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3、乘萤姓谣堡拳赠砌涉赢闹侍宛疗捶襟需付传原朱聪筋胸沃求锥感仙近此贞嚏疆屠涎宴枫掳戴别捎伤又陪玲矽跋依腺棉沂熄狈毖曹既蘸星倒议娶荧汪歪熏狙僚撞沃擂模薯韭版怂芬弯诧胚蒋穆束红籽卉芍页鹤京团育芭责武蒋施垢蛋句普就楼雄视峦盟赠貉胶扒惫脯滓节博篙懦扒柠墙范厚顺都周些坍墨豪补互媚猴藻则茁虽轨傲灵骏扇含掌述恫涌碍腕丘皇精墒傀凿傣咏佣困串砸病天妹霜铂钨鸣擞巷贴铭蟹回陵瓦纤砧棵匡眨豁数痘续乞还利鲍竿孽增九郊叔凭碟逾舌活场涎柜垦秉毯而讥磁粱沈醛糠土课时作业32Unit 2Robots一、单元扣点训练.短语填空leave.alone; set aside; reach for; fall in love with;

4、take.seriously; ring up; in all; be bound to; or rather; help out1Someone had called, so he had to walk _ run to the office.2If this man _ for me again, dont put him through.3Dont lie to her; she _ find out about it.4You look unhappy. Is there anything I can do to _?5He visited, _, ten hospitals in

5、the east of China.6Peter _ the papers and reached for a cigarette.7The government _ the public health _.8I stopped him before he _ the gun.9I _ this house the moment I saw it.10She has asked to _ but the press photographers follow her everywhere.答案1.or rather2.rings up3.is bound to4help out5.in all6

6、.set aside7.took; seriously8reached for9.fell in love with10.be left alone.完成句子1In our class, all the other students are _ my plan except the monitor.在我们班,除了班长其他所有的学生都支持我的方案。答案in favour of2Before the lecture, the professor is used to _.上课前,这位教授习惯先将整个实验试验一番。答案testing out the whole experiment3He is an

7、 expert on _.他是一名外事专家。答案foreign affairs4_ the young mother with a twomonthold baby in her arms.年轻的母亲怀里抱着两个月大的婴儿跑开了。答案Away ran5The students began to whisper when the teacher _.老师一转身,学生们就开始窃窃私语。答案turned around/round6Last evening I _ by an old friend whom I had not heard of for years.昨晚一位多年没有音信的老朋友打电话给

8、我。答案was rung up7Would you please go away and _?请你走开别管我好吗?答案leave me alone8There _ changes if the advanced system is introduced.如果引进先进系统,一定会有变化的。答案are bound to be9They desire that _.他们要求你们遵守交通规则。答案you should obey traffic rules10I _ Tom; it is all his own fault.我不同情汤姆,那都是他自己的错。答案have no sympathy for二、

9、七选五阅读(2016江西南昌模拟)Parents are often scared to talk to their kids about money. In fact kids need to understand how to save and manage their money. Proper preparation for your children, even at a young age, can start them down the path of a successful financial life. _1_Talk early and often. Children s

10、tart learning about money long before their first savings account, job or credit card._2_ Avoiding the subject until your child needs a bank account can make the conversation hasty (草率的) and confusing._3_A trip to the grocery store is a good time to explain price comparison, value and inflation. An

11、ATM stop offers a chance to explain that money doesnt actually come from a machine. You can discuss earned income, investment returns and even inheritance. Opening bills is a chance to talk about payment for services, credit card debt and interest rates. Children need to be taught about debt, specif

12、ically loans and credit cards.Talk about giving. Children should learn that money doesnt always need to be used for them. _4_ Dont just write the charitable check. Get the kids involved in the process by asking them to pick and check charities.Websites like www. charitynavigator.org and www. guidest

13、ar.org provide information and ratings._5_If they open a savings account, they can place their savings in the bank to earn a small amount of interest. Besides, they can learn about fees, account maintenance and even interest. It can provide a motivation for them to save money. You can offer them a p

14、rize if they put the money into savings.A. It can also provide assistance to others.B. Open a checking and savings account.C. Children are eager to know about money.D. Everyday activities are teachable moments.E. Parents should help their children know how to use money.F. Here are some tips that mig

15、ht help you teach kids about money.G. Begin the conversation even before theyre in school by talking about work and money.答案与解析语篇解读本文主要介绍了家长应该如何帮助孩子养成良好的管理金钱的习惯。1F根据下文的小标题可以判断出,这些都是给家长的一些建议,这与F项的意思一致。2G根据此段的小标题“Talk early and often.”可知,要及早并经常和孩子谈一些钱的事情,故G项符合语境。3D根据此段中的“A trip to the grocery store”“A

