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1、人教版九年级英语单元典型试题一、单项填空:从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1、The boys are going to have fun _the picture.       A.draw  B. to draw  C drew  D drawing2、I am sorry I took your umbrella _ .A.because mistake  B.with mistake  c.by mistake  D.by mistakes3、Cant you see To

2、m and Jim _football?          A.playing   B. play   C.to play  D. played 4.、My English teacher was very angry _Tom .     A. at   B.about  c.with   D.on 5、His mother is strict _.                 &

3、nbsp; A.with him   B.with he    C.in him   D.in he6.、When we practice English speaking ,we shouldnt end up _in  Chinese .A. speak    B. speaking    C. to speaking    D. with speak 7.、Lets  go swimming if it _hot tomorrow.A. will be   &

4、nbsp;B. would be     C. is    D. is going to be8、Taiwan is _the est of China and _the west of Fujian province .A.in;to   B.to ;to   C. on; to   D. in; to9、He _the league in 1998.                   A. joined  B. has

5、joined C.was D. took part in 10、_ you should join an English club.        A. Maybe   B. May be   C. May  D. Can11、We should _each other and _each other .A.learn ,help  B.learn ,help from  C. learn from , help   D. learn  from , help from 12、I ha

6、ve been to the Great Wall _ .A.sometime  B.sometimes  C. some  time   D. some times13、Did you _Marys birthday party ?         A. join  B. go  C. take part in  D. join in 14、He said he would come _this afternoon .A. some time  B. some times

7、 C. sometime  D. sometimes15、Your father  works in an office ._your mother ?A. How   B How about   C. How is    D. What does16、You had better _off your coat .Its cold .     A. not to take B. dont take  C. not take D. take 17、Where_live before you cam

8、e here?A.did you used to  B. did you use to   C. use he to   D. he used to 18、No one likes he _.              A. still  B. never C. anymore  D. too 19、I always go to sleep _the light on.  A. in   B. with  C. to  D. and 2

9、0、I _get up early .           A. use to  B. used to  C. am used to  D. was used to 21、He _ his father.          A.look like  B. is look like  C. is like  D. looks the same22、Mark _ go there with us tonight ,but he isnt v

10、ery sure  about it .A. must  B. may  C. can  D. will23、He is running _a ball _his hand .    A. with ,in  B. take ,in  C. for ,in  D. at ,with 24、Ive read several books ,but _of them is funny .    A. neither  B. either  C. none D. all25

11、、Your classroom is so dirty . Everyone should keep it       A . dry  B . open   C . clean  D .  quiet26、Although he is only a     boy . He knows a lot .A . five year old  B ,five-year-old   C . five-years-old  D . five-year-olds27、   &

12、nbsp;    ,the holidays are too short .A . To present   B . At present    C . In  present   D . About present28、First of all, the teachers must be strict       their  students . A . at   B . in    C . for   D . with29、Walking

13、is good     our health .                 A .in   B . for    C . to  D . at30、Dont worry .He is     to take care of little Betty .A . carefully enough B . careful  enough C . enough  carful  D . enough &nbs

14、p;carefully31、Are these pants     for me to wear ?A . enough  long   B . enough   longer  C . long  enough  D . longer  enough32、Why didnt you get your bike      ?A . mend   B .  to  mend   C .  mending   D . &

15、nbsp;mended33、My mother have me       the  flowers .  A . watering   B . watered   C . to water    D . water34、The teacher allowed       games  after  class .A . play  B . to   play  C . playing   D . played35、

16、He has lived here for 20 years,so he has      friends here .A . a lot  B . lot of    C . a plenty of   D . plenty of36、We have worked for three hours .Now lets  stop      a  rest .A had   B have   C   to have  D   h

17、aving 37、We had a party      having classes last Friday .A . instead  B  instead  of  C  but  D  still38、Students         slippers when they are at school.A .dont allow to wear B .are not allowed to wear C .are not allowed D are n

18、ot allowed wearing39、I think     exercise is a good way to keep healthy .A . take   B .taking   C make  D . of taking40、Its very cold outside. You had better       your coat .A . put on  B . wear   C . dress  D to put on41、      

19、  children in America have little to eat ,and you can really help them if you want .A . Million of   B . Two millions  C . Millions of  D . Two million of 42、There were about two       people  watching the football match yesterday .A . Million of   B . mi

20、llion  C . Millions of  D . Two million of 43、Taking a long way before goimg to bed can help you     before exams .A . relaxed  B . relaxing   C .relax   D . relaxes44、Please rememer to            after meals .A . take some medicines &

21、nbsp; B .have medicine  C .eat medicine  D .take medicine45、Maybe she           to the park .    A . go   B .goes     C . to go  D . going46、She may           to the park .      A . go   B .

