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1、PassageAVocabularyandstructurePassageAVocabularyandstructure1.Completethefollowingsentenceswiththewordsgivenbelow.1.Completethefollowingsentenceswiththewordsgivenbelow.Changetheformifnecessary.Changetheformifnecessary.indeedinconvenientcultivateequalcontactoptimisticstrengthenscourtesy1.I will try n

2、y best to do the business _ hand.2.Stop talking and concentrate _ your work.3.Ive seen them playing the piano _ several occasions.4.Aim for the best,prepare _ the worst.5.The school and the parents have been _ close contact2.2.Complete the following sentences with proper prepositions or adverbs.inon

3、onforinPassage A Passage A Vocabulary and structure Vocabulary and structure1.Can you _ the skirt for me?It is too short now.2.The thought of war _ me.3.You should _ your horizons by traveling more.4.Why does the sun lighten our hair,but _ our skin?5.Sorrow and trouble either soften the heart or _ i

4、t.3.3.Add the suffix“-en”to the words given below.Then complete the following sentences with the words thus formed.Change the form if necessary.darkhardbroadfrightlengthlengthenfrightensbroadendarkenhardenPassage A Passage A Vocabulary and structure Vocabulary and structure4.4.Complete the following

5、 sentences by translating the Chinese given in brackets into English using“instead of.”Sample:Finally,instead of trying hard to be happy,as if that were the only purpose of life(不再努力去追求幸福,好像它是生活的唯一目的一样),I would,if I were a boy again,try still harder to make others happy.1._(他没有回答我的问题),he began to be

6、at about the bush.Instead of answering my questionPassage A Passage A Vocabulary and structure Vocabulary and structure2.Can I have chicken _(而不吃牛肉)?instead of beef3.In summer I often read in the open air _(而不是在屋子里看书).instead of in the house4.I think I should go to borrow the book _(而不是去买这本书).instea

7、d of buying itPassage A Passage A Vocabulary and structure Vocabulary and structure5.He will go on business to Shanghai_(而不是你去).instead of you4.4.Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese given in brackets into English using“instead of.”Sample:Finally,instead of trying hard to be h

8、appy,as if that were the only purpose of life(不再努力去追求幸福,好像它是生活的唯一目的一样),I would,if I were a boy again,try still harder to make others happy.Passage A Passage A Translation Translation1.1.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.I would strengthen that ability by every possible means,and on ev

9、ery possible occasion._2.Nothing is so mild and gentle as courage,nothing so cruel and pitiless as cowardice._ _世上没有东西比勇气更温文尔雅,也没有东西比怯懦更残世上没有东西比勇气更温文尔雅,也没有东西比怯懦更残酷无情酷无情。我要采取一切可能的办法,在一切可能的时刻来增强我要采取一切可能的办法,在一切可能的时刻来增强记忆力。记忆力。1.在跳舞方面,我们谁也比不上她。(equal)None of us can_.2.她说她对公司的未来很乐观。(optimistic)She said t

10、hat _.3.我送他一份礼物,但我不需要任何回报。(in return)I gave him a gift,but I _.2.2.Translate the following Chinese sentences into English with the help of the words or phrases given in brackets.equal her in dancingshe was optimistic about the future of the companyPassage A Passage A Translation Translationexpected

11、nothing in returnlThe future perfect tense(将来完成时)lExercisesGrammar将来完成时将来完成时将来完成时表示在将来某一时间之前已经完成或一直持续的动作。将来完成时由“will+have+过去分词”构成。将来完成时主要有以下几种用法:表示在将来某一时刻将要完成,或在另一个未来的动作发生之前已经完成的动作。常用的时间状语有:by+表示将来时间的短语或句子;before+表示将来时间的短语或句子;when/after+表示将来动作的句子。Grammar Grammar future perfect tense future perfect t

12、ense将来完成时将来完成时Grammar Grammar future perfect tense future perfect tensee.g.1)By the end of this week,I will have finished the book.2)By next year our teacher will have taught English for 20 years.3)Hurry up!Or the train will have left before we get to the station.4)Before long he will have forgotten

13、 all about the matter.5)When I have done that,I shall have done all I was supposed to do.6)I will have finished dinner when you come.1.1.Complete the following sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets.Grammar Grammar-Exercises-Exercises1.By this time tomorrow you _(arrive)in Shangha

14、i.2.I _(finish)all the work by the time you are back this evening.3.On her next wedding anniversary she _ _(marry)for 30 years.4.When this summer comes,we _(be)here for five years.will have arrivedwill have finished will have been will have been5 By the time you get to New York,I _(leave)for London.