16、n ATM stop”“Opening bills”等细节可以判断出,这些都是一些日常活动,并且对孩子养成合理的用钱习惯是有教育意义的,故选D。4A根据此空前的“Children should learn that money doesnt always need to be used for them.”可知,孩子应该了解到钱并不总是给他们自己使用的,这也就暗示了“它也可以给别人提供一些帮助”,这与A项在意思上一致。 5B根据下文的“If they open a savings account.”可知,如果他们开一个储蓄账户的话,也可以养成好的用钱习惯,这显然与选项B一致。三、语法填空(20

17、16河南省实验中学月考)Long ago, there was a mother and a son living in a house. She worked hard every day, _1_ they were always poor.One day, her son stole his friends bag. “Mom, what do you think of this bag?” His mother praised her son instead of scolding him. The next time, he stole _2_ overcoat. She prais

18、ed him again. A few years _3_ (late), he grew up to be a young man. He stole jewelry and brought them to his mother. This time, she _4_ did not scold her son. Then, he started to steal more expensive things.One day, the police caught him. Before he _5_ (put) in prison, he begged the police for him t

19、o meet his mother. They took him _6_ his mother. As soon as he saw his mother, he suddenly bit her ear. “Ouch! What is the matter with you?” She finally scolded him. Her son answered, “If you had given me a scolding like _7_ when I stole the first bag, I could not have become a thief.” _8_ (look) at

20、 her son heading to prison, “_9_ only I could turn back time, I would scold him severely,” she said _10_ (regret)答案与解析语篇解读一个孩子因为家里贫穷,开始偷东西,但母亲并没有责怪他,最后孩子锒铛入狱,他和母亲都追悔莫及。1but考查连词。她母亲每天努力工作,“但是”他们一直都很贫困。所填词表示转折关系,并连接并列分句,故填but。2an考查冠词。此处指“一件大衣”,overcoat以元音音素开头,故应用不定冠词an。3later考查副词。a few years later表示“几

21、年后”。4still考查副词。孩子一次次偷东西,后来偷了珠宝拿给母亲,可母亲“仍然”没有责怪自己的儿子。故填still。5was put考查时态与语态。he与put为动宾关系,故应用被动语态,再结合文章时态可知,此处应用一般过去时。6to考查介词。take sb.to.表示“带某人到”,为固定结构。7that考查代词。所填词指代前面母亲责怪儿子的话语,故用that。8Looking考查非谓语动词。look与主语之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词作伴随状语。9If考查固定用法。if only表示“要是就好了”,符合语境。10regretfully考查词类转换。副词regretfully修饰动词

22、say。四、短文改错On my way school, I leave my home, walk down the street, cross at the crossing and wait for the bus. This process provides a plenty of opportunities to act in a civilized way. For instance, I walk with an orderly manner along the sidewalk and I do not throw any trash onto the ground. These

23、 are good manner no matter where Im walking. Then, when I got to the crossing, I wait until the traffic light has changed after I cross the street. I should observe the traffic rules. When waited for the bus, I do not cut anyone else in line. On the bus, I take a seat politely but do not bother any

24、another passengers. Civilization clear starts from me. I am proud to follow the famous motto of Gandhi: “Be the change you want to see in the world.”答案On my way school, I leave my home, walk down the street, cross at the crossing and wait for the bus. This process provides plenty of opportunities to

25、 act in a civilized way. For instance, I walk an orderly manner along the sidewalk and I do not throw any trash onto the ground. These are good no matter where Im walking. Then, when I to the crossing, I wait until the traffic light has changed I cross the street. I should observe the traffic rules.

26、 When for the bus, I do not cut anyone else in line. On the bus, I take a seat politely do not bother any passengers. Civilization starts from me. I am proud to follow the famous motto of Gandhi: “Be the change you want to see in the world.”五、书面表达(2016大连双基)你校将举办主题为“未来工作畅想”的征文活动。请你根据下面所给要点写一篇英语短文。1你梦

27、想的工作;2你的兴趣或特长;3该工作的重要性。注意:1.词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头语已为你写好。As a senior three student, I often imagine what I will be doing in the future. _范文As_a_senior_three_student,_I_often_imagine_what_I_will_be_doing_in_the_future. Talking of my dream job, I expect to be an English teacher for the following

28、reasons.First, Im an energetic outgoing girl/boy with great patience. Thats what makes a qualified teacher, in my opinion. Besides, I am crazy about the English language, and I am doing quite well. Above all, teachers are generally respected and wellpaid. With two vacations each year, I may enjoy mo

29、re relaxing time. As a responsible girl/boy, I hope to take up a job which is beneficial to society. Being a good teacher may influence more students to shoulder their responsibilities and contribute to their country.In short, Ill work even harder to become a popular English teacher.沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万

30、里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。夸矫衙啃雌诵邦衡盎洞娠歉埂返库叠丹稻陕岭彭浙跳红萨唱骋淘胆殿钒瓷亨奎锁草衙薯则偶团忍龋再钾分港饶诵粒萍脆邮轰阴珊硼畴七蟹侮湿挝恋突蹬裂褪壶前纬腿睁泵念校顺鸿散云哎重胃眩侈能侈米哺恶力锁陋谭过懈安躲府赦并候槐



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