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1、第三组42tong 19miny26sophy 08vivi 24selina 44twinkle.(June14,1811July1,1896)哈里特哈里特比彻比彻斯托斯托.General evaluation of Mrs.Stowevan American abolitionist and author.vShe was influential both for her writings and her public stands on social issues of the day.LymanBeecherRoxana.at 21,in 1832.In1836.inJune1851,

2、whenshewas40,thefirstinstallmentofherUncle Toms CabinwaspublishedinserialforminthenewspaperNational Era.So youre the little woman who wrote the book that made this great war!Thank you!.vIn1869:campaigned for the expansion of married womens rights.vIn the 1870s Stowe fled to Florida,After her return

3、to Connecticut,Mrs.Stowe was among the founders of the Hartford Art School vIn 1886:Calvin Stowes died,and her own health started to decline rapidly.vDied on July 1,1896,in Hartford,Connecticut.at age 85.vUncle Toms Cabin,1852汤姆叔叔的小屋汤姆叔叔的小屋vA Key to Uncle Toms Cabin,1853汤姆叔叔的小屋题解汤姆叔叔的小屋题解vDred:A Tal

4、e of the Great Dismal Swamp,1856德雷德:阴暗大沼地的故事德雷德:阴暗大沼地的故事vThe Ministers Wooing,1859牧师的求婚牧师的求婚vThe Pearl of Orrs Island,1862奥尔岛上的明珠奥尔岛上的明珠vOld Town Folks,1869老镇居民老镇居民vPalmetto Leaves,1873棕榈叶棕榈叶Literary Works.BackgroundvHarrietBeecherStowe(1811-1896),comesfromafamilywithgoodChristian,shewasdeeplyinflue


6、sitingplantationsinKentucky,seeingwithhereyesslavesmisery.vHarrietBeecherStoweacknowledgedthatshewaspartlyinspiredtocreateUncle Toms CabinbytheslavesnarrativevTheblendingofpiousbeliefinChristianityandabolishingslaveryresultedinUncle Toms Cabin.InfluencevUncle Toms Cabinhasexertedaninfluenceequaledby

7、fewothernovelsinhistory.vUponpublication,Uncle Toms Cabinignitedafirestormofprotestfromdefendersofslaverywhilethebookelicitedpraisefromabolitionists.vAsabest-seller,thenovelheavilyinfluencedlaterprotestliterature.vUncle Toms CabinoutragedpeopleintheAmericanSouth.vThenovelwasalsoroundlycriticizedbysl

8、averysupporters.vHowever,AbrahamLincolncommented,Sothisisthelittleladywhostartedthisgreatwar.vUncle Toms CabinalsocreatedgreatinterestintheUnitedKingdom.ThefirstLondoneditionappearedinMay1852andsold200,000copiesvBy1857,thenovelhadbeentranslatedinto20languages,Later,itwastranslatedintoalmosteverymajo

9、rlanguage.Main Plots of The Novel.Eliza escaped with her son,Tom sold Eliza escaped with her son,Tom sold“down the riverdown the river”(伊莉莎携伊莉莎携子逃亡,汤姆被卖到子逃亡,汤姆被卖到“河的下游去河的下游去”)Elizasfamilyhunted,TomslifewithSt.Clare(追捕伊追捕伊莉莎家庭,汤姆与圣克莱尔生活莉莎家庭,汤姆与圣克莱尔生活)TomsoldtoSimonLegree(汤姆被卖给西蒙.勒格里)Finalsection(汤姆死去






15、lsoheldthebeliefthatpeopleareborntotobeequalandshouldhaverighttoenjoyfreedom.SothemainofthebookareallChristianstodifferentextent.MainCharacters1.Tom2.Eliza3.GeorgeHarris4.GeorgeShelby5.Eva6.St.Clare7.Topsy8.SimonLegree.Name:TomAge:about 40Sex:male Country:Africa Work:slaveFamily:Aunt Chloe and three

16、 childrenFaith:ChristianityQualities:obedience,honesty,loyalty 1.Name card.introductionintroduction Uncle Tom is a hero of Negroes.He believed in God without the slightest flaw in personality.He is a pious Christian,and ultimately he was killed by the owner for helping others escape,his death and th

17、e Bible in which Jesus was crucified to save the common people,like the cross,not only won the peoples sympathy,but also aroused the indignation of the people to slavery,it has accelerated the demise of slavery.PersonalHistory Three mastersMr.ShelbySt.ClareLegree.“You have heard what she said!If I m

