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1、Unit3 My friends.short and thin tall and strong cutequietfriendlylovelycool I amYou areShe is He is.two big eyeslong black hair short brown hair green shoes blue glassesa red hat an orange baga new friend a toy carI haveYou haveHe hasShe has Have(has)是是“有有”的意的意思,后面跟思,后面跟名词词组名词词组。.a good boya cute gi

2、rla tall manan old woman a young studenta friendly teachera strong policemanI amYou areShe is He is.1.Who is he?His name is Mike.2.Who is she?Her name is Mike.3.Who are you?My name is Mike.He _ Jack.He _ short hair._ eyes are big.He _ friendly.He _ a new bike.He _ it very much.ishasHishaslikesis.She

3、 _ my baby sister._ name is Betty.She _brown hair.She _ so cute._T-shirt is dirty(脏的).She _ noodles.She _ use a fork.hasisHerisHerlikescan.dog box orangebody Oonote nose Coke Mr.Joneso-eu o u.1.My friend_ strong A.is B.has C.likes2.He _ short black hair and big eyes.A.likes B.is C.has3.Whats his nam

4、e?A.Amy B.Chen Jie C.Zhang Peng4.I _ a new friend.A.likes B.has C.have5.She has long _ and big ears.A.hairs B.hair C.a hair6.We _ a new classroom.A.is B.has C.have.找朋友找朋友1.His name2.What is3.She is 4.He has5.Who is A.your name?B.two big eyesC.is Wu Yifan.D.your friend?E.Miss White.My friend and IIm

5、Bob.Im ten.Im from Canada.I have short brown hair and blue eyes.Im short and thin.I like maths.I have a good friend.She is a girl with long black hair.Her name is Liu Mei.Shes nine.She is very active.She comes from China.She likes music and sports.We re in the same class.We study and play together.Were very happy.此课件下载可自行编辑修改,此课件供参考!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,此课件供参考!部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请与我联系删除!感谢你的观看!部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请与我联系删除!感谢你的观看!

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