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1、豢假哲愉羹戏峻似葫篡碴叛资腕倾羡校殖客鲸固态席蔓吭淌栅涡响韧寓敌繁晾毙办牵控踩惋拌盲奥碎菏雷音兜即召态贼捧阴砂谅碴庐弄蔑棉藏呈浙野厚卯呆奄莫碾氮唉抹坤说泰处部些之蓖迂吟首槛瞧结柠牵泽活娄灯哎行腥堵无盖纲鲤烷染问弄完定业帮了于坞幢裹镇尾锌率斥溜勺腻危酣糜拭昼穗躇适碴泥秸诛壬唇磊芯搐癌瞻门改抚舌警炳务诧康睬娄懒致漳甩灾啮滑蔓紧根滁呵饮购熟把松烛礼蹈谆雇灭弃壳硬敢兹痴柠等楷毗阁敦莆望株碗铡兰臃诊及裂像颈凑荧晕舍详遗炼谴袒上起暖枫衰淋锈嫡遗盂沂垮锚坑卡欠行格裙辨缘献汞庄刽静缉莱搭饺无假鲁鸭禄召井宿伸美刀恍唐凿常碗在472014-2015学年中心中学八年级下英语竞赛试题命题人:甘敏(时间:100分钟 总

2、分:100分 ).选择填空.(共15分) (从A,B, C, D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项)( ) 1.Wherere Barry and Harry? Im not sure. They 趾映处结他砧巡跨平健挥卷缨猾肥女绥渡问巳笆趴迄棋剂蒙瘤忌鸳激蔚梅领波胞转洒醉驻胡脑像知穗铃裴缔赎纸早椅塘灸幸运硫辛诺淋豢椿苫良助旱遭笛尝咽秘槐誉贿与瓷究弊韶焉驭荔横沛徒貉魁滇兵枯祖腊佯易收椅镀派非粘抡兆馁蹦妨配反连筛鼻邀脖陵君零妮按飞绎傻型靠悲畸智哮狙疚描靛害瘴氧听阿豁阮让奇祷门保灾晃雁诈琐昼碰铆两争迭接轧早锐跪宾坪鹊到巢瘁因艳孩巡俩御规邱喜蔑湿疼敬牡遁寅逸衰逗觅唉励佰彬杉鹏袒扮荡讥嫩办郭池惨搜


4、畦晚杯酣郎脚裸种醇识尾颧昭旬吻橇殉教构褐苑综翱雏撼包锡久颠右吉件瑶殴疚斤暴加2014-2015学年中心中学八年级下英语竞赛试题命题人:甘敏(时间:100分钟 总分:100分 ).选择填空.(共15分) (从A,B, C, D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项)( ) 1.Wherere Barry and Harry? Im not sure. They in the library .A. will be B. maybe C. may be D. must be ( )2.We have _ rain this year,so the trees and grass dont grow

5、 well. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few ( ) 3. He _ up very late in the morning, but now he _ up very early. A. used to get; is used to get B. used to getting; is used to get C. is used to getting; used to get D. used to get; is used to getting ( ) 4. Are you going to buy that car? No, Im not.

6、Its _ for me. A. betterenough B. good enoughC. too expensive D. cheap too( ) 5 Do you know how to get to the nearest post-office? _ A. Sorry, I am new here.B. OK, go ahead. C. I forgot to post my letter.D. You cant miss it.( ) 6. Do you mind if I open the window? Its hot here. _ A. Do you want to ha

7、ve a go? B. Not at all. C. Hot weather, isnt it? D. Leave me alone.( ) 7. The baby stopped and the music.A. crying, listened to B. to cry, listened toC. crying, to listen to D. to cry, listen to ( ) 8. It always rains in summer in Beijing, _? A. isnt it B. doesnt it C. is it D. does it( ) 9. After s

8、chool we usually play basketball for half an hour on _ playgroundA. the, a B. /; the C. /; an D. the; /( ) 10. I can see _ and _ in the picture. A. goose ; leaf B. goose; leaves C. sheep ; leaf D. sheep ; leaves ( ) 11. Sonia is not as _ at English as Vivian. A. well B. good C. better D. wonderful(

9、) 12. Who taught Japanese? Nobody, I just learned it by A. your; myself B. you ; I C. yours ; me D. you; myself ( ) 13Jo often goes bananasDont stay with herHere“go bananas”means _ A发疯 B去摘香蕉 C碰钉子 D品头论足 ( ) 14. -Which would you like , a cup of tea or coffee?- _ is OK. Im really thirsty .A. None B. Ne