18、ust be sold,or all the people on the place and everything go to rack,why,let me be sold”.“Master always found me on the spot,he always will.I never have broke trust,nor used my pass no ways contrary to my word,and I never will.Its better for me alone to go,than to break up the place and sell all.Mas

19、ter is not to blame”.“Ah,master trusted me,and I couldnt.“I feel very bad,Master.I always have thought that Master would be good to everybody Master has always been good to me,I havent nothing complain of,on that head.But there is some Master isnt good to.Master isnt good to himself”“Not while Masr

20、is in trouble,”said Tom.“Ill stay with Masr as long as he wants me,-so as I can be used.”.“No!No!No!My soul isnt yours,Master!You havent bought it,you cant buy it!Its been bought and paid for,by one that is able to keep it;no matter,no matter,you cant harm me!”“Im willin to work,night and day-and,Ma

21、sr,I never shall do it,-never!”“I know,Mast,but I cant tell anything.I can die!”“Masr,if you was sick,or in trouble,or dying,and I could save ye,Id give ye my hearts blood;and,if taking every soul,Id give em freely,as the Lord gave his for me.O,Masr!dont bring this great sin on your soul!It will hur

22、t you more than t will me!Do the worst you can,my troublesll be over soon;but,if ye dont repent,yours wont never end!”.Tom Jesus Christ Tom Jesussold by his masterMr.Shelbybetrayed by his discipleJudas“Into thy hands I commend my spirit!Thou hast redeemed me,Oh Lord God of truth!”“I know,Mast,but I

23、cant tell anything.I can die!”When Jesus knows he will die,he does not complain only to pray to the God.Tom is rescued by his former masters son-George Shelby.Joseph of Arimathaea,a secret apostle of him,redeems Jesus.redeemStrong faithsold.2.ElizaArelativelyprivilegedslave(Shelbysmaid)WifeofGeorgeH











34、spondstothesinnerswhoscourgedJesusandanotherthatwassavedbyJesusintheBible.Major themes -Uncle Toms Cabin.Uncle Toms Cabin is dominated by a single theme:the evil and immorality of slavery.While Stowe weaves other subthemes throughout her text,such as the moral authority of,is its outrages of feeling

35、s and affectionsthe separating of families,for example.motherhood and the redeeming possibilities offered by Christianity,she emphasizes the connections between these and the horrors of slavery.Stowe sometimes changed the storys voice so she could give a homily on the destructive nature of slavery(s

36、uch as when a white woman on the steamboat carrying Tom further south states,The most dreadful part of slavery,to my mind).Major themes.Major themes Stowes novel reaffirmed the importance of womens influence and helped pave the way for the womens rights movement in the following decades.Stowes purit

37、anical religious beliefs show up in the novels final,overarching themethe exploration of the nature of Christianity and how she feels Christian theology is fundamentally incompatible with slavery.This theme is most evident when Tom urges St.Clare to look away to Jesus after the death of St.Clares be

38、loved daughter Eva.After Tom dies,George Shelby eulogizes Tom by saying,What a thing it is to be a Christian.“Because Christian themes play such a large role in Uncle Toms Cabinand because of Stowes frequent use of direct authorial interjections on religion and faiththe novel often takes the form of

39、 a sermon.Major themes This theme is most evident when Tom urges St.Clare to look away to Jesus after the death of St.Clares beloved daughter Eva.After Tom dies,George Shelby eulogizes Tom by saying,What a thing it is to be a Christian.“Because Christian themes play such a large role in Uncle Toms C

40、abinand because of Stowes frequent use of direct authorial interjections on religion and faiththe novel often takes the form of a sermon.Style -Uncle Toms Cabin.Style Uncle Toms Cabin is written in the sentimental and melodramatic style common to 19th century sentimental novels and domestic fiction(

41、also called womens fiction).These genres were the most popular novels of Stowes time and tended to feature female main characters and a writing style which evoked a readers sympathy and emotion.Even though Stowes novel differs from other sentimental novels by focusing on a large theme like slavery a

42、nd by having a man as the main character,she still set out to elicit certain strong feelings from her readers.Style This view remains the subject of dispute.Writing in 2001,legal scholar Richard Posner described Uncle Toms Cabin as part of the mediocre list of canonical works that emerges when political criteria are imposed on literature.

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