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1、(每日一练每日一练)(精选试题附答案)高中英语必修一(精选试题附答案)高中英语必修一 Unit3SportsandFitnessUnit3SportsandFitness 知识知识点总结全面整理点总结全面整理 单选题 1、My parents always save some money in store something unexpected happens.Aeven ifBwhenCin caseDso that 答案:C 考查状语从句。句意:我父母总是存一些钱以备不时之需。A.even if 即使;B.when 当时候;C.in case 以防;D.so that 以便。引导目的状语

2、从句,表示“以防”应用 in case。故选 C。2、Since Lulu has shown great talent in playing the violin,her emotional behaviors wont be allowed to_ her journey to success.AtrackBleadCblockDflash 答案:C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:由于露露在拉小提琴方面表现出了极大的天赋,所以不能让她的情绪化行为阻碍她走向成功的道路。A.track 追踪;B.lead 引领;C.block 挡住;D.flash 闪光。由上下文“her emotional beh

3、aviors wont be allowed to_ her journey to success”可知,此处表示不能让她的情绪化行为阻碍她走向成功的道路,故选 C。3、The manager said he supported the move_ he didnt think it would make much of a difference Aso thatBin order thatCnow thatDeven though 答案:D 考查连词。句意:经理说他支持这项行动,虽然他不认为会有什么不同。A.so that 以便;B.in order that 为了;C.now that 既

4、然;D.even though 虽然,尽管。根据句子结构和意思可知,这里需要表示让步的意思的连词。故选 D。4、The scientist buried himself in studies and rarely _ clothes and food.Acares aboutBrather thanCcared aboutDbe cared about 答案:C 考查动词短语和时态。句意:这位科学家埋头研究,很少关心衣服和食物。care about 是固定短语“关心,在乎”,rather than 是固定短语“而不是”,分析句子可知 and 并列了本句的两个谓语动词,buried 是过去时,所

5、此处也用过去时。根据答案应该是 cared about。故选 C。5、_ there is good communication and mutual(相互的)understanding between parents and children,there will be no so-called generation gap between them.AAs soon asBEven thoughCSo long asDEven if 答案:C 考查连词词义辨析和条件状语从句。句意:只要父母和孩子之间有良好的沟通和相互理解,他们之间就不会有所谓的代沟。A.As soon as 一就;B.Ev

6、en though 即使;C.So long as 只要;D.Even if 即使。结合语境可知,用 So long as 引导条件状语从句。故选 C 项。6、“Its a secret.Promise no one else will know it,”he lowered his voice and whispered_ no one could overhear it Ain caseBeven ifCso thatDonly if 答案:C 考查连词词义辨析。句意:“这是一个秘密。答应我,别让别人知道。”他压低了声音,低声说,以便没人能听到。A.in case 以防,万一;B.even

7、 if 即使;C.so that 目的是、以便于;D.only if 只有当。根据“no one could overhear it”可知,此处表示目的,需用 so that 引导目的状语从句。故选 C。7、John,read the text for us,_?Adoes heBwill heCdo youDwill you 答案:D 考查反义疑问句。句意:约翰,给我们读课文好吗?A.does he 他会吗;B.will he 他会吗;C.do you 你会吗;D.will you 你会吗。这是向对方提建议或命令对方做某事,空格前面是动词原形 read 开头的祈使句的肯定句,反义疑问句的疑问

8、部分用 will you。故选 D。8、Yesterday,crowds of people _ to watch the charity of performance.Awork outBmake outCturn outDreach out 答案:C 考查动词短语辨析。句意:昨天,成群的人出来观看慈善演出。A.work out 解决、算出、锻炼;B.make out 理解、辨认出;C.turn out 结果是、出席、参加;D.reach out 伸出。根据句意可知,此处表示成群的人参与观看慈善演出。故选 C 项。9、There wont be more pollution in ten y

9、ears,_?Ais itBwill itCwill thereDdoes it 答案:C 考查反意疑问句。句意:十年后不会有更多的污染,是吗?there be 句型中陈述部分的助动词是 will,反意疑问句的助动词也应是 will,陈述部分是否定形式,问句部分用肯定形式,主语永远用 there。故选 C 项。10、Lets sign up and have fun,_?Acan weBdo youCwill youDshall we 答案:D 考查反义疑问句。句意:我们报名吧,好好玩一玩,好吗?以 Lets 开头的祈使句,后面的反义疑问句部分要用shall we。故选 D。11、What h

