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1、一、阅读理解Jim comes from the US. He lives in China. He gets up at about 6:30 and has breakfast at seven. After breakfast he says goodbye to his parents and goes to school. He usually walks to school, because his home is near the school. His first class begins at eight. He has lunch at about 11:30. After

2、 that he plays with his friends. He likes to play football. School is over at 4:00. He usually goes home and does his homework. He watches TV after dinner. And then he goes to bed at 10:00.犇1、Jim is from . ()AChinaBthe USCthe UK犇2、Jim is a . ()AteacherBstudentCdoctor犇3、Does Jim go to school at 7:00?

3、 ()AYesBNo.CWe dont know.犇4、Jims home is the school. ()AnearBfar fromCin front of犇5、Jim likes to play . ()Acomputer gamesBchessCfootball二、阅读理解Last night, Mr Black and his wife went out to take a walk. They walked along the street and chatted happily. At about half past eight, they came back home. Wh

4、en they walked to the front door, Mr Black said, “Listen, I can hear someone in our house.”“Yes, you are right,” said Mrs Black, “And there are two men in it. Theyre saying something. Jack and Tom should be at school. Ah, they must be thieves (小偷).”Then Mr Black and his wife called the police for he

5、lp. And they stayed out of the house. After three minutes, four policemen came. Mr Black opened the door quickly and turned on the lights. But there was no one! The TV was still on. Then Mrs Black laughed, Oh, Im sorry. I forgot (忘记) to turn it off!犇6、Mr Black and his wife went out to _ last night.

6、()Ado shoppingBmeet the policeCtake a walk犇7、Mr Black and his wife came back home at about _. ()A8:30B8:15C9:30犇8、Mrs Black thought (认为) _ were in her house. ()AJack and TomBtwo thievesCfour policemen犇9、Who forgot to turn off the TV? ()_AMr Black.BMrs Black.CJack and Tom.犇10、Which one is right? ()AM

7、rs Black was a careful (细心的) woman.BThere were two men saying something in their house.CIn fact, there was no one in the house.三、阅读理解Reporter: How do you come to school, Mike?Mike: I come to school by bike.Reporter: Do you often play football?Mike: Yes, I do.Reporter: How do you usually come to scho

8、ol, Cindy?Cindy: I usually come to school by school bus. I like talking with my friends on the school bus. Its interesting.犇11、Mike comes to school _. ()Aby busBon footCby bike犇12、Cindy usually comes to school _. ()Aby bikeBby school busCby car犇13、Mike often play _. ()AfootballBbasketballCtable tenn

9、is犇14、Why does Cindy like coming to school by school bus? ()ABecause she likes the school bus.BBecause she likes singing with her friends.CBecause she likes talking with her friends.犇15、Cindy think its _ to talk with friends on the school bus. ()AbadBinterestingCboring (无聊的)四、阅读理解Dear Mark,How are y

10、ou? I am so glad to be your pen pal. Now let me introduce myself. My name is Chen Jie. I am 12、 I live in Beijing China. I know you are interested in Chinese. I feel so happy to let you learn about China.Pandas are my favourite animals. They are cute and shy. They are black and white. They like to e

11、at bamboo. So most of them live in Sichuan.Do you like food? We have many kinds of traditional(传统的) food. On Spring Festival, we have dumplings. On Dragon Boat Festival, we have zongzi. On Mid-Autumn Festival, we have mooncakes. They are all delicious.If you come to Beijing, I will take you to the G

12、reat Wall. It is a very long wall. I will take you to the Palace Museum(故宫). You can learn about the ancient(古代) Emperors lives(皇帝的生活).I hope you will write to me soon.Yours,Chen Jie犇16、The letter is from _. ()AChen JieBpen palCMark犇17、The letter is to _. ()AChen JieBpen palCMark犇18、Where do pandas

13、live? ()AThe Great Wall.BThe Summer Palace.CSichuan.犇19、We have _ on Mid-Autumn Day. ()AzongziBdumplingsCmooncakes犇20、What are pandas favourite food? ()ADumplings.BMooncakes.CBamboo.五、阅读理解Ann lives in New York. Her father has a shop there and her mother is a doctor. She is seven years old and begins

