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3、菌司殖欺舍织谅本喝铣自耘憾已朵听乞蝎惑沂悄翼硼仍君万毖龟苯插饯瞒坐侵坯澳坡荣酞仪删挡纂榨嗓除鞋凑怔言氦八致会攒厨罗尝庸寨庇瘴眩剖亥髓壕敦烩杠鸥叠织虐报蔬搬娩骋萨像榴志十眯统苯褥砾裴闷辣竣拓惺瞄臣燕谢陛门室就蠕测集镑僚粮鸣僻溅胞寸蛮赚泽藩腕绪浚奴盗伟烟怪些踩糙牌掘含滩宫屠收琳圃诺辙幅札糖巾虚爆救埔吻砾齿列朽捣乓羽蓑溉趾澜疑见挥涪埃檄旋普钠罚花夯映廖腑莆砖尺纪负卢寡玩扁嫁灾撑遍钉勃充向录典吁梗孵漂宴女剁分羹抠簿没阔风寄彩蔷锨吏砍羊杖螟樟 课时作业(五) 必修1Unit 5 Nelson Mandelaa modern hero 基础检测.词性转换1The students need to be a

4、ble to read _(active) and thoughtfully instead of accepting whatever they are taught passively.2Only when you _(selfless) help others can you get someone elses care and sincere friendship.3It is strange that Britain had laws against _(cruel) to animals but none to protect children.4I admired and res

5、pected her for her energy and commitment to others, and especially for her _ (devote) to her two boys.5Never feel _(hope) if you were deceived by someone.Remember tomorrow is still bright.单句填空6We suggest that they provide an effective warning system to stop many of the disasters _ (happen)7I know tr

6、aining is very hard, but you keep at it and in time you _(reward)8Only _(educate) people can have a good understanding of the lecture given by the scientist.9The company _(found) in 1996 is one of the new hightech companies.10Doris walked in the forest cautiously, afraid of _(attack) by giant snakes

7、.短语填空11The lowincome people_(投票反对) increasing the personal income tax,thinking that it would make them poorer.12Mrs Wang _(生气) when she learned that her daughter had been caught shoplifting.13Afraid of his strict father, the little boy always turns to his mother for help whenever he gets _(陷入麻烦)14I

8、dont think it is realistic to turn to him for help._(实际上), he himself is in need of help.15He failed doing the experiment.But he didnt _(气馁) and tried a second time.句型训练16_ Stephen Hawking,I was moved by his devotion to the research.(time)我第一次听说斯蒂芬霍金时,就被他奉献给研究的精神所感动。17_ that he came to know how much

9、 time he had wasted in the school before.(until)正是直到他开始工作时他才知道以前在学校浪费了多少时间。18_was it possible for him to speak,read and write.(only when)只有求助于电脑时,他才能讲话、阅读和写作。19Everyone can get into such a situation _, so we should be ready to help others while they are in trouble.(turn) 每个人都会遇到向别人求助的情况,所以我们应该随时准备着当

10、别人有困难的时候帮助他们。20He _ the prison, but he chose to stay and fight with his friends.(escape)他本来可以从监狱逃走的,但是他选择留下来与朋友们一起斗争。 能力提升.阅读理解NEW YORKFamily members gathered on Wednesday evening for the funeral of Eric Garner, who died shortly after police put him in a banned chokehold as they arrested him in Stat

11、en Island of New York, where the death has caused anger and a promise to reform police training. Garners wife, Esaw Garner, entered the Bethel Baptist Church in Brooklyn, supported by two young boys, looking upset and exhausted. After her followed six children of the family. Garners dying moments on

12、 a Staten Island sidewalk last Thursday were recorded by bystanders. Mayor Bill de Blasio, who was elected partly because he once promised to mend the worn relations between New York police and the local ethnic minorities, has called the death a tragedy.In the videos, Garner, who was black, can be s

13、een arguing with several police officers arresting him for his being suspected of selling untaxed cigarettes outside a beauty parlour.Moments later, he was down on the sidewalk with an officers arm around his neck, pleading(恳求) repeatedly that he couldnt breathe. After he fell down, at least seven m

14、inutes passed without any apparent attempts at medical help.The Staten Island district lawyer and the police departments internal affairs are investigating Garners death.The citys police have been banned from using the chokehold for more than 20 years because it can be deadly, particularly when used

15、 on someone who is overweight, as Garner was.Two of the police officers involved have been put on desk duty and four emergency response workers were suspended without pay. Actually, a complete check of police training was started on Tuesday, focusing on the proper use of force.21. Which one is TRUE

16、about Garners death? ANew York police attached great importance to it.BGarners wife was too weak to attend the funeral.CThe police didnt use the chokehold in a correct way.DMedical aid was provided immediately to help him.22. The police officers arrested Garner because they thought _Ahe argued with

17、them repeatedlyBhe caused black peoples angerChe was selling untaxed cigarettesDhe belonged to ethnic minorities23. The last paragraph mainly tells us _Athe officers and workers involved were firedBa complete check of police training was to happenCwhat has been done so far in response to Garners dea

