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1、Alliteration(,litrein)头韵1.Definition:The word“alliteration”derives from Latin,meaning“repeating and playing upon the same letter”.It is the repetition of initial consonant in two or more words.1精品2.Examples:(1).The two friends were faithful through thick and thin.(2).This is a tried and true way of

2、saving water.2精品Assonances()nns谐音1.Definition:Assonance is the repetition or resemblancerrzembl(zembl()ns)ns of vowel sounds in the stressed syllables of a sequencesisikw(kw()ns)ns of words,preceded and followed by different consonants.Assonance also refers to the likeness of sound in a series of wo

3、rds.3精品2.Examples:(1).Its fair and square affair from the beginning to the end.(2).A little pot is soon hot.4精品Consonancekns()nns尾韵1.Definition:Consonance comes from Latin,meaning“to harmonizehhm mnanazz”.It refers to the repetition of the final and identical consonants whose preceding vowels are di

4、fferent.5精品2.Examples:(1)My Stroke of Luck.(2)When I lent I was a friend,when I asked I was unkind.6精品Oxymoron,ksmrn 矛盾修饰法1.Definition:It is a compressedkkmprestmprest paradox,formed by the conjoining of two contrasting,contradictory or incongruousnkgrs terms as in bitter-sweet memories,orderly chao

5、skes and proud humilityhjmlt.7精品2.Examples:(1)The mother is undergoing the joyful pain,and the painful joy of childbirth.(2)The parental discipline can be described as cruel kindness.8精品paradoxprdks隽语1.Definition:It is a figure of speech consisting of a statement or propositionprpz()n(命题)which on th

6、e face of it seems self-contradictory,absurd or contrary to established fact or practice,but which on further thinking and study may prove to be true,well-founded,and even to contain a succinctssksks(k)t(k)t point.9精品2.Examples:(1).More hastehehestst,less speed.(2).Love is cruel,love is sweet.10精品Ox

7、ymoron and paradox:(1)An oxymoron is a figure of speech which combines two normally contradictory terms,(proud humility,painful pleasure,a thunderous silence etc.)while a paradox is a seemingly contradictory statement or proposition which may nevertheless be true.(2)From a simple way,the oxymoron is a compressed paradox,so they almost have the same function draw the attention of audience so as to put emphasis on terms or sentences.11精品

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