22、goes     C . to go  D . going47、Dont worry .There is      time left .   A . a little   B . little  C . a few    D . few48、She has few friends here .                      ?A . has  she &

23、nbsp; B . hasnt she   C . does she   D .doesnt she  49、No one helped Li Lei .He did it by         .A . myself   B . herself   C . himself   D . yourself50、He should answer the question        you .A . instead  B .  than

24、  C . rather than    D . more  than 51、Jenny gave us            on how to learn English well .A .some advices   B . many advices   C . some advice  D . an advice52、The baby can hardly speak a word ,           &

25、nbsp;   ?A .can the baby    B . cant the baby  C . can he   D . cant he53、You shouldnt borrow others books        permission .A . without  B . with   C . for  D . at54、Dont worry .There       plenty  of time .   &nb

26、sp;     A . are  B.  is   C . has  D . have55、There is going to     a sports meeting next week .If it     , well have to cancel it .A .be ;will rain   B .have ; will rain    C .be ; rain   D . be , rains56、I have     &nb

27、sp;to do today .A . anything important  B . something important  C .important nothing D .important something57、It might belong _Alice.           A. at          B. on        &n

28、bsp;   C. to            D. in58、The football may _John.     A. be          B. belongs to       C. belong        &nb

29、sp;D.belong to59、This shirt _ be Li Leis. It is too big for him.  A. cant        B. must          C. could       D. might60、 He _ be in the garden. He must be in the room. A. cant 

30、        B. mustnt       C. should       D. may not61、This book _ Toms fathers, because his name is on the book. A. maybe        B. may be    &nbs

31、p;    C. must be    D. must62、Please try _ English if you want to learn English well.    A. practise             B. to practise       C. practicing   

32、      D. practices63、Jenny is _ about the math test of tomorrow.      A. worried      B. worrying      C. worry         D. worries64、 What do you think “anxious

33、” _?    A. mean  B. means     C. meaning    D. meant65、 Whose book is this? WIt must belong_.A. Diana     B. Dianas    C to Diana    D. to Dianas66、 It must be teenagers_ fun.   A. have      B. having

34、     C. had        D. to have67、 Tommy is very _ about the final exam.A. worried     B. worry     C. worrying    D. wrong68、 He pretended _ dead when he met a bear.   A. to     B. to be    C. be      

35、D. being69、 We dont have any paper. Please dont _.A. use up it    B. use them up    C. use it up   D. use up70、 Wheres my watch? I cant find it anywhere.It _ in your bag or under these books.A. maybe   B. might be   C. must be   D. mustnt be71、 The monkeys esc

36、aped _ the zoo yesterday evening.  A. on    B. of     C. from   D. out72、It is _ of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.A. more      B. little         C. much       D. less73、. Today it is _hot, but we still have _

37、 work to do.     A. much, many B. much too, too much  C. too much, much too  D. very, too74、There is a ticket on the floor, is it yours?Oh, yes, its mine. Let me _for you.A. to pick up it     B. to pick it up   C. pick up it   D. pick it up75、When we

38、 talk about the computer, he pretended _ an expert.      A. to be       B. being          C. be         D. is76、Have you done _ to improve your English? &n

39、bsp;    A. something useful   B. anything useful   C. nothing useful      D. useful anything77、Be careful _mistakes.   A. not make   B. to not make    C. not to make    D. of make78、Don

40、t make a _ in the reading-room.  A. noise       B. sound          C. voice       D. noisy79、She has a very beautiful and sweet _.  A. noise       B. sound&

41、nbsp;         C. voice       D. noisy80、Tonny is afraid  _, because he was bit by a dog.    A. fly                B. to flying &nb

42、sp;       C. flying             D. of flying 81、If anything _the machine,please let us know.    A. happens on   B. happens to         C. happened to &

43、nbsp;     D. happened on82、 Hurry up, or you wont _ the train.     A. miss       B. catch           C. keep        D. sit83、George Mallory was an Engl

44、ish school teacher _ loved climbing.  A who   B he  C which.84、The police caught the man_ stole my handbag.     A he   B that   C which 85、The dress _ she is wearing today was a birthday present from her aunt.    A what    B it   C this &nb

45、sp; D that. 86、With the money _ he had saved, he  went on with his studies at school.A what  B that    C.who    D .where87、The songs _ Beetles sang were very popular.   A which    B who    C whose.88、This years Olympics are special because the G

46、ames are coming back to the country _ they started in.A as  B when   C there   D which. 89、Im looking at the picture_ you sent me with your letter.     A.who   B. which     C. it       90、The letter _ I received from him yesterday is very import

