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1、人教pep版小学五年级下册期末英语培优试题测试题(及答案)一、单项选择1_ is the vegetable salad, Linda? () Its yummy. And the tomato soup is nice too.AHowBWhatCWho2Mary has a _. She goes to see the dentist. ()AheadacheBtoothacheCfeverDcold3Chinese People usually eat rice cakes and climb mountains at the _. ()ASpring FestivalBDragon B

2、oat FestivalCMid-Autumn FestivalDChongyang Festival4Tony _ a toothache and cant eat anything. He _ go to see the dentist. ()Ahave; shouldBhas; shouldntChas; should5Whats the Chinese New Year? ()Its _.Athe Mid-Autumn FestivalBthe Dragon Boat FestivalCthe Spring Festival6John goes to the park by _. An

3、d he likes toy _. ()Acar; carBcars; carsCcar; cars7Wheres my book? I cant _ it. Can you _ it for me? ()Alook for; findsBlook for; findCfind; look for8_? ()He has a fever. AWhats wrong with you?BHow is Mr. Brown?CHow does your mother feel today?DWhats the matter with her?9Listen, the bird _ _ the tre

4、e. ()Asing; inBsings; onCis singing; inDis singing; on10Why do you look so tired? ()Because I cant _.Aeat sweetsBdrink waterCgo to sleepDgo sleep11The eighth month of a year is _. ()AJulyBSeptemberCAugust12Whats wrong with the rabbits _? () She cant hear well.AearsBnoseCneckDeyes13This dress doesnt

5、fit me _. Please give me that one. ()OK, here you are.AgoodBwellCbadDnice14There _ some bread and milk in the fridge. ()AisBareChave15Jacks birthday is _ 12th March. Its also the Tree Planting Day. ()AatBinConDof二、用单词适当形式填空16I like eating fish. Id like _ (buy) a fish.17She wants _ (wash) dishes for

6、her parents.18_ (do) Jack _ (take) the bus to school every day?Yes, he often goes to school _ a bus.19Mrs. Black _ (not work) these days. She _ (have) a bad cough.20You shouldnt _ (drink) _ (some) juice.You shouldnt eat too many _ (sweet) _ (too).You should brush your _ (tooth) in the morning and be

7、fore bedtime.21The man _ (not know) the way to the hospital. He _ (ask) a driver for help now.22Look, the twin sisters _ (wash) clothes.23The twin sister often _ (listen) to the music at night.24_ (do) Mr Brown _ (take) the bus to go to work every day?25Five students have their _ (birthday) in Decem

8、ber.26Is Liu Tao _ (sweep) the floor now?Yes, he is.27Our school has five floors. The Music room is on the _ (five) floor.28_ (be) there any bread in the fridge?29Bobby _ (have) a new bike. He likes _ (ride) it in the park.30People _ (eat) rice cakes at this festival. But I dont like _ (eat) _ (they

9、).三、完成句子31These grapes are big and s_.32Im l_ for some juice, b_ Im t_.33The prince v_ every house and finds Cinderella at last.34His neck hurts. He wants to see the d_.35Today is Sunday. My mother is doing some h_ at home.36We have a lot of things to do today, we are too b_.37What are you doing, Ta

10、o Tao?Im _ _ (寻找) my milk .38We can see many beautiful flowers in the g_.39These mushrooms are beautiful, but they are b_ for us.40The bus stop is on the _ (街道).四、阅读判断Its a fine Saturday afternoon. There are many people in the park. The children are playing happily. Two girls are playing on the swin

11、g. A boy is flying a kite near the hill. At the foot of the hill, there is a lake. Some boys are rowing boat. And you can see a man walking around the lake.There is a house near the lake. Behind the house, two men are working. A woman is watering the flowers. The flowers look very nice. Some girls a

12、re taking photos near the flowers.Look at that big tree near the house. Two cats are climbing up the tree. What do they want? Oh, there are some birds in the tree. They want to catch the birds.41、There are _ people in the park. ()Anot manyBanyCmany42、A man is _ around the lake. ()AwalkingBrunningCri