14、 to go to school this autumn. Its a little far from the shop and her father drives a car to take her to school every day. So she is never late for class and her teachers like her. It is Monday today. Miss Green is teaching them to count from one to ten. Ann is studying hard, and then she can count t

15、hem. Miss Green is happy and asks, “How many people are there in your family, Ann?” Ann stands up and says, “Two, Miss Green. ” “Who are they?” “My father and my mother. ” “Oh?” Miss Green is surprised. She says, “There are three people in your family. ” Ann answers, “But now I am not at home. Im at

16、 school, you know. ”犇21、Ann is an _ girl. ()AEnglishBAmericanCChinese犇22、What grade is Ann in? ()AShe is in Grade Three.BShe is in Grade Two.CShe is in Grade One.犇23、How does Ann go to school every day? ()ABy car.BBy bike.CBy bus.犇24、Why is Miss Green happy? ()ABecause Ann is late for class.BBecause

17、 the children arent listening to her.CBecause Ann can count from one to ten.犇25、How many people are there in Anns family? ()AOne.BTwo.CThree.六、阅读理解Aunt Liu is ill. She is in the Peoples Hospital. Xiao Mings mother tells him to take a basket of eggs to Aunt Liu. But Xiao Ming doesnt know the way. On

18、the way Xiao Ming sees an old man. The old man walks in front of him. He goes up and says, “Hi, old fellow” But the old man doesnt answer him and walks on. Xiao Ming gets puzzled(迷惑的). Suddenly he knows why. It is not polite(有礼貌的) to say “old fellow” to an old man. Now he goes up to the old man agai

19、n and asks, “Excuse me, grandpa, would you please tell me the way to the Peoples Hospital?” The time the old man answers, “Well, go along this street, then turn left. Its just behind the park.” Xiao Ming thanks the old man and walks on. Soon he finds the hospital.犇26、Aunt Liu _ in a hospital. ()Awor

20、ksBis illCsees Xiao Ming犇27、Xiao Mings mother wants him to _. ()Atake some eggs to Aunt Liu.Bgo to Aunt Lius homeCsee an old grandpa犇28、Xiao Ming asks the old man _. ()Ato tell him the wayBto go to a hospitalCto walk in front of him犇29、The park is _ the hospital. ()AbehindBfar fromCin front of犇30、It

21、 is polite(有礼貌的) to say “_” to an old man. ()Aold fellowBHi, old fellowCgrandpa【参考答案】一、阅读理解解析:犇1、B犇2、B犇3、B犇4、A犇5、C【解析】二、阅读理解解析:犇6、C犇7、A犇8、B犇9、B犇10、C【分析】短文讲述了布莱克夫妇散步回来,以为家中有小偷的故事。犇6、句意:布莱克先生和他的妻子昨晚出去_。A购物,B见警察,C散步。根据Last night, Mr Black and his wife went out to take a walk. 昨晚,布莱克先生和他的妻子出去散步。可知C选项符合题

22、意,故选C。犇7、句意:布莱克先生和他的妻子大约_回到家。根据At about half past eight, they came back home. 大约8:30,他们回家了。可知A选项符合题意,故选A。犇8、句意:布莱克夫人认为_在她的家里。A杰克和汤姆,B两个小偷,C. 4个警察。根据“Yes, you are right,” said Mrs Black, “And there are two men in it. Theyre saying something. Jack and Tom should be at school. Ah, they must be thieves.

23、” 是的,你说得对,布莱克太太说,里面有两个人。他们在说着什么。杰克和汤姆应该在学校。啊,他们一定是小偷。可知B选项符合题意,故选B。犇9、句意:谁忘记关电视了?_ A布莱克先生。B布莱克夫人。C杰克和汤姆。根据Then Mrs Black laughed, Oh, Im sorry. I forgot (忘记) to turn it off! 然后布莱克夫人笑了,哦,对不起。我忘了把它关掉!可知B选项符合题意,故选B。犇10、句意:哪一个是正确的?A布莱克夫人是一个细心的女人。B有两个人在他们家里说话。C事实上,房子里没有人。根据Mr Black opened the door quickl

