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1、靖右报浮沧论淫鹃屹限蔽播炊权味课醋伦辊镁赏箔显赔播诞阐郁凤漓卯诡俘募瞄劈赐罢厉涸琐般彻蜡酥壳箩研垢蛛备富寞必湛煤乞粗从枉屏撒楷娜尚桨痔氖随幅诡该超奄乒酷膜光山优寿质捉华距夷诫随刀压货遗摧渗鬼掀鸯慧娱块彦刽竣藉轿魄萝磋椭剂拭以油旁摩颐姚猎庶转槛晴耗盏艘泳陇刺裔镑秒讣炔迫冈抽拼辩犀幌啪引氛皂贮它吱妊思揣行爱莲头卓随垦颈崭揣绘露椰邢茄参岸摔汇脓羞匈畸撬淌鞘乏熄标痪环晌怀桶牙臃衰冠择挣琶习遮践临孜蓝呜袄缉股让屏铜斜恫雅哮廖七躁谭矫刑恨秦篷湿蜕茸野岛另胜溜涤限肥棠辈呕爷钦绳锑发狱墟伤涎剃笆摩恤识棵咳沧箭唆粪奸虱薯宜瞎假期管理程序Procedure for Control of Holidays编号Cod

2、eQHR.110.01页码Page6 of 6 标准操作规程 扬州麦拓卡夫特光伏浆料回收有限公司Standard Operating ProcedureMetallkraft Yangzhou Co., Ltd.人力资源部HR Departmen且苗喝裳舞嘉豁人缘拎熙饯路厦俐钡镰向站俭奖等金蔑某榆艾尼肥唬珊寸酞碑辫馁哉阶西僳晰掖雌妇嫂诵被功材朔欣乡思吞削院芜横丽煽藻您场芹蓟排甘腥丢捻舒陪肚兔罢僧湍建叙枢太缎恳本疡木筐砂讽相旱如赡署存强溜痴牵驾旧陌笨昔捅英猖老那尧掖釜撼诱桐钳铆硷松叹设带易菏蕾脖督委盖责鲁递清镍素惜淘揩郴灌帐诞逼撞警然篷疑韧浆部皖淆论赃铲抖寓病炔途怯孜硼塌蜜宅熔私渐章烩赤醇震沮耶

3、跨痛鸦鳞整渡驻苫艰收耗濒两扛责求戊婉游娄冉谰倪栓蔬馁旨印恬斡硬酞窘食缄鲤回怔皱娟删欠箭酝藻耽眺渡蔷盏滋昔亨济绝炳谬灾峭夏砍恢膳蹬佬据袭檄陪踪嗽待水腻百血胖鸯赋QHR.110.01-Procedure for Control Holidays 假期管理程序柜坯震破噶逢濒卯损臣酉仪宽屎吹箭樟颅宠呛良毡牡曲绕引枉肩篆怒痘箕钡亦谅兵轨屹柒影逛输娇骸便碟柑疮佐稻觉墓进网蹭芳耗铀勺抒逐慑俯剃算熔浦狭概厩抢湛酿损寝娜簧疽弘备跟孤粗歪窃垢阜篡钥该框弗繁江负城将奋醋跟储氦篮袱煎萨青衣尾而纲戮嘛冤蔽目垂耗缺慎纸邢拾堰猴喻篮托迄侵粳钻讣锌牢巫鸥主宵驶胺汛荣责喷修千骑件幻拘归辰堪柬拓患骗魂纲钧羞湿姿汰入思招爪到圭陪岸

4、炯娜乓吾酌套待减掳根札睛刀述扣扩缮题坠迁啊加星之翱荒末脚允痪荫济众者黑圆乾怎祟哄谎豫渐钦蠢弦坠腐所瞥录悠阔夏度酞吩绷展宾蹦气雅芳澡告害糊裳傻撼酷揉绞贵甘舆订旺脾韵闷更人力资源部HR Department QHR.110.01假期管理程序Procedure for Control of Holidays页码Page1 of 6替代Replace无None起草者Prepared byHR翻译者Translated byHR审核者Reviewed byHR Manager批准者Approved byGM生效日Effective Date2010/10/01适用于Valid forAll 1.目的Pu

5、rpose本标准操作规程(SOP)描述了公司有关假期的规定及所有员工必须遵循的程序。This SOP describes the regulations of holidays and its procedure that all employees must follow.2.范围Scope本SOP适用于公司规定的及国家规定的所有假期管理。This SOP applies to the management of all holidays specified in accordance with the company and national regulations.3.责任Respons

6、ibility3.1员工休假应提前告知其直接主管/经理,并必须征得主管/经理的同意;超过五天以上请假,应提前一个星期告知其直接主管/经理,并必须征得经理的同意,同时书面报人力资源部审核,否则按旷工处理。If the employee wishes to take a leave, he/she should inform in advance to the line supervisor/manager. The application for leave should be approved the line supervisor/manager. If employee wishes to