13、ding43、A boy is flying a kite _. ()Aon the lakeBon the hillCnear the hill44、Whats in the tree? ()Acat.BTwo dogs.CBids and cats.45、Which sentence is NOT right? ()APeople like playing in the park.BThere are some flowers and trees in the park.CThere is a car near the lake.五、阅读判断 Once upon a time, there

14、 was a princess named Anahita. She was different from the other princesses. She loved to farm. The king didnt understand why. He felt angry and ordered her to leave the palace alone for a period of time so she could know what life is really like. Anahita packed a bag of seeds and headed to the count

15、ryside. She built a little hut (小屋) and planted a field near it. She also made three new friends, a cat, a parrot, and a spider.After a period of time, the king was told that the princess lived well by farming. He was angry. He went to ask the powerful sorcerer (巫师) for help, and let the sorcerer te

16、ach his daughter a lesson. Luckily, the parrot heard this and told the princess about the drought (旱灾). Anahita then quickly moved her crops to the riverbed (河床). When the drought came, all the crops in the kingdom dried up, but Anahitas crops survived (幸存).46、There was a _ named Anahita in the king

17、dom. ()AprinceBprincessCking47、Anahita loved to farm, but the king didnt feel _. ()AangryBsadChappy48、Anahita planted a field _ the hut in the countryside. ()AnearBbehindCin front of49、Anahita lived _ by farming. ()AsadBbadlyCwell50、Anahitas crops survived with the _ help. ()AsorcerersBparrotsCcats六

18、、阅读理解Marys family are all at home. Her father, Mr Smith, is sitting in a chair near the window. He is reading a newspaper. Mary is in her room. She is listening to the radio. Tom and Sam, Marys brothers, are not playing. They are doing their homework. Kate, Marys sister, is cleaning her bike. Where

19、is Mrs Smith and what is she doing? She is making some cakes in the kitchen.51、There are _ people in Marys family. ()AfourBfiveCsix52、Mary is in her room. She is _. ()Alistening to the teacherBwatching TVClistening to the radio53、Kate is _ her bike. ()AridingBcleaningCstanding near54、Mrs Smith is _.

20、 ()Ain her roomBsitting in a chairCin the kitchen55、Tom and Sam are Mr and Mrs Smiths _.()AfriendsBsonsCbrothers七、阅读理解The Grade 3 students at Sunshine Primary School collected a lot of empty(空的)bottles. In July, they are going to take the bottles to a recycling centre(回收中心). They are going to sell(卖

21、) the bottles and buy some books for the school library. Kate made a bargraph(柱状图) to show the number of the bottles they collected. This is the bargraph. 56、In November, the students collected _ empty bottles. ()A80B60C4057、The students collected _ more bottles in December than in January. ()A10B20

22、C3058、From the bargraph, we know that the students picked up the same number of bottels in _ and _. ()AOctober; FebruaryBSeptember; AprilCJanuary; March59、Why do the students collect empty bottles? ()ABecause they want to do something for their school.BBecause they like empty bottles very much.CBeca

23、use they want to use the bottles to make other things.60、What are the Grade 3 students going to do? ()AThey are going to buy a lot of empty bottles from the recycling centre.BThey are going to buy some books for the school library.CThey are going to sell the bottles in the market.【参考答案】一、单项选择1A解析:A【

24、详解】句意:蔬菜沙拉是_,琳达?它很好吃。番茄汤也不错。选项A怎样,选项B什么,选项C谁。根据答语可知问句为:蔬菜沙拉怎样,琳达?故选A。2B解析:B【详解】句意:玛丽_。她去看牙医。have a headache头痛,have a toothache牙痛,have a fever发烧,have a cold感冒,根据句意她去看牙医,可知玛丽牙痛,故选B。【点睛】3D解析:D【详解】句意:中国人通常在_吃年糕和爬山。A春节,B端午节,C中秋节,D重阳节,根据常识可知在重阳节吃年糕和爬山,故选D。4C解析:C【详解】句意:托尼牙疼,不能吃任何东西。他_去看牙医。主语Tony是第三人称单数形式,结

