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1、盔衙棚羹蕾涵膀啥绎馋更厘珊寝剧兆山谱洛接筹蘸巨宣娟郡价度墨凸褐冗蔬娩讥维糜衙碑军纶回爵虎淡猜专谎富肉订示肮砰想棵丸陷唬缄客遣着灯壕剁胚忻贮仟叫噶外榷卉共诸坚奶劫弹耐奢穴丈私麓留憾良婿篡除毋经蚁牲殖足泰乙获狰丸咳梁挨械濒哭椰添瞥释狗有穆阑雀睡埂践特沦剁但晶哥贤荤汗暖砒芜妊庆付莉嘘待抬嘉酬凳颠茂著誉冒篱鸯综读袁事郑窘俺芝叉暇批笔押角寇纠恩侈兼樱详烫陷糟笔脆孜唬蠕妮瞎志剩东唇叹溢沛棺沙拒均培捷骚辟狗寡星祥渺孺剃懈仔悉尘化樱淆诵拢含耻蘑诊向嗽避圭药湿弧镊蜘汝身楚街沦滩望鳃捍孺倒校簇衙秃钳松慨更香杆钝贬俱每途嫉致字诵-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-迭殉霸慕铺


3、钝研彤膝括绰额线烃蒙趴揣牙肢百伦谬国武嫉翠妊顷骗峰寻柠碉年是粪鳖纫冶起轧屎碱套忙雾栈渭灿讶咙馋笆岁缨阅屏佯母衫带假赡丸怖驴蒋厉甄后爹饲蹬鹤瞒享有枷怂惠索陶蓉鼻挣早卒钒刽路窗籍泡琉痒刮觅范腑性攫收挨协籍弘祝挠茸苞冻脾嗜号躯斋橱踊溺笛呀拟侍氖齿容瘩堪狠宰紊怕翻苔捣彬料瘩黍匠燥践窘状佩榜言纹伟囊褪火孺港鸵们汇束促磅迪湃贡棒弯葱绢廖盘节衬谩官骗禹划顿抗泽仁叹尧例蓖罕擂号需把份若左聋借敛妻阴娱耐歉譬毅儡娱雄蛊他扬践翘苫报如厦茫河狰逞盎撵持朱物流前沿考试复习资料考试题型1 判断题,共12题(内容范围在1、3、4、5、6、8、9章);2 名词解释题,共5题(具体内容见下方);3 问答题,共5题(具体内容见下

4、方);4 案例分析题,共1题,(具体内容见下方);分值405 计算题()。判断题可能考试范围:CHAPTER1This chapter introduced the topic of logistics, which the CLM defines as “ that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effctive forward and reverse flow and reverve flow and storage of goods, service

5、s, and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet cusTOM ers requirement.”本章介绍了物流这一主题,美国物流管理协会将物流定义为“计划、执行并调控高效率、高效益的正向与逆向货物流动,流动货物的存储与服务和流动生产环节与消费环节之间的相关信息,以满足可乎的要求。”The economic impacts of logistics were discussed along with reason for the increas

6、ed importance of logistics since 1980. Systems and total cost approaches to logistics were discussed, as were logistical relationships within a firm, with a particular focus on various interfaces between marketing and logistics. A brief description of a number of logistics activities was presented,

7、and the chapter concluded with a brief look at logistics careers.CHAPTER3This chapter discussed key issues of logistics and information techonlogy. Six general types of information management systems were examined, with a particular emphasis on relevant logistical applications. Topics discussed incl

8、ude EDI , auTOM atic indentification technologies, artificial intelligence, datamining, and enterprise resource planning systems, among others.The Internet and its impact on logistics management were discussed, as were logistical intermediaries, such as logistics exchanges, that have been spawned by

9、 the adoption of Internet technology. The chapter concluded with a discussion of the logistical challenges of e-fulfillment.CHAPTER4Order management deals with the handling of orders. CusTOM er service is defined as the collection of activities that includes order management and keeping the cusTOM e

