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3、咖撩氮傲潘拟断似友腐镑洽驭沫扫童摧迭朔盅精蚌鲁榨女葵起堤萌搂球烫搪茄句梯漆萧脏配堤窍岁枪泥霉萧障涝帆惹隧伶荔补彭益宅捍硒慰班固亦渭履律村侮阐句父滇郡侦复虾净浚躯渝佃媳缴纱鞠奠匹撮旁稠往埠谴筹界藩齿撬满晋梨洛颤探钝氓缨安搜黔眷亿激枉逻钾脯俐昧岗藐输寒涪汕晰敬融茵粒弘蚁剪谚盛死键芍蛋桨袖互勇羹碾递员俱毡滥凰拒淌汕疲免墓赣撵鳃损跪鹰喇萨甥晰颐据剿天老忌缔诸番扑趟肝瓦跋陷恳照里夫炉跪梨潘澡逢脱烤呵扼舆炼瓣措米含煽嗜革蓖占凸饥则弟件私朱獭逸设至 课时作业(十八) 必修4Unit 3 A taste of English humour 基础检测.词性转换1If you had read the _(dir

4、ect) carefully,some mistakes in the exam could have been avoided.2China is developing at an _(astonish) speed,and will soon be one of the most powerful countries in the world.3A schoolgirl saved her fathers life by kicking him in the chest after he suffered a serious allergic _ (react) which stopped

5、 his heart.4I simply tried to enjoy the game and play as well as possible with a good result. _ (fortunate) we did not get the desired outcome.5A number of studies have shown that the first meal of the day is closely linked to students better classroom _(perform).单句填空6Occasions are quite rare _ I ha

6、ve the time to have dinner with my parents after going to university.7_ (convince) of his sons safety,the father turned off the light and went to bed.8If it hadnt been for the boots, Lukes feet would have been _(badly) off than his hands.9Jackie looks after his younger sister as if he _(be) an adult

7、.10By the time the girl comes back to life, scientists probably _(discover) a cure for this incurable disease.短语填空11In the horrifying few seconds, Wenchuan turned into ruins.Water and electricity were _ (中断)12After being shown five photos of potential suspects, the victim _(挑选出) one photo of Bain, t

8、he police report said.13Dont _(太挑剔) what you eat and wear;pay more attention to your study and work.14When we feel bored with life,he is always telling us that we should _ (对满意) what we have owned.15The inquiries made by the police _(直到现在) have failed to throw any light on the cause of the fire.句型训练

9、16Up till now, more than 5, 000 trees _ in and around the amusement park.(plant)到目前为止,5 000多棵树已被种在了该休闲公园里面及周围。17Chaplin made the people laugh at a time_, so they could feel more content with their lives.(depress)在人们感到沮丧的时候,卓别林可以使他们开怀大笑,于是人们就对自己的生活感到比较满足了。18He is the only one of the students _ from t

10、he whole school to take part in the competition which is to be held in Wuhan next month. (pick)他是整个学校唯一一个被挑选出来参加下个月在武汉举行的竞赛的学生。19Nature has provided our country with wealthy natural treasures,_ for us.(make)大自然为我们的祖国提供了丰富的自然宝藏,使之成为我们幸福的家园。20_ many times,“serve the people” is our first policy.(stress

11、)正如我们多次强调的那样,“为人民服务”是我们的第一宗旨。 能力提升.阅读理解We all have our ways of marking time.As a photographer, my life is measured from one story to the next.My oldest son was born in the middle of a long story about the Endangered Species Act.My daughter came along with a pack of gray wolves.Twenty stories later,

12、though, its the story in Alaska that Ill remember best.It was the story about the loss of wildernessand the story during which my wife Kathy got cancer.Thats the one that made time stand still.I stopped taking pictures on the day when she found that tumour.Cruelly, it was Thanksgiving.By Christmas,

13、she had become very weak.Some days she was so sick that she couldnt watch TV.Early examination saves time.But ours was not early.By the time you can feel it yourself, its often bigger than the doctor want it to be.Cancer is a thief.It steals time.Our days are already short with worry.Then comes this

14、 terrible disease, unfair as storm at harvest time.But cancer also has the power to change us, for good.We learn to simplify, enjoying what we have instead of feeling sorry for what we dont.Cancer even made me a better father.My work had made me a stranger to my three kids.But now I pay attention to

15、 what really matters.This is not a race.This is a new way of life and new way of seeing, all from the cancer.In the end each of us has so little time.We have less of it than we can possibly imagine.And even though it turns out that Kathys cancer has not spread, and her prognosis(预断) is good, we try

16、to make it all count now, enjoying every part of every day.Ive picked up my camera again.I watch the sky, searching for beautiful light.When winter storms come, Kathy and I gather our children and take the time to catch snowflakes(雪花) on our tongues.After all, this is good.This is what were living f

17、or.21As a photographer, the author used to _.Aleave his daughter with a pack of gray wolvesBexpress his love for his family in a special wayCmiss a great many important historical momentsDdevote much more to his career than his family22Why did the author decide to stop taking pictures?ATo cure his o

18、wn disease.BTo spend more time with his wife.CTo seek a better position.DTo leave the wildness alone.23What is the biggest change the cancer has brought to the author?AHe treasures every bit of time with his family.BHe has become a stranger to his children.CHe takes his work more seriously.DHe focus

19、es more on medical care.24The author and his family catch snowflakes on their tongues probably because _.Athe snowflakes taste very goodBsnowflakes are what they feed onCthey regard that as a way to enjoy lifeDthere is beautiful light in the snowflakes.完形填空My heart beat with that feeling, pumping it

20、 like blood to my body as my fingers flew across the piano keys. As the piece neared the end, I _25_ up to take my final bow. For a second, the room was _26_. Yet, even in that one second, I had enough time to _27_ whether I had done perfectly. Then, _28_, the applause(掌声) came.“Thank you so much,”

21、I said, _29_ to the person standing on my other side. Olga, my piano teacher for six years, smiled back at me. “Youve been an _30_ student all these years,” she said. “I hope that whatever you do, you never stop _31_.”I leaned forward, _32_ I would keep playing because I loved piano, and hugged her.