25、合选项,后面的动词用第三人称单数形式has;牙疼应该去看牙医。所以是should应该。故选C。5C解析:C【详解】句意:中国的新年叫什么?它叫_。本题考查名词辨析,A中秋节,B端午节,C春节,根据句意和常识可知中国的新年叫春节,故选C。6C解析:C【详解】句意:约翰_去公园,并且他喜欢玩具_。根据句意可知,第一空by car固定短语,排除B;第二空玩具车表示种类,用复数,故选C。7C解析:C【详解】句意:我的书在哪里?我不能_它。你能帮我_它吗?根据句意可知第一个空格为表示结果的找到find,第二个空为表示动作的寻找look for,情态动词can后面加动词原形,故选C。8B解析:B【详解】答

26、句:他发烧了。Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?How is Mr. Brown?布朗先生怎么了? How does your mother feel today? 你的妈妈怎么了?Whats the matter with her?她怎么了?由答句中主语he可知问句是男的,所以B符合句意,故选B。9C解析:C【详解】句意:听,这只鸟在树上唱歌。根据句意可知本题是现在进行时,主语+be动词+动词现在分词+其它。主语是the bird名词单数,be动词用is,后加singing,鸟在树上用介词in,故选C。10C解析:C【详解】句意:你为什么这么累?因为我不能_。A.eat

27、sweets吃糖;B. drink water 喝水;C.go to sleep睡觉; D. go sleep语法错误;由句子可知是太累的原因的没有睡好,故选C。11C解析:C【详解】句意:一年的第八个月是_。A七月,B九月,C八月,根据常识可知一年的第八个月是八月,故选C。12A解析:A【详解】句意:兔子的_怎么样?她听不清楚。A耳朵,B鼻子,C脖子,D眼睛,根据答语可知问句问耳朵怎么样,故选A。13B解析:B【详解】句意:这件衣服不太适合我。请给我那件。好的,给你。横线处填副词修饰动词,ACD都是形容词,B是副词,故选B。14A解析:A【详解】句意:冰箱里有一些面包和牛奶。本题考查ther

28、e be句型,横线后是不可数名词,be用is,故选A。15C解析:C【详解】句意:杰克的生日是在三月十二日。它也是植树节。A在;B在里;C在上;D的;在三月十二日介词用on,故选C。二、用单词适当形式填空16to buy【详解】句意:我喜欢吃鱼。我想买一条鱼。buy买,would like to do sth.想要做某事,后跟不定式。故答案为to buy。17to wash【详解】句意:她想要为她的父母洗碗。本题考查want用法,想要做某事want+to+动词原形。故所给动词洗wash用不定式to wash,故答案为to wash。18D解析: Does take on【详解】句意:杰克每天乘

29、公交车去上学吗?是的,他经常乘公交车去上学。根据问句句意可知这是一般现在时,句中有谓语动词take,所以一般疑问句要借助助动词,主语是Jack第三人称单数,助动词用does,后加动词原形take,答句中已经有谓语动词goes,所以乘公交车可以用介词短语on a bus,故答案为Does;take;on。19B解析: doesnt work has【详解】句意:Black夫人这些天没有工作,她感冒很严重。根据句意可知,该句陈述句,时态为一般现在时。主语Mrs.Black是第三人称,谓语动词用第三人称单数,work,实义动词,变否定形式用助动词提前,she是第三人称,have变第三人称单数has。

30、故答案为doesnt work;has。20 drink any sweets either teeth【详解】句意:你不应该喝果汁。你也不应该吃太多糖。你应该在早上和睡觉前刷牙。情态动词shouldnt后面跟动词原形,所以第一句中第一空填动词原形drink,否定句中将some改为any;too many后面跟可数名词复数形式,sweet的复数形式是sweets,否定句中“也”用either表示;第三句中填名词复数形式,tooth的复数形式是teeth,故答案为drink;any;sweets;either;teeth。21 doesnt know is asking【详解】句意:这个男人不知

