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1、英语小学六年级上册阅读理解专项模拟提高试卷测试卷(答案)(北师大版)一、阅读理解Its very cold outside. There comes a black car and it stops in front of a shopping mall. A young woman is in the car. She is hungry and wants to buy a hamburger to eat, but she doesnt want to go out on such (如此) a cold morning. At that time, she sees a boy pla

2、ying in the street.Come on, boy! she says to the boy. Do you know how much a hamburger is in the shopping mall? Two yuan each, the boy answers.She gives the boy four yuan and asks him to buy two hamburgers. One is for you and the other is for me, she says. After some minutes, the boy comes back. He

3、is eating a hamburger. He gives the young woman two yuan and says, “Sorry, there is only one hamburger left.1、The black car stops because _. ()Ait is broken (坏的)Bthe woman sees a boy playing in the streetCthe woman wants to buy a hamburgerDthe woman wants to look for a people2、A hamburger in the sho

4、pping mall is _. ()A6 yuanB4 yuanC1 yuanD2 yuan3、The young woman has _ at last. ()Ano hamburgerBone hamburgerCtwo hamburgersDthree hamburgers4、The meaning (意思) of the last word “left” is _. ()A左边的B剩余的C可口的D难吃的5、From the passage, we can know the story happens _. ()Ain winterBin summerCon a warm dayDon

5、 a hot day二、阅读理解Peters family are going to visit Kens family in another town. Peters father is talking about them.My friend Kevin is a farmer. He has two boys and one girl. His little boy is called Ken. Hes 11 years old. He likes singing. Kens mother is a worker in a milk factory. She likes reading.

6、 Kens brother is a fisherman. He likes fishing. His sister is a police officer. She likes doing kung fu. Shes really cool! Kens aunt teaches football. She likes watching football matches, too. His uncle is a postman. He likes going hiking every week.6、What is Peters father talking about? ()APeters f

7、amily.BPeterCKens family.7、What does Kevin do? ()AA fisherman.BA farmer.CA worker.8、Where does Kens mother work? ()AIn a milk factory.BAnother town.CPolice office.9、What are Kens aunts hobbies? ()ADoing kung fu.BWatching football matches.CFishing and singing10、Does Kens uncle like doing Kung fu ever

8、y week? ()AYes, he does.BYes, she does.CNo, he does not.三、阅读理解 It was sunny last Sunday. Yang Ling visited Liu Taos grandparents. She went there with Liu Tao, Su Hai, Su Yang, Wang Bing and Mike. Liu Taos grandpa showed them a lot of stamps from different countries. His grandma cooked a nice lunch f

9、or them. They liked the food very much.In the morning, the children cleaned the house for Liu Taos grandparents. In the afternoon, they worked in the garden. Su Hai and Su Yang watered the trees and flowers. Liu Tao and Wang Bing picked apples. Yang Ling and Mike planted (种植) some trees. They worked

10、 for about two hours (小时). They really had a good time there.11、It was _ last Sunday. ()AsunnyBcloudyCwindy12、Liu Taos grandma cooked a nice _ for them. ()AbreakfastBlunchCdinner13、The children cleaned the house _. ()Aafter lunchBin the afternoonCin the morning14、_ watered the trees and flowers. ()A

11、Liu Tao and Wang BingBThe twinsCYang Ling and Mike15、The children were very _ last Sunday. ()AsadBhungryChappy四、阅读理解Mr King lived in a small town, but he had a job in a big city. So he moved there with his wife and his children last Tuesday.On that day Mr King took his new car out of the garage (车房)

12、 and washed it. A neighbour (邻居) came and looked at the new car for a minute. Then Mr King turned and saw him.“Thats a new car. Is it yours?” The neighbour asked. “Sometimes,” Mr King answered. The neighbour was surprised. “Sometimes?” he said. “What do you mean?”“Well” answered Mr King slowly. “Whe

13、n theres a party in town, its my daughters. Where theres a football game, it belongs to (属于) my son. When I washes it and it looks very nice and clean, it belongs to my wife. And when it needs gas (汽油), its mine.”16、Mr King worked in _. ( )Aa small townBa big city17、Mr King lives in _ now. ( )Aa sma

14、ll townBa big city18、When Mr King was washing his new car, his neighbour came to ask him _. ( )Aif the car is newBif the car is Mr Kings19、“Sometimes” in the story means _. ( )Awho needs the car, whose the car isBthe car isnt Mr Kings20、When will the car belong to Mr King? ( )AWhen there is a footba

