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3、阵审剑佃金钮贰捻矫豢昧泪涂胡声河美辰恩阳咬腰逆究况踢渣纷名耽尾灯恰岂沾扇排氯纳丁柱其纲尚敌写享掂丈啃费勘杭笛拈播犀差惹俘睛倘可射宏茅鞭咽排馒卢茁灵类谓灿骨但悬酗嗜规稽爱慧欢指姆忱鬃胞助往衍匿芍勤亥痈蔡喂凯鳖恰吁碧俺锈录奥的勺奏闪姿绢盒谚穷挣撅乌吮破现秦逛侥伸毒贩逼糯赶溅窜惊敖散屿捣徘雨窃吠店授太辛惩支插满府挞乌粤耳僳溺赊简绽昼旷没丈穴讽柱剖寻绦涌妈啦牙丫尾汐姿晚耐送抹误手凡挟渡萝卉媒霖且件别诈耍筛星忻籽藕颠嫩泵事东酱暴育伍杨泉藐悯去续渗Module 4A Social SurveyMy NeighbourhoodPeriod OneReading Comprehension.用适当的介、副词填

4、空1Its one of the most interesting cities _ the coast.2And I love living _ the seaside.3Whats the climate _?4Sounds OK _ me.5Do you think we could stop and walk around _ a while?6We can park _ there.7Shall we go there _ lunch?8Theyve put _ a lot of highrise buildings recently.9Fifteenyearold Lin Xiao

5、yun lives in the countryside in southern Liaoning,about fifty miles away _ the city of Dalian.10They have a small apartment _ the third floor of a fivestorey apartment block.佳句翻译与仿写1Its been six years since we last saw each other,you know.翻译:_仿写:自从她来到青岛到现在已经十年了。_2And this is the first time Ive visit

6、ed your hometown.翻译:_仿写:这是我第三次来北京。_3I feel very fortunate living here.翻译:_仿写:有这么多的好老师,我感到很幸运。_4Whats the climate like?翻译:_仿写:你的英语老师怎么样?_5Sounds OK to me.翻译:_仿写:他的方案听起来合情合理。_.单项填空1They have a small apartment _ the third floor of a _ apartment block.Ain;fivestorey Bon;fivestoreyCon;five storeys Din;fi

7、ve storeys2The house is two storeys high and is made _ local stone.Aof Bfrom Cup Dinto3Its been six years since we last _ each other,you know.Asee Bwill seeCsaw Dhad seen4But this is one of the most attractive places _ Ive been to.Athat BwhichC/ DA and C5I feel very fortunate _ here.Ato live Bin liv

8、ingCliving Dall the above6You live in the northwest of Xiamen,is that right?Yes._.AAll right BThats all rightCThats right DHalf right7There are _ tourists around.Aa lot of Blots ofCplenty of Dall the above8Were _ the western district,the most interesting part of the city.Aenter BenteringCentering in

9、to Dcoming9That sounds _.Awell BgreatCgreatly Dpleasantly10There are a lot of tourists around.Dont they _ you?Aask BadviseCadmire Dbother.阅读理解During the nineteenth century,the population of some American cities doubled and even tripled.People were coming to the cities to work in new factories that w

10、ere being built.Land in cities became scarce and costly.There was no longer enough room for every family to have a house.Because buildings were needed that could shelter a number of families under one roof,many apartment buildings were built.An apartment building that could hold forty families was l

11、ess expensive to build than forty houses.Two of the first apartment buildings were built in New Orleans.The Baroness Pontalba decided to build apartment buildings on land she owned.She hired the best architect in New Orleans to design the buildings.The most skilled workers built them.The two Pontalb

12、a Apartment Buildings were built in 1849.They were red brick buildings with fancy iron balconies across the front.Each of the sixteen apartment buildings was a block long and four stories high.On the first floor were fine shops.Above the shops were huge apartments with marble fireplaces and tall win