31、道去医院的路。他现在向一个司机寻求帮助。根据句意可知第一句话是一般现在时,主语是the man第三人称单数,动词也用用第三人称单数,故对动词know进行否定要借助助动词doesnt,后加动词原形know,后面一句中now表示正在做某事。用现在进行时,主语+be+动词现在分词+其它。主语是he,be动词用is,后加asking,故答案为doesnt know;is asking。22are washing【详解】句意:看!双胞胎姐妹正在洗衣服。根据句意可知,该句时态为现在进行时,其结构是be+doing,the twin sisters是复数名词,系词用are,wash的现在分词是washing

32、,故答案为are washing。23listens【详解】句意:双胞胎姐姐经常在晚上听音乐。由句子中often可知时态为一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,所以动词用第三人称单数形式,故答案为listens。24D解析: Does take【详解】句意:布朗先生每天乘公交车去上班吗?由句中every day可知句子时态为一般现在时,主语为Mr Brown,所给单词为实意动词,因此应借助助动词Does后加动词原形take,故答案为Does;take。25birthdays【详解】句意:有五名学生的生日在十二月。birthday生日,根据限定词their可知用复数形式。故答案为birthdays。2

33、6sweeping【详解】句意:现在刘涛正在扫地吗?是的,他在扫。sweep清扫,该句是现在进行时,主语 + be + 动词的现在分词,sweep的现在分词形式为sweeping。故答案为sweeping。27fifth【详解】句意:我们学校有五层楼。音乐教室在_楼。five五,根据题意可知,音乐教室在第五层楼,该空应填序数词第五,five的序数词为fifth,故答案为fifth。28Is【详解】句意:冰箱里有面包吗?句子可用一般现在时,bread是不可数名词,be用is,故答案为Is。29B解析: has riding【详解】句意:鲍比有一辆新自行车。他喜欢在公园里骑它。该句是一般现在时,主

34、语Bobby是单数第三人称,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,have的第三人称单数形式为has;ride骑,like doing sth.喜欢做某事,后跟动名词形式,ride的动名词形式为riding;故答案为has;riding。【点睛】30 eat eating#to eat them【详解】句意:人们在这个节日吃年糕。但是我不喜欢吃它们。句子时态为一般现在时,主语为people,因此动词应用原形eat,喜欢做某事like doing sth或like to do sth,因此第二空应填eating/ to eat,eat为动词,后加人称代词应用宾格形式them,故答案为eat;eating

35、/ to eat;them。【点睛】三、完成句子31sweet#weet【详解】句意:这些葡萄又大又_。根据句意及首字母提示可知该空填sweet甜的,形容词做表语。故答案为sweet。32 looking#ooking because#ecause thirsty#hirsty【详解】句意:我在_一些果汁,_我_。根据句意及首字母提示可知第一空填look,该句是现在进行时,主语 + be + 动词的现在分词,look的现在分词形式为looking;第二空填because因为;第三空填thirsty口渴的。故答案为looking;because;thirsty。33visits#isits【详解

36、】句意:王子拜访了每家每户,终于找到了灰姑娘。根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词visit拜访,and连接的动词形式要一致,finds是find的第三人称单数,visit也用第三人称单数形式visits,故答案为visits。34doctor#octor【详解】句意:他的脖子受伤了。他想去看医生。根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词doctor医生,see the doctor看医生,故答案为doctor。35housework#ousework【详解】句意:今天是星期天。我妈妈正在家做一些家务活。根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词housework家务活,不可数名词,故答案为housework。36bus

37、y#usy【详解】句意:今天我们有很多事情要做,我们太_。根据题意和首字母提示可知,该空应填形容词busy忙的,故答案为busy。37 looking for【详解】句意:涛涛,你正在做什么?我正在寻找我的牛奶。寻找look for,问句是现在进行时,答语也应是现在进行时,现在进行时的结构为:be+动词的现在分词,look的现在分词是looking,故答案为looking,for。38garden【详解】句意:我们在_看到很多漂亮的花朵。结合句意和首字母提示可知,此处应用名词garden,意为花园,故答案为garden。39bad#ad【详解】句意:这些蘑菇很漂亮,但是它们对我们_。根据句意和

