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1、1六年级英语下册第一单元测试题六年级英语下册第一单元测试题听力部分(听力部分(30 分)分)一、听问句,选图画。一、听问句,选图画。(在方框内打勾)(在方框内打勾)(5 分)分)二、听句子,画图画。(二、听句子,画图画。(10分)分)三、三、听短文听短文,填单词。填单词。(10分分)Mr.Elephant is eighteen years oldMr.Pig is _ years older than Mr.2ElephantThey arent at the _ ageBut Mr.Elephant is _ and heavier than Mr.PigHis nose is much

2、_ than Mr.PigsHis ears are _ than Mr.PigsMr.Pigs tail is only 18 cm longIts _ than Mr.ElephantsBut they are good _They work at the same _ schoolMr.Elephant _ math and Mr.Pig teaches EnglishThey _ like sports very muchThey often play football together四、听问句,选答句。(四、听问句,选答句。(5分)分)1()AHe is 165 cm tall B

3、I am 165 cm tall2()AShe is 65 kg BHe is 65 kg3()AThe red one is bigger than the blue oneBThe red one is lighter than the blue one4()AThe train BThe train is slower than the bike5()AJohn is taller than Sam BJohn is thinner than Tom笔试部分(笔试部分(70分)分)五、写出下列单词的缩写。(五、写出下列单词的缩写。(5分)分)1millimeter=_ 2centimet

4、er=_3kilogram=_4kilometer=_ 5foot=_六、六、看图看图,照样子写单词。照样子写单词。(8分分)例:3七、七、判断下列单词的正误判断下列单词的正误,对的打对的打,错的改正在括号中。错的改正在括号中。(10分分)1longer()2heavier()3bigger()4shortter()5smaler()6cleverer()7fatter()8thiner()9oldder()10younger()八、八、智力冲浪。智力冲浪。(根据提示根据提示,回答问题回答问题)()(5分分)1John is 12Johns aunt is ten years older th

5、an JohnJohns grandfather is twenty-eight years older than Johns auntHow old is Johns grandfather?Johns grandfather is _2Amy is 11Amys mother is thirty years older than AmyAmys mother is two years older than Amys fatherWho is the oldest?_ is the oldest3Mr.Black is 173 cm tallMr.Green is 166 cm tallMi

6、ss White is 163 cm tallSo Mr.Black is _ than Mr.GreenMiss White is _ than Mr.Green4Mikes grandfather and Mikes grandmother are oldMikes grandfather is three years older than Mikes grandmotherMikes grandfather is fifty-nine years older than MikeMikes twelveHow old is Mikes grandmother?She is _九、九、问答配

7、对。问答配对。(10分分)1How tall is she?AMy bed is about 1.86 m long and 1.5 m wide42How long are your legs?BIm 39 kg3How heavy are you?CMy room is 51 squaremeters4How large is your room?DShe is 1.56 meters5How big is your bed?EMy leg is 86 centimeters十、用框内单词的比较级填空。(十、用框内单词的比较级填空。(10分)分)Awarm Bsmall Clight Df

8、ast Eshort1The moon is _ than the sun2Planes are _ than cars3Horses are _ than elephants4Tom is 170 cm tallLucy is 165 cmLucy is _ than Tom5The weather in spring is _ than that in winter十一、十一、阅读对话阅读对话,判断正判断正(T)误误(F)。()。(10分分)Liu Yun:Hello,JohnYou are so thinHow heavy are you now?John:Im 43 kgLiu Yun

9、:You are thinner than me nowYoure 3 kg thinner than meJohn:OhYou look taller than beforeHow tall are you,Liu Yun?Liu Yun:I am 153 cmWhat about you?John:Oh,you are 5 cm taller than meLiu run:Please eat moreJohn:Yes,I want to be as fit as you1John is thinner than Liu Yun2Liu Yun is taller than John3Jo

10、hn is 5 cm taller than Liu Yun4Liu Yun is 153 cm long5Liu Yuns weight is 46 kg十二、书面表达。(十二、书面表达。(12分)分)请写一篇介绍你所熟悉的人的短文,短文须包括体貌特征、身高体重等方面的内容,不少于30词。5 听力材料及参考答案听力材料及参考答案1Which pail is bigger?2Whose ears are longer?3Who is thinner?4Which is taller?5Whose eyes are bigger?1Im cherryIm an elephantMy nose i

11、s longThis is my friend,AntonyHe is also an elephant,his nose is longer than meCan you draw Antony?2Hello,my name is RobenIm a dogIm very strongMy sister Lily is thinner than meCan you draw Lily?3Lucy is me,Im a flamingoMy leg is longMy aunt Lindas leg is shorter than meCan you draw my aunt Linda?4C

12、oco is my nameIm a rabbit in the zooMy ears are longMy mother Cicys ears are longer than meCan you draw my mother Cicy?5My name is TonyIm living in the seaIm a Killer WhaleIm bigMy friend Mei Mei is a Sperm WhaleHe is bigger than meCan you draw my friend Mei Mei?Mr.Elephant is eighteen years oldMr.P

13、ig is four years older than Mr.ElephantThey arent at the same ageBut Mr.Elephant is stronger and heavier than 6Mr.PigHis nose is much longer than Mr.PigsHis ears are bigger than Mr.PigsMr.Pigs tail is only 18 cm longIts shorter than Mr.ElephantsBut they are good friendsThey work at the same animal schoolMr.Elephant teaches math and Mr.Pig teaches EnglishThey both like sports very muchThey often play football together1How tall are you?2How heavy is your uncle?3Which book is heavier,the red one or the blue one?4Which is faster,train or bike?5Who is taller than Sam?

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