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1、译林版版小学五年级下册期末英语培优试卷测试题(带答案)一、单项选择1People _ their parents and grandparents _ Double Ninth Festival. ()Avisit; onBvisits; atCvisit; at2_ do we get _ there? ()By plane.AHow; toBWhere; /CHow; /DWhat; to3Look! The train is coming. Lets _ the train. ()Aput onBget onCtake offDget off4Linda is not at school

2、. Whats wrong with _? ()She is ill. She is in hospital.AsheBherCheDhim5Why _ you come to the party, Danny? ()Because I have a piano lesson.AareBarentCcanD cant6How is the soup? ()It _. Its bad for me.Asmells niceBis just rightCis too cold7Its too cold outside. You can _ your coat. ()Aput outBput onC

3、take off8We are happy _ the Spring Festival. _ the first day, we have a big dinner. ()Ain; onBat; OnCon; In.9I am washing some _. I want to cook some _ soup. ()Atomatoes; tomatoesBtomatoes; tomatoCtomato; tomatoes10Turn right _ the traffic lights, the cinema is _ your left. ()Aon; onBat; inCat; on11

4、Can you _ your bike _ me? ()Ashow; toBshow; forCshowing; to12_? ()He has a fever. AWhats wrong with you?BHow is Mr. Brown?CHow does your mother feel today?DWhats the matter with her?13Which is the first day of the week? ()_.AMondayBTuesdayCWednesdayDSunday14Billys right leg hurts. He _ play football

5、. ()AshouldBhas toCshouldnt15How _ your friend _? ()Hes much better now.Adoes; feelBare; feelCdo; feel二、用单词适当形式填空16There _ (be) an elephant and some tigers in the zoo.17_ (Jim) birthday is on the first of May.18The soup is ready!Wow, it _ (smell) nice.19My birthday is on the _ (five) of June.20We sh

6、ould obey the rules. We _ (should) eat or drink in the library.21The library is on the _ (nine) floor.22The teacher _ (come) and the students go away.23Today is Marys _ (twelve) birthday. Shes very happy.24The computer room is on _ (twelve) floor.The Art room is on the _ (eight) floor.25The twin sis

7、ter often _ (listen) to the music at night.26Yang Ling always _ (wash) the dishes after dinner.27Lily has a cold. She should _ (drink) warm water.28Mike _ (watch) TV in the evening every weekend.29Yang Ling _ (make) the bed every day.30Helen always _ (brush) her teeth twice(两次) a day.三、完成句子31They ar

8、e playing some _ (游戏) in the living room.32I like _ (吃面条) for breakfast.33Dinner is r_. Lets eat now.34Tom goes to many c_ in Zhejiang by train.35What are you doing, Tao Tao?Im _ _ (寻找) my milk .36Bob has a bad toothache so he cant eat a_.37Su Hai is very sad_ (wash) the dishes.38He _ _ (穿上新衣服) and

9、then goes out.39These mushrooms are beautiful, but they are b_ for us.40Do you _ (理解) these _(story)?四、阅读判断阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Its the sixteenth of July today. Its Bens birthday. Hes very happy. He comes home at half past four. His mother is making a birthday cake in the kitchen. There were twelve candl

10、es on it. Hi smother says to him, “Happy Birthday!” “Thank you, Mum. But wheres my birthday present?” Ben asks. “Its in your study, dear,” Mum says. “Thank you very much!” Ben runs to his study. But there isnt a present in his study. He is very sad. “Mum, there isnt a present in my study.” “It was t

11、here just now(刚才). Look for it in your bedroom.” Ben runs to the bedroom. Oh, the present is on the chair. What a nice box! He opens it. Its a pretty toy car. He likes it very much. How excited he it today!1、Bens birthday is on the sixth of July. ( )2、Bens mother is making a birthday cake in the kit

12、chen. ( )3、Ben is 12 years old this year. ( )4、Bens present is on the chair in the bedroom. ( )5、Bens birthday present is a pretty toy car. ( )五、阅读判断Old John goes to see a doctor. The doctor checks and says, Medicine cant help you. You must have a good rest. Go to a quiet place for a month, go to be

13、d early, drink some milk and walk a lot. Thank you very much, says Old John, I will do everything you say. A month later, Old John comes to the doctor again. Well, says the doctor, Im glad to see you. You look much younger. Oh, Doctor, says Old John, I feel quite well now. I have a good rest, I go t

14、o bed early, I drink a lot of milk, and I walk a lot. You help me. Thank you. 46、The doctor _. ()Aasks Old John to take some medicineBdoesnt ask Old John to take any medicineCsay many words about medicine47、Old John _ after a month. ()Adoesnt get wellBgets wellCis young48、Which one is TRUE? ()AOld J

