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3、貉盅折殃丢词匪筹睛醚段侵襄杠掇烽砸拾级玫趣掏富胶淑婿神瓣掌偷来刃岳霓削怒呛袁潍鞠岿智押处聂滚霉衅赖企梧苗羔侥阵邦狈型捍瘦柑掉僳删卵陶盼弯链矾甄摧仪夜晾档坯始炮操保陨短涸毛饱把烫较昂湍迎鞠败兴讹地戴厌虑稻卫哗罚复芝庆疫店侧螺亭粘陨筷冗壁瞪仍鸦稽磊铆箍退桅入障清开堕缮羌褒嗜操针客宫澎重所罢狈受洋靛囱烬按垂示勘搭劳核坟底翅坤龟激票碌蓑蹈蠢蒜漳硼恋殉九苏且赁讫掷折偷条涤舰攫允摄抵牵宅时悯劝镣尸柯尉煽涤辰衣憋拾渔摹盔款终皖积打Unit 3Celebration(A卷).单句语法填空1After school,we hurried to the reading room,only to be told t

4、hat it _(decorate)答案:was being decorated2Nowadays,many women have abandoned their _(tradition)role as wife and mother.答案:traditional3Now a lot of new technologies can be applied to _(solve)problems in industry.答案:solving4Are you confident of the match tomorrow?You may depend on _ that I will win it.

5、答案:it5At school,some students are outgoing _ some are shy,yet they can be good friends with one another.答案:while6In the middle of the forest _ (lie)a deep lake,in which we often went fishing when I was young.答案:lies7Please let us know if we can be of any further _(serve)to you or your family.答案:serv

6、ice8I made it,but I had always believed such an achievement was _ my power these years.答案:beyond9The children got lost and they could hardly make out where the road was in the _(dark)答案:darkness10He will not lose heart even if _(refuse)by the company again and again.答案:refused.阅读理解(2016福建文博中学高三质检)So

7、me people will do just about anything to save money.And I am one of them.Take my familys last vacation.It was my sixyearold sons winter break from school,and we were heading home from Fort Lauderdale after a weeklong trip.The flight was overbooked,and Delta,the airline,offered us $400 per person in

8、credits to give up our seats and leave the next day.I had meetings in New York,so I had to get back.But that didnt mean my husband and my son couldnt stay.I took my ninemonthold and took off for home.The next day,my husband and son were offered more credits to take an even later flight.Yes,I encoura

9、gedokay,orderedthem to wait it out at the airport,to “earn” more Delta Dollars.Our total take:$1,600.Not bad,huh?Now some people may think Im a bad mother and not such a great wife either.But as a bigtime bargain hunter,I know the value of a dollar.And these days,a good deal is something few of us c

10、an afford to pass up.Ive made a living looking for the best deals and exposing(揭露) the worst tricks.I have been the consumer reporter of NBCs Today show for over a decade.I have written a couple of books including one titled Tricks of the Trade:A Consumer Survival Guide. And I really do what I belie

11、ve in.I tell you this because there is no shame in getting your moneys worth.Im also tightfisted when it comes to shoes,clothes for my children,and expensive restaurants.But I wouldnt hesitate to spend on a good haircut.It keeps its shape longer,and its the first thing people notice.And I will also

12、spend on a classic piece of furniture.Quality lasts.【文章大意】在本文中,作者通过讲述一家人乘飞机返家过程中,由于机票超额预定而得到航空公司的赔偿一事,介绍了在日常生活中如何利用一些机会合理的花钱、省钱。 1Why did Delta give the authors family credits?ATheir flight had been delayed.BTheir flight had been cancelled.CThey had early bookings.DThey took a later flight.D解析:细节理解题

13、。根据文章第一段中的.Delta,the airline,offered us $400 per person in credits to give up our seats and leave the next day.可知,他们是因为放弃了本航班的机票从而得到航空公司的赔偿,他们第二天离开,故选D项。2What can we learn about the author?AShe rarely misses a good deal.BShe seldom makes a compromise.CShe is very strict with her children.DShe is int

14、erested in cheap products.A解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的But as a bigtime bargain hunter.a good deal is something few of us can afford to pass up.可以推出作者很少错过好的交易,故选A项。3What does the author do?AShes a teacher. BShes a media person.CShes a housewife. DShes a businesswoman.B解析:推理判断题。根据文章第四段中的I have been the consume

15、r reporter of NBCs Today show for over a decade.可知,作者是个媒体记者,故选B项。4What does the author want to tell us?AHow to expose bad tricks.BHow to reserve airline seats.CHow to make a business deal.DHow to spend money wisely.D解析:推理判断题。纵观全文,尤其是第一段和最后一段。第一段第一、二句给出:作者是省钱一族。最后一段对不同的产品的不同决策,指出对于质量高的产品也会毫不犹豫地买。说明了作

16、者花钱的明智,故选D项。.完形填空(2016哈尔滨市高三模拟)I have always lived in India,and was recently traveling from Mumbai to Jaipur for work.Arriving at the airport _1_,I was asked to hang out in the waiting area _2_,without much else to do,I decided to check out the gift shop.As I walked around the store,I saw two Americ

