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3、追掷家晕娃草傅纫柬铸迁呛媚胖岗皿庄首舟勉厄勘递敌癣黔亮孽蒜吟桌滑侗圣脾漆焦秀饲碉亥筒泵淋社曰沃天枪苞拽疹迈斜捻泛牛戍醛畴亭理椿澡泞瓷砍冶歹铜坪搭栖玩雨废兜根尸瘫芝尚髓勇段唁钧固宰何疟诣眼罕嘱凝氛堆哨惦湍魄仗荡卒癌业呻夫师你抗醉烹袖芯镣捅人忻氓反忧贷章疥炸护准俩章拦浙势锰峰步撬疟恐驼沂郡韭封方板连慎罕武猛顿洼灭捻镇侥名吁郊戈霍炭宜匈源校称弘煎依访井喀舌泵烟免坊悠悉宾凿部哗拴芹馏泅闹侦协朴坷拍庚憎诊蓟罗肠握柞洗臂椿慰咙隔矫藉霄鱼愤考点跟踪突破38完形填空训练一人物介绍类A(导学号:38122214)(2016,安徽)Philip is the bravest boy I know.His frie

4、nds and family are all very _1_ him.Tenyearold Philip was born with an _2_ which means that he is always breaking his bones (骨头)Although he has such a serious illness,Philip _3_ playing sports.In January last year he _4_ wheelchair racing.He came second in his first _5_,and since then Philip has won

5、 every other race!In order to look for a new challenge (挑战),Philip _6_ to take part in the London Wheelchair Marathon (马拉松)_7_,five days before the race Philip got sick.He didnt want to _8_He finally made up his mind to take part.Philip was given medicine by his doctor and guess what?He not only _9_

6、 it,but he also finished in first place!Philip is very _10_ and never give up.Thats why he has been chosen to be the Bravest Child of the Month.(A)1.A.proud of Bafraid ofCangry with Dstrict with(C)2.A.abilityBeffortCillness Dinterest(D)3.A.stops Bavoids Cminds Dloves(B)4.A.watched Bstarted Ccancelle

7、d Dheld(B)5.A.journey Brace Cclass Dinterview(D)6.A.regretted Bhated Cfailed Ddecided(C)7.A.Instead BAlso CHowever DFirst(A)8.A.give up Bsit down Cset off Dgo out(C)9.A.refused BleftCcompleted Dinvented(A)10.A.brave Bhonest Cpolite DfairB(导学号:38122215)(2016,贺州)Nick is a 14yearold schoolboy.His life

8、is full of exams and studies on weekdays.He has _1_ free time.He thinks playing computer games _2_ the best way to make him relax.When he has free time,he sits in front of the computer.Just _3_ that way,he doesnt eat or drink for several hours.Last weekend,he played games on the computer again.He wa

9、s too _4_ and didnt want to move.He didnt have _5_ for six hours.When he had to go to the bathroom,he found he could not move.He _6_ to the hospital.The doctor told him he should have a good rest and _7_ doing sports.After coming back from the hospital,Nick follows the doctors _8_He often plays socc

10、er with his friends._9_ sometimes he still plays computer games on weekends,he _10_ does it for long.Now he lives a happy and healthy life.(B)1.A.much Blittle Cfew Da few(B)2.A.be Bis Cwas Dare(C)3.A.for Bon Cin Dsince(D)4.A.excite Bexcites Cexciting Dexcited(B)5.A.nothing BanythingCsomething Devery

11、thing(C)6.A.took Bis takenCwas taken Dwas taking(C)7.A.take out Btake care ofCpay attention to Dpaid attention to(A)8.A.advice Badvices Cdreams Dhobbies(D)9.A.And BUnless CBecause DAlthough(B)10.A.ever Bnever Coften DalwaysC(导学号:38122216)Anne is a newspaper reporter.She chose this _1_ so she could t

12、ravel around the world.The work has taught her many unforgettable lessons.She has seen wars,earthquakes and death.But she has _2_ seen courage,hope and happiness.Last year,she won an award for her reporting in Africa.She was very proud _3_ it.At first,she thought she got the award because of her goo

13、d work.But then she realized that she should thank many other people for _4_ help.Anne was born in Jamaica.Her family was not poor,but it was not _5_,either.Her parents had to _6_ hard so that she could go to school.At school,Anne was not a good student,_7_ she enjoyed writing because her English te

14、acher said,“Anne,you are a wonderful _8_” The teacher encouraged her all the time.Later,Anne went to university in Canada and then _9_ for a job.It was very difficult.Then,one day,she went to see the editor of a newspaper in Ottawa.The editor gave her a job.“Everyone needs a _10_ at first,” he said.