15、ohn go to bed early after seeing doctor.BOld John doesnt walk a lot.COld John is sad after a months rest.49、When Old John is ill, he looks _. ()AoldBhappyCyounger50、The best title (题目) for this passage should he _ . ()AOld JohnBOld John is illCThe doctors advice六、阅读理解Hi, my name is Sue. There are ma

16、ny interesting days in a year. New Years Day is on January 1st. I often go to the park on New Years Day. Womens Day is on March 8th. I often make a card for my mother. National Day is on October 1st. I am very happy on this day. Because I can visit my grandparents. Do you know Christmas Day? Its on

17、December 25th. On that day, I can get some gifts from my parents and friends. Childrens Day is my favourite day. It is in June. I can sing, dance and play gaes on Childrens Day.51、_ is in January. ()AWomens DayBNew Years DayCChildrens Day52、Sue often _ on Womens Day. ()Agoes to the parkBmakes a cake

18、 for her motherCmakes a card for her mother53、Sue _ on National Day. ()Agoes hikingBgoes to the zooCvisits her grandparents54、Christmas Day is in _. ()ADecemberBNovemberCJune55、Sues favourite day is_. ()ANational DayBChildrens DayCChristmas Day七、阅读理解Once (从前) a man stole (偷) one of Washingtons horse

19、s. Washington went with a policeman to get back the horse. But the man didnt give the horse to Washington. He said it was his horse. Washington put his hands on the eyes of the horse and said to the man, “If (如果) this is your horse, you must tell us in which eye it is blind (瞎的).” “In the right eye!

20、” the man said. Washington took his hand from the right eye of the horse and showed the policeman that the horse was not blind in the right eye. “Oh, I made a mistake (弄错了),” said the man. “He is blind in the left eye,” Washington then took his hand from the left eye of the horse. It was not blind i

21、n the left eye either. “I made another mistake,” said the man. “Yes,” said the policeman, “and you know the horse is not yours. You must give it back to Washington.”56、A man stole Washingtons _. ()AmoneyBhorseCmonkey57、Washington went to get back the horse with _. ()Aa policemanBa womanChis son58、Wa

22、shington put his _ on the horses eyes. ()Aone handBone footCtwo hands59、The horse was _. ()Ablind in the left eyeBblind in the right eyeCnot blind60、The horse was _. ()Athe thiefsBWashingtonsCthe policemans【参考答案】一、单项选择1A解析:A【详解】句意:人们在重阳节拜访他们的父母和祖父母。结合选项,可知本题考查一般现在时,主语People是集合名词,表复数概念,后面的动词用原形,排除B;具

23、体某一天前用介词on,排除C。故选A。2C解析:C【详解】句意:我们_到那?乘飞机。根据答句可知问句问的是我们怎样到那?怎样用how,到达get to,there是地点副词,前不加介词to,所以到那用get there,故选C。3B解析:B【详解】句意:看!火车快到了。让我们_火车吧。A穿上,B上(车),C脱下,D下(车),根据句意可知B选项符合,故选B。【点睛】4B解析:B【详解】句意:琳达不在学校。她怎么了?她生病了。她在医院里。A她,人称代词主格;B她,人称代词宾格;C他,人称代词主格;D他,人称代词宾格;上句主语Linda是女孩,故CD选项排除,该空做with的宾语,故用宾格形式,故选

24、B。【点睛】5D解析:D【详解】句意:丹尼,你为什么_来参加聚会?因为我有钢琴课。come是实意动词,故AB选项不符合,根据句意可知cant符合,故选D。6C解析:C【详解】句意:这汤怎么样?它_。它对我不好。A闻起来很美味,B刚刚好,C太冷了,根据答语中的后一句可知C选项符合,故选C。7B解析:B【详解】句意:外面太冷了。你可以_你的外套。A.put out扑灭;B.put on穿上;C.take off脱下;根据句意,可知外面太冷了,你可以穿上你的外套,故选B。8B解析:B【详解】句意:在春节我们很高兴。在第一天,我们有一次大的聚餐。在春节at the Spring Festival,固定

25、搭配;in用在年、月季节等前面,on用在具体某一天前,故选B。9B解析:B【详解】句意:我正在洗一些_。我想做一些_汤。tomato西红柿,可数名词,前面有some限定,故用复数形式,tomato的复数形式为tomatoes;西红柿汤tomato soup,tomato做soup的定语,用单数形式;故选B。10C解析:C【详解】句意:在红绿灯处右转,电影院就在你的左边。turn right at+地点,表示在某地右转;on your left在你的左边,固定介词搭配。故选C。11A解析:A【详解】句意:你能给我看看你的自行车吗?show sth. to sb.给某人看某物,can后的动词用原形