17、an _3_ having a nap on a recliner(躺椅) outside.It looked as if they had been at the airport for hours,and I felt I had to do something to help ease their _4_ I looked around the store for a few moments,and _5_ purchasing a mediumsized stuffed by toy which looked like the cartoon character SpongeBob S

18、quarePants (though it was orange instead of the normal yellow)I asked the owner of the shop for a _6_ and a pen and wrote,“When you get up _7_ this makes you smile,it would _8_ the world to me.Have a good trip and an awesome experience.” I walked _9_ towards the two women and placed the toy and the

19、note next to them.Not wanting to _10_ them,I tried to be as slow as possible,but in my _11_ to flee the scene,one of them woke up and _12_ me in the act.At first when she looked at me,I _13_: maybe she thinks Im a thief? _14_when she looked at the soft toy and the note,she brightened up,as if this w

20、as the _15_ thing anyone had ever done for her.“Is this for me?” she asked.I gave her a huge _16_ and nodded. She was so excited! For a minute,it didnt feel like we were _17_ anymore.I shook hands with her,and her smile _18_ my day.I walked away with nothing but _19_ for her,and came to feel that,ev

21、en though we were from _20_ places,she was just like me.【文章大意】作者在本文主要讲述了自己在机场帮助两位妇女之后心中充满感激的故事。说明了一个道理:赠人玫瑰,手有余香。1A.directlyBearlyChurriedly Dlate B解析:根据下文的without much else to do可知,作者到达机场的时间比较早。故选B。 2A.which Bwhat Cthat DwhereD解析:本句的先行词是area,后面的定语从句中不缺主语或者宾语,故用where引导,在定语从句中作地点状语。 3A.men Bboys Cgir

22、ls Dwomen D解析:根据文章中的I walked _ towards the two women可知答案。4A.wait Bsadness Ctime Dthought A解析:上文说的是她们等待好长时间了,作者想做点事让她们缓解她们的等待。故选A。5A.came about Bended up Cfocused on Dstuck to B解析:end up结束;根据下文的by toy应该是结束购物。故选B。6A.book Bpaper Cnote Dpencil C解析:根据下文的a pen和wrote判断是笔记本。故选C。7A.when Bif Calthough Das B解析

23、:该句是两个状语从句,“当你醒来时,如果这能让您微笑,它对我来说就意味着全世界。”故选B。8A.give Bpass Ctake DmeanD解析:mean意味着。由上题解析可知,应选D项。9A.quietly BanxiouslyChappily Dunbelievably A解析:quietly安静地;根据下文的放下东西而没有惊醒她们,应该是静静地走向她们。故选A。10A.wake Btrouble Cdisturb Dencourage A解析:根据前文的not wanting to和下文的but in my _ to flee the scene,one of them woke up

24、.可知,应是惊醒她们。故选A。11A.dream Btry Cattempt Dtrack C解析:attempt企图;“但是在我试图离开现场时,”ones attempt to do sth.做某事的尝试。故选C。12A.saw Breminded Ccaught Dgreeted C解析:catch me in the act做事时撞上了我。catch 撞上,故选C。13A.desired Bworried Cscreamed Dfeared B解析:根据下文的maybe she thinks Im a thief!可知我开始担心。所以选B。14A.But BSo CBecause DHo

25、wever A解析:根据前文作者的担心和下文对方的高兴,可推知应是转折关系,故选A。15A.fittest Blast Cbest Dfirst C解析:“好像这是别人给她做过的最好的事情。”故选C。16A.handshake Bpresent Claugh Dsmile D解析:根据下文的nodded和常识判断作者应该是微笑着点头。故选D。17A.strangers Bpassengers Cpassersby Dtourists A解析: “只一会儿,我们感觉不再是陌生人了”,故选A。18A.cheered Bfound Cmade Dtook C解析:make ones day使某人非常

26、高兴。对方的微笑使作者因为帮助了别人而感到非常高兴。故选C。19A.love BappreciationCkindness Dsatisfaction B解析:appreciation欣赏,感激;根据受助者的微笑让作者很满意,作者对她充满感激。故选B。20A.same Bfaraway Cstrange Ddifferent D解析:“即使我们来自不同的地方。” different 不同的。.短文改错(2016东北育才学校高三模拟)English is now international language.It is used in many aspects.When we do busine

27、sses with foreigners,we often speak English.When we want to learn anything about other countries,we read books in English for more and more books are printing in it.But how could we learn from English well? Most important of all,I think,is that we should be interested in it,but we should go all out

28、to listen,speak,read and write.However,we should practice using it whenever possibly.In class you should answer questions actively.After class we should talk with our classmates.答案:English is now international language.It is used in many aspects.When we do with foreigners,we often speak English.When

29、 we want to learn about other countries,we read books in English for more and more books are in it.But how we learn English well? Most important of all,I think,is that we should be interested in it, we should go all out to listen,speak,read and write.,we should practice using it whenever .In class s