15、I will have leftmarried2.2.Read the following story and then answer the questions.Grammar Grammar-Exercises-ExercisesBob loves walking.Over the next two months hes going tomake a long journey.Hes going to walk 25 miles a day,andthe journey will take 64 days.Hes going to eat two bars ofchocolate and

16、drink a liter of milk every day.Each pair ofsocks that he takes will last nine days,and then hell throwthem away.Hes going to take a camera with him,and hesdecided to take about 12 photos each day.Sample:How far will Bob have walked when he finishes the walking?Bob will have walked 1,600 miles when

17、he finishes the walking.Grammar Grammar-Exercises-Exercises1.How much milk will Bob have drunk when he finishes the walking?_ when he finishes the walking.2.How many bars of chocolate will Bob have eaten when he finishes the walking?_ when he finishes the walking.3.How many photos will Bob have take

18、n when he finishes the walking?_ when he finishes the walking.Bob will have drunk 64 liters of milkBob will have eaten 128 bars of chocolate Bob will have taken about 768 photosWritinglNoteslExerciseslAdditional examplesNotesWriting Writing Developing a paragraph by space Developing a paragraph by s

19、pace按空间展开段落是按写景状物的空间关系扩展段落,通常按空间展开段落是按写景状物的空间关系扩展段落,通常采用由远及近,由近及远,由上而下,由下而上以及顺时采用由远及近,由近及远,由上而下,由下而上以及顺时针方向、逆时针方向等方法。在描述一个空间时,应注意:针方向、逆时针方向等方法。在描述一个空间时,应注意:1)着重描写空间的主要特点;)着重描写空间的主要特点;2)描写时使用一般现在时。)描写时使用一般现在时。SampleGreat Britain is an island that lies off the northwest coast of Europe.The nearest cou

20、ntry is France,which is separated by the English Channel.The island is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the west,and the North Sea to the east.It comprises the mainland of England,Wales,and Scotland.Scotland is in the north,while Wales is in the west.Ireland,which is also an island,lies off the w

21、est coast of Great Britain.It consists of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.Great Britain together with Northern Ireland constitutes the United Kingdom.Thus,the United Kingdom is composed of four parts,of which the largest one is England.The capital city is London which is situated in sou

22、theastern England.Writing Writing Developing a paragraph by space Developing a paragraph by spaceSample这个段落主要采用由外到里的空间顺序法进行描述。先从外围描述大不列颠的地理位置,接着从内部仔细介绍它的各个组成部分英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士的相对位置,同时描述了爱尔兰岛的相对位置,最后指出英国首府伦敦的地理位置。Writing Writing Developing a paragraph by space Developing a paragraph by space常用的表示空间关系的方位词或

23、词组如下:in which,to which,from which under,below,beneath,down,over,above,up,on top of,inside,beside north,northern,south,southern,west,western,east,eastern to the left,to the right,to the north/south/west/east on the left,on the right at the back,in front of,in the middle of in the distance,far away fr

24、om next to,close to,near toWriting Writing-Exercises-ExercisesBelow is a picture of a bedroom.Write a description of it,making sure you give the reader a clear idea of what are in the bedroom,where things are in relation to each other,and what the bedroom is like on the whole.Writing Writing-Additio

25、nal examples-Additional examples在此段中,采用的表示空间关系的词语和词组有:on the fifth floor,facing,in the corner,behind the door,between and,against the wall,on the opposite side 等。The room is located on the fifth floor of the high building.One third of its total floor space is taken up by a double bed.Facing it,in th

26、e corner behind the door,stands a cupboard loaded with dishes,bottles,and bags of rice and flour.A desk completely fills the gap between the bed and the wall with the window.Behind the desk is a chair,the only one in the room;and it almost touches the boxes and trunks piled against the wall on the o

27、pposite side.SamplelLife of senior citizenslQuestionsCulture expressMr.Sun,aged 66,from Harbin,China,says,“After retirement,I usually do some exercise and talk with peers.I also take my granddaughter to and from school when her parents are busy.Sometimes I play Chinese chess or cards with others.”Cu

28、lture express Culture express-Life of senior citizens-Life of senior citizensMrs.Williams,aged 68,from California,U.S.A.,told us,“I like traveling very much.So after retirement my husband and I go to different places to see the beautiful scenery and meet different people.If I have time when Im not t

29、raveling,I work as a social worker to help those in need.”Culture express Culture express-Life of senior citizens-Life of senior citizensMr.Brown,aged 70,from Liverpool,Britain,stated,“After retirement,Im a volunteer in a local charity.Some of my peers run their own business,such as a caf,an inn,etc

30、.Some even pick up their pens to write.”Culture express Culture express-Life of senior citizens-Life of senior citizens1Which of the above lifestyles would you prefer after retirement?Why?Work in groups to discuss the following questions.Culture express Culture express-Exercises-ExercisesAmong these

31、 three lifestyles,I prefer the second one.I think after a long time of working,I need some time to rest and get refreshed.Traveling is a good way to relax myself and enrich my life.Besides,helping others when they need me can make my life colorful and meaningful.ReferenceWork in groups to discuss th

32、e following questions.Culture express Culture express-Exercises-Exercises2What kind of lifestyle do elderly people around you enjoy?Whats the difference between their lifestyle and the lifestyles mentioned above?Most elderly people around me live a life like the first one,but most of them prefer to combine the first lifestyle with the second one.Thats to say,when their children need them to take care of their grandchildren,they go to help their children;while they have enough free time,they will go out to enjoy traveling or help those in need.Reference

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