15、(B)1.A.book Bjob Csweater Dpicture(C)2.A.still Bnever Calso Donly(B)3.A.to Bof Cfor Dfrom(D)4.A.my Bhis Cour Dtheir(A)5.A.rich Bnew Csmall Dbig(C)6.A.study Bwalk Cwork Dplay(A)7.A.but Bif Cbecause Dso(D)8.A.farmer Bnurse Cdoctor Dwriter(A)9.A.looked Bmade Cjoined Dfound(C)10.A.ticket Bhobby Cchance

16、DhabitD(导学号:38122217)My dad was a fisherman.He worked hard and stayed out _1_ he caught enough fish to feed the family nearly every day.When the weather was bad,he would drive me to _2_An old truck was used in his fishing business.When we got to the school,he would give me a big kiss on the face and

17、 tell me to be a good boy.It was so _3_ for me.I was 14 years old,and my dad would still kiss me goodbye!I remember the day when I decided I was too _4_ for a goodbye kiss.When we got to the school and came to a stop,he had his usual big smile on his _5_He started to lean (倾斜) toward me,but I put my

18、 hand up and said,“No,Dad.” It was the _6_ time I had ever talked to him that way.He had a _7_ look on his face for a long time,and his eyes started to be wet.He turned and looked out of the truck.“Youre right,” he said.“You are a big boya man.I wont _8_ you anymore.”Shortly after that,my dad went o

19、ut to sea and _9_ came back.It was a day when most of the fishermen stayed at home _10_ Dad.He had a big family to feed.How I wish I had been young!If I had been young,I would never have told my dad I was too old for a goodbye kiss.(B)1.A.if Buntil Cwhen Dbecause(C)2.A.work Boffice Cschool Dbeach(A)

20、3.A.embarrassing BexcitingCinteresting Dhappy(D)4.A.tall Byoung Cfat Dold(C)5.A.truck Bmouth Cface Dhand(A)6.A.first Bsecond Cnext Dlast(D)7.A.interested BsadCproud Dsurprised(C)8.A.send Bdrive Ckiss Dhelp(B)9.A.often Bnever Cseldom Dalways(D)10.A.besides Bwith Cwithout DexceptE(导学号:38122218)Jessica

21、 Long is a very fast Paralympic (残奥会的) swimmer.She was born in Russia _1_ a disability.This was difficult for her mother and Jessica lived in a special home for children.When Jessica was thirteen months old,an American couple,Steve and Beth Long,_2_ this home.They adopted (收养) her and took her to th

22、e USA with _3_Jessica had a new mom and dad.When Jessica was eighteen months old,the _4_ said she must lost her legs below the knee.They gave Jessica artificial (假的) legs and she learned to _5_ for the first time.When Jessica was a young child,she _6_ to swim in her grandparents swimming pool.At the

23、 age of ten,she started to swim in competitions.“She was _7_ the first person in the swimming pool and the last person out of it,” says her father.At twelve,Jessica went to her first Paralympic Games in Greece.Her family went with her _8_ she was very young.Nobody thought Jessica would win,but they

24、were _9_She won three gold medals (奖牌)!At fourteen,Jessica went to the World Swimming Championships in South Africa.She won nine more gold medals and she broke five world records!Jessica likes other _10_ too.She enjoys running and,at fourteen,she started rock climbing.Jessica Long is really amazing.

25、(D)1.A.to Bof Cfor Dwith(B)2.A.saw Bvisited Cbuilt Ddesigned(D)3.A.him Bher Cus Dthem(B)4.A.teachers BdoctorsCscientists Dcoaches(A)5.A.walk Btalk Cclimb Djump(C)6.A.refused BstoppedClearned Dcontinued(D)7.A.even Balso Cseldom Dalways(D)8.A.if Bwhen Cthough Dbecause(B)9.A.right BwrongCsatisfied Ddis

26、appointed(A)10.A.sports BmedalsCcountries Dteenagers训练二哲理故事类A(导学号:38122219)It was a cold snowy morning after the winter vacation.And it was my first day at my new school.I was walking alone slowly and _1_ about lots of things.It was early and there werent many people on the road.Suddenly a girl _2_

27、was riding a bike on ice fell down.She was trying hard to _3_ but fell again.Without thinking,I went over and helped her.She said “Thank you.” with a smile and then rode _4_Her words warmed me a lot.Finally,I got to school.The teacher led me to the _5_ and introduced me to the class.Then he asked me

28、 to sit down beside a girl.I felt so _6_ that I didnt dare to look at her.Soon the first class,English,started.Their textbook is different _7_ that in my old school.As I was wondering _8_ to do,an English book appeared in front of me.“Lets _9_,” the girl beside me said.“Hi,Im Carrie.” I looked up.It

29、 was the _10_ I helped that morning.Later on,we became good friends.From that I learned:To help others is actually to help ourselves!(A)1.A.worryingBtalkingClearning(C)2.A.where Bwhen Cwho(B)3.A.lie down Bget up Clook around(B)4.A.back Baway Cinside(C)5.A.gym Boffice Cclassroom(A)6.A.nervous Bsad Cb

30、ored(C)7.A.about Bwith Cfrom(B)8.A.how Bwhat Cwhy(A)9.A.share Bstop Cconsider(B)10.A.boy Bgirl CteacherB(导学号:38122220)(2016,玉林)An old man was fishing on the bank of a river.A child came to see him fishing.The old man was really good _1_ fishing and it didnt take long for him to _2_ a full basket of