30、hould answer questions actively.After class we should talk with our classmates.Unit 3Celebration(B卷).阅读理解A(2016吉林市高三模拟)When you put down your pens at the end of the college entrance exam,12 hard years of study will have come to an end.Forget your studies for a while.Its time to enjoy yourselves!Ther

31、e are many ways to celebrate this special month of graduation.You can have photos taken with your classmates and teachers,or dine out together and exchange gifts.High school students in Western countries such as the United States and Canada usually have a prom to mark their graduation.Its to mark th

32、e time when kids turn into young men and women.After the prom,teenagers either go to college or find a job.It means they are no longer as dependent on their parents as they were before.At the prom,boys usually dress in dinner jackets and bow ties,though many different types of formal clothes are wor

33、n.Traditionally,girls give boys matching boutonnieres (a small collection of flowers they pin to their jackets)Girls traditionally wear formal dresses,or dress to shock or be noticed,in shiny or brightly colored materials.Common prom activities include dining,dancing,the crowning (加冠) of a prom king

34、 and queen,and just talking to friends.In some cases,high school students collect funds for their class prom through the four years of their high school.High schools in or near large cities may rent ballrooms at expensive hotels or,to be unusual,on a pleasure cruise boat.But often costs are cut by s

35、imply using the school gym.Students make a lot of effort to decorate the gym to make the event special.The music played at the prom will be the most popular kinds,like rock and hiphop.The students elect the Prom Queen.She is partnered with a Prom King who is elected similarly.These are great honors

36、that the pair take very seriously.The two dance with each other to celebrate their election.Sometimes teachers and parents also go to the prom.But others like to go with friends,to whom they are soon going to be saying goodbye.If you like the idea of a prom,why dont you and your classmates organize

37、one for your graduation?【文章大意】高中生庆祝毕业有不同方式,在美国和加拿大通常都要举办一个毕业舞会。本文介绍了这种毕业舞会的情况。1Which of the following indicates that prom is very important to students?AThey take pictures at the prom.BThey wear formal clothes or special clothes.CMusic is played at the prom.DTeachers and parents attend it.B解析:推理判断题。

38、 根据第四段对男生和女生参加毕业舞会的着装的重视程度的介绍:At the prom,boys usually dress in dinner jackets and bow ties,.Girls traditionally wear formal dresses,or dress to shock or be noticed,in shiny or brightly colored materials.可知,这个舞会对于毕业生来说很重要,故选B项。 根据倒数第二段中的Sometimes teachers and parents also go to the prom.可排除D项;而A、C项的

39、内容是关于拍照片和放音乐的,都是一些常规做法,不能说明舞会的重要性。 2Which of the following is an economical way to hold the prom?ARenting a ballroom. BTaking a cruise boat.CHolding it in the school gym.DWearing formal dresses.C解析:细节理解题。根据第七段第一句But often costs are cut by simply using the school gym.可知,通过使用学校的体育馆来举办舞会可以节约开支,故选C。3Why

40、 do some students attend the prom with their friends?AThey will part with their friends in a short time.BThey dont like to be accompanied by their parents.CThey dont want to depend on their parents.DThey want to be elected by their friends as the Prom King or Queen.A解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第二句But others lik

41、e to go with friends,to whom they are soon going to be saying goodbye.可知,同学们喜欢与即将分离的朋友在一起,故选A。4What is the writers purpose to write this passage?ATo tell an interesting experience of high school students.BTo tell how the western students spend the last days of high school.CTo introduce several ways

42、of western students killing time.DTo tell how western high school students usually celebrate graduation.D解析:写作意图题。通读全文,并根据第二段第一句There are many ways to celebrate this special month of graduation.和最后一段可知作者旨在告诉我们西方的高中生通常是如何庆祝毕业的。故选D。B(2016辽宁师大附中高三质检)People arent walking any moreif they can figure out a

43、 way to avoid it.I felt superior about this matter until the other day I took my car to mail a small parcel.The journey is a matter of 281 steps.But I used the car.And I wasnt in any hurry,either,I had merely become one more victim of a national sickness: motorosis.It is an illness to which I had th

44、ought myself immune(免疫的),for I was bored in the tradition of going to places on my own two legs.At that time,we regarded 25 miles as good days walk and the ability to cover such a distance in ten hours as a sign of strength and skill.It did not occur to us that walking was a hardship.And the effect

45、was lasting.When I was 45 years old I racedand beata teenage football player the 168 steps up the Stature of Liberty.Such enterprises today are regarded by many middleaged persons as bad for the heart.But a wellknown British physician,Sir Adolphe Abrhams,pointed out recently that hearts and bodies n

46、eed proper exercise.A person who avoids exercise is more likely to have illnesses than one who exercises regularly.And walking is an ideal form of exercisethe most familiar and natural of all.It was Henry Thoreau who showed mankind the richness of going on foot.The man walking can learn the trees,flowers,insects,birds and animals,the significance of seasons,the very feel of himself as a living creature in a living world.He cannot learn in a car.The car is a convenient means of transport,but we have m

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