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1、125 1 2*(1.2.810007)I06 A 2095-0039-2023-02-0125-13 2023-3-20(1994-)2020 *(1985-)126 全会提出,不忘初心,方得始终。2“”3 “”4 “()”5 “”6 “”7 “不忘初心,方得始终。”“不 忘 初 心”“”“”“”1 127“”“”过去一百年,党向人民、向历史交出了一份优异的答卷。现在,党团结带领中国人民又踏上了实现第二个百年奋斗目标新的赶考之路。14“”15 “”16 “”17 “”“”“”中国共产党立志于中华民族千秋伟业,百年恰是风华正茂。8“”9 “”10 “”11 “”12 “”13“中国共产党”“”

2、“”“风华正茂”“”“”128 ”21 “”18 “”19“第二个百年”“”“”“”“”“赶考之 路”“”“”“”全党要牢记中国共产党是什么、要干什么这个根本问题,把握历史发展大势,坚定理想信念,牢记初心使命,始终谦虚谨慎、不骄不躁、艰苦奋斗,不为任何风险所惧,不为任何干扰所惑,决不在根本性问题上出现颠覆性错误,以咬定青山不放松的执着奋力实现既定目标,以行百里者半九十的清醒不懈推进中华民族伟大复兴。20“129 ”24 “”25 谦 虚 谨 慎 不骄不躁”22 “”23 “130 艰苦奋斗 初 心 (竹石)“咬定青山不放松”“”“”“”“”“”(战国策)“行百里者半 九 十”“”“”“”131

3、 1995 2011 2005 1999 68 132 133 GB/T 19363 GB/T 196822005 GB/T 19363.12003 GB/T 19363.22006 翻译工具 CD-ROM 134 战略定力“”26“”272829 “”30 “中华民族共同体意识”135 1 蔡力坚.如何看待公文翻译的准确性 J.中国翻译,2016,(6):106.281420 中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第六次全体会议公报 M.北京:人民出版社,2021:15.3915 M 2021:18.4101622 EB (2021-11-11)2022-03-27 https:/ 13626 中国民

4、族翻译局编.新词术语汉藏对照(2019版)Z.北京:民族出版社,2019:297.27 Z 2016:1249.28 Z 2019:31.29()Z 2019:194.30 2022 N 2022-1-1(1)196 (2021-11-12)2022-03-27 https:/ 196 EB (2021-11-12)2022-05-10 https:/ 196 EB (2021-11-11)2022-04-05 https:/ M 2021:19.137汉藏公文翻译中不规范问题与对策以中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第六次全体会议公报五种译文为例冷格日加 完么才让*摘要:公文翻译是党和国家各种路线



7、lems and Countermeasures of Nonstandard Translation of Chinese and Tibetan Official DocumentsKlukhar Gyal&Pema TseringAbstrac t:The official document translation is an important measure for the Party and the state to better convey and implement all kinds of government policies and decisions in ethni

8、c areas.However,as far as the phenomenon of current Chinese-Tibetan official document translation,the quality of many translations is often questioned,and the problem of irregularities is very prominent,such as non-standard problems,non-uniform neologisms,inappropriate translation methods for strate

9、gies,and various translation styles have become common problems.In this paper,we use the translation strategies and methods,and take the Communique of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China as an example,probing into the non-standard problems in the t

10、ranslation of Chinese Tibetan official documents and the Countermeasures for their standardization,during the translation of Chinese Tibetan official documents.Based on the problem of irregular translation of official documents,the author proposes to strengthen the governments support and supervisio

11、n of the standardization of official documents translation,promote the standardization of official document translation personnel training,compile and solicit large tools for the standardization of official document translation and perfecting the theoretical system of official document translation a

12、s support.Keywords:Translation of Chinese-Tibetan official documents,non-standard problems,countermeasureAbout the author:Klukhar Gyal(1994-),Tibetan,from Gangcha in Qinghai Province,is a post graduate student at the Tibetology Department of Qinghai Minzu University.Studying Sino-Tibetan translation.*Co-author:Pema Tsering(1985-),Tibetan,from Tongren in Qinghai Province,is an associate Professor at the Tibetology Department of Qinghai Minzu University.Studying Old Tibetan literature and Sino-Tibetan translation.

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