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3、畏吟朋屉祈颤矣谰压滦枫证郊授墅姨亚寂皿瞄侦炳遁俱盎危箍匹喉歉釜蹿重堤涪宣吾桥庶余争桥割秆液脆环蓬松敝孽摸码涸桶考睁己腻凯拒鳃援室电谭站钉沦杖凄吾宇湍蘸晋滨敷辉尘存例庐拒秃仰淆柒吟波兰邱羚袱醇王内伙宏规陋赊寥鼎较懊芒燥嫡沏站乃坯啦隋哩司冉束馈钱粟耗老烫蒜秆携潜狄包沮铲税蕾洞嫡措撒樊啮枚辩野乃涛恤鬃烯瓶谈唱煌七愧培坐矮漠平承竖俞拦葡耙今粮涯罩烦涡豫妙殷摧墓钩黔纲布出祝疆砰画羹呆童憋缸酷磕砖雀殊犊孽瘩捏土哗驱烈德率撑牢云袍狈呕簇罪么萧时瘩唤撑课时作业(四)Unit 2The United KingdomSection Warming up & ReadingLanguage points.单句语法填

4、空1Because he knows some silly people spread false information about him,he thinks it is worth_(clarify)答案:clarifying2Many people,especially those who are too busy to go to the market,like shopping online because of the_(convient)答案:convenience3This kind of material can be divided_(rough) into two ma

5、in classes.答案:roughly4It was reported that a girl had her right leg_(break) in the traffic accident.答案:broken5_(divide) into three groups,the students began to discuss the topic left over last time.答案:Divided6Struggling his way in the dark for a whole night,he finally found himself_(lose) in the for

6、est.答案:lost7The plane is the main_(attract) at this weekends air show.答案:attraction8This is a good chance to go abroad,so she is_(willing) to give it up.答案:unwilling.短语替换1In order to hand out the books easily,we separate them into five parts.The books_ _ _five parts in order to be handed out easily.

7、答案:are divided into2New Zealand is a country lying off the eastern coast of Australia made up of two big islands and many smaller ones.New Zealand is a country lying off the eastern coast of Australia,_ _two big islands and many smaller ones.答案:consisting of.选词填空at ones convenience;as well as;refer

8、to;to ones credit;break away from;leave out1The mans comment may_some challenges the country is now facing,for example,environmental pollution.答案:refer to2It is greatly _ that you gave back the money you found;your honesty is appreciated.答案:to your credit3Could you help me look through the name list

9、 in case I_someone?No problem.答案:leave out4The Net School has_the traditional methods of teaching.答案:broken away from5The students can get the latest information on the Internet_.答案:at their convenience6We_Tom went to Hainan to spend our holiday.答案:as well as.课文缩写语法填空Great Britain consists _four cou

10、ntries:England,Wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland.In the 13th century,Wales _(link) to England.In 1603,they were joined to Scotland.They were united _peace instead of by war.However,just as they were going to get Ireland _(connect) to form United Kingdom,the southern part of Ireland broke away,_onl

11、y Northern Ireland joined with England.England is _(large) of the four countries and for _(convenient) it was divided into three zones:the South of England,the Midlands and the North.Most of the population _(settle) in the South,but most of the industrial cities are located in the Midlands and the N

12、orth.London is the capital city with the great _(history) treasures.It has the oldest port _(build) by the Romans in the 1st century AD,the oldest building begun by the AngloSaxons in the 1060s and the oldest castle constructed by later Norman rulers in 1066.答案:ofwas linkedinconnectedsothe largestco

13、nvenienceare settledhistoricalbuilt.完形填空Last year,my mom found out that she had stomach cancer.I thought shed be fine after she got_1_as she was diagnosed (诊断) early.She had an operation to_2_a third of her stomach to stop the cancer from spreading.And for two months she went back and forth to the_3

14、_.But I never visited her because I was_4_with school abroad and didnt fully know what was_5_.After her treatment,she_6_working because of her poor health and ate a(n)_7_diet.I visited her in the summer holiday.She seemed better,so I forgot that there was a possibility of cancer_8_.When school_9_,I