15、ll game.BWhen there is no gas.五、阅读理解根据短文内容,选择正确答案。What is recycling? It is to reuse anything that can be used again. Recycling may save our world. “Recycling” also means doing everything we can do to prevent(阻止) the need for recycling. How do we do this? Here are some suggestions:If you bring your o

16、wn bags with you to the shop, you wont need to use the bags of the shop. This will save bags before they are recycled.Dont buy things that can be used only once(一次). For example, use cloth napkins(餐巾) instead of(代替) paper napkins.Put on warm clothes in winter, dress in cool clothes in summer and avo

17、id(避免) using air conditioners(空调).Dont leave the fridge door open for a long time!Turn off the taps and the lights after you use them.Take showers instead of baths(淋浴). If you take showers, you use much less(较少的) water.21、“ ” is to reuse something that can be used again.()ASave bagsBTake showersCRec

18、ycling22、 can be used only once. ()APaper napkinsBGlass bottlesCCloth napkins23、Can we leave the fridge door open for a long time? ()AYes, we can.BNo, we cant.CSorry, I dont know.24、We should after we wash our hands. ()Aturn on the tapBturn off the tapCturn on the light25、In summer we should put on

19、to avoid using air conditioners. ()Adown jackets (羽绒服)Bwarm clothesCcool clothes六、阅读理解Mike: What are you going to do this afternoon?John: Im going to visit my uncle.Mike: How are you going to get there?John: Im going to get there by subway.Mike: Where does he live?John: He lives next to the bookstor

20、e. Turn right at the crossing, and then go straight. His home is on the right.Mike: Im going to the bookstore this afternoon. Lets go together after lunch.John: OK.26、John is going to _. ()Ago hikingBvisit his uncleCthe bookstore27、Johns uncle lives _ the bookstore. ()Anext toBin front ofCbehind28、M

21、ike is going to the _. ()Apost officeBbookstoreCuncles home29、John is going by _. ()AsubwayBbusCbike30、Mike and John are going to go together _. ()AtomorrowBafter lunchCnext week【参考答案】一、阅读理解1、C2、D3、A4、B5、A【导语】本文主要讲一个女人因为怕冷让小男孩帮她买汉堡的故事。1、句意:黑车停下来因为_。A它坏了,B女人解析:1、C2、D3、A4、B5、A【导语】本文主要讲一个女人因为怕冷让小男孩帮她买汉

22、堡的故事。1、句意:黑车停下来因为_。A它坏了,B女人看见一个男孩在街上玩,C女人想买一个汉堡,D女人想找人,根据“She is hungry and wants to buy a hamburger to eat.”可知女人想买一个汉堡吃,故选C。2、句意:商场里一个汉堡_。A六元,B四元,C一元,D二元,根据“Do you know how much a hamburger is in the shopping mall? Two yuan each, the boy answers.”可知汉堡两元一个,故选D。3、句意:年轻的女人最后有_。A没有汉堡,B一个汉堡,C两个汉堡,D三个汉堡,

23、根据“He gives the young woman two yuan and says, “Sorry, there is only one hamburger left.”可知男孩把最后一个汉堡吃了,女人没有吃到汉堡,故选A。4、句意:最后一个单词“left”的意思是_。根据“He gives the young woman two yuan and says, “Sorry, there is only one hamburger left.”可推断单词意思为剩余的,故选B。5、句意:从这篇文章,我们可以知道故事发生在_。A冬季,B夏季,C温暖的一天,D炎热的一天,根据“She is

24、hungry and wants to buy a hamburger to eat, but she doesnt want to go out on such (如此) a cold morning.”可知天气寒冷,应该是在冬季,故选A。二、阅读理解6、C7、B8、A9、B10、C【分析】6、句意:彼得的父亲在说什么?A彼得的家庭,B彼得,C肯的家庭。根据Peters family a解析:6、C7、B8、A9、B10、C【分析】6、句意:彼得的父亲在说什么?A彼得的家庭,B彼得,C肯的家庭。根据Peters family are going to visit Kens family in

25、 another town. Peters father is talking about them.可知彼得的父亲在说肯的家庭。故选C。7、句意:凯文是做什么的?A渔夫,B农民,C工人。根据My friend Kevin is a farmer.可知凯文是农民。故选B。8、句意:肯的妈妈在哪里工作?A在牛奶工厂,B另一个城镇,C警察局。根据Kens mother is a worker in a milk factory.可知肯的妈妈在牛奶工厂工作。故选A。9、句意:肯的阿姨有什么爱好?A练功夫,B看足球比赛,C钓鱼和唱歌。根据Kens aunt teaches football. She