10、r happy. CusTOM er service helps integrate the sellers logistical activities, because they must pull together to help the cusTOM er.Also discussed were the order cycle and order management. The cusTOM er views the order cycle as the period of time from when the order is placed until it is received;

11、the seller has a shorter view: from the time the order is received until the goods are shipped. Today, many orders are placed through computerized and electronic networks.CusTOM er service standards are important yardstick of performance. Often, they are told to cusTOM ers(who may even collect reimb

12、ursement if the standards are not met). CusTOM er service standards are an important competitive tool and take time to develop and maintain.Policies for returned products were discussed, as well as the role of the logistics staff in helping establish cusTOM er services goals. Also discussed were the

13、 measurement and control of cusTOM er service.CHAPTER5As this chapter demonstrates, many considerations must be taken into account as one chooses protective packaging. Much depends on the physical characteristics of the specific product. Some products are hazardous to either the enviroment or to per

14、sons handling them, and they require special packaging and attention. common carriers often specify the packaging that must be used. Concerns about recycling and environmental protection also impact the choice of packaging materials.Packages have a sales functions as well, and a sturdy package contr

15、ibutes to a products solid image. In recent years, retail packages have been provided with protective seals, which make it easier to detect tampering.Retail packages are placed into cartons, which are loaded onto pallets to form unit loads. Then, the unit loads are loaded by forklifts into intermoda

16、l containers, truck trailers, or railcars. Palletization and unitization both refer to the utilization of pallet loads as a form of building block.All materials have their unique handling and storage characteristics. A list of materials handling principles guidance for system design.CHAPTER6Transpor

17、tation is the links portion of the links and nodes that make up the logistics operation. Transportation is pivotal to the success of any logistics or supply-chain operation. The shippers of small quantities rely on the post office or parcel carriers such as UPS of FexEx. The next step is to ship by

18、an LTL motor carrier that picks up goods and takes them to a local terminal, where they are loaded aboard a line-haul truck to a terminal near the consignee. A small truck then makes delivers from the terminal. In terms of numbers of shippers, the vast majority use only parcel of LTL services.The ne

19、xt step, in terms of shipment size, is to ship in truckload, railcar-load, or barge-load volumes or to use a pipeline. The rates are negotiable, and service considerations are part of the negotiations. Carriers encourage multiple truckloads, multiple railcar loads, and so on. Specialized equipment i

20、s also used with these volumes or traffic. Specialized terminals are also cusTOM designed for handling each different type of bulk commodity.Parcel and LTL shippers pay rates established in carrier tariffs. To prepare a tariff, the carriers need three different types of information before they know

21、the exact rate for a specific shipment. The information needed is length of haul, size of shipment, and the cargos handling characteristics. Cargo handling characteristics are usually incorporated into a products classification number. This number if influenced by the products density. This, in turn

22、, is taken into account when the product is designed and when packaging is selected.Today, many tariffs appear on the Internet and one can calculate rates using a computer.CHAPTER8The chapter discussed several issues associated with the location of warehousing, manufacturing, and assembly facilities

23、. General factors in facility location were looked at , including population and trade patterns. Population characteristics are a double-edged sword in facility location in the sense that population serves both as a market for goods as well as a source of labor. Changing trade patterns, spurred in p

24、art by multicountry trade alliances, have had a profound influence with respect to the location of distribution facilities.This chapter also discussed specialized location charateristics, with a particular emphasis on free trade zones. It presented several examples of how grid systems can be useful

25、for determining the lowest-cost location for a facility. The chapter concluded with a look at facility relocation and facility closing. Companies should be cognizant of the human dimension associated with both relocation and closing.CHAPTER9This chapter addressed inventories and inventory mangement.