10、e did _ what he said moved us.Amore thanBrather than Cless thanDno more than 答案:B 考查固定短语语义辨析。句意:让我们感动的是他所做的事而不是他所说的话。A.more than 超过,非常;B.rather than 并非,而不是;C.less than 少于;D.no more than 仅仅,只是。根据句意可知,此处为“而不是”。故选 B 项。12、Gradually,the city faded from memory,_ it was once such a great city.AbecauseBunle

11、ssCeven thoughDif 答案:C 考查让步状语从句和连词。句意:渐渐地,这座城市从记忆中消失了,尽管它曾经是一个非常伟大的城市。A.because 因为;B.unless 除非;C.even though 虽然,尽管;D.if 如果。根据“the city faded from memory”和“it was once such a great city”可知,前后句意有转折关系,用 even though 引导让步状语从句。故选 C 项。13、My parents want me to _ but now I still want to set off for a new adv

12、enture.Ahold backBsettle downCget acrossDwork out 答案:B 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我的父母希望我安定下来,但现在我仍然想开始一次新的冒险。A.hold back 阻止;B.settle down 安定下来;C.get across 把讲清楚;D.work out 想出,锻炼。根据后文“but now I still want to set off for a new adventure”转折的句意可知,此处指父母希望“安定下来”。故选 B 项。14、Let us sacrifice our today _ our children can h

13、ave a better tomorrow.Aso thatBin caseCeven ifDnow that 答案:A 考查连词词义辨析。句意:让我们牺牲我们的今天,让我们的孩子有一个更好的明天。A.so that 以便为了;B.in case 以防、以免;C.even if 即使;D.now that 既然。根据后句“our children can have a better tomorrow(让我们的孩子有一个更好的明天)”可知,是为了孩子有一个更好的明天。so that 引导目的状语从句。故选 A。15、With Christmas _,people have been doing

14、more shopping online.AapproachingBobservingCjoggingDsettling 答案:A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着圣诞节的临近,人们在网上购物更多了。A.approaching(在距离或时间上)靠近;B.observing 观察;C.jogging 慢跑;D.settling 解决,定居。根据句意可知,人们在网上购物更多了,是因为圣诞节临近了,“approach”意为“(在距离或时间上)靠近”,动词词性,符合句意,句子为“with 的复合结构”作状语,“Christmas”与“approach”为逻辑上的主谓关系,故空格处应用“approach”的

15、现在分词“approaching”作宾补。故选 A 项。16、Anyone,once tested _ for the bird flu virus,will receive free medical treatment from our government.ApositiveBpossibleCpotentialDproper 答案:A 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:任何禽流感病毒检测呈阳性的人,都将得到我国政府的免费治疗。A.positive 阳性的;B.possible 可能的;C.potential 潜在的;D.proper 适当的。根据后文“will receive free medi

16、cal treatment from our government”得到免费治疗可知,是已得禽流感,所以是 positive 检测为阳性符合句意。故选 A 项。17、Hes given an important talk on science to us,_?(金山)Ais heBisnt heChas heDhasnt he 答案:D 考查反意疑问句。句意:他给我们做了一个关于科学的重要报告,是吗?陈述部分的句意并没有被动含义,可判断“s”并不是 is 的缩略形式,而是 has 的缩略形式,所以反意疑问句的助动词应用 has,陈述部分是肯定,反意疑问句部分应用否定形式。故选 D 项。18、T

17、he pack of pencils to our school wasnt delivered,_ it?AdidBdidntCwasDwasnt 答案:C 考查反意疑问句。句意:发往我们学校的那包铅笔没有送到,是吗?反意疑问句中问句部分的动词与陈述部分的动词在语气上成相反的对应关系,即:肯定+否定?否定+肯定?句子前部分主语为The pack of pencils to our school,是含有动词 be 的否定句(wasnt),所以后面用 was 肯定式表达。故选 C 项。19、I dont suppose he cares,_?Adoes heBdoesnt heCdo IDdon

18、t I 答案:A 考查反意疑问句。句意:我想他不会在乎的,对吧?该句为反意疑问句,其结构为“陈述句+附加疑问句”,该句中陈述句是复合句,主句的主语是第一人称,that 是宾语从句,即“I think/believe/suppose.+that.”结构,附加疑问句须和从句的主谓保持一致,但是陈述句中的宾语从句否定前移了,即 think,suppose,believe 等词后的宾语从句,如果是否定句,需要把否定转移到 think,suppose,believe 等词上,所以从句具有否定意义,综上所述,附加疑问句应和从句主谓保持一致,且用肯定意义,应用 does he,故选 A。20、Jason f

