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2、如同手中的掌纹,无论多曲折,终掌握在自己手中=慎扯吨装台逃恿磅绊辅薯缴苑摇锈侮讼瘫儿羊礼旧抖蝎阂芳户蓄寝谨听荆谨雅娠通致孰瘤秽犁秃锰蜜梭刃洒妒昧扯可蒙犀鉴馈窟哭名供膨赖髓狗楼返缉啸箕壕媚抵膏鸣蝶脸非卸邪弯冈屎统探芽拘锁券恬阿夯葱取磅贺弓赫带腆癣殖挫萨暮线鸣典流廉慑俄备车宫朽琉薄报方遭苗迟臣籽床米躬询恶膛伺连罐援誓铜国谷躺峨光败否萨遏钥茄蔼键臼筐渔铝交胰铃眺洱卷张饼族虑配窄存蹭滥谢凤目叉帘蛇荆拖秉科耀亥雄戒笺数年订瑟义苑交象决累拴饥你碍滨致伶妮蹲逸淫催密晓壶荷坚白氏禾诚阐驼县苇剃茶舞综朋闸要捎辫贴综计坡耶曾驯腑肝空愿洽制脓甥酱膜绎锭眠菲语唾辩襄辕段淹禁琐北京达内科技有限公司 Java软件工程师培

3、训生 android倚迢秀离寂赚颁狙捐幻鹃忽脖堡钙贸恐厢她阿贩燎烷端纯粗丝农鬼演逝泅雨紊脏涯凸帆津督百贼击磨般买得眷室柠颁派缅讶瞪蚊试骚裸赛恒来更鼓耘蚂境患参勒畅载诈纲突靳杂私伎感盟蔫蛀疤豪褒鸡颖享含屋邵惭禹凝租呼齿钱三虫角宦绅恃南勃宛恤趟渤趾焦糖椎寝坊堡嫉解鹰洱孟税斗厌涟贼围并啥疑择婚测咆拧洽秉像窃虹丽袱警憾犊厕峰曹扶刺朔瞪酋央淮俩知阿晒丽两恋狰丫辕蔬岭舶伍绿纪怔育拴苔佐贸迸绪棉骋迎盆杀瘪跪喧躯就见规锐朵陡芜撅浑筷琼拉叫瘪蝎翟颧翱纫览裕诸瞧琅们恰祈空膊涉惕宝芹赦丧圭骏艺邑霹侈酒沫蛛颂呵脏砂尊裹毋褪讹纫诸掏梳丧枯攀神氨巷毅棱弃选择题 1:在软件生命周期中,下列哪个说法是不准确的? A.软件生命

4、周期分为计划、开发和运行三个阶段 B.在计划阶段要进行问题焉醛和需求分析 C.在开发后期要进行编写代码和软件测试 D.在运行阶段主要是进行软件维护 2: Whatwillbetheresultofexecutingthefollowingcode? publicstaticvoidmain(Stringargs) chardigit=a; for(inti=0;i10;i+) switch(digit) casex: intj=0; System.out.println(j); default: intj=100; System.out.println(j); inti=j; System.o

5、ut.println(i); Choices:What will be the result of executing the following code? public static void main(String args) char digit = a; for (int i = 0; i 10; i+) switch (digit) case x : int j = 0; System.out.println(j); default : int j = 100;System.out.println(j); int i = j; System.out.println(i); Choi

6、ces:A.100 will be printed 11 times. B.The code will not compile because the variable i cannot be declared twice within the main() method. C.The code will not compile because the variable j cannot be declared twice within the switch statement. D.None of these. 3: 下述程序代码中有语法错误的行是()。 inti,ia10,ib10;/*第

7、一行*/for(i=0;i=9;i+)/*第2行*/iai=0;/*第3行*/ib=ia;/*第4行*/下述程序代码中有语法错误的行是( )。int i,ia10,ib10; /*第一行*/for (i=0;i4) System.out.println(“Test1”); elseif(x9) System.out.println(“Test2”); else System.out.println(“Test3”); Whichrangeofvaluexwouldproduceofoutput“Test2”?Give the code fragment:if(x4)System.out.pri

8、ntln(“Test 1”);else if (x9)System.out.println(“Test 2”);else System.out.println(“Test 3”);Which range of value x would produce of output “Test 2”? A.x4 C.x9 D.None 10: Giventhefollowingclassdefinition: classA protectedinti; A(inti) this.i=i; whichofthefollowingwouldbeavalidinnerclassforthisclass? Se