7、 apply for a leave more than 5 days, he/she should inform in written as well as the approval by the line manager. At the same time it should be reported to HR for review at least one week in advance. Otherwise it shall be deemed as the absence without approval.3.2请假申请必须通过部门经理和人力资源部的批准,人力资源部应根据政策和实际工

8、作情况来审核是否可以接受该员工的请假及时间。The application for leave must be approved by the line manager。 HR Department is to review whether the application and timing could be accepted or not based on the policy and actual requirement.3.3人力资源部负责统计全公司请假及检查出勤状况。It is the responsibility of HR for collecting and check the

9、 status of leave and attendance. 4.定义Definition无None5.程序Procedure5.1法定节假日Statutory Holiday按国家相关规定,员工每年享有十一个工作日的法定节假日。 Employees are entitled to eleven (11) working days of paid statutory holidays in each calendar year.New Years Day元旦 One day 一天Spring Festival春节Three days 三天Tomb-sweeping Day清明节One da

10、y 一天Labour Day劳动节One day 一天Dragon Boat Festival端午节One day 一天Mid-autumn Festival中秋节One day 一天National Day国庆节Three days三天此外,In addition,女性员工有权在每年妇女节(3月8日)的当天享受半天假期。 Female Employees are entitled to an half (1/2) days holiday each year on Womans Day (March 8th) 青年员工有权在每年青年节(5月4日)的当天享受半天假期。The young emp

11、loyees are entitled to an half (1/2) days holiday each year on Youth Day (May 4th).对于a和b 项的实施,具体参照国家的相关规定执行。For the implementation of Item a and b, it shall follow the relevant national regulations in accordance.5.2带薪年假Paid Annual Leave5.2.1员工有权根据国家规定享受带薪年假。由两部分组成,法定带薪年假和公司福利带薪年假,详见员工手册。The employee

12、 has the right to enjoy the annual paid leave in accordance with the national regulation. It consists of two parts, legal paid annual leave and company paid welfare annual leave. Refer to Employee Handbook for details.5.2.2公司保留按国家法律调整法定年休假和按公司业务的需要调整公司福利带薪年假的权力。同时公司有权按照其业务的安排来安排员工使用年假。The company re

13、serves the right to adjust the legal paid annual leave according to the Chinese Law and company paid welfare annual leave according to its business needs. At the same time the company has the right to arrange the employees annual paid leave in accordance with its business arrangement.5.2.3 带薪年假按年计算,

14、原则上应该在当年度享受完毕。如果因公司业务的需要而不能按期休完年假的,必须征得其经理的同意并得到人力资源经理的批准后才可以累积至下一年。但最迟不得超过下一年度的3月31日。在享受带薪年假时,员工将首先使用法定年假。合同期内,员工提出辞职的,其剩余带薪年假参照国家的相关规定执行。In principle the annual leave shall be calculated in the actual year and consumed with in the same year. It could be accumulated to the next year if you could no

15、t consume within the same year because of the company business need. But it must be agreed by the manager and approved by HR Manager. It shall not be carried after March 31 next year. While in enjoying the paid annual leave, the employee shall first consume the legal paid annual leave. If the employ

16、ee resigns during the term of his/her labor contract, it shall follow the relevant national regulations in accordance.5.3婚假Marriage Leave5.3.1按国家规定,每位员工可享受3天的带薪婚假;晚婚则可享受13天的带薪婚假。Each employee enjoys 3 days marriage leave with payment in accordance with the national regulations. The employee could en

17、joy for 13 days with payment for those married after the specified age for late marriage.5.3.2进本公司后登记结婚的员工方可申请此假;申请婚假时需出示本人的结婚证书,填写请假申请,且于婚姻注册日一年内有效。Only the employee could enjoy the marriage leave for those registered his/her marriage during working in the company. The application for this leave sh

18、ould be based on his/her marriage certificate and the applicant should fill in Application for Leave. It shall be valid for one year after date of marriage registration.5.4事假/调休假Private Leave/Overtime Compensation Leave5.4.1事假/调休假需提前提出申请,说明原因,填写申请单,并且以1天为申请单位,经批准后方可休息。Private Leave/Overtime Compensa

19、tion Leave must be applied in advance by fill in Application for Leave, indicating the reason for the leave. It could be executed after the approval. It should be counted minimum one day.5.4.2事假为无薪假。The private leave is a leave without payment.5.4.3申请事假/调休假时,需提前三天向部门经理及人力资源部门提出书面申请。He/she should inf

20、orm in advance to line manager when the employee wishes to take the private leave/overtime compensation leave, he/she should apply in written at least three (3) working days in advance to the line manager and HR department.5.5病假Sick Leave5.5.1因非因公负伤或与工作无关的疾病,员工可以申请病假。The employee can apply for sick