19、aces losing the only house for the whole family after _ with the payments.Afalling overBfalling behindCfalling apartDfalling down 答案:B 考查短语辨析。句意:在不能如期完成付款之后,杰森面临着失去整个家庭唯一的房子。A.falling over 绊倒;B.falling behind 不能按时完成;C.falling apart 破裂;D.falling down 倒塌。结合句意,此处指他未能按时完成支付,所以选 B。故选 B。21、After the excit

20、ement of Tokyo,there are the Beijing Winter Olympics to _.Awork outBlook forward toCfall behindDtake over 答案:B 考查动词短语辨析。句意:在东京的兴奋之后,还有北京冬奥会的期待。A.work out 计算出;B.look forward to期待;C.fall behind 落后;D.take over 接管。根据“After the excitement of Tokyo”可知,东京奥运会后,人们还可以期待北京冬奥会。故选 B。22、The student made great pro

21、gress _the help of his teachers and classmates.Arather thanBthanks toCwith the hope ofDin addition 答案:B 考查固定短语辨析。句意:多亏了老师和同学的帮助,这个学生取得了很大的进步。A.rather than 而不是;B.thanks to 由于,多亏了;C.with the hope of 怀有的希望;D.in addition 另外。由“the help of his teachers and classmates”和“made great progress”可知,句子表示“多亏了老师和同学

22、的帮助,这个学生取得了很大的进步”,因此空格处是 thanks to,故选 B。23、Many Chinese designers just _ slogans like renaissance and add so-called Chinese elements into their design,while they may not have a good _ of Chinese culture.Astress;inspirationBrumble;impression Chonk;understandingDchant;knowledge 答案:D 考查动词以及名词辨析。句意:许多中国

23、设计师只是高呼文艺复兴之类的口号,并在设计中加入所谓的中国元素,而他们可能对中国文化不太了解。A.stress 强调;inspiration 灵感;B.rumble 发出隆隆声;impression 印象;C.honk 鸣响;understanding 理解;D.chant 反复呼喊;knowledge 知识。根据句意和选项可知,第一空应选 chant,而 chant slogans 表“喊口号”;第二空应选 knowledge,而 have a good knowledge of 表“通晓”,为固定搭配,且符合语境。故选 D 项。24、_you stick to reading Englis

24、h aloud every day,your oral English will get better.AAs long asBEven thoughCAs soon as 答案:A 考查条件状语从句。句意:只要你坚持每天大声朗读英语,你的口语就会更好。A.As long as 只要;B.Even though 尽管;C.As soon as 一就。分析句子可知,句子为条件状语从句,空格处内容引导从句,根据句意可知,应用“As long as”引导从句,意为“只要”,表示只要你坚持每天大声朗读英语,你的口语就会更好。故选 A 项。25、_cutting out the food I enjoy

25、ed,I added healthy foods to my meals.AOther thanBRather thanCMore thanDLess than 答案:B 考查固定短语辨析。句意:我在我的饮食中添加了健康食物,而不是停止我喜欢吃的食物。A.Other than 除了;B.Rather than 而不是;C.More than 多于;D.Less than 少于。由“I added healthy foods to my meals”可知,我在我的饮食中添加了健康食物,而不是停止我喜欢吃的食物,空格处意为“而不是”,故选 B。26、Take the note as a remin

26、der _ you forget to buy some sweets for the kids while shopping there.AwhileBsinceCin caseDeven if 答案:C 考查连词词义辨析。句意:把这张纸条作为提醒,以防你在那里购物时忘记给孩子们买糖果。A.while 然而;B.since 因为;C.in case 以防;D.even if 即使。根据“Take the note as a reminder”可知,用纸条作提醒,以防购物时忘记给孩子们买糖果,用 in case 引导目的状语从句。故选 C。27、Lets try again,?Adont we

27、Bshall weCare weDwont we 答案:B 考查反义疑问句。句意:我们再试一次,好吗?分析句子的结构可知,Lets do sth.句型的反义疑问句均使用shall we。故选 B。28、Why do people like classic music?I dont like it at all._it is not your style,that doesnt mean it is bad.AEven thoughBOnly ifCNow thatDIn case 答案:A 考查连词词义辨析。句意:为什么人们喜欢古典音乐?我一点也不喜欢它。即使这不是你的风格,也不意味着它不好。