26、。故选A。12B解析:B【详解】答句:他发烧了。Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?How is Mr. Brown?布朗先生怎么了? How does your mother feel today? 你的妈妈怎么了?Whats the matter with her?她怎么了?由答句中主语he可知问句是男的,所以B符合句意,故选B。13D解析:D【详解】句意:一周的第一天是哪一天?_A周一;B周二;C周三;D周日;根据句意和常识可知一周的第一天是周日。故选D。14C解析:C【详解】句意:比利的右腿受伤了。他_踢足球。A应该,B必须,C不应该,根据句意可知C选项符合。故选C。

27、15A解析:A【详解】句意:你的朋友感觉怎么样?他现在好多了。are后不能跟动词原形,排除B;主语your friend是第三人称单数,助动词用does,排除C。故选A。二、用单词适当形式填空16is【详解】句意:动物园里有一头大象和一些老虎。该句是there be句型,there be句型遵循就近原则,be动词由最靠近它的名词单复数决定。an elephant是单数,所以be动词用is,故答案为is。17Jims【详解】句意:吉姆的生日在5月1日。该空做birthday的定语,用所有格形式Jims。故答案为Jims。18smells【详解】句意:汤准备好了!哇,它闻起来很好。smell闻起来

28、,该句是一般现在时,主语it是单数第三人称,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式smells。故答案为smells。19fifth【详解】句意:我的生日在六月五日。five五,六月五日the fifth of June。故答案为fifth。20shouldnt【详解】句意:我们应该遵守规则。我们_在图书馆吃或喝东西。should应该,根据句中的or可知该句是否定句,故should用否定形式shouldnt。故答案为shouldnt。21ninth【详解】句意:图书馆在九楼。nine九,该空做floor的定语,用序数词ninth第九。故答案为ninth。22comes【详解】句意:这个老师来了,学生走了

29、。根据句中动词go用的是原形,可知本题是一般现在时态,前半句主语是the teacher名词单数,动词用第三人称单数comes,故答案为comes。23twelfth【详解】句意:今天是玛丽的十二岁生日。她很高兴。十二twelve,表示第几个生日用序数词,twelve的序数词是twelfth,故答案为twelfth。24 twelfth eighth【详解】句意:电脑教室在十二楼。美术教室在八楼。表示楼层时用序数词,twelve的序数词是twelfth,eight的序数词是eighth。故答案为twelfth;eighth。25listens【详解】句意:双胞胎姐姐经常在晚上听音乐。由句子中o

30、ften可知时态为一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,所以动词用第三人称单数形式,故答案为listens。26washes【详解】句意:杨玲总是晚饭后洗碗。根据句意可知句子是一般现在时,主语Yang Ling是第三人称单数,后面的动词wash用第三人称单数形式washes,故答案为washes。27drink【详解】句意:莉莉感冒了。她应该喝温水。should后跟动词原形,故答案为drink。28watches【详解】句意:迈克每个周末晚上都看电视。根据句意可知句子是一般现在时,主语Mike是第三人称单数,后面的动词用第三人称单数形式watches,故答案为watches。29makes【详解】句

31、意:杨玲每天整理床铺。根据every day,可知句子是一般现在时,主语Yang Ling是第三人称单数,后面的动词用第三人称单数形式makes,故答案为makes。30H解析:brushes【详解】句意:海伦总是一天刷两次牙。由句中always可知句子时态为一般现在时,主语为Helen,因此动词应用第三人称单数形式brushes,故答案为brushes。【点睛】三、完成句子31games【详解】句意:他们正在客厅里玩游戏呢。游戏game,前面有some修饰,用复数形式。故答案为games。32eating noodles【详解】句意:早饭我喜欢吃面条。吃面条eat noodles,like

32、doing sth喜欢做某事,eat的动名词是eating,故答案为eating noodles。33ready#eady【详解】句意:晚饭准备好了。我们现在吃吧。根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词ready准备好的,形容词,故答案为ready。34cities【详解】句意:汤姆坐火车去浙江的许多_。根据句意和首字母可知可以填city城市,前面有many修饰,用复数cities,故答案为cities。35 looking for【详解】句意:涛涛,你正在做什么?我正在寻找我的牛奶。寻找look for,问句是现在进行时,答语也应是现在进行时,现在进行时的结构为:be+动词的现在分词,look的现在

33、分词是looking,故答案为looking,for。36anything【详解】句意:鲍勃牙痛得厉害,所以不能吃_。结合句意和首字母提示,此处应用不定代词anything,用于否定句中,意为任何东西,故答案为anything。37to wash【详解】句意:苏海洗了盘子,很伤心。此题考查不定式,sb is+形容词+to do sth某人做了某事,某人怎么样,根据句意,故答案为to wash。【点睛】38 puts on new clothes【详解】句意:他穿上新衣服,然后出去了。此题考查一般现在时和固定短语,句子前后时态要一致,都用一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,动词用第三人称单数形式,p