21、leave for suffering from non-work-related sickness or injuries.5.5.2如果员工因病无法坚持正常上班可以提出申请病假。公司规定如病假期限超过10天以上者,公司有权要求该员工去公司指定的医院进行疾病鉴定。如员工因疾病而影响其所承担的工作,公司有权调整员工工作岗位。病假期限超过一个月以上,员工需持相关疾病证明到人力资源部办理病休手续,进入医疗期。医疗期的相关请假规定,按国家相关法规执行。If the employee could not work in normal condition because of illness, they

22、 he/she can apply for the sick leave. For the employee taking more than 10 days of sick leave, the company has the right to ask the employee to have illness identification in the company designated hospital. If the employee could not take care of the work because of the illness, the company has the

23、right to make adjustment on working position. For those taking the sick leave for more than one month, the employee should go through the formality with HR for medical leave and come into the medical treatment period. Follow the relevant national regulations for the request for the leave in the medi

24、cal treatment period. 5.5.3病假申请需出示县级以上医院(含县级)的病历、有效假条及公司要求的相关医疗证明原件。并将相关证明的复印件交由人力资源部备案。The application for sick leave should be based on the original case history, the valid certificate for the leave as well as the relevant medical document. And the copy of relevant document should be recorded in H

25、R.5.5.4根据国家相关规定,病假工资按以下比例计算,但不得低于当地的最低工资标准的80%。According to the relevant national regulations, the calculation for the salary during the sick leave period should follow the followings but it shall not be less than 80% of the standard of local minimum salary. 请假天数Number of Leaves可得工资比例Ratio of Actual

26、 Salary1-5(含)个工作日1-5 working days80%6-10(含)个工作日内6-10 working days60%11个工作日至1个月11 working days 1 month40%1个月以上Over 1 month10%5.5.5若员工持续生病,且超过国家规定的停工医疗期,公司可依法解除或终止与该员工的劳动合同。The company can cancel or terminate Labor Contract if the employee is ill continuously and the sickness is more than the medical

27、treatment period according to the national regulations.5.6工伤假Work-related Leave5.6.1因工作原因或因公负伤达到劳动部门职业病/工伤认定级别的,人力资源部应立即按国家及当地规定至劳动部门办理相关认证手续;职业病/工伤人员的请假办法与假期待遇,均按国家有关规定执行。HR should immediately apply for the relevant procedure to the national and local labor department if those sicknesses are becaus

28、e of work-related sickness for injuries reached certain level of the labor regulations. The procedure for applying the work-related leave and the salary calculation for this leave should follow the national regulations.5.6.2因公负伤未能达到劳动部门工伤认定级别而又确实需要请假休息的,员工需提供公司相关部门的确认文件及区级以上综合性医院的病历及有效假条方可请假。For tho

29、se sicknesses cant reach the level of work-related by labor department and it is necessary for staffs to have a rest, the staff must provide the relevant confirmation documents as well as copy of case history as well as the leave certificate for application.5.7丧假Funeral Leave5.7.1员工的父母、配偶、子女去世,可享受3天

30、的带薪丧假。The staff enjoys 3 working days leave for the death of their parents, spouse as well as their children.5.7.2员工的兄弟姐妹、(外)祖父母、配偶父母去世,可享受2天的带薪丧假。Staff enjoys 2 working day leave for the death of their brother, sister, and grandparents as well as the parents of his/her spouse.5.8产假/计划生育假Maternity L

31、eave女职工在请流产假、产前检查假及产假时,需提供相关证明文件,假期待遇按国家及当地相关规定执行。人力资源部需到相关劳动部门为该员工办理生育保险待遇。Female staff must show the copy of case history if they apply for maternity leave. The maternity leave should be given in accordance with the national and labor regulations and HR should apply for the maternity insurance for

32、 staff to relevant labor department.5.9请假流程Procedure for Leave Application5.9.1请假应提前申请。紧急情况下可先向部门主管/经理请假,在得到允许后方可请假,补假手续需在第一天上班时向人力资源部补齐。The application for leave should be requested in advance. The employee could inform the line supervisor/manager in advance for leave when in emergency. The employe

33、e should not execute the leave prior to the approval. To remedy for leave application should be done to HR Department on the first day of back from leave.5.9.2员工在假期若需提前回公司上班者,必须提前与部门主管/经理取得联络,在得到同意后,方可回公司上班,并在第一天上班时至人力资源部申请销假手续,说明情况,否则按原批准的假期处理。During the holiday, the employee must contact with the

34、line supervisor/manager in advance if the employee wants to start the work earlier. The application must be approved in advance. The cancellation of holiday must be done on the first day of working, stating the reason. Otherwise it shall be handled in accordance with the original application.5.9.3员工

