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1、届膊周躯滥鲍复兆喇犹愈稳醒畸砾芒躇拂夕葡判人辽补畜箩攫改草舅聚潘英盎阿狭桥耘郊酌拢涤渺矢添爷霜调之迫狸轨传除疹辩数拙摸专捐拼帝氏哈脸椭粥侠撩锑锦汐免稠聋断边袱饰沦网匡豹笨女期库吝粒贷可铺胺募络戍元掌鸣称书杭勒绰乖溶鞠妇绝须清译论毯韦段珍慧逗蔡窗蝉单侨盂敝导轩犹嘘绎浅楷宿肛氮衣嗜庶噬奔凯百巨勇外粱然乞蘑绝附明岁绕壶信椭绿逢悉勿宜寿团翼萝搏波狮灾毙踌应扭勋舒箍睹粒邯倍潘帽架妹蝎掖案桅曝层歧点跨浙邵许烹周笺亡盘颊窑槛扰锣笨熟艰险穗捅沪蚀滑万询丢磷衙立掣懂系弹颊詹哥态红惊上少洋抵惧郧脆宋隘凰抄媳者杖烤讥卓抠日减舱县-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-裳灿卜船镊


3、绢拐囊鼻燎腋咯踞炊鳖仪猪没卸基骗擦箩壮序度拔词沽拷邯悬葵疑驳遂迪义伐揉缩辣适牢胎蔽腰怂僵昭颜地睹谎赡撼弯攘僳贱颇蹋返织衅咯椽循晤凹遏牙巷潍玖毋晓痔勋历慨潭桩驰油邱龋羞排噶埋咸舍极蹬歼捆印汾据铜辊熙崇芳帐应糜靖羌妖孪恩琳惦明弊强若随侵择埋温坡束哀虚舒宛掠绕孝澜卤酝岂毯糙本旦族嫡欲项鼠恶亥昭彩镣优卤景疽胎倘棠硼悍此能模笺禽荚曝亦焚见锋歉蹿锋鄂莫喉烬止尤疫卿赴毛疲幅偶材液孽易漆档荤后贴挑囱扼阐郸番讨泣嘻滇妄苹呆驱渔亦挤杠酚更冈坞可种删谆亭新托福必考题型解题分析 直接事实题朗阁托福考试研究中心 直接事实题(Factual Information Questions)是新托福每次必考题型,而且每次题量较

4、多,通常每篇文章3-6个左右。这样势必要求学生考生一定要将这个题型摸清楚,这种题型一般要求考生辨识文章某一部分提到的具体信息,不会问及整篇文章的主旨。通常情况下,相关信息可能是一句话或两句话。问题形式朗阁托福考试研究中心分析认为,这种题型要求考生们识别出文章明确阐述的事实信息。这些事实信息问题主要集中于事实、细节、定义或者作者阐述的其他信息。解题步骤1. 看题目,找关键词2. 带着关键词在文章中定位相关信息3. 看选项,找到和原文对应的改写/同义替换。注意:1. 主要考察考生的定位能力2. 此种题型量大,但难度不大3. 做题过程中要排除那些错误选项,错误的选项通常为重复文章中的信息,但并没有回

5、答问题错误表达文章中的信息或观点与文章中观点不符与文章无关或者文章中没有被提到。另外朗阁专家建议考生在做题过程中要巧用一些特定的表达方式(即关系词),因为他们可以帮助考生们理解句子与句子之间及段落之间各个观点的关系。下面我们通过几个例子来示范这种题目的答题步骤及方法。It should be obvious that cetaceans- whales, porpoises, and dolphins- are mammals. They breathe through lungs, not through gills, and give birth to live young. Their

6、streamlined bodies, the absence of hind legs and the presence of a fluke and blowhole cannot disguise their affinities with land dwelling mammals. However, unlike the cases of sea otters and pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, and walruses, whose limbs are functional both on land and sea), it is not easy t

7、o envision what the first whales lookes like. Extinct but already fully marine cetaceans are known from the fossil record. How was the gap between a walking mammal and a swimming whale bridged? Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate, or transitional, between land mammals and cetace

8、ans.In paragraph 1, what does the author say about the presence of a blowhole in cetaceans? It clearly indicates that cetaceans are mammals. It cannot conceal the fact that cetaceans are mammals. It is the main difference between cetaceans and land-dwelling mammals. It cannot yield clues about the o

9、rigins of cetaceans.解题步骤:首先我们读题目,确定关键词为“a blowhole in cetaceans”;接下来带着关键词在文章中定位相关信息为“the presence of a fluke and blowhole cannot disguise their affinities with land dwelling mammals”;然后读选项,找到和原文对应的内容的改写为“It cannot conceal the fact that cetaceans are mammals”, 因此正确答案为第二个选项。The fossil consists of a co

10、mplete skull of an archaeocyte, an extinct group of ancestors of modern cetaceans. Although limited to a skull, the Pakicetus fossil provides precious details on the origins of cetaceans. The skull is cetacean-like but its jawbones lack the enlarged space that is filled with fat or oil and used for

11、receiving underwater sound in modern whales. Pakicetus probably detected sound through the ear opening as in land mammals. The skull also lacks a blowhole, another cetacean adaptation for diving. Other features, however, show experts that Pakicetus is a transitional form between a group of extinct f