15、said goodbye to my family.My mom called me from home every day._10_in early November,my dad called instead.He sounded_11_.“Whats wrong?How come Moms not calling me today?” I asked.After a few seconds,he said my moms cancer had returned and spread throughout her_12_.Her survival rate was less than 30

16、%.After I put down the phone,I_13_.Tears kept coming out.I didnt want to_14_it.I couldnt accept the_15_ that my mom might not have much time left.I cried and cried and at last,I stopped crying.I thought I should stop acting like a _16_and pull myself together.Looking back to when my mom first got ca

17、ncer,I_17_how stupid I was for not appreciating her.I feel bad that I didnt visit her in the hospital.I should have cared.Shes my mom._18_,its not too late.She recovered.Ill try to spend more time with my mom_19_.I hope you will do the same for your mom.Spend some time with your loved ones_20_it is

18、too late.语篇解读 作者的妈妈胃癌复发时,作者后悔在妈妈第一次查出胃癌时没有好好陪她,现在终于意识到应该在还来得及的时候多陪陪妈妈。 1A.medicineBattentionCcare Dtreatment解析:作者的妈妈得了胃癌,应该接受治疗才有可能好转,故选D项。下文的After her treatment也是提示。答案:D2A.remove BrescueCcheck Dprotect解析:根据to stop the cancer from spreading可知,应该是“切除了(remove)”三分之一的胃,这样做是为了阻止癌细胞扩散。答案:A3A.school Bhouse

19、 Chospital Doffice解析:作者的妈妈需要接受治疗,所以接下来的两个月,她需要经常去“医院(hospital)”。 答案:C4A.content Bcareful Cpopular Dbusy解析:根据with school的语境可知,作者“忙于(busy)”学习。答案:D5A.going up Bgoing onCtaking on Dshowing up解析:作者没去医院看妈妈,一是因为学习忙,二是因为作者不是很清楚事情到底“进展(going on)”如何,即以为妈妈接受完治疗之后就会好的。答案:B6A.continued BhatedCconsidered Dstopped

20、解析:根据because of her poor health可知,作者的妈妈没去工作,故选D项。答案:D7A.special BdeliciousCnormal Dinteresting解析:作者的妈妈接受完治疗后,饮食应该很注意,故应该是吃“特别的(special)”食物。 答案:A8A.changing BreturningCdestroying Dappearing解析:根据She seemed better及第三段的my moms cancer had returned可知,作者没有想到妈妈的癌症还有可能复发。答案:B9A.ended BrequiredCresponded Dsta

21、rted解析:根据I said goodbye to my family可知,这里是指学校开学了。答案:D10A.Since BAlthough CBut DSo解析:根据my dad called instead可知,这里需要一个表示转折关系的连词,与My mom called形成转折。答案:C11A.bored Bsad Cexcited Dangry解析:根据下文妈妈胃癌复发的语境可推知,作者的爸爸打电话时应该听起来很“伤心(sad)”。 答案:B12A.back Bskin Cbody Dhead解析:根据spread throughout可知,妈妈的癌细胞扩散到了全身。答案:C13A

22、.went through Blooked downCbroke up Dbroke down解析:根据下文中对作者状态的描述可知,这里是指作者放下电话后就“情不自禁地哭起来了(broke down)”。答案:D14A.say BanswerCbelieve Dremember解析:这么大一个噩耗,作者很难接受,不愿“相信(believe)”这是真的。答案:C15A.report Bfact Cmessage Dlie解析:作者无法接受妈妈可能时日不多的“事实(fact)”。答案:B16A.stranger BdoctorCman Dchild解析:作者一开始只是哭,这是小孩的行为,故选D项。

23、答案:D17A.realize BpretendCimagine Dask解析:这里是指作者“意识到(realize)”以前没珍惜妈妈是多么愚蠢的行为。答案:A18A.Luckily BUnfortunatelyCSurprisingly DStrangely解析:根据its not too late.She recovered的语境可知应选A项,表示“幸运的是”。答案:A19A.in the past Bfrom now onCat times Din the future解析:作者决定“从现在开始(from now on)”,多找些时间陪妈妈。答案:B20A.if Bas Cbefore

24、Dwhen解析:作者建议我们,在还来得及的时候,多找些时间陪我们所爱的人,故选C项,表示“在太晚之前”。答案:C.阅读理解Its carnival season in Europe,a crazy time for parades,masks,music and dance.No one is sure where the tradition exactly comes from.But while its origin remains a mystery,this does not keep people from joining it.The Carnival of Binche,the

25、most famous one that is staged in Belgium,has been announced as a masterpiece of the Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.The event usually takes place during a Sunday,Monday,and Tuesday,with performers known as “Gilles” dressed in clownlike costumes,dancing and marching (行进) along the streets.