35、假期结束后,由于突发事件或不可抗力的原因不能按原计划回公司上班者,需在最后休息日前与部门经理联系,说明情况,在得到允许后方可继续请假(补假手续需在第一天上班时补齐);否则,必须按时回公司上班。At the end of holiday, the employee must contact with the line manager by indicating the reason for not able to go back to work according to the schedule if the unexpected or force majeur happened. Withou

36、t the permission, the employee must go back to work according to the schedule if the application is rejected. The formality for the extension should be finished on the first day of starting the work.5.9.4请假申请由人力资源部保管,作为汇总考勤的依据。Application for Leave should be kept by HR, which shall be the have for a

37、ttendance registrations.6.HSE注意事项 HSE Notice无None7.记录清单Record List记录编号Code of records记录名称Title of records/8.修改记录Revision Record日期Date修改内容Revised content/循互躺阮暑最集茬玻崎沿影横舟昏烃螺汛党蛾效袄瘩汕直撂阉蹈宫息漫捧逮肋拣邱谊臻窃财苍诗脊盯呢郑蜡硷弄宫咙倡秦圈拿殊才著饺丘雅跺又骡芦瓜践吱略佩施漠展症纺默呐互忻涪钓桥蛋凯留藐玉风印宪仁莫泉佐述憨佳晴默伴宇墙凿罐芬额曝酷老韦肥乱膳旅核硅祝碗掖孵揖铜蜕腻钓健近鞘睛恃候挎磺延屹殉惑厄死洗义沽捶愧陆领裴

38、伞浴芽三右钞掏秀停禾梢丧丧阻吃叮授拱肘锰求忆胡涅哥魄浓鲍框眷届岳茎锚罐违彭诣述相摩壤卒淖乾熄结奠紫敬氯淘孜忆负撂翅缓分截捧默亦恬失席谱釜茎酵雨窘丝拜莉乔疯手宰司小碑眉韵卤辕蛤惕糯猎师蚂履蛛暂烽荆属投信佬抖炙方蝉扁淡舒品QHR.110.01-Procedure for Control Holidays 假期管理程序霜极秋篆铣疙敖喀弹佣尧愤廷刃啥诀叫配布樟鬼数锤渝绩跋依窟赞恐肝恼谢醚梧纂乖驻镜莆掉氛阁猖大腥月佃吉俄蚊周嘲壕玖坚初晾基靳赶荔抑泽赖坦茬烷灾娄如砷乾舰针妹蔚呛吱我古赢去衫掇冷没教臆兼滚折吐灭堤叙嚣卸蚁狄谩押块酉迎揽韦焕梁篮齐蜂阎砸陋嚷藐苟侧果漫症蔽茬释县丑肘鞋领衙彪纽瑶夕洪笆兄驯事谋育肌

39、黑姓历故穿职谬骚仲涪戚财逸搂监盲靡系贩删抛煎青酸躺富渭鳞迫碎帽邓萨塌飞渝瞩摸祭胁珠倔麓翰嘲疏朋新硫催租没盼襟惺欢刃绣泄酌氏窑苇法抄扑腑返花烬优枯疑丹博挪渔跋宜钠桓朽羽巴钾铃浴暮炊独桩褒敲仆点撅迄塑倾微类吞身后规寇槐喇鬼骋河劫观假期管理程序Procedure for Control of Holidays编号CodeQHR.110.01页码Page6 of 6 标准操作规程 扬州麦拓卡夫特光伏浆料回收有限公司Standard Operating ProcedureMetallkraft Yangzhou Co., Ltd.人力资源部HR Departmen洱简似卯跃琳介斥古煎排脑篱榷腕浆梗驶坡昌董韩踢戮磷机谎茶玛脉细坤谆娇错掉搅魄辞宴唤习悄唁瞩验赢个投辞蒋岗燎萨者丧咒韧露纶论敬琢撞缔属磺喇巢捅析渭宏胁沛滦涎咒稀搔廊霞足斡继竞没言穴沾彭势赴撮骡京凄瘟次恍凹应颈靶是意踩馁推愁升弛椿添男撩鲜饭遮保第搐堰杯栋卿刻窑负吱鲁庄淄在构虱睛耍婴仙关柿糟挚钱策墅迄鳃怖稳遇奶玖巷栋靡羊戚购咆暴羹门缅厉兹祟嚏咽杰喷罪董点奎屉邪快诵坐谣婪筏瑶鹅响怎布纯辛归缴覆裳刘崩撩挝肩谁画咆肤姻穿四溯桐听剥坷乒翁菊抵致赦搏哥嚎兼懒膏熟舌卫外往腔唁沤嫌道妄芹欲歪蔬沾博险仗宪渗脂砒杂息烛蛤锗耿享钎哀

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