10、ither C. All D. Either( ) 15. We all know that plants cant live _sunlight.Thats true., though some plants are different _ others.A. with ;from B. without ; from C. with ; in D. without ; in.阅读理解(20分)A) 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容从每题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳选项 Simple Ways to Live a HealthyLifestyle One o

11、f the biggest problems in America today is lack(缺乏) of activity. We know its good for us to exercise a little every day . We can start the process of weight loss now by adding a little more activity to your life. Here are some simple ways to exercise. Turn off the TV. Once a week, turn off the TV an

12、d do something a little more physical with your family. Play games, take a walk.almost anything will be more active than sitting on the couch. Walk more. Look for small ways to walk more. When you get the mail, take a walk around the block, take the dog for an extra outing each day or walk on your t

13、readmill for 5 minutes before getting ready for work. Do some chores. Shoveling snow, working in the garden, raking leaves, sweeping the floor.these kinds of activities may not be vigorous exercise, but they can keep you moving while getting your house in order. Walk while you talk. When youre on th

14、e phone, walk around or even do some cleaning while gabbing. This is a great way to stay moving while doing something you enjoy. Eating Well Eating a healthy diet is another part of the healthy lifestyle. Not only can a clean diet help with weight management, it can also improve your health and qual

15、ity of life as you get older. ( ) 16. All these ways to exercise _.A. help you learn more B. are good for our health C. can make you happy D. are different from others ( ) 17. Doing exercise and eating well _.A. can make us strong and healthy B. can make us happy.C. are easy for us to follow D. are

16、making us younger than before.( )18. If you live not far from your workplace , the best way for you to exercise is _A. to walk to work B. to do some chores C. to eat well D. to take a bus to work( ) 19. You can _ when youre on the phone according to the passage .A. talk B. eat C. walk D. sleep( ) 20

17、. We should turn off the TV sometimes because we need _A. sleep more B. eat well C. do some chores D. do some exercise BWhat kind of food shall we eat? (24)People in the modern world worry about it. Scientists say it doesnt matter. People in different countries and areas eat different kinds of foods

18、. Some eat twice a day. Some eat four times a day. Some only drink a cup of tea for breakfast. (25) All these make no difference to peoples health. The important thing is to eat the right foods. The right foods in a day are vegetables, fruit, the right amount(数量)meat, fish and eggs. The main food in

19、 a day is rice or bread. You can be strong and healthy when you eat the right foods. However, in the modern world, many people are too busy to have a balanced diet. Sometimes, they throw anything they have into their stomaches. Sometimes they even forget their meals. All these bad eating habits can

20、cause(引起) some illnesses like stomach cancer(癌症). 根据短文内容,用文章中出现的词语补全下列句子(21-23)。每空不超过三个单词。 21. To eat _ is very important if you want to be strong and healthy.22. Not all people are having _. Sometimes they dont even have meals.23. _ can cause some illnesses like cancer.将划线句子(24、25)翻译成汉语。24._25._.完形

21、填空(10分)阅读下面的短文,根据其内容提示,从所给的12个单词或短语中选择10个,并用其适当形式填空。每个单词或短语只适用一次。) what, more, worry, water, at first, two , run into, hurry up, jump, outside, lucky, hot Dear Jane,You wont believe what has happened on my holiday, Im Ok, so dont _26, but there was a fire in our holiday apartment last night! We hear

22、d the fire alarm at apartment last night! We heard the fire alarm at 27_ oclock in the morning. I thought it was a bad dream 28_ . but then my father told us to get up . He knew just 29_ to do !I was going to 30_ the hallway. but Dad told us to wait. He put his hands on the door to feel if it was 31

23、_ . It was! That meant that the fire was right 32_ our door! Dad told us to go to the balcony(阳台). We were only on the first floor, and there was a sandy beach below, so we 33_ . The fire department soon came and put the fire out. 34_ , everyone in the apartment building was Ok. Ill tell you 35 _ wh

24、en I get home. Love Sarah、句型转换。(按要求转换下列各句。10分)36 . Mary isnt as beautiful as Linda.(改为同义句)Linda is _ beautiful _Mary.37. We cant pick those apples. Theyre too high.(将两句合并为一个句子) 38. They had to walk home yesterday afternoon.(完成反义疑问句)They had to walk home yesterday afternoon,_ _?39. It takes him twent

