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1、Unit 5 Lets celebrate!Revision1单元重点词汇节日_ 庆祝_ 叫嚷_ 招待_ 问题_ 特别的_ 祖父母_ 其他的_ 演出_ 因为_ 鬼_ 礼物_ festivalcelebrateshouttreatquestionspecialgrandparentothershowbecauseghostpresent2关于节日的词汇一、熟记下列词汇4.表示中西方节日的词组、短语万圣节_圣诞节_复活节_端午节_中秋节_ 感恩节_春节 _/_劳动节_儿童节_教师节_国庆节_HalloweenChristmasEasterDragon Boat FestivalMid-Autumn

2、 FestivalThanksgiving DayChinese New YearSpring FestivalMay DayChildrens DayTeachers DayNational Day3HalloweenChristmasDragon Boat FestivalMid-Autumn FestivalChinese New Year1.月饼 8.敲门 2.不招待就使坏 9.装扮成鬼魂3.火鸡 10.狮子舞4.在十月三十一号的晚上 5.粽子 11.聚会,联欢6.饺子 7.放烟花moon caketreat or trickturkeyOn the evening of Octobe

3、r 31rice dumplingdumplingset/let off fireworksKnock on the doorDress up as a ghostlion danceget together4知识梳理知识梳理捉弄某人 _用南瓜制作南瓜灯_涂脸 _带去散步_在度假_play a trick on sb.make laterns out of pumpkinspaint the facetake for a walkbe on holiday5重点句型“Wh”句型1.“Wh”+do?陈述句中有实义动词2.“Wh”+be?陈述句中没有实义动词6疑问词意义例句what什么1.What

4、s your name?你叫什么名字?when什么时候1.when do you get up?你什么时候起床?where哪里2.where are you from?你是哪里人?which哪一个1.which class are you in?你在哪一个班?who谁1.who is that boy?那个男孩是谁?whose谁的1.whose bag is this?这是谁的包?why为什么1.why do you like spring?你为什么喜欢春天?How怎么样How do you get to school?7How many 多少(可数)much 多少(不可数)old 多大 of

5、ten 多长时间一次 long 多久 far 多远 tall 多高 8Lets see the family of“Lets see the family of“howhow”1.I go to school by bus.2.She is twelve.3.Jim plays with his dog for about two hours on Sunday.4.Millie goes to the Reading Club twice a week.How do you go to school?How old is she?How long does Jim play with his

6、 dog on Sunday?How often does Millie go to the Reading Club?9 5.There are more than forty students in our class.6.There is some bread on the plate.7.Mike is 1.35 meters tall.8.Ill bring it here in a minute.How many students are there in your class?How much bread is there on the plate.How tall is Mik

7、e?How soon will you bring it here?10总结归纳 1.带有不定式to do 的短语1.单词类plan,hope,need,want,begin,start,ask,welcome,2.句型类would like to do sth,its time to do,its time for sb to do,it takes sb to do sthIts for sb to do sth.(important,happy)117A十大难写易错单词,你会了吗?1.重要的_ 2.锻炼_ 3.练习_ 4.饭店_ 5.不同的_ 6.地理_7.令人感兴趣的_ 8.舒服的_ 9.礼物_10.父母_12元芳,你怎么看?(四大询问对方意见的句型)1.What about.?2.How about.?3.What do you think of?4.How do you like?13疑问句用some 的四大句型Would you like some.?Do you want some?Can(Could)I.some.?May I.some.?14此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!15

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