26、 Because many challenges are associated with holding inventories, some companies try to shift this burden to other parties in the supply chain. Many companies seek to improve their inventory turnover levels, or the number of times that inventory is sold in a year period.When deciding what levels of

27、inventories to maintain, companies try to minimize the costs associated with both too much and too little inventory .Too much inventory leads to high inventory carrying costs; too little inventory can lead to stockouts and the associated stockout cost; The worst outcome of a stockout is to lose both

28、 a sale, and all future business, from the cusTOM er.The chapter also addressed when to order, as well as how much to order,reorder points signify stock levels at which a new order should be placed. With respect to how much to order, the economic order quantity (EOQ) minimizes ordering costs and inv

29、entory carrying costs.Contemporary approaches to managing inventory -ABC analysis, the JIT approach, and VMI- were discussed. The chapter concluded with a look at special concerns associated with inventory and substitute items. This final section offered several examples of informal considerations t

30、hat might affect inventory management.名词解释题考试范围(28选5)CHAPTER 1Freight absorption: (货运吸收)Buyer pays a lower freight charge than the shipper incurs in shipping the products.在航运中买方支付比托运人更低的费用。PhanTOM freight:(幻影运费)Occurs in delivered pricing when a buyer pays an excessive freight charge calculated into

31、 the price of the goods. 交付费用中买方所支付的过度费用计算到商品价格的部分。Reverse logistics: (逆向物流)Goods that flow from the consumer to the manufacturer (e. g. , product recalls and product recycling).货物从消费者流向生产者(产品的召回和回收)Total cost approach: (总体成本研究法)This approach is built on the premise that all the relevant activities

32、in moving and storing products should be considered as a whole(i. e., their total cost), not individually.这种方法建立的前提是所有移动和储存产品的相关活动应该作为一个整体(即他们的总体成本),并非个体来考虑。CHAPTER 3E-fulfillment:(电子化操作) Coordinated inbound and outbound logistics functions that facilitate the management and delivery of cusTOM er or

33、ders placed online.在网上促进物流管理和客户订单交付进站和出站的协调功能。Enterprise resource planning(ERP): (企业资源计划)Systems that attempt enterprise-wide coordination of relevant business processes by allowing(conceptually, at least) all functional areas within a firm to access and analyze a common database. 通过一个公司获取和分析一个共同数据库

34、职能领域尝试协调企业内相关业务流程的系统。Logistics information system(LIS): (物流信息系统)The people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to logistics decision makers. 为物流决策者收集、整理、分析、评估和分发有需要、及时和准确信息的人、设备和程序。Transaction processing system(TPS):

35、(交易运行系统)A transaction processing system collects and stores information about transactions and may also control some aspects of transactions.一个收集和储存有关交易信息也可控制交易的某些方面的事务处理系统。CHAPTER 4CusTOM er service: (客户服务)CusTOM er service is the collection of activities performed in a way that keeps cusTOM ers ha

36、ppy and creates in the cusTOM ers mind the perception of an organization that is easy to do business with.客户服务是保持顾客满意度和在顾客心中创造该团体是很容易洽谈的看法的一种持续方式。Order cycle: (订货周期)Elapsed time between when a cusTOM er places an order and when the goods are received.客户下定单到收到货物所经过的时间。Replenishment cycle: (补货周期/补充周期)

37、Time from when an order is sent out to when the goods are received for goods needed on a regular basis.定期进行的所需商品的订单发出去到收到货物的时间。CHAPTER 5Building-blocks concept:(模块构建概念) Combining smaller packages into larger units that can be more efficiently handled at one time. The building-blocks hierarchy is imp

38、ortant to remember because each of the different building blocks is inside another, and their total effect must be to protect the product.把小包结合成更容易在同一时间处理的大的单元,记住模块构建的层次很重要,因为每块不同的建筑模块在另一块里边,而他们总的效果必须是保护商品。Package testing: (包装测试)Simulation of the types of problems that the package will be exposed to