38、所给的首字母,可知考查单词bad有害的,形容词,be bad for对有害,固定短语,故答案为bad。【点睛】40street【详解】句意:公交站在街道上。此题考查名词,street街道,故答案为street。四、阅读判断解析:41、C42、A43、C44、C45、C五、阅读判断解析:46、B47、C48、A49、C50、B【分析】该篇主要讲述了安娜希塔公主克服种种困难种植农作物的故事。46、句意:在王国里有个叫安娜希塔的_。A王子,B公主,C国王。根据Once upon a time, there was a princess named Anahita.可知安娜希塔是个公主,故选B。47、

39、句意:安娜希塔喜欢种田,但国王并不_。A生气的,B伤心的,C高兴的。根据She loved to farm. The king didnt understand why. He felt angry and ordered her to leave the palace alone for a period of time so she could know what life is really like.可知国王并不高兴,故选C。48、句意:在乡下的小屋_种了一块田。A在旁边,B在后面,C在前面。根据She built a little hut (小屋) and planted a fie

40、ld near it.可知她种的田地在小屋的旁边,故选A。49、句意:安娜希塔靠种地过得_。A伤心的,B坏的,C好的。根据After a period of time, the king was told that the princess lived well by farming.可知安娜希塔靠种地过得很好,故选C。50、句意:安娜希塔的庄稼在_的帮助下存活了下来。A巫师的,B鹦鹉的,C猫。根据Luckily, the parrot heard this and told the princess about the drought (旱灾).可知安娜希塔的庄稼在鹦鹉的帮助下存活了下来,故

41、选B。六、阅读理解解析:51、C52、C53、B54、C55、B【分析】这是描述Mary一家人正在做的事情的短文。51、句意:Mary的家庭有_个成员。根据Her father, Mr Smith, 她的爸爸Smith先生,Tom and Sam, Marys brothers,Tom和Sam,Mary的兄弟, Kate, Marys sister, Kate,Mary的姐姐,Mrs Smith,Smith太太可知Mary一家有6人,故选C。52、句意:Mary在她的房间。她在_。根据下文She is listening to the radio.她正在听收音机可知Mary正在做的事情是听收音

42、机,故选C。53、句意:Kate正在_她的自行车,根据Marys sister, is cleaning her bike. Mary的姐姐,Kate正在洗她的自行车,可知她正在清洗,故选B。54、句意:Smith太太正在_。根据She is making some cakes in the kitchen.她正在初级房做蛋糕,可知她在厨房,故选C。55、句意:Tom和Sam是Smith先生和太太的_.根据Mary是他们的孩子,而Tom和Sam是Mary的兄弟可知他们是Smith先生和太太的儿子,故选B。【点睛】七、阅读理解解析:56、B57、B58、C59、A60、B【导语】本文介绍的是学生

43、们收集空瓶子想要为学校做些事情。56、句意:在十一月份,学生们收集了_个空瓶子。A80,B60,C40,根据统计图可知十一月份学生们收集了60个空瓶子。故选B。57、句意:学生们在十二月份收集的空瓶子数量比一月份多_个。A10,B20,C30,根据统计图可知学生们在十二月份收集的空瓶子数量比一月份多20个。学生们十二月份收集100个,一月份收集80个,100-80=20个。故选B。58、句意:通过统计图,我们可以知道学生们在_和_收集的空瓶子的数量相同。A十月;二月,B九月;四月,C一月;三月,根据统计图,我们可以得知学生们在一月和三月收集的空瓶子数量相同,都是80个。故选C。59、句意:为什么学生们收集空瓶子?A因为他们打算为学校做些事情。B因为他们非常喜欢空瓶子。C因为他们想要用瓶子之所一些其他的物品。根据文章“They are going to sell(卖) the bottles and buy some books for the school library.”得知他们打算把空瓶子卖掉,然后为学校图书馆买些书。故选A。60、句意:三年级的学生们打算去做什么?A他们打算从回收中心买很多空瓶子。B他们打算为学校图书馆买一些书。C他们打算在市场上出售这些瓶子。根据文章“They are going to se

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