24、y and turned on the lights. But there was no one! 布莱克先生迅速打开门,打开了灯。但是没有人!可知C选项正确,故选C。【点睛】三、阅读理解解析:犇11、C犇12、B犇13、A犇14、C犇15、B【解析】本文主要讲了迈克和辛蒂来学校的交通方式。犇11、句意:迈克_来学校。根据Mike: I come to school by bike.,可知迈克骑自行车来学校,选项A是乘公共汽车,选项B为步行,故选C。犇12、句意:辛蒂通常_来学校。根据Cindy: I usually come to school by school bus.,可知辛蒂通常乘校

25、车来学校,选项A为骑自行车,选项C为乘汽车,故选B。犇13、句意:迈克经常踢_。根据Reporter: Do you often play football? Mike: Yes, I do.,可知迈克经常踢足球,选项B为篮球,选项C为乒乓球,故选A。犇14、句意:辛蒂为什么喜欢乘校车上学?根据I like talking with my friends on the school bus.,可知因为可以在校车上和朋友交谈,选项A为因为她喜欢校车。选项B为因为她喜欢和朋友一起唱歌。故选C。犇15、句意:辛蒂认为和朋友在校车上交谈是_。根据Its interesting.,可知辛蒂认为和朋友在校

26、车上交谈是有趣的,选项A为坏的,选项C为无聊的,故选B。【点睛】四、阅读理解解析:犇16、A犇17、C犇18、C犇19、C犇20、C【导语】本文是作者向她的笔友介绍自己和介绍中国。犇16、句意:这封信来自_。A陈洁,B笔友,C马克。根据书信署名可知信是陈洁写的,故选A。犇17、句意:这封信是写给_。A陈洁,B笔友,C马克。根据书信的称呼可知是写给马克的信,故选C。犇18、句意:熊猫住在哪里?A长城,B颐和园,C四川。根据“So most of them live in Sichuan.”大多数熊猫都居住在四川,故选C。犇19、句意:中秋节我们吃_。A粽子,B饺子,C月饼。根据“On Mid-A

27、utumn Festival, we have mooncakes. ”可知我们中秋节吃月饼,故选C。犇20、句意:熊猫最喜欢的食物是什么?A饺子,B月饼,C竹子。根据“They like to eat bamboo. ”可知熊猫喜欢吃竹子,故选C。五、阅读理解21、B犇22、C犇23、A犇24、C犇25、C【解析】短文大意:介绍安及她上学时发生的故事。犇21、句意:安是一个_女孩。A英国的;B美国的解析:犇21、B犇22、C犇23、A犇24、C犇25、C【解析】短文大意:介绍安及她上学时发生的故事。犇21、句意:安是一个_女孩。A英国的;B美国的;C中国的;根据Ann lives in Ne

28、w York. 可知她是美国女孩。故选B。犇22、句意:安在几年级?根据 She is seven years old and begins to go to school this autumn. 可知她七岁了,今年秋天刚去上学。故应该在一年级,故选C。犇23、句意:安每天怎么去上学?根据Its a little far from the shop and her father drives a car to take her to school every day. 可知她乘小汽车去上学。故选A。犇24、句意:格林小姐为什么高兴?A因为安上学迟到。B因为孩子们不听她的话。C因为安能从1数到

29、10。根据Ann is studying hard, and then she can count them. 可知因为她能从1数到10。故选C。犇25、句意:安家有几口人?根据My father and my mother. 可知有三口人。故选C。【点睛】六、阅读理解26、B犇27、A犇28、A犇29、C犇30、C【解析】犇26、题干句意为刘阿姨_在医院里。根据短文Aunt Liu is ill. 刘阿解析:犇26、B犇27、A犇28、A犇29、C犇30、C【解析】犇26、题干句意为刘阿姨_在医院里。根据短文Aunt Liu is ill. 刘阿姨病了。故选B。犇27、题干句意为小明的妈妈想

30、要他_。根据短文Xiao Mings mother tells him to take a basket of eggs to Aunt Liu. 小明的妈妈告诉他带一篮子鸡蛋给刘阿姨。故选A。犇28、题干句意为小明问老人_。根据短文Excuse me, grandpa, would you please tell me the way to the Peoples Hospital?” 打扰一下爷爷,你能告诉我去人民医院的路吗?故选A。犇29、题干句意为公园在医院的_。根据短文Its just behind the park. 它就在公园的后面。故选C。犇30、题干句意为对老人比较有礼貌的应该说_。根据短文Excuse me, grandpa打扰一下,爷爷。故选C。

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