26、likes watching football matches, too.可知肯的阿姨喜欢看足球比赛。故选B。10、句意:肯的叔叔每周都喜欢练功夫吗?A是的,他是。B是的,她是。C不,他不是。根据His uncle is a postman. He likes going hiking every week.可知肯的叔叔每周去远足。故选C。三、阅读理解11、A12、B13、C14、B15、C【分析】短文主要讲述上星期日,刘涛和他的朋友们一起去看望爷爷奶奶的事。11、句意:上星期日是_解析:11、A12、B13、C14、B15、C【分析】短文主要讲述上星期日,刘涛和他的朋友们一起去看望爷爷奶奶的

27、事。11、句意:上星期日是_。根据It was sunny last Sunday.可知上星期日是晴朗的。A.晴朗的,B.多云的,C.有风的。故选A。12、句意:刘涛的奶奶为他们做了一顿美味的_。根据His grandma cooked a nice lunch for them. 可知刘涛的奶奶为他们做了一顿美味的午餐。A.早餐,B.午餐,C.晚餐。故选B。13、句意:孩子们_打扫房子。根据In the morning, the children cleaned the house for Liu Taos grandparents. 可知早上,孩子们为刘涛的爷爷奶奶打扫房子。A.午餐后,B

28、.下午,C.早上。故选C。14、句意:_浇了树和花。根据Su Hai and Su Yang watered the trees and flowers. 可知苏海和苏洋浇了树和花。A.刘涛和王兵,B.双胞胎,C.杨玲和迈克。苏海和苏洋是双胞胎。故选B。15、句意:上星期日孩子们很_。根据They really had a good time there.可知他们在那里玩得很开心。A.悲伤的,B.饥饿的,C.高兴的。故选C。【点睛】四、阅读理解16、B17、B18、B19、A20、B【分析】短文主要讲述了金先生回答自己洗的汽车属于谁的问题。16、句意:金先生在_工作解析:16、B17、B18、

29、B19、A20、B【分析】短文主要讲述了金先生回答自己洗的汽车属于谁的问题。16、句意:金先生在_工作。A一个小镇上,B一个大城市。根据文中句子Mr King lived in a small town, but he had a job in a big city.可知他在一个大城市工作,故选B。17、句意:金先生现在住在_。A一个小镇上,B一个大城市。根据文中句子So he moved there with his wife and his children last Tuesday.可知他现在搬到了大城市,故选B。18、句意:当金先生洗他的新车时,他的邻居来问他_。A车是否是新的。B车是

30、否是金先生的。根据文中句子Thats a new car. Is it yours?可知邻居来问车是否是金先生的,故选B。19、句意:“有时”在故事中意思是_。A谁需要汽车,汽车就是谁的。B汽车不是金先生的。根据文章最后一段内容可知谁需要车,车就是谁的,故选A。20、句意:什么时候汽车属于金先生?A当有一场足球赛时。B当没有油时。根据文中句子And when it needs gas (汽油), its mine.可知当没有油的时候,汽车是属于金先生的。故选B。【点睛】五、阅读理解21、C22、A23、B24、B25、C解析:21、C22、A23、B24、B25、C六、阅读理解26、B27、A

31、28、B29、A30、B【导语】本文在谈论约翰和迈克今天下午的计划。26、句意:约翰准备_。由句子John: Im解析:26、B27、A28、B29、A30、B【导语】本文在谈论约翰和迈克今天下午的计划。26、句意:约翰准备_。由句子John: Im going to visit my uncle.可知要去看望叔叔。A.去远足;B.看望他的叔叔;C.书店;故选B。27、句意:约翰的叔叔住在书店的_。由句子He lives next to the bookstore.可知他住在书店旁边,A.在旁边; B.在前面;C.在后面;故选A。28、句意:迈克准备去_。由句子Im going to the bookstore this afternoon.可知迈克准备去书店。A.邮局;B.书店;C.叔叔的家;故选B。29、句意:约翰准备_去。由句子John: Im going to get there by subway.可知是打算坐地铁去。A.地铁;B.公交车;C.自行车;故选A。30、句意:迈克和约翰准备一起_。由句子Im going to the bookstore this afternoon. Lets go together after lunch.可知是午饭后去。A.明天; B.午饭后;C.下周;故选B。

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