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1、Unit 5 In the park (第一课时)Lesson 1I. Teaching AimsKnowledge Aims: Pupils can understand and read the new words of this unit.II. Language input and Key points Words: grass, tree, boat, lake, flower, hillSentences: -Whats this? -Its a .III. Difficult pointsPupils can use read the words correctly.IV. Te

2、aching Aidspictures video tapeV. Teaching procedure1. Warming-up Greet the Ss and ask them to read the rhyme and sing the song of Unit 4.2. Reviewing and leading inShow pictures and guessT: Whats this?3. LearningLearn new wordShow a picture of a park and learn the new wordsT: Its a .4. Practicing Ga

3、me: Train game to practice the words. What is missing? Matching.5. Summary Summarize the new words.6. Homework Read the new words7. Blackboard Unit 5 In the park Lesson 1 grass, tree, boat, lake, flower, hillIts a.1 2 3 4Unit 5 In the park (第二课时)Lesson 1I. Teaching AimsKnowledge Aims: A. Pupils can

4、understand and read the new words of this unit. B. Pupils can read a rhyme. C Pupils can use the sentences : -Whats this? -Its a .II. Language input and Key points Words: grass, tree, boat, lake, flower, hillSentences: -Whats this? -Its a .III. Difficult pointsPupils can make sentence: -Whats this?

5、-Its a .IV. Teaching Aidspictures video tapeV. Teaching procedure1. Warming up TPR: “Simon Says”2. Reviewing and leading in Ask and AnswerT: Whats this? Ss: Its a .3. PracticeShow some pictures and let Ss say the things.4. Learn a rhyme.Show the video and let Ss listen for 2 times. Then T leads them

6、 to read the rhyme.5. Group petition6. HomeworkRead the rhyme.7. Blackboard Design Unit 5 In the park Lesson 1 -Whats this? -Its a . 1 2 3 4Unit 5 In the park(第三课时)Lesson 2I. Teaching AimsKnowledge Aims: A. Pupils can understand and read the conversation. B. Pupils can use the target language to ask

7、 and answer the things in the park.II. Language input and Key points Sentences: There is/ are.in the park.III. Difficult pointsPupils can use the “There be” to describe the things correctly.IV. Teaching Aidspictures video tapeV. Teaching procedure1. Warming upRead the rhyme learnt in last class.2. R

8、evisionT shows pictures and Ss say the words.3. LearningLearn new conversationT: Look and listen: Whats in the park?. Lets listen to the tape and find out the answer. Learn the sentence pattern “There be”4. Practicing T asks and leads Ss answer: There is/are.Practice the sentence by game: Finish Ts

9、sentences.T shows pictures, Ss try to ask and answer.T leads Ss to read the conversation. Then they practice in groups and individually.5. Summary Summarize what they learnt in this class.6. HomeworkRole play the conversation with your classmates.7. Blackboard Design Unit 5 In the park Lesson 2 Ther

10、e is/ are . in the park. 1 2 3 4Unit 5 In the park (第四课时)Lesson 2I. Teaching AimsKnowledge Aims: A. Pupils can read out the conversation fluently. B. Pupils can sing a song.II. Language input and Key points Sentences: There is/areIII. Difficult pointsPupils can use the target language to describe th

11、e things in the park.IV. Teaching Aidspictures video tapeV. Teaching procedure1. Warming upRead out the rhyme and conversation learnt in the last class.2. RevisionShow the picture and ask Ss to ask and answer the things in the park.3. BrainstormingAsk Ss to use “There is/are ” to make sentences. 4.

12、Guessing GameAsk a student to do action and the other Ss guess what it is.5. Learn a song6. Summary Summarize what they learnt in lesson 1 and lesson 2.7. Homework Read lesson 1 and lesson 2 with your classmates.8. Blackboard Design Unit 5 In the park Lesson 2 There is/ are. 1 2 3 4Unit 5 In the par

13、k (第五课时)Lesson 3I. Teaching AimsKnowledge Aims: A. Pupils can use the sentences correctly. B. Pupils can pronounce the letters Q to U.II. Language input and Key points Letters: , Rr, Ss, Tt, UuSentences:There is / are.III. Difficult pointsPupils can read the sounds of the letters correctly.IV. Teach

14、ing Aidspictures video tapeV. Teaching procedure1. Warming upRead the rhyme and sing a song.2. RevisionRead the letters and their sounds learnt in the last four units.3. Ask and answerSs ask and answer follow Ts pictures4.Learn the letters and sounds.Learn the letters to Uu and their sounds one by o

15、ne.5. PracticeT reads the letters and Ss read out the sounds.Ss follow T to spell the word.6. SummarySummarize what they learnt in lesson 1 and lesson 2.7. HomeworkRead lesson 1 and lesson 2 with your classmates.8. Blackboard Design Unit 5 In the park Lesson 3 There is/ are. Rr Ss Tt Uu 1 2 3 4Unit

16、5 In the park (第六课时)Lesson 3I. Teaching AimsKnowledge Aims: Pupils can read the story and act it out.II. Difficult pointsPupils can act out the story.III. Teaching Aids pictures video tapeIV. Teaching procedure1. Warming upRead the rhyme and sing a song.2. RevisionRead the letters and their sounds l

17、earnt before.Ss ask: Whats this? and answer follow Ts pictures.Groups practice.3. Story time.Ss watch the video and answer Ts question. Who are they? Whats in the park?Ss follow T to read the story.Circle the difficult word and practice more.Ss try to read follow the video.Ss try to read by themselv

18、es.Role play.5. SummarySummarize what they learnt in lesson 1 to lesson 3.6. HomeworkRead Unit 5 after class.7. Blackboard Design Unit 5 In the park Lesson 3 I like.There is / are. 1 2 3 4教学反思:这个单元开始涉及到名词的单复数形式,这个对于学生来说较好理解,他们也很快能掌握。重难点就是There be句型,“is”和“are”相对来说比较抽象,因为在中文里面“是”并没有单复数的区别,所以学生在学习的时候,如果让他们看图并限制用“There is”或是“There are”来描述图片,他们可以完成的很好。但如果让他们自由造句,他们就普遍存在“There is”没了“is”,“There are”名词忘了加“s”。根据他们反映出来的情况,在今后的教学中,要多渗透名词单复数的概念,在平时的口头输出中,也要纠正学生类似的错误,运用游戏来巩固这个语法点。

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