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1、1 (每日一练每日一练)初三英语时间状语从句重点知识归纳初三英语时间状语从句重点知识归纳 单选题 1、I will call you as soon as I _ the ticket to the football match.Awill getBgetCgotDam getting 答案:B 解析:句意:我一拿到足球赛的票就给你打电话。考查时间状语从句的时态。as soon as 引导时间状语从句,需满足“主将从现”原则,主句为一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,故选 B。2、The boy from the poor village didnt leave his home _ he went

2、 to the university in 2008.AthatBuntilCafterDwhen 答案:B 解析:句意:这个来自贫困村庄的男孩直到 2008 年上大学才离开家。考查连词辨析。that 用于某些动词、形容词和名词后,引出从句;until 直到;after 在以后;when 在时候。根据“didnt.”可知,此处考查 not.until“直到才”,是 until 引导的时间状语从句。故选 B。3、I didnt know the reason _ my sister told me.AbecauseBafterCuntil 答案:C 2 解析:句意:直到我姐姐告诉我,我才知道原因

3、。考查连词辨析。because 因为;after 在之后;until 直到。notuntil 直到才,故选 C。4、We were just ready to play basketball _ it began to rain.Aas soon asBbeforeCwhenDafter 答案:C 解析:句意:我们刚准备打篮球,天就开始下雨了。考查状语从句以及从属连词辨析。as soon as 一就;before 在之前;when 当时候;after 在之后。根据“We were just ready to play basketball”以及“it began to rain”可知,两个动作

4、同时发生。表示动作同时发生,用 when 引导的时间状语从句。故选 C。5、Time waits no man.But some people wont realize the importance of time _ its gone.AunlessBsinceCwhenDuntil 答案:D 解析:句意:时不待人。但是有些人直到时间流逝才意识到它的重要性。考查连词辨析。unless 除非;since 自从;when 当时候;until 直到为止。根据“But some people wont realize the importance of time.its gone.”可知是直到时间流

5、逝才意识到时间重要,用 not.until.表示“直到才”,until 引导时间状语从句。故选 D。6、He said he would visit his grandmother _ he came back.Aas soon asBin order thatCso that 答案:A 3 解析:句意:他说他一回来就去看他的祖母。考查连词辨析。as soon as 一就;in order that 为了;so that 以便,为了。根据“He said he would visit his grandmother.he came back.”可知,一回来就去看他的祖母,用 as soon a

6、s 引导时间状语从句。故选 A。7、I _ home until I finish my homework.Awont goBwill goCgoDwent 答案:A 解析:句意:我要做完作业才回家。考查动词时态。until 引导的时间状语从句,遵循“主将从现”,主句用一般将来时,排除 C 和 D 选项。根据“home until I finish my homework”可知,做完作业才回家,用 notuntil 表示“直到才”,故选 A。8、Its ten years since we _ here.How time flies!We _ in China for so long.Acom

7、e;workBcame;workedCcome;will workDcame;have worked 答案:D 解析:我们来这里已经十年了。时间过得真快!我们在中国工作了这么长时间。考查动词时态。在“It is+一段时间+since 从句”的句型中,从句用一般过去时,所以第一空应填 come 的过去式;又根据“for so long”可知,第二空应用现在完成时,其结构为 have/has+动词过去分词,主语为 We,所以助动词用 have,故选 D。9、Peter stopped talking _ the teacher came into the classroom.AuntilBas s

8、oon asCwhileDbut 4 答案:B 解析:句意:老师一走进教室,彼得就停止了说话。考查连词辨析。until 直到;as soon as 一就;while 当时候;as 当时候。根据“Peter stopped talking.the teacher came into the classroom.”可知老师一走进教室,彼得就停止说话,此处应用“一就”,故选 B。10、_ will the discussion last?_ we have got a result.AHow long;Not untilBWhen;Not untilCHow long;UntilDWhen;Until 答案:C 解析:句意:讨论会持续多久?直到我们达成一致。考查特殊疑问句和连词。How long 多长时间,多久;When 什么时候;until 直到为止,要与延续性动词连用;not.until 直到才,谓语动词延续性或非延续性都可。由问句谓语动词“last”可以推测出询问“持续多久”,应用 how long 询问,后句描述“持续到我们达成一致”,应用 until。故选 C。

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