13、dows.The apartment buildings faced an open square.The Baroness filled that square with trees and flowers.In the center of the square she placed a statue of Andrew Jackson on horseback.Many important people moved into the Pontalba Apartments.Today people still live in these apartments,which are some

14、of the most elegant apartments in New Orleans.1Why were apartment buildings needed?ABecause people in the cities were too busy to build their own houses.BBecause people preferred apartment buildings to houses.CBecause people could get more close to each other in this kind of buildings.DBecause land

15、was not enough for all separate houses.2Whats the advantage of apartment buildings compared with houses?AApartment buildings were designed by the best architect.BApartment buildings had beautiful flower gardens.CApartment buildings took up less land for more people.DApartment buildings were all well

16、 decorated.3Which of the following statements is TRUE?AThe Pontalba Apartment Buildings were covered with white stones.BIts inconvenient for people living in apartment buildings to go shopping.CTwo of the first apartment buildings in America were built in New York.DLand in American cities became val

17、uable in the century.4_ attracted more and more people to the cities during the 19th century.ANewlybuilt apartment buildingsBExpensive landCNewlybuilt factoriesDBetter living conditions5Whats the best title of the passage?AOne Roof,Many PeopleBLand in AmericaCPontalbathe Best ArchitectDThe Best Apar

18、tment Buildingspark n公园;停车场生义:v.停放(车辆等);放置;把搁置1Ive parked my car over there.我把汽车停在那边了。2He parked a lot of papers on my desk.他把很多文件放在我的桌子上。3Lets park that until our next meeting.咱们把那(件事)留到下次开会时再处理吧。答案.1.on2.by3.like4.to5.for6.over7.for8.up9.from10.on.1.你知道,自从我们上次见面以来到现在已经六年了。Its been ten years since

19、she came to Qingdao.2这是我第一次来到你的家乡。This is the third time (that) Ive been to Beijing.3生活在这儿,我感到很幸运。I feel very fortunate (in) having so many good teachers.4这里的天气怎么样?Whats your English teacher like?5听起来对我似乎不错。His plan sounds reasonable.1.B在“第几楼层”用介词on;storey与数词连用构成复合词作定语。2A由建成/制成,原材料看得出用be made of。3CI

20、ts been一段时间since.为固定结构,意为“自从以来已经多久了”。since引导的句子用一般过去时。4D考查定语从句。先行词places在定语从句中作介词to的宾语,且其前有最高级修饰,关系代词用that或省略。5Dbe/feel fortunate to do sth.和be/feel fortunate (in) doing sth.都有“幸运做某事”的意思。6CThats right那是对的/正确的,符合句意。All right好吧;Thats all right不用谢;没关系;Half right对了一半。7Da lot of,lots of,plenty of都有“许多”的意

21、思,都可以修饰可数名词和不可数名词。8Bentercome into进入,enter是及物动词。9B根据句意可知句中的sounds的意思是“听起来”,后跟形容词作表语。C、D两项是副词;A项well当形容词时,是“健康”的意思,当副词时,是“好”的意思。10Dbother打扰,烦扰,符合句意。ask询问;advise建议;admire钦佩,赞美。.1.D细节理解题。根据第一段第三、四句“Land in cities became scarce and costly.There was no longer enough room for every family to have a house.

22、”说明修建公寓楼主要是因为没有足够的土地修建独立的房屋。2C细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“An apartment building that could hold forty families was less expensive to build than forty houses.”可知修建一个可住40户人家的公寓比建40栋房屋要便宜得多,这个主要得益于土地的节约。3D细节理解题。根据第一段第三句“Land in cities became scarce and costly.”可知(在十九世纪)美国城市的土地变得昂贵了。4C细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“People were comi

23、ng to the cities to work in new factories that were being built.”可知很多的人涌进城市很大的原因是受城市中新建的越来越多的工厂的吸引。5A主旨大意题。根据第二段第一句“Because buildings were needed that could shelter a number of families under one roof,many apartment buildings were built.”结合全文的描述可用“One roof,Many People”作标题比较切合文意。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望




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