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1、华中科技大学基于xilinx FPGA的VHDL交通灯控制器的设计-基于Spartan3E开发板专业: 电子信息工程一. 任务设计要求 设计一个十字路口交通信号灯的定时控制电路。要求红、绿灯按一定的规律亮和灭,并在亮灯期间进行倒计时,并将运行时间用数码管/液晶显示出来。绿灯亮时,为该车道允许通行信号,红灯亮时,为该车道禁止通行信号。要求主干道每次通行时间为99秒,支干道每次通行时间为30秒。每次变换运行车道前绿灯闪烁,持续时间为5秒。即车道要由主干道转换为支干道时,主干道在通行时间只剩下5秒钟时,绿灯闪烁显示,支干道仍为红灯,以便主干道上已过停车线的车继续通行,未过停车线的车停止通行。同理,当

2、车道由支干道转换为主干道时,支干道绿灯闪烁显示5秒钟,主干道仍为红灯。 对红、绿灯的运行时间要能比较方便的进行重新设置。 对器件进行在系统编程和实验验证。用VHDL语言对设计进行描述,设计一个测试方案,通过ISE对设计进行仿真验证。并能够下载到实验板上调试成功。任务扩展:在原设计的基础上加入指示方向的功能。二. 系统设计1.系统原理图与说明由系统设计原理图,我以清楚地将系统分为六个模块:分频模块,时间设置模块,状态转换模块,时间计算模块,LED流水灯模块,LCD显示模块。1)分频模块 分频模块其作用为:由于Spartan3E板上提供的时钟信号为50MHz,而设计所需时钟信号为1Hz,故使用分频




6、来控制主干道,支干道红绿左转灯的亮灭。其中 1表示亮,0表示灭。如表3-1 所示。由上表可得到: main_green = NOT(state) AND NOT(s_or_l) AND (NOT(flash AND clk); main_left = NOT(state) AND s_or_l AND (NOT(flash AND clk); main_red = state; branch_green = state AND NOT(s_or_l) AND (NOT(flash AND clk); branch_left = state AND s_or_l AND (NOT(flash A

7、ND clk); branch_red = NOT(state);2.输入输出设计任务设计开发板基于Spartan3E板,具体输入输出设定如下:1)输入: 开关:main_or_branch:设置主干道还是支干道 EN:使能信号 run_or_set:设置运行模式还是时间设置模式 add_or_decent:置数模式:增加或者减少 按键:s_set_button:直行时间设置按键 l_set_button: 左转时间设置按钮 时钟:clk2) 输出: LCD显示屏:分别显示当前亮灯的剩余秒数 LED灯:main_green,main_red,main_left branch_left,bran

8、ch_green,branch_red3、状态转换图S0状态:主干道绿灯、支干道红灯S1状态:主干道左转、支干道红灯S2状态:支干道绿灯、主干道红灯S3状态:支干道左转、主干道红灯三各模块代码以及仿真波形u 分频模块代码因为1HZ波形太长,不易仿真,故仿真波形采用100HZ的输入clk :50MHZ输出clk1:100HZu 时间设置模块部分代码以上是直行时间设置代码。左转设置类似,在此不再复制仿真 设置 输入:clk main_or_branch 设置为0 add_or_decent 设置为0 s_set_button 设置为周期为1周期的信号 l_set_button 设置为低电平波形如下

9、u 时间计算模块代码波形仿真输入输出与预期相符合。u 状态转换模块波形仿真分别给主干道,支干道个颜色灯持续时间赋值,再给定,当前亮灯的剩余时间,然后又进行仿真,结果符合预期u LED模块代码波形仿真分别给予输入不同周期的高低点评,相互叠加的结果符合预期。u LCD模块代码library IEEE;use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL;use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;entity LCD isport(clk : in STD_LOGIC;rst_n : in STD_LOGIC;coun

10、ter_play1h, counter_play1l : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0); counter_play2h, counter_play2l : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0); -degree1, degree2 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0); SF_D : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);LCD_E, LCD_RS, LCD_RW: out STD_LOGIC);end LCD;architecture behavior of LCD isty

11、pe tx_sequence is (high_setup, high_hold, oneus, low_setup, low_hold, fortyus, done); signal tx_state : tx_sequence := done; signal tx_byte : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);signal tx_init : std_logic := 0;type init_sequence is (idle, fifteenms, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, done);sig

12、nal init_state : init_sequence := idle;signal init_init, init_done : std_logic := 0;signal i : integer range 0 to 750000 := 0;signal i2 : integer range 0 to 2000 := 0;signal i3 : integer range 0 to 82000 := 0;signal SF_D0, SF_D1 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);signal LCD_E0, LCD_E1 : std_logic;signal

13、 mux : std_logic;-?type display_state is (init, function_set, entry_set, set_display, clr_display, pause, set_addr,max_degree_1,max_degree_2,temperature_1,temperature_2,degree_1,degree_2,blank1,blank2,blank3);signal cur_state : display_state := init;begin-LED = tx_byte; -for diagnostic purposes-SF_C

14、E0 = 1; -disable intel strataflashLCD_RW = 0; -write only-The following with statements simplify the process of adding and removing states.-when to transmit a mand/data and when not towith cur_state selecttx_init = 0 when init | pause , 1 when others;-control the buswith cur_state selectmux = 1 when

15、 init, 0 when others;-control the initialization sequencewith cur_state selectinit_init = 1 when init, 0 when others;-register selectwith cur_state selectLCD_RS = 0 when function_set|entry_set|set_display|clr_display|set_addr, 1 when others;-what byte to transmit to lcd-refer to datasheet for an exp