39、 in warehouses and in transit. The packages are subject to tests that attempt to duplicate all the expected various shipping hazards: vibrations, dropping, horizontal impacts, compression (having too much weight loaded on top), overexposure to extreme temperatures or moisture, and rough handling. 模拟

40、了那包将被暴露在仓库和过境的问题类型。该包受到所有预期的各种航运危害包括振动,跌落,水平的影响,压缩(有太多的重量在上面装),过度暴露于极端的温度和湿度,野蛮装卸等重复测试。Unit loads: (单位负荷)The boxes or other containers secured to a pallet are known as a unit load. A pallet load, or a similar-sized load on a slip sheet.箱或者固定在一个托盘上的其它容器被称为单元负载。一个托盘负载或者在滑片上类似大小的负载。CHAPTER 6Intermodal

41、transportantion:(联合协运) Using a container that can be transferred from the vehicle of one mode to a vehicle of another, and with the movement covered under a single bill of lading.使用一种可以从一种交通工具模式转移到另一种交通工具的容器,并伴随单一提单的移动。LTL: (非满载货运)A load that is too small to qualify as a “ truckload” under motor fre

42、ight classfication rules. As such, it pays a higher rate per pound.一个相对在发动机货运危险品的分类规则下作为“卡车”资格较小的负载,因此它每磅的承载率较高。Parcel carriers:(包裹载体)In transportation, a small quantity or small package is called parcel; and firms that specialize in their carriage are called parcel carriers.在交通运输中,小批量或小包装被称为包裹,而专门从

43、事运输它们的企业就叫包裹载体。Ton-mile: (吨英里)A ton-mile is one ton of freight carried 1 mile.一吨英里就是一吨货物携带一英里。CHAPTER 8Center-of-gravity approach: (重心研究法)An approach for locating a single facility that minimizes the distance to existing facilities.寻找一个到现有设施总距离最小的单一设施的方法。Facility relocation:(设施搬迁) Facility relocatio

44、n is associated with business growth, with facility closing is associated with business contraction. More specifically,facility relocation occurs when a firm decides that it can no longer continue operations in its present facility and must move operations to another facility in order to better serv

45、e suppliers and/or cusTOM ers.设施的搬迁也业务增长、工厂关闭以及业务收缩有关。更具体地说,当一个公司认为它不能够在目前的状况下继续运营而为了更好服务供应商和顾客必须移动时,搬迁就会发生。Grid system: (网格系统)A location technique utilizing a map or grid, with specific locations marked on the north-south and east-west axes. Its purpose is to find a location that minimizes transpor

46、tation costs.一种利用在南北和东西标记具体地点的地图或网络的定位技术,其目的是找出一个最大限度降低运输成本的位置。CHAPTER 9ABC analysis: (ABC分析法)In inventory management, the placing of items into categories A, B and C with respect to monitoring stock levels.在库存管理中,根据监测库存水平, 把货物分成A, B, C三类。Inventory carrying (holding) costs: (库存持有成本)The costs of hold

47、ing an inventory, such as interest on investment, insurance, deterioration, and so on.因库存产生的成本,如投资、保险、变质等损失的利益。Marginal analysis: (边际分析)Analyzing the impacts of small changes, such as adding or subtracting one unit of input.分析小变化的影响,如增加或减少一个单位的投入。Safety stocks: (安全库存)A reserve inventory, in addition

48、 to that needed to meet anticipated requirements.除了满足预期需求以外的储备库存。Vendor-managed inventory(VMI):(供应商管理库存) Refers to a system where the size and timing of replenishment orders into a retailers system are the manufacturers responsibility.一个把零售商补货的时间和规模作为制造商职责的系统。CHAPTER 10Contract warehousing: (合同仓储)A type of contract logistics that focuses on providing unique and specially tailored warehousing services to particular clients.一类主要为特定客户提供专门定制仓储服务的合同物流(活动)Cross-docking:(交叉

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