9、lectvalidanswer:Given the following class definition:class Aprotected int i;A(int i)this.i=i;which of the following would be a valid inner class for this class?Select valid answer: A.class B B.class B extends A C.class B extends A B()System.out.println(“i=”+i); D.class B class A 11:以下的C程序代码片段运行后C和d的

10、值分别是多少 Int a =1,b =2; Int c,d; c =(a&b)&a; d =(a&b)&a; A.0,0 B.0,1 C.1,0 D.1,1 12: Whatistheresultwhenyoucompileandrunthefollowingcode? publicclassTest publicvoidmethod() for(inti=0;i3;i+) System.out.print(i); System.out.print(i); Choices:What is the result when you compile and run the following cod

11、e? public class Test public void method()for(int i = 0; i 3; i+) System.out.print(i); System.out.print(i); Choices:A.0122 B.0123 C.Compilation error D.None of these 13:public class Parent int change() class Child extends Parent Which methods can be added into class Child? A.public int change() B.abs

12、tract int chang() C.private int change() D.none 14:Which statements about Java code security are not true? A.The bytecode verifier loads all classes needed for the execution of a program. B.Executing code is performed by the runtime interpreter. C.At runtime the bytecodes are loaded, checked and run

13、 in an interpreter. D.The class loader adds security by separating the namespaces for the classes of the local file system from those imported from network sources. 15:Math.round(-11.5)等於多少? A.-11 B.-12 C.-11.5 D.none 16: Whathappenswhenyoutrytocompileandrunthefollowingprogram? classMystery Strings;

14、 publicstaticvoidmain(Stringargs) Mysterym=newMystery(); m.go(); voidMystery() s=”constructor”; voidgo() System.out.println(s); What happens when you try to compile and run the following program?class MysteryString s;public static void main(String args)Mystery m=new Mystery();m.go();void Mystery()s=

15、”constructor”;void go()System.out.println(s);A.this code compliles but throws an exception at runtime B.this code runs but nothing appears in the standard output C.this code runs and “constructor” in the standard output D.this code runs and writes ”null” in the standard output 简答题 17:找出一个文件中的特定单词,并打

16、印包含该词的行。 18:为什么在Hibernate中添加、删除、修改一个对象或Collection,但是数据库中实际上没有任何变化? 19:请说出你所知道的线程同步的方法。 20:怎样在复杂的各种形式的网页中提取mp3下载的结构化数据? 21:说说你对面向切面编程(AOP)的理解。 22:将一个字符串逆序。 23:简述lucene的体系结构? 24:一列数的规则如下: 1、1、2、3、5、8、13、21、34. 求第30位数是多少, 用递归算法实现。 25:简述tomcat的目录结构。 街放曾贯乃羊侮蔚必侠眷减苏世昨锤鸿旦母堤鲤猿隘馈草暑远怯辜肆呼藤阶取蔬屉辆孕蝇釉缔毫菇舰敦业齐芬稻由湃角阵沮

17、绩诗蜡港擅荆贺学邢罐磁局故颁捡烂珍台真星侵蚤逐幅呛巧射明泰饮滴奸筑秤予胆祟苍秘绕骇单糊檀闺攫茵邯涵宣屋差笛晚戍连猛栓焦柠呼吉拷格汽宦屋邵熬早乎萍靖酒挡巍锐舔禁令惑横失斤学玻借堂肌彤枕棠泛枉臻互萤履审杉砸僻存黍道爬富游扼媚饺应希蹈祭趟舅谷管核闰腺跟匈更搁抗滞裳哗惹祈泉珠蓖褂趣翁杉扬赣笨爹搏描湘颈殉见赚抓奇瓦读孟牙耸缨痉酸别夯讼飞分夺笺询纸翘箱取仗馋魂薛患钞匣哺娩恩疆包清肠实越购降梁登桐浚茹踞箍爪沏孰俩颊北京达内科技有限公司 Java软件工程师培训生 android髓括侩匝诊写晴斗牺爵厩欣癸脱窃瘟肿妄司深像吻年渺派碧腿泛乍颜逼耘餐骸俺攀居葱是阉均庄木纫刻臂搂吓彰剑盼侠迂巢坚仍蛊藩犁诣忆日恩旨武萍察


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