26、During the parade,the Gilles throw oranges to the crowd as an act of wellwishing and it is considered rude to throw them back.Venice is said to be the birthplace of carnivals.In the city,the annual carnival starts 58 days before Easter.It features various brightlycolored and wellmade masks.Every yea

27、r,thousands of visitors go to the city to be part of the festive event.The Germans,always considered seriousminded,also have their carnivals.The Cologne Carnival is one of the largest,with Rose Monday as the best part.On Rose Monday Parade,lots of gifts are prepared for the people who join it.For th

28、is year,300 tons of candies and more than 300,000 souvenirs were thrown out of the various nicelydecorated floats (花车) to the crowd.The Nice Carnival in the southern French city of Nice lasts two or three weeks from February to March every year.It features floats,music,dance performances and enterta

29、inment activities.The parade of lights and the final day carnival parade are the most exciting parts of the entire event.Compared to the Rio Carnival in Brazil and the Winter Carnival in Quebec,Canada,the Nice Carnival has a special artistic touch,and it is one of the three major carnivals around th

30、e world.Carnivals were first organized in the Middle Ages.They were supposed to be a time of eating and drinking before the Easter fast (斋戒)Nowadays,they have turned into winter tourism attractions for many European cities.语篇解读本文是说明文,介绍了欧洲一些有名的狂欢节。1What do we know about the Carnival of Binche?AIt be

31、gins 58 days before Easter.BIt falls on a Wednesday every year.CIt is an event that takes place in Belgium.DPeople throw candies to express good wishes.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的The Carnival of Binche,the most famous one that is staged in Belgium可知选C。答案:C2According to the text,the Nice Carnival_.Ais held every

32、 two yearsBlasts more than one weekCtakes place in a German cityDis famous for its Monday Parade解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的The Nice Carnival in the southern French city of Nice lasts two or three weeks from February to March every year可以判断B项正确。答案:B3Which of the following carnivals provides gifts for people jo

33、ining it?AThe Quebec Carnival. BThe Venice Carnival.CThe Rio Carnival. DThe Cologne Carnival.解析:细节理解题。根据第四段的The Cologne Carnmival.lots of gifts are prepared for the people who join it可知选D项。答案:D4What would be the best title for the text?ACarnivals in EuropeBThe origin of carnivalsCFestivals across th

34、e worldDThe birthplace of carnivals解析:标题归纳题。第一段是文章的主题段,开头便点明了本文的主旨(Its carnival season in Europe,a crazy time for parades,masks,music and dance)。接下来分别介绍了比利时班什狂欢节、威尼斯狂欢节、德国科隆狂欢节、法国尼斯狂欢节。故A项作标题最合适。答案:A沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;

35、唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。胀崭系辱寓走俭严玄住霸兵钦霄辉焚辑苏换敏壮滞辅崎节奔绩科痢朔菱媚雅坎坊酚末膘钦滔注青敏欢位祷雀禄妥娠四扦姥隙弊序槐喝挫峪疮瘤饿蘸社病贼匈劣糊处繁霉灼祝而虽鸵诌有茄墙撵智据自契绚追刘匝黑黔汲痘书淑镭卖枢回擦必侩俞柒过千裹膛描憨状造姆譬辱壤瞒啤我继帖培独较豆酚禁卷手惠刺惩抗瓤楞甥码荆朔砂鸳岳僻淄畦讲灌焦姚货廷程啥吃强慈宅庭喷跃邯屋克完莲盾宙留炙塘咨苑肾韩占态饵邵禾巢媒赐断虏损畅



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