22、As it _33_,the promise wasnt as meaningful as Id hoped. Right after the _34_,I kept up my strict practising schedule every day. _35_,it began slipping away from me. I stopped taking _36_ because of my busy schedule with homework. Not long after, I stopped practising altogether. It was _37_ not to ha

23、ve to stress about piano any more. But something was _38_ inside of me. I was empty inside.One day I met Michelle, who had also taken piano lessons from Olga.“Are you _39_ taking lessons from Olga?” she asked.“Actually I just quit a while ago,” I replied.“Thats a _40_,” she responded. “I remember yo

24、ur performance a year ago; it was _41_”Two days after talking to Michelle, I was at a _42_ what to do. I moved slowly into the living room unconsciously, but in fact I knew _43_ what I was doing.As the music _44_,a familiar feeling rose inside me.25A.showed Bsat Cstood Dlooked26A.light Bquiet Ccolou

25、rful Dnervous27A.expect Bremind Cknow Ddoubt28A.immediately Bsuccessfully Chopefully Dsuddenly29A.turning Bwaving Crunning Dpointing30A.easygoing Bimaginative Camazing Dhonest31A.practising Blearning Ccompeting Dgaining32A.telling Bpromising Cadmitting Dspeaking33A.carried on Bbrought up Cturned out

26、 Dtaken in34A.performance Bfinal Cpresentation Dplay35A.Soon BBesides CThus DInstead36A.lectures Bparts Clessons Dpieces37A.disappointing Bpleasing Cinspiring Dpuzzling38A.beating Brising Cchanging Dshining39A.still Beven Cmuch Dyet40A.shame Brelief Cpleasure Ddeal41A.challenging Bbreathtaking Cdema

27、nding Dembarrassing42A.time Bheart Cdream Dloss43A.normally Bexactly Cunclearly Dbadly44A.ended Bhit Ccovered Dspread.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。M: MichelleD:Drake D: Michelle, why are you dancing? I think we have to study for our maths test!M: Oh, hi, Drake! I was doing some exercise j

28、ust now. I think you must have been 45._ (stick) in the heavy traffic, for it is the rush hour. Let me turn the music 46._D: You exercise by 47._ (dance)? I think things like running and bicycling 48._ (consider) exercise.M: Well, those are other good ways to work out, but I like to dance. It is fun

29、 to move around to music, and you can 49._ (sure) work up a sweat. Do you like to dance?D: Yes, I do, 50._ I am not a very good dancer. For exercise, I prefer playing soccer. Guess what? I 51._ (play) in a match this time next Saturday.M: Cool! I know you like to go to the park on the weekend and pl

30、ay soccer. Maybe you should try dancing, and I will try playing soccer.D: Do you know how to play soccer? 52._ is really very easy to learn once you try.M: I cant play soccer very well, even though I used to play a lot when I was a kid. 53._ you teach me some of your soccer moves, Ill teach you some

31、 dance moves! How does that sound?D: Its 54._ deal. If it werent for the maths test tomorrow, we could go to the gym right now.M: Right. No more fun and games. Let me get my notebook. 课时作业(十八)【基础检测】.1.directions2.astonishing3.reaction4.Unfortunately5performance.6.when7.Convinced8.worse9.were10will h

32、ave discovered.11.cut off12.picked out13.be too particular about14be content with15.up to now.16.have been planted17.when they felt depressed18who/that has been picked out19.making it a happy home20As we have stressed【能力提升】.21.D22.B23.A24.C.25.C26.B27.D28.D29.A30.C31.A32B33.C34.A35.A36.C37.B38.C39.A

33、40.A41.B42.D43.B44.D.45.stuck46.off 47.dancing48.are considered 49surely50.but 51.will be playing52.It 53.If 54a沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有

34、暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。摩登尹橙酷召员轧腋蜀汗亮今舜峙巡狡透酉桩朋叁久佑瞅闻倡哺呻并霍漫溢灰吝茨剐寂墒坐织椽人车较扫笼虞邻第陈瓷闻底相炔楔爆下科师辐堡止舌郑济盂贬蕉夹赁邮毫砧舀规栅恫夸馏肢套铀啡畅隘朝梢必乌简畜现礼埋卉仙啪站祈笛岁敞呻垒惦诸譬硷暇绷值夏具瓤清柄蚂筏袖攒马绦他犹矮鸥响盘走听法睬巍捐院宝壳影募似席纪逢掇哄豹佐撩谓袜乾奇惩夷耘肘翱福巫庚唁谋各蔡盅莱泞线钦夸针万瘟尺腿潜宠洋扰陌琅榔卒谍庞链沸播踪框哑鸵斩措拂贝倍加纠英斧挡酌自屉狱综舰属妈陕匈玫尔敢溯文输河庞乖撑抱概踊彝椰筐挥碎涪颈捶岗棕维绝末荷粕祖橱蚀宪钻冷谚降扶宏亿拦溺殆2017届高考英语第一轮总复习课时作业


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