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1、 Unit 2 Topic 3 Would you like to be a greener person?Section A1编辑课件编辑课件What does“a greener person”mean?一个绿色的人一个绿色的人 一个环保的人一个环保的人2编辑课件编辑课件 recyclbale 可回收利用的;可再循环的可回收利用的;可再循环的 Look at the pictures and answer the following questions.Lets see how green you are.What does it mean?3编辑课件编辑课件Look at the pic

2、tures and answer the following questions.Lets see how green you are.When is World Environment Day?It is on June 5th every year。4编辑课件编辑课件Look at the pictures and answer the following questions.Lets see how green you are.What does it encourage people to do?It means saving the energy and reducing the w

3、aste air.5编辑课件编辑课件Look at the pictures and answer the following questions.Lets see how green you are.What does it encourage people to do?It encourages people to sort the rubbish and recycle the rubbish.6编辑课件编辑课件What are they doing?pick up the rubbishspread the message about protecting the environmen

4、t7编辑课件编辑课件What are we supposed to do?use cloth bags instead of plastic bagscollect waste paper for recycling8编辑课件编辑课件Listen and answerWhat kinds of things can students do at school to protect the environment?They can collect waste paper and soft drink cans.(录音)(录音)9编辑课件编辑课件MayCouldIaskyouafewquestio

5、ns?答语:SureCertainlyOfcourse10编辑课件编辑课件2Mymainjobistohelpspreadbe+动词不定式(即be+todosth.)的用法:1.表示按计划或安排要做的事。例如:你什么时候回家?Whenareyoutoleaveforhome?她将于下个月结婚。Sheistobemarriednextmonth.女王将于一周后访问日本。TheQueenistovisitJapaninaweekstime.11编辑课件编辑课件both两个都放于be动词情态动词之后实意动词之前eg:We are both students.Shecanbothdanceandsin




9、tonlyonweekdaysbutonSundaysaswell.16编辑课件编辑课件Read 1a again and answer the following questions.Whats Janes main job?What are the three Rs?What kinds of things can we do at home to protect the environment?Her main job is to help spread the message about protecting the environment.Reduce,reuse and recyc

10、le.少用,重用,再回收利用少用,重用,再回收利用 We should reduce the waste we produce.(影片)(影片)17编辑课件编辑课件Work aloneFill in the blanks according to 1a.1.Thejournalistis_Janeabout_.2.Janesmainjobis_3.Weshoulduse_andreuse_athome.4.Atschool,studentscancollectwastepaperand_.5.Recyclingisanexcellentwaynotonlyto_butalsoto_.inter

11、viewingenvironment protecttion to help spread the message about protecting the environment.both sides of paperplastic bagssoft drink cansprotect the environmentsave money18编辑课件编辑课件Then listen to the conversation carefully and check()your answers.TypeofgarbageRecycledReused Reducedplasticbagspapercup

12、scansnewspapersglassbottles(录音)(录音)19编辑课件编辑课件连词连词 or,and,but 和和 while的用法的用法 or 否则的话否则的话 and 并且并且,而且而且 but 但是但是,表示转折表示转折 while 而而,然而然而 强调对比强调对比20编辑课件编辑课件连词连词 or,and,but 和和 while的用法的用法-Jane,would you like to go shopping with me?-Id like to,and _-Jane,would you like to go shopping with me?-Id like to,b

13、ut _A I have a lot of homework to do.B I also want to buy some clothes.B A 21编辑课件编辑课件连词连词 or,and,but 和和 while的用法的用法 Lucas,get up or you will.Mike,work hard and you will.22编辑课件编辑课件Nodding the head means agreement.Shaking the head means disagreement.Join the sentences with or,and,but or while.Nodding

14、the head means agreement whileshaking the head means disagreement.23编辑课件编辑课件Noise is a kind of pollution.Its harmful to our hearing.Join the sentences with or,and,but or while.Noise is a kind of pollution and its harmfulto our hearing.24编辑课件编辑课件完成课本完成课本3 325编辑课件编辑课件Useful expressionsWe should reduce the waste we produce.We should use both sides of paper and reuse plastic bags.So we encourage them to collect waste paper and soft drink cans.Everyone is supposed to do that.26编辑课件编辑课件Goodbye!27编辑课件编辑课件

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