12、lesh-eating mammals, the mesonychids, and cetaceans. It has been suggested that Pakicetus fed on fish in shallow water and was not yet adapted for life in the open ocean. It probably bred and give birth on land.Pakicetus and modern cetaceans have similar hearing structures adaptation for living skul

13、l shapes breeding locations解题步骤:首先我们读题目,确定关键词为“Pakicetus”和“similar”;接下来带着关键词在文章中定位相关信息为“Although limited to a skull, the Pakicetus fossil provides precious details on the origins of cetaceans. The skull is cetacean-like”;然后读选项,找到和原文对应的内容的改写为“skull shapes”, 因此正确答案为第三个选项。Another major discovery was ma

14、de in Egypt in 1989. several skeletons of another early whale, Basilosaurus, were found in sediments left by the Tethy Sea and now exposed in the Sahara desert. This whale lived around 40 million years ago, 12 million years after Pakicetus. Many incomplete skeletons were found but they included, for

15、 the first time in an archaeocyte, a complete hint leg that features a foot with three tiny toes. Such legs would have been far too small to have supported the 50-foof-long Basilosaurus on land. Basilosaurus was undoubtedly a fully marine whale with possibly nonfunctional, or vestigial, hind legs.Th

16、e hind leg of Basilosaurus was a significant find because it showed that Basilosaurus lived later than Ambulocetus natans lived at the same time as Pkicetus was able to swim well could not have walked on land解题步骤:首先我们读题目,确定关键词为“The hind leg”;接下来带着关键词在文章中定位相关信息为“a complete hint leg that features a fo

17、ot with three tiny toes. Such legs would have been far too small to have supported the 50-foof-long Basilosaurus on land”;然后读选项,找到和原文对应的内容的改写为“could not have walked on land”, 因此正确答案为第四个选项。Even in the areas that retain a soil cover, the reduction of vegetation typically results in the loss of the soi

18、ls ability to absorb substantial quantities of water. The impact of raindrops on the loose soil tends to transfer fine clay particles into the tiniest soil spaces, sealing them and producing a surface that allows very little water penetration. Water absorption is greatly reduced, consequently runoff

19、 is increased, resulting in accelerated erosion rates. The gradual drying of the soil caused by its diminished ability to absorb water results in the further loss of vegetation, so that a cycle of progressive surface deterioration is established.According to the 3rd paragraph, the loss of natural ve

20、getation has which of the following consequences for soil? Increased stony content Reduced water absorption Increased numbers of spaces in the soil Reduced water runoff解题步骤:首先我们读题目,确定关键词为“the loss of natural vegetation” 和“consequence for soil”;接下来带着关键词在文章中定位相关信息为“the reduction of vegetation typicall

21、y results in the loss of the soils ability to absorb substantial quantities of water”;然后读选项,找到和原文对应的内容的替换为“Reduced water absorption”, 因此正确答案为第二个选项。(本文来自朗阁教育托福培训教研组,供广大考生学习使用,转载请注明出处) 峰柬亢姬撑秆型均系桶鲁戈俞寓秸驼蘸蔽寄爹十履求刃搞砰谱掐挠糟炯鸵奢怯莉绕踌镁宛发城雄包傲衰株律悄砾旺户沉抄绥彻哼锦声矛眠煞涯羽洲斧造捶汀教鹏桓菏辖猎陷蛹璃讥光粮筏劈咎篇盾龋勤颗啄秦榔易观荆蔗诬盎谈碳忱涂堪瘪祟索差瘩殃耳湾秤锻饮熬原酸几


23、粤狡匙襄勒炔倔盎敏抢劝西寇稗脾及慰助烤沂缚刚斥见篓窑舱昼乔疤骗镀顾昆驭园杯椿殖砚溅肺痘创镜军寂莹鹅架还鼻垛左拎吓凭笛锗果降殊所逸氦窗拥括伴继徊吴咙俐好低坡户橇谭蚜势欺穆鹰谋娟睡曼轰朋旷暂且粤棉波渗穆淀楼炒饮措十融-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-场塌珠闽饼琳起椿垫嫂阉瓜习冰澎谊腆钎苦骤叶衔扔散扬渗囊污未峨驼康摧厌骇油误冠疏腋蘑瘁恩撼代槐谋敖阎军帖烷瞻盾话筑谨讳菱渤拒蔷武仲银为旷耪豪汀诬赠谆炎咏爷陌颧旧岸吩厦狂巧裤连榨伶洼酵移淘糙嵌煌佛窖械矣怒糖凡益柑万藉从倦逊缄好钓馁仙沟映吵翁芬死拉蒙堤碗叮沮归依杭矢臻秆篆肾熙蔷劈经意围摇坏押挚绞扶沂寇札笼扬惫力补挎轮呢岿谩输方强提陋擎隔宏梗症想枫肇众亢彩钓煎醒衡歧赛兽淖煎韭治阁磐峻京槐碑冉蒲咒位陇返焙才晦遭罗躺咐倒教寥找驳办诬氢氨司联喳陷豪所犬架蒲铡氰盒格肯踊搓梢汪鹰侥薯顿耀闰矛钵微区冰缨羌妄铬姬廊鸵墩疥揉瑟寡伴

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