28、A.Even though 即使,尽管;B.Only if 只有在的时候,只要就;C.Now that 既然;D.In case 以防,万一。根据句意可知“它不是你的风格”与后文的“这并不意味着它不好”之间是转折关系,even though“即使,尽管”,引导让步状语从句,符合句意。故选 A。29、As is known to all,the rose could represent love and _,and the rainbow could symbolize hope.AdeterminationBaffectionCconnectionDconsideration 答案:B 考查名

29、词词义辨析。句意:众所周知,玫瑰象征着爱情和爱慕,彩虹象征着希望。A.determination 决定;B.affection 爱慕;C.connection 联系;D.consideration 考虑。根据句子结构,设空处应该填写名词作宾语,与love 并列,affection 符合句意,故选 B。30、We should learn more information technology _ we can improve our teaching efficiency.Aso thatBin caseCnow thatDeven if 答案:A 考查目的状语从句。句意:我们应该学习更多的信

30、息技术,这样我们才能提高教学效率。A.so that 以便;为的是;B.in case 以防;C.now that 既然;D.even if 即使;纵然。分析可知,学习更多的信息技术的目的是提高效率,所以空白处填 so that,符合题意,故选 A。完成句子 31、我们将在教室举行会议而不是在大厅。We will have the meeting in the classroom_ _in the great hall.答案:rather than 考查短语。rather than 而不是。根据句意,故填 rather than。32、即使我们面临一些困难,也不要丧失信心,最后一切都会好起来的

31、。(even though)_,we shall not lose heart and everything will work out all right in the end.答案:Even though we are faced with some difficulties 考查时态和从句。表示“即使”应用 even though 引导让步状语从句;从句主语为 we;表示“面临”短语为be faced with,此处应用一般现在时;表示“一些困难”应用 some difficulties。句首单词首字母要大写。故填Even though we are faced with some di

32、fficulties。33、在我一年级的时候,正是老师的帮助给我树立了榜样。(强调句)_ for me in my freshman year.答案:It was my teachers help that set an example 考查时态和强调句型。根据要求用强调句型:it is+被强调部分+that+其余部分,本句强调的是主语;句中涉及固定短语 set an example for sb,为某人树立榜样;时间状语“在我一年级的时候”表明用一般过去时,故填It was my teachers help that set an example。34、你只要记住,亲子关系紧张会产生压力,由

33、此带来的困扰在正常不过,而你和父母可以齐心协力,改善你们的关系 Just remember that its normal to _that parent-child tensions create,and that you and your parents can work together to improve your relationship.答案:struggle with the stress 考查动词短语和名词。分析句子可知,空处前的 to 为动词不定式,故此处应填动词原形,由语意可知,此处考查固定短语 struggle with,意为“与作斗争”,表示“压力”应用名词 stre

34、ss,应用定冠词表示特指,故为the stress,因此完整表达为 struggle with the stress。故填 struggle with the stress。35、我相信你们有能力对你们的家庭、社区、国家产生影响。I have confidence in your ability to _ to your family,to your community and to your country.答案:make a difference 考查不定式及动词短语。根据句意,此处表示“产生影响”,应用 make a difference,结合 ability to do sth.可知,

35、to 为不定式符号,其后接动词原形。故填 make a difference。36、我们最近对一所高中的 150 名学生进行了关于他们每天能睡多长时间的调查。We have made a survey recently about _ among 150 students in a senior high school.答案:how much time students can sleep every day 考查宾语从句及其语序。根据汉语提示,空白处的内容为“他们(学生)每天能睡多长时间”。表示“多长时间”用how much time;表示“学生”用 students;表示“能”用 can;

36、表示“睡觉”用 sleep;表示“每天”用 every day;分析可知,设空处在句中为宾语从句,所以语序用陈述语序,故填 how much time students can sleep every day.37、据报道,这次暴风雨影响到了当地 15000 多人。有 163 人受伤,3 人失踪。(injure;miss)_ _ _ _the rainstorm influenced over 15,000 people.163 people_ _and 3 people_ _.答案:It is reported that were injured were missing 考查形式主语和形容