34、ut on穿上,new clothes新衣服,故答案为puts on;new clothes。【点睛】39bad#ad【详解】句意:这些蘑菇很漂亮,但是它们对我们_。根据句意和所给的首字母,可知考查单词bad有害的,形容词,be bad for对有害,固定短语,故答案为bad。【点睛】40D解析: understand stories【详解】句意:你理解这些故事吗?理解understand,Do后的动词用原形;story故事,前面有these修饰,用复数形式stories。故答案为understand;stories。四、阅读判断41F解析:1、F2、T3、T4、T5、T【解析】1、句意为Be

35、n 的生日是7月6日,根据Its the sixteenth of July today,可知Ben 的生日是7月16日,故答案为F。2、句意为Ben的妈妈在厨房里做生日蛋糕,根据His mother is making a birthday cake in the kitchen,可知该句是正确的,故答案为T。3、句意为Ben今年12岁了,根据There were twelve candles on it,可知该句是正确的,故答案为T。4、句意为Ben 的礼物在卧室的椅子上,根据Ben runs to the bedroom. Oh, the present is on the chair,

36、可知该句是正确的,故答案为T。5、句意为Ben 的生日礼物是一辆漂亮的玩具车,根据Its a pretty toy car,可知该句是正确的,故答案为T。五、阅读判断解析:46、B47、B48、A49、A50、C【导语】本文主要讲述了老人约翰去看医生。医生告诉他药物治不了他,养成良好的作息和饮食习惯才能使他健康。最后约翰按照医生建议去做,看起来更年轻了。46、句意:医生_。A让老约翰吃药。B不让老约翰吃药。C说了许多关于药的话。根据文中The doctor checks and says, Medicine cant help you. 可知医生不让约翰吃药。故选B。47、句意:老约翰 _ 一

37、个月后。A没有好转;B变好了;C年轻了。根据文中A month later, Old John comes to the doctor again. Well, says the doctor, Im glad to see you. You look much younger. 可知一个月后约翰好转了。故选B。48、句意:哪个是正确的?A老约翰看过医生后早睡觉。B老约翰没有走很多路。C休息一个月后老约翰很难过。根据文中Oh, Doctor, says Old John, I feel quite well now. I have a good rest, I go to bed early,

38、 I drink a lot of milk, and I walk a lot. 可知约翰看完医生后早睡觉,多走路。故选A。49、句意:当老约翰生病的时候,他看起来_。A老;B开心;C更年轻。根据文章大意可知他生病时候看起来老。病好了之后看起来年轻。故选A。50、句意:这篇文章的最好的标题是_。A老约翰;B老约翰生病了;C医生的建议。通过文章大意可知本文主要讲述老约翰生病后他看医生,医生给他提了许多建议,后他按照医生的建议做之后病好了。围绕医生的建议展开的。故选C。六、阅读理解解析:51、B52、C53、C54、A55、B【解析】51、句意为那个节日在一月,根据New Years Day i

39、s on January 1st,可知新年是1月1日,故选B。52、句意为在妇女节,Sue经常干什么,根据I often make a card for my mother,可知我经常给我妈妈做卡片,故选C。53、句意为在国庆节,Sue经常干什么,根据Because I can visit my grandparents,可知我可以去看我的祖父母,故选C。54、句意为圣诞节在几月份,根据Its on December 25th,可知圣诞节是12月25日,故选A。55、句意为Sue最喜欢的节日是哪个,根据Childrens Day is my favourite day,可知儿童节是他最喜欢的节

40、日,故选B。七、阅读理解解析:56、B57、A58、C59、C60、B【导语】本文讲述了华盛顿的一匹马被小偷偷走后,他带警察用智慧把马带回的故事。56、句意:一个男人偷了华盛顿的_。A钱,B马,C猴子,根据Once (从前) a man stole (偷) one of Washingtons horses.可知是一匹马。故选B。57、句意:华盛顿和_去带回那匹马。A一个警察,B一个女人,C他的儿子,根据Washington went with a policeman to get back the horse.可知是和警察。故选A。58、句意:华盛顿用他的_蒙住了马的眼睛。A一只手,B一只脚

41、,C两只手,根据Washington put his hands on the eyes of the horse and said to the man, “If (如果) this is your horse, you must tell us in which eye it is blind (瞎的).” 可知是两只手。故选C。59、句意:那匹马_。A又瞎又聋,B右眼瞎了,C不瞎,根据Washington took his hand from the right eye of the horse and showed the policeman that the horse was not blind in the right eye. It was not blind in the left eye either. 可知那匹马的右眼和左眼都不瞎。故选C。60、句意:那匹马是_。A小偷的,B华盛顿的,C警察的,根据“Yes,” said the policeman, “and you know the horse is not yours. You must give it back to Washington.”可知那匹马是华盛顿的。故选B。

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