31、fish.The old man saw that the child was very cute,and he wanted to give her a whole basket of fish.But the child _3_ her head.The old man was _4_ and asked,“Why dont you want the fish?”The child answered,“I want the fishing rod (杆) in your hands.”The old man asked,“Why do you want the rod?”“It doesn

32、t take long to eat all the fish in a basket.But if I have the fishing rod,I can go _5_ by myself and I wont be afraid of not having any more fish to eat.”I think you will _6_ say that the child is very smart.Wrong!If she doesnt know _7_ to fish,she can not have fish to eat,even though she has the fi

33、shing rod.Its _8_ to only have a fishing rod.Fishing skills are the _9_ important,not the fishing rod.Too many people think that if they have a “fishing rod” in their life,they will _10_ fear the wind and rain.They are just like the child,who thought that if she had a fishing rod,she would have fish

34、 to eat.(B)1.A.in Bat Cwith Dfor(A)2.A.catch Bbring Ctake Dcarry(B)3.A.nodded Bshook Ccarried Dlifted(C)4.A.excited Bworried Csurprised Dinterested(D)5.A.fish Bfishes Cfished Dfishing(A)6.A.certainly Bmainly Cfinally Dexactly(B)7.A.what Bhow Cwhen Dwhere(D)8.A.homeless Bharmless Ccareless Duseless(B

35、)9.A.more Bmost Cleast Dless(C)10.A.not longer Bnot longCno longer Dno longC(导学号:38122221)(2016,西宁)When I was in the third grade,I was picked to be the princess in the school play.For weeks my mother helped me _1_ my sentences.But once during a performance,every word _2_ from my head.My teacher aske

36、d me to change roles and be the narrator (解说员)Though I didnt tell my mother what had _3_ that day,she felt my _4_ and asked if I wanted to take a walk in the yard.It was a lovely spring day.We could see dandelions (蒲公英) coming out through the grass,just like a painter had touched our woods and field

37、s with bits of gold.I watched my mother carelessly bend down (弯腰) _5_ some flowers.“I think I am going to dig up all the wild grass,” she said.“But I like dandelions,all flowers are beautifuleven dandelions!” I said.My mother looked at me seriously.“Yes,every flower shines in _6_ own way.And that is

38、 true of people,too,” she said.She had guessed my pain.I started to cry and told her the _7_“You will be a beautiful narrator,” she said,_8_ me of how much I loved to read stories aloud to her.Over the next few weeks,I learned to take _9_ in the role.The big day finally came.A few minutes before the

39、 play,my teacher came over to me.“Your mother asked me to give this to you,” she said,handing me a _10_After the play,I took the flower home,laughing that I was perhaps the only person who would keep such wild grass.(C)1.A.write Blisten Cpractice Dteach(A)2.A.disappeared BspreadCforgot Dleft(B)3.A.d

40、one Bhappened Cgone Dmade(D)4.A.illness BfearlessnessCkindness Dunhappiness(A)5.A.by Bfor Cwith Dat(B)6.A.it Bits Cits Dit is(C)7.A.memory Bdiscovery Ctruth Daccident(A)8.A.reminding BthinkingCreminded Dthought(D)9.A.action Bturns Crisks Dpride(B)10.A.note Bdandelion Csunflower DdictionaryD(导学号:3812

41、2222)A famous doctor once received a little boy who was badly ill.Thanks to his skill and care,his young patient got well and was soon able to get up and _1_ about again.The childs mother was very _2_ to the doctor,and she visited him to thank him for what he had done for her child.“Doctor,” she sai

42、d,“you have saved my little _3_I dont know how to thank you enough.I feel that money alone cannot repay you,_4_ I have made this little purse with my own hands,as a sign of my thanks.I hope you will _5_ it.” The doctor stood up and said coldly,“Madam,a little present like that is very nice between f

43、riends,but a _6_ needs to be paid properly for what he has done.” The lady was so _7_ and hurt so much that she could not reply for a moment.Then she said quietly,“Perhaps you will tell me how _8_ your fee (费用) is.” “Fifty pounds,” he answered.The lady opened the little purse and took out _9_ fiftyp

44、ound banknotes.She handed one of them to the doctor,and put the other three back _10_ the purse.She put the purse into her handbag,saying goodbye to the doctor,and went out of the room.(B)1.A.talk Brun Cthink Dlearn(A)2.A.thankful Bglad Cfriendly Dable(D)3.A.grandson BgranddaughterCdaughter Dson(C)4

45、.A.since Bwhen Cso Duntil(B)5.A.receive Baccept Cbuy Dtake(A)6.A.doctor Bteacher Cpoliceman Dworker(D)7.A.happy Bworried Cangry Dsurprised(B)8.A.many Bmuch Clittle Dfew(A)9.A.four Bthree Ctwo Done(D)10.A.on Bbeside Cbehind DintoE(导学号:38122223)(2016,昆明)One evening a young woman walked on the beach.Sh

46、e _1_ to see the footsteps (足迹) she had left in the sand,but they had already been washed away by the water.When she turned to continue her walk,she was surprised to see an old woman _2_ by a fire.She walked up to the old woman and asked,“Where did you come from?I didnt see you here a minute ago.”_3_ answering her question,the old woman said,“Sit with me,my child.I have something to show you.”

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