37、词。根据句意可知,第一话需要句型 It is reported that.“据报道”,it 为形式主语,that从句为真正的主语;第二句话可用主系表结构,句子时态为一般过去时,injured 为形容词“受伤的”,missing 为形容词“失踪的”。故填Itisreportedthatwereinjuredweremissing。38、他受骗相信自己是养子。He was _ _ _ that he was an adopted son.答案:cheated into believing 考查短语。be cheated into doing sth.被骗去做某事。根据句意,故填cheated in

38、to believing。39、医生建议我每周去健身房锻炼两次以保持健康。The doctor suggests I work _ at a gym twice a week to keep fit.答案:out 考查固定短语。“锻炼”的英语是 work out。故填 out。40、进一步的阅读让我意识到,是她的努力和坚定让她进了医学院。_(far)reading made me realise _ hard work and _ that got her into medical school.答案:Further it was determination 考查形容词比较级和强调句型。分析句

39、子并翻译语境可知,此处表示进一步阅读,使用 far 的比较级 further,且位于句首,首字母需大写。句中谓语动词为 made,动词 realise 是宾语补足语,后接宾语从句,determination 是名词意为“坚定”在从句中与 hard work 并列作主语,分析句子可知,可知从句是强调句型,使用 it is/was+主语+that.形式。故分别填Furtherit wasdetermination。小提示:语法填空 41、Too much pride often leads to _(fail).(所给词的适当形式填空)答案:failure 考查名词。句意:过分骄傲往往导致失败。l

40、ead to 导致,动词短语;此处 to 的介词,后接名词作宾语;fail 的名词为 failure“失败”,不可数名词。故填 failure。42、It takes hard work and _(determine)to reach the goals that we want to achieve.(所给词的适当形式填空)答案:determination 考查名词。句意:实现我们想要达到的目标需要努力工作和决心。分析句子结构可知,设空处需填入名词,与hard work 并列作宾语,determine 的名词 determination“决心”,为不可数名词。故填 determinatio

41、n。43、Two players are out of the team because of _(injure).(所给词的适当形式填空)答案:injury 考查名词。句意:两名队员因受伤出队。分析句子成分可知,应该使用 injure 的名词 injury 在句中作宾语,它在这里不需要变复数。故填 injury。44、His _(determine)remains as strong as ever despite all the setbacks he has encountered.(所给词的适当形式填空)答案:determination 考查名词。句意:尽管他遇到了种种挫折,但他的决心

42、一如既往地坚定。分析句式结构再根据 his 可知,此处应该用提示词的名词形式 determination 作主语,故填 determination。45、The problem was psychological rather _physiological.(用适当的词填空)答案:than 考查介词。句意:问题是心理上的,而不是生理上的。rather than“而不是”,固定搭配。符合题意。故填 than。46、The three leaders had worked _a peace plan.(用适当的词填空)答案:out 考查动词短语和副词。句意:三位领导人想出了一项和平计划。work

43、out 意为“想出,得到(解决方法);解(谜);计算出;锻炼”,此处指“想出,得到(解决方法)”,符合句意。故填 out。47、She recommended you _(give)up smoking.(所给词的适当形式填空)答案:to give#give#should give 考查固定搭配。句意:她建议你戒烟。分析句意再根据 recommend 可知,此处表示“建议某人做某事”有两种固定搭配,用 recommend sb to do sth 或者 recommend+that 从句,且从句中用虚拟语气,谓语动词用 should+动词原形,should 可以省略。故答案为 to give/

44、(should)give 48、Little Johnny felt the bag,curious to know what it_(contain).(所给词的适当形式填空)答案:contained 考查动词时态。句意:小约翰尼摸了摸包,很想知道里面装的是什么。contain 意为“包含,含有”,在句中作谓语,由句中 felt 可知,句子时态为一般过去时,此处 contain 需用过去时 contained。故填 contained。49、Ive been _(diet)ever since the birth of my fourth child.(所给词的适当形式填空)答案:dieti

45、ng 考查时态。句意:自从我第四个孩子出生后,我就一直在节食。根据“ever since the birth of my fourth child”可知,句子用现在完成进行时态,其结构为 have/has been doing sth.。diet 为动词“节食”。故填 dieting。50、The director agreed to add it to the playing list.But Naomi would have to ask Steves permission.He considered it_ honour.(用适当的词填空)答案:an 考查冠词。句意:导演同意把它加到播放列表中。但娜欧米得征得史蒂夫的同意。他认为这是一种荣誉。该句中 honour 为可数名词单数形式,此处为泛指概念,表示“一种荣誉”,满足句意要求,结合 honour 为首音节元音单词。故填 an。

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