47、ant.  A who  B where  C what  D that.91、She is the only person _ I met yesterday.         A that  B who  C which92、He suggested you  _for a walk in the park。 A. go     B. to go    C. going   D. went93、I will gi

48、ve you _. A. two advices B. two advice  C. two pieces of advice  D. two pieces of advices94、If I _ English hard , I would pass the final exam.      A. studied   B. study   C. am studying   D. have studied95、_ you do, you can't

49、 change the situation.A. whoever       B. wherever      C.  whatever   D. what ever96、They have _ink, do they?        A. few B. a few  C. little  D.a little97、I'm going to buy _  apples.         A. few

50、 B. a few  C. little  D.a little98、That's why people like to wear red clothes_ the Chinese New Year. A. in   B.  on  C.at  D.of99、The leaves begin to fall _autumn.      A. in   B.  on  C.at  D.of100、They held a party _Teachers'

51、Day.    A. in   B.  on  C.at  D.of101、I haven”t been to the cinema lately, _ I am too busy  A. as  B.  because  C for  D.since102、He must be ill, _he is absent today.       A. as  B.  because  C for  D.since103

52、、   it is raining, you'd better take a taxi.      A. as  B.  because  C for  D.since104、Never eat food that stays overnight,_ it tastes _A. if; goodB. but; well  C. even though; good D. even if; well105、If I were you, I would _ electricity. It is dang

53、erous.A. stay away fromB .keep far from   C. stay away D. keep from106、If Bob_ with us; he would have had a good time.A.would come   B. would  have come  C. had come  D. came107、I would ask George to lend us the money if I _ him.A.had known  B. have known  C. knew

54、 D. know108、Why not consider _ Kunming next holiday? A.visit         B.visited         C.visiting         D.visits109、I want to go_  A.relaxing somewhere  B.somewhere relaxing C.re

55、lax somewhere  D. somewhere   relax110、-Would you like to go out for a walk with us?-_,but I must a letter to my pen friend now。     A.Of course not  B. Thats all right   C.Id love to      D.Yes,I do。  111、In t

56、he United States,you arent supposed _with your hands。     A.to eat  B. eating   C.eats      D.ate。  112、October12th was one of _days in 2005,for Shenzhou VI was sent up into the space     A.exciting  B.more exciting 

57、; C.much  exciting   D.the most exciting  113、What would you do _ you want to be thinner? A.though  B.unless   C.but   D.if  114、-I hope _play basketball tomorrow. -Yes,I _.A.him not to ;hope not to B.he wont ;hope it too  C.

58、 he wont ;hope so too D.him to not;hope that too115、This is _nice horse.     A.very a  B.quite a   C.much a    D.quite an。  116、My uncle has a new car now.  He _ 99,000yuan for itA.bought    B.spent   C.paid    D.spend11

59、7、Bob spends a lot of money on books_ he is not rich. A.if   B.though    C.when   D.because118、The sporting meeting will continue _it rains this afternoon.A.if  B.since  Cas soon as D.unless119、When we were on holiday,we _ much money     A.cost  B.spent &

60、nbsp; C.paid    D.took120、I want to trek _the jungle this summer vacation.   A.in  B.through   C.across   D.among121、Where would you like _ vacation,Sam? A.going to  B.to go on   C.to go a  D.going on a122、The little girl  _her mother

61、to come home from work earlier every day.A.wish  B.hope   C.wishes D.hopes123、Would you like a coffee?   A.No,thanks   B.I think so   C.Thats all right  D.Yes,Ok.124、I am very_ahout the_-news.A.exciting .exciting  B. exciting,excited  C. excited,exci

62、ted  D.excited,exciting125、- Would you mind my _ here? - Not at all.    A. smoke    B. smoking   C. to smoke          D. smoked126、The parents provide their children _ food and clothes. A. in   B. at   C. for     D. with 127、

63、Its best _ some English reading in the morning.  A. do    B. doing   C. to do   D. did128、The Travel Agency offered him a hotel _ 30 dollars every day.  A. for  B. to   C. with   D./129、Some robots are _ to do the same things _ people. A.enough smart, as

64、B. enough smart, with C. smart enough, as   D. smart enough, for130、You look tired, why not _ a short rest?    A. have        B. having         C. to have    D. will have131、I still remember the village _ I lived at five years old. A.

65、that         B. which        C. where    D. /132、Excuse me, would you please tell me _buy a digital camera?A . what to   B .where to   C. what I can   D. where can I 133、What _ can you tell me?    A.other   &nb

66、sp;      B.else           C.the other               D.others134、We can provide you _ some information about the vacation.    A.for &nbs

67、p;             B.of                 C.at                          D.with135、We should offer the things_the poor.  

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