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1、UNIT 12014.10Business English:A Reading Course1WARM-UP QUESTIONS1.Can you mention some multinational 1.Can you mention some multinational companies in China?companies in China?2.Do you want to be a member of these 2.Do you want to be a member of these multinational companies?Why?multinational compan

2、ies?Why?3.What are the differences between these 3.What are the differences between these multinational companies and the local multinational companies and the local companies in China?companies in China?Business English:A Reading Course2READING SKILLS:INTRODUCE THE BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT BUSINESS

3、ENGLISH READING Three questions:1.Why should we do Business English Reading?1.Why should we do Business English Reading?2.What does Business English Reading mainly deal with?2.What does Business English Reading mainly deal with?3.How can we do the Business English Reading 3.How can we do the Busines

4、s English Reading effectively?effectively?Business English:A Reading Course3TEXT A:THE NEW INTERNATIONAL STYLE OF MANAGEMENTQuestions1.What is the new international style of management?1.What is the new international style of management?2.If you were Andy Klump,how would you handle your 2.If you wer

5、e Andy Klump,how would you handle your one-on-one assessment of your boss?one-on-one assessment of your boss?3.What is the entrepreneurial cultures according to 3.What is the entrepreneurial cultures according to Rohit?Rohit?4.According to the last part of the passage,what does a 4.According to the

6、last part of the passage,what does a multinational company do?multinational company do?5.According to the last part of the passage,what does 5.According to the last part of the passage,what does globalization do?globalization do?Business English:A Reading Course4TEXT ANotes on the Text:Transnational

7、 road warriors:此处指从事跨国商务活动的人此处指从事跨国商务活动的人 road warrior飞车勇士飞车勇士 say Harvard Business School faculty and alumni.Alumnus(男校友男校友)alumni(复数复数)可兼指男女校友可兼指男女校友如:如:Harvard Alumni Association 哈佛大学校友会。哈佛大学校友会。alumna(女校友女校友)alumnae(复数复数)Business English:A Reading Course53.On the other hand,beneath a deceptive v

8、eneer of familiarity,3.On the other hand,beneath a deceptive veneer of familiarity,culture gulfs often remain hidden.culture gulfs often remain hidden.另一方面另一方面,在看似通晓的外表之下往往隐藏着文化在看似通晓的外表之下往往隐藏着文化 鸿沟。鸿沟。4.they share an expectation that differences will be set aside in 4.they share an expectation that

9、differences will be set aside in order to advance with common purpose toward a larger goal-getting order to advance with common purpose toward a larger goal-getting the task at hand done right.the task at hand done right.他们有一个共同的希望,为了实现一个更大的他们有一个共同的希望,为了实现一个更大的 目标目标圆满完成当前的圆满完成当前的任务,不妨把各种差异搁置一边。任务,不妨

10、把各种差异搁置一边。set aside:搁置,放在一边。:搁置,放在一边。5.The integration of the global economy is such that no one 5.The integration of the global economy is such that no one anywhere is insulate.anywhere is insulate.经济一体化达到了这种程度,使世界各地没有人经济一体化达到了这种程度,使世界各地没有人与世隔绝。与世隔绝。such that.such that.:如此如此。如:如:Their anxiety was s

11、uch that they could not sleepTheir anxiety was such that they could not sleep他们如此焦虑,难他们如此焦虑,难以入睡。以入睡。Business English:A Reading CourseText A6TEXT B:NEW THINKING FOR SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEURSText StructureIntroduction:Determining what success means to you is a crucial Determining what success means to

12、 you is a crucial element in early stages of new venture planning.element in early stages of new venture planning.Body:1.Defining success through personal evaluation.1.Defining success through personal evaluation.2.Success can be measured through our personal 2.Success can be measured through our pe

13、rsonal values.values.3.Visioning and goal setting for business success.3.Visioning and goal setting for business success.Conclusion:The 4 shared personality traits of the extraordinarily The 4 shared personality traits of the extraordinarily successful companies.successful companies.Business English

14、:A Reading Course7TEXT BQuestions 1.What are the three crucial components for a 1.What are the three crucial components for a successful new venture?successful new venture?2.What are the three ways we usually use to 2.What are the three ways we usually use to measure success?measure success?3.Why do

15、es the author say3.Why does the author say“How we define How we define success significantly influences our selection of a success significantly influences our selection of a business to start.business to start.”?4.What is vision and what is goal-setting?4.What is vision and what is goal-setting?5.W

16、hat is the relationship between them?5.What is the relationship between them?6.What are the features of goal?6.What are the features of goal?7.What are the first stages of new venture 7.What are the first stages of new venture planning?planning?Business English:A Reading Course8TEXT B1.Enrolling in

17、college is one step toeard fulfilling our vision 1.Enrolling in college is one step toeard fulfilling our vision of the future.of the future.进入大学是进入大学是完成将来梦想的第一步。完成将来梦想的第一步。enroll in:enroll in:登记入学,入伍,入会等。登记入学,入伍,入会等。2.Goal-setting involves developing a list of things you would 2.Goal-setting involv

18、es developing a list of things you would like to achieve in your personal or professional lives-your like to achieve in your personal or professional lives-your goals.goals.设立目标设立目标包括列出包括列出一些你在个人生活和职业生活中想要完成的事一些你在个人生活和职业生活中想要完成的事情情-即你的目标。即你的目标。3.Understanding what success means to you and the level

19、of 3.Understanding what success means to you and the level of success you are willing to accept in life is one of the first stages success you are willing to accept in life is one of the first stages of new venture planning.of new venture planning.理解成功对你的意义和生活中你想获得的理解成功对你的意义和生活中你想获得的成功水平是计划新事业的第一步。成

20、功水平是计划新事业的第一步。Business English:A Reading Course9KEYS TO EXERCISESI.DCDABII.Free answer.Free answer.III.Translation1.我对中国文化有足够了解,我知道人们当众对抗是我对中国文化有足够了解,我知道人们当众对抗是罕见的,罕见的,所以我想和我的老板单独交谈。所以我想和我的老板单独交谈。2.克朗普的经历向人们昭示,在个人层面上,全球化克朗普的经历向人们昭示,在个人层面上,全球化与跨文与跨文 化管理会是多么错综复杂。化管理会是多么错综复杂。3.因此,虽然法国、德国和日本的普通公司看起来各因此,

21、虽然法国、德国和日本的普通公司看起来各不相同,不相同,但是这些国家表现最佳的跨国公司却显得但是这些国家表现最佳的跨国公司却显得非常相似。非常相似。4.以客户为本的承诺往往深入整个机构。以客户为本的承诺往往深入整个机构。Business English:A Reading Course101.Summarize the main idea of the Supplementary Reading:New Thinking for a New Financial Order on P9 with no more than 50 words.2.Finish Part V Test Yourself on P10.Business English:A Reading CourseHomework11此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!12

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