16、lanation of these valueswith cur_state selecttx_byte = 00101000 when function_set, - ? 00000110 when entry_set, 00001100 when set_display, 00000001 when clr_display, 10000000 when set_addr, 0011&counter_play1h when max_degree_1, 0011&counter_play1l when max_degree_2, 00100000 when blank1, 0011&count

17、er_play2h when temperature_1, 0011&counter_play2l when temperature_2, 00100000 when blank2, 00100000 when degree_1, 00100000 when degree_2, 00100000 when blank3, 00100000 when others;-main state machinedisplay: process(clk, rst_n)beginif(rst_n=0) thencur_state if(init_done = 1) thencur_state = funct

18、ion_set;elsecur_state if(i2 = 2000) thencur_state = entry_set;elsecur_state if(i2 = 2000) thencur_state = set_display;elsecur_state if(i2 = 2000) thencur_state = clr_display;elsecur_state i3 = 0;if(i2 = 2000) thencur_state = pause;elsecur_state if(i3 = 82000) thencur_state = set_addr;i3 = 0;elsecur_

19、state = pause;i3 if(i2 = 2000) thencur_state = max_degree_1;elsecur_state if(i2 = 2000) thencur_state = max_degree_2;elsecur_state if(i2 = 2000) thencur_state = blank1;elsecur_state if(i2 = 2000) thencur_state = temperature_1;elsecur_state if(i2 = 2000) thencur_state = temperature_2;elsecur_state if

20、(i2 = 2000) thencur_state = blank2;elsecur_state if(i2 = 2000) thencur_state = degree_1;elsecur_state if(i2 = 2000) thencur_state = degree_2;elsecur_state if(i2 = 2000) thencur_state = blank3;elsecur_state if(i2 = 2000) thencur_state =set_addr ;elsecur_state = blank3;end if;end case;end if;end proce

21、ss display;with mux selectSF_D = SF_D0 when 0, -transmit SF_D1 when others; -initializewith mux selectLCD_E = LCD_E0 when 0, -transmit LCD_E1 when others; -initialize-specified by datasheettransmit : process(clk, rst_n, tx_init)beginif(rst_n=0) thentx_state -40nsLCD_E0 = 0;SF_D0 = tx_byte(7 downto 4

22、);if(i2 = 2) thentx_state = high_hold;i2 = 0;elsetx_state = high_setup;i2 -230nsLCD_E0 = 1;SF_D0 = tx_byte(7 downto 4);if(i2 = 12) thentx_state = oneus;i2 = 0;elsetx_state = high_hold;i2 LCD_E0 = 0;if(i2 = 50) thentx_state = low_setup;i2 = 0;elsetx_state = oneus;i2 LCD_E0 = 0;SF_D0 = tx_byte(3 downt

23、o 0);if(i2 = 2) thentx_state = low_hold;i2 = 0;elsetx_state = low_setup;i2 LCD_E0 = 1;SF_D0 = tx_byte(3 downto 0);if(i2 = 12) thentx_state = fortyus;i2 = 0;elsetx_state = low_hold;i2 LCD_E0 = 0;if(i2 = 2000) thentx_state = done;i2 = 0;elsetx_state = fortyus;i2 LCD_E0 = 0;if(tx_init = 1) thentx_state

24、 = high_setup;i2 = 0;elsetx_state = done;i2 = 0;end if;end case;end if;end process transmit;-specified by datasheetpower_on_initialize: process(clk, rst_n, init_init) -power on initialization sequencebeginif(rst_n=0) theninit_state = idle;init_done init_done = 0;if(init_init = 1) theninit_state = fi

25、fteenms;i = 0;elseinit_state = idle;i init_done = 0;if(i = 750000) theninit_state = one;i = 0;elseinit_state = fifteenms;i SF_D1 = 0011;LCD_E1 = 1;init_done = 0;if(i = 11) theninit_state=two;i = 0;elseinit_state=one;i LCD_E1 = 0;init_done = 0;if(i = 205000) theninit_state=three;i = 0;elseinit_state=

26、two;i SF_D1 = 0011;LCD_E1 = 1;init_done = 0;if(i = 11) theninit_state=four;i = 0;elseinit_state=three;i LCD_E1 = 0;init_done = 0;if(i = 5000) theninit_state=five;i = 0;elseinit_state=four;i SF_D1 = 0011;LCD_E1 = 1;init_done = 0;if(i = 11) theninit_state=six;i = 0;elseinit_state=five;i LCD_E1 = 0;ini

27、t_done = 0;if(i = 2000) theninit_state=seven;i = 0;elseinit_state=six;i SF_D1 = 0010;LCD_E1 = 1;init_done = 0;if(i = 11) theninit_state=eight;i = 0;elseinit_state=seven;i LCD_E1 = 0;init_done = 0;if(i = 2000) theninit_state=done;i = 0;elseinit_state=eight;i init_state = done;init_done = 1;end case;end if;end process power_on_initialize;end behavior;因为LCD模块无法仿真,故在此不做仿真四、实验总结 1、心得体会此次设计实验是对本课程的一次总结,通过此次实验大大提高了自己的动手能力,对VHDL这门语言以及对FPGA的开发油了更加深入的了解在动手设计实验的过程中,也遇到了很多问题,比如计数器工作不正常,LED灯非正常闪烁,也用了了很大的功夫才把BUG解决。课程设计给了我们把知识转化为能力的机会,这次电子技术课程设计更是让我受益良多。其次本次试验也存在很多不足之处,如按键抖动的问题,还有红灯的计算模块都有欠缺考虑之处。还需要改进。

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