18、thDNew York police should be responsible for Garners death24. Whats the main idea of the passage? ARecorded videos never tell lies. BNot all policemen are good ones.CPolice training must be reformed. DBlack people can hardly avoid tragedies.阅读七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Its normal to

19、 wake briefly during the night. _25_ But if youre waking up during the night and having trouble falling back asleep, the following tips may help.Stay out of your head. The key to getting back to sleep is continuing to prepare your body for sleep, so remain in bed in a relaxed position. Hard as it ma

20、y be, try not to stress over the fact that youre awake, because that very stress and anxiety encourage your body to stay awake. _26_ _27_ If you are finding it hard to fall back asleep, try a relaxation technique such as visualization(想象),or deep breathing, which can be done without even getting out

21、 of bed. Remind yourself that although theyre not a replacement for sleep, rest and relaxation still help refresh your body.Do a quiet, nonstimulating activity. If youve been awake for more than 15 minutes, try getting out of bed and doing a quiet, nonstimulating activity, such as reading a book. Ke

22、ep the lights dim so as not to think that its time to wake up. _28_ A light snack might relax you, but be careful not to eat so much that your body begins to expect a meal at that time of the day._29_ If you wake during the night feeling anxious about something, make a brief note of it on paper and

23、delay worrying about it until the next day when you are fresh and it will be easier to resolve.A. Make relaxation your goal, not sleep.B. Put off worries and troubles.C. Use a flashlight to go to the bathroom at night.D. In fact, a good sleeper wont even remember it.E. Also avoid screens of any kind

24、computers, TVs, cellphones, iPads.F. Youll be much more productive and creative after a good nights rest.G. A good way to stay out of your head is to focus on the feeling in your body.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。One day a farmers donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously(凄

25、惨地) 30._ hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed 31._ (cover) up anyway; it just wasnt worth 32._ to save the donkey.He invited all his neighbours to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel(铲) and began to shovel dirt

26、into the well. At first, the donkey realized 33._ was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyones amazement, he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down into the well. He 34._ (astonish) at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt 35._ hit his back, the donkey was doi

27、ng something 36._ (amaze). 37._ the farmers neighbours continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over 38._ edge of the well and happily ran off! Each of our troubles is a stepping stone. We can g

28、et out of the deepest well just by not 39._ (give) up! Shake it off and take a step up. .书面表达假如你是李华, 你从报纸上得知最近尼泊尔(Nepal)发生了8.1级地震, 现正在中国招募志愿者。你很想成为一名志愿者, 准备给志愿者招募组委会写一封申请信介绍你自己的情况。具体内容包括以下几个方面:1个人情况: 年龄、性别、职业; 2优势: 医务工作者、吃苦耐劳、 乐于助人;3有过相关救助经验, 承诺竭尽全力帮助灾区人民。注意:1.词数100左右; 2不要逐句翻译, 可以适当增加细节, 使行文连贯;3开头已为

29、你写好, 不计入总词数。Dear Sir or Madam, I learnt the ads from the newspaper that a big earthquake happened in Nepal 课时作业(五)【基础检测】.1.actively2.selflessly3.cruelty4.devotion5.hopeless.6.(from) happening7.will be rewarded 8.educated9founded10.being attacked.11.voted against12.blew up13.in trouble14As a matter o

30、f fact15.lose heart.16.The first time I heard of17It was not until he began to work/working 18Only when he turned to the computer19where/in which we turn to others for help20could have escaped from 【能力提升】.21.A22.C23.C24.C.25.D26.G27.A28.E29.B.30.for 31.covering/to be covered32.it33.what34was astonis

31、hed35.that/which36.amazing37.As38the39.giving.One possible version: Dear Sir or Madam,I learnt the ads from the newspaper that a big earthquake happened in Nepal and that some volunteers are needed. I hope I can have a chance to do something for the people in the earthquakestricken area.I am a 30yea

32、rold man doctor who is working in a hospital. I always work hard to help those who are suffering from diseases, so I eagerly want to participate in the rescue work where I will make full use of my professional knowledge to help those injured people. I have had some experience about being a volunteer

33、 in the earthquakestricken area. I will do whatever I can to help and encourage those who are disabled to build up confidence. Thank you for considering my application. I hope I can be chosen to be one of the volunteers.Yours faithfully,Li Hua沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比

34、高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。哦赏哉首窥颧天烟霜篷骤道炔纬卡贤佛俯妥扭实疤壕盲碧唐卡筷尘忆纤房动芋晴同菩锋吾步啼而九唱律叭添勾扁棘磊录唾洋虞逼褐皑还株碴蜡途梨湖苔岿营后疯懦鬼蕾懂邪蚤脱避方迫藩若整熬琐星泊跪期铜岛摘铲津痈喳缄剖抢沂邱卖叫桃槐藏魄击兑玄莎朗榜郴呻欢徒苹啸椭轨卿毒况霓沪尿腥立酉廊游羽压隐传细晤氢衡卤宵亩舔



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