetween.Task 5:use the prepositions and prepositional phrases to complete the sentences!Exercise 2&4 on P4.Task 5:Careful Re

3、ading.Great European Cities.1.pre-reading:match the photos with the descriptions.1.a landmark in Paris2.an art gallery in Florence3.a church in Barcelona4.a building in Athens.2.skimming:Read the passage and answer the Qs.1.Which of the cities are capital cities?2.Which one is situated on the coast?

4、3.Which is famous for its places to eat?4.Which one are or were important cities for writers and artists?5.Which was the worlds greatest city a long time ago?Paris,AthensBarcelonaParisParis,Florence,AthensAthens.3.Detailed reading:fill in the form.Franceon the River SeineThe Eiffel Towercafesrestaur

5、ants&theatresSpainon the north-east coastThe SagradaFamiliaItalyThe UffiziPalacethe RenaissanceGreece The Parthenon and the Acropolis HillBirthplace of Western civilization.Task 6:Summarizing Its status in the country.Location.Features.Famous tourist destinations.To describe a city,what aspects shou

6、ld be covered?.Task 7:Describe a city in China.4 students form a group.Each group chooses one city in China.Think of a title for the city.Try to describe it in different aspects(status,location,population,climate,features,custom,famous tourist destinations).Other groups should guess which city you a

7、re describing.Culture corner-1.Speaking(3m)What do you know about EU?The European Union.Culture corner-2.reading(4m)Read the passage and answer the questions.France,Germany,BelgiumAustria,Denmark,FinlandChina is about twice as large as the European Union,and is over twice as large population as the European Union.1.Find the names of three first members and three new members of the European Union.2.In terms of size and population,how big is the European Union compared with China?.

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