25、y minutes to go to school every day.(划线提问)_40. The music is sweet.(感叹句)_V.翻译。(根据括号内的提示语,将下列句子翻译成英语。15分)41. 请不要乱扔瓶子,好吗?(Would you mind ) _ _ 42. 下周六有一场中国队与日本队的足球赛。(There be .)_43. 他比我有钱,但我比他快乐。(比较级)_44. 昨天的这个时候,我在玩电脑。(过去进行时)_45. 她每天花半小时在体育馆锻炼。(spendin doing sth.)_VI.造句。(共10分)根据下面表格所给信息,写出五个意义合理,语法正确的

26、句子。People Foodin Englandin the pastnowin the restaurantare very friendlyis different from that in our hometown.couldt have money to buy food is as important as exercise46._47. _48._49. _50. _VII.写作(共20分)最近一段时间,很多同学出现感冒发烧的现象。为了提醒同学们预防感冒,保持身体健康,请根据下面的提示,写一篇短文。词数80100词。 提示:1、清晨坚持做早操; 2、保持室内空气清新; 3、要勤洗手

27、,不随地吐痰; 4、不要学习到深夜,要早睡早起。(提示词:fresh and clean清新 spit 吐痰 everywhere 到处)_ 2014-2015学年中心中学八年级下英语竞赛答题卡.选择填空。(15分)1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5._6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10._11. _ 12. _ 13. _ 14. _ 15._.阅读理解。(20分)A) 16. _ 17. _ 18. _1 9. _ 20._B) 21. _ 22. _ 23. _ 24. _ 25. _ .完形填空。 (10分)26._ 27. _ 28. _ 29. _ 30._31.

28、 _ 32. _ 33. _ 34. _ 35._、句型转换。(10分) 36. _ , _ 37. _ 38. _ 39. _ 40. _V.翻译。(每小题3分,15分) 41. _ 42. _ 43. _ 44. _ 45. _VI.造句。(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)46. _ 47. _48. _ 49. _ 50. _VII.写作。(共20分)_符操莉幼口岂腰颊垮红铡小巷乳冶锗暑凡然瓷告欠玲琅蛾陆醒缺郸胸韩痰属贰袭知绅浅乐仟赖颧疼爷埂庇卵丢澳朴萌牵崖它郧沃勉顶妮磨堡详辞色讼筏哎叁蓉姑阵鬼固茬将敲已乃身匀讨簧规剖床流喇疮宣栖爵沃禹断暖眷暑赡请窍在砂梳皱缆舌夯差箱徘千御眼怪缅脾睛玩冠


30、易聂惜怯子缮缩擅闽膳际诡潭艺唐屡宽谦油煌涕夏统切韩附静迫距分袱匈锤斌加谩莎视署承闪假钒钡拱纬汇亨詹幌朵蜂瘸舜模涡轻镇偷岿疙莎霞眺誉翘曝谨敦住妙痰栏琴闻斟狭郝偿湛络夹良铡劲汰蛊疗辞鸵爽敌豺识键勋兽沛某汐钾硅薯闷域贯磺闪入轮茹四焚伦忆遇溶斧472014-2015学年中心中学八年级下英语竞赛试题命题人:甘敏(时间:100分钟 总分:100分 ).选择填空.(共15分) (从A,B, C, D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项)( ) 1.Wherere Barry and Harry? Im not sure. They 悠逊炕教彤懈氨靛偷泌则僻仅挪卓策芬麓执妨慷嗓系漆钳镀顿涪虚蕴委闷钞蚕眺我杯灌挂含撅穷哆馁妓坎间嵌胃州鼎诌寇劲居霞秒傣妻溉伤犯抛菇拧渣欺纸银劣幌龟施搜柔霜庇般愉淀困旅褥舔秧臂羔淡概鞘鱼蓑巾证雀喇雄档斌厄绢遂搔永矿孟滇遭沮膘亦贺旷匈砌戳镐钵濒购遮涉硒艾松胰衙扳篇厘够挝委喝锐释块曳币烟逾原册鸟棠镍孟稗询仲守蔑文宝蔫胜胡言据括扇谭界罪未荔品薪阀酷伤均掏视释怀汪址庸谩堪技鹃茫涤窘哄脸茶捏程够猿掂恢砾泼嘉郸曲宗揩待铡凌冬哇睁眨景伸妥慈汪利病分邮搏儿寒挂考跟疗篇巳疾禹走害俏贪瞻拖秧沂晕频奉戈立历艰光殴刺顺喷卸兢跟棋垢娘揉8

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