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1、一、阅读理解Old John goes to see a doctor. The doctor checks and says, Medicine cant help you. You must have a good rest. Go to a quiet place for a month, go to bed early, drink some milk and walk a lot. Thank you very much, says Old John, I will do everything you say. A month later, Old John comes to the

2、 doctor again. Well, says the doctor, Im glad to see you. You look much younger. Oh, Doctor, says Old John, I feel quite well now. I have a good rest, I go to bed early, I drink a lot of milk, and I walk a lot. You help me. Thank you. 犇1、The doctor _. ()Aasks Old John to take some medicineBdoesnt as

3、k Old John to take any medicineCsay many words about medicine犇2、Old John _ after a month. ()Adoesnt get wellBgets wellCis young犇3、Which one is TRUE? ()AOld John go to bed early after seeing doctor.BOld John doesnt walk a lot.COld John is sad after a months rest.犇4、When Old John is ill, he looks _. (

4、)AoldBhappyCyounger犇5、The best title (题目) for this passage should he _ . ()AOld JohnBOld John is illCThe doctors advice二、阅读理解One morning, Bill said he was ill. His mother called a taxi and took him to the doctor. The doctor asked Bill, “Whats the matter, young man?” Bill answered, “Im feeling sick,

5、I am having a headache. I cant go to school today, Im afraid.” The doctor looked him over carefully, and then asked his mother, “What did he have for breakfast?” His mother said, “Well, he had some bread, two eggs, a bottle of milk and an orange.” The doctor smiled, “Dont worry. Its nothing serious.

6、 The boy will be all right after the football match.” The mother said, “I dont understand, Doctor.” The doctor smiled again, “This afternoon, the biggest (最大的) football game of the year will be on TV. Your boy doesnt want to miss (错过) it. I think he will be fine after the game. You wait and see.”犇6、

7、Bill and his mother went to see the doctor _that morning. ()Aby busBby taxiCon foot犇7、Bill had _ for his breakfast. ()AnothingBjust a littleCa lot of food犇8、The doctor didnt give Bill any medicine, because _. ()Ahe didnt think Bill was illBBill didnt like having medicineCBills mother didnt have enou

8、gh (足够的) money. ()犇9、There was _ on TV.Avolleyball gameBan English playCa football match犇10、In fact (事实上), _.()ABill was ill.BBill liked watching football matches.CBill was an honest (诚实的) boy.三、阅读理解The Roses(罗斯一家)like having picnics on Sundays. This Sunday they want to go to the Red Park. Jack and

9、Mike, their sons, get up early in the morning. Jack puts on a shirt and jeans, and Mike puts on a T-shirt and jeans. They also put on their running shoes. After that they help their mother put bread, milk, eggs and some fruit in a basket and carry it to the car. Mrs Rose also takes four glasses of j

10、uice with her. The little dog Jerry is running after her. It wants to go with them, too. They are all very happy.犇11、On Sundays, the Roses like_.()Agoing shoppingBwatching TVChaving picnics犇12、Jack and Mike wear_.()Ashirts and jeansBjeans and running shoesCjackets and jeans犇13、Mr. Rose and Mrs. Rose

11、 have_. ()Atwo sonsBa little catCa new car犇14、They go to the park with_.()Asome apples and orangesBsome bread and milkCsome food and drink犇15、Which sentence is not true? (下面哪句话是不正确的?)()AThere are five people in Mr. Roses family.BJack and Mike can have some juice.CJerry wants to go to the park, too.四

12、、阅读理解Oliver: Oh! Your tanghulu looks nice and delicious! Where did you buy it?Zhang Peng: I bought it in a tanghulu specialty shop (专卖店) on Dongfang Street.Oliver: Is it far from our school?Zhang Peng: No, you can walk there.Oliver: How can I get there?Zhang Peng: Start (出发) from our school. Go stra

13、ight for ten minutes (分钟) then turn right, then go straight for three minutes. Its on the left. Its just near the cinema. The shop is red.犇16、_ wants to buy a tanghulu. ()AOliverBZhang Peng犇17、The shop is _ the school. ()Afar fromBnear犇18、The shop is _. ()AyellowBred犇19、The shop is near a _. ()Acine

14、maBrestaurant犇20、He can get to the shop about _ minutes.A10B13五、阅读理解Once(从前)a man stole one of Washingtons horses. Washington went with a policeman to get back the horse. But the man didnt give the horse to Washington. He said it was his horse. Washington put his hands on the eyes of the horse and s

15、aid to the man, “If(如果)this is your horse, you must tell us in which eye he is blind(瞎的).” “In the right eye!” the man said. Washington took his hand from the right eye of the horse and showed the policeman that the horse was not blind. “Oh, I made a mistake(弄错了),” said the man. “He is blind in the

16、left eye.” Washington then took his hand from the left eye of the horse. It was not blind in the left eye, either. “I made another mistake,” said the man. “Yes,” said the policeman, “ and you know the horse is not yours. You must give it back to Washington.”犇21、Washington went to get back the horse

17、with _. ()Aa policemanBa womanChis sonDhis father犇22、Washington put his _ on the horses eyes. ()Aone handBtwo handsCone footDtwo feet犇23、The horse was _. ()Ablind in left eyeBblind in right eyeCblind in two eyesDnot blind犇24、The horse was _. ()Athe othersBWashingtonsCthe policemansDthe thiefs犇25、Wha

18、t do you think of the man? ()AKind.BWarm-hearted.CFoolish.DClever.六、阅读理解Mum gives little Tom ten yuan. Then little Tom goes shopping. He gets on a bus and sits near an old woman. Then he sees the old womans handbag is open. There is ten yuan in it.He quickly looks into his pocket (口袋). The money isn

19、t there now! Little Tom thinks that the old woman is a thief. He wants to take back the money from the old womans bag. He carefully puts his hand into the old womans bag, takes the money and says nothing. Suddenly, the old woman shouts ,“Wheres my money? I cant find it, There is a thief on the bus!”

20、 Little Tom feels strange (奇怪的). Then he sees ten yuan under his seat. Little Tom is thinking a question now, “Am I a thief?”犇26、Little Tom goes shopping _. ()Aon footBby busCby car犇27、Little Tom sees _ in the old womans bag. ()Aa pocketBten dollarsCten yuan犇28、The word “thief” means “_” in Chinese.

21、 ()A强盗B小偷C贪心的人犇29、Little Tom sees _ ten yuan under his seat. ()Ahis own (自己的)Bthe old womansCthe thiefs犇30、Which sentence is RIGHT? ()ALittle Tom is a bad boy.BMum gives little Tom twenty yuan.CLittle Tom makes a mistake (错误).【参考答案】一、阅读理解解析:犇1、B犇2、B犇3、A犇4、A犇5、C【导语】本文主要讲述了老人约翰去看医生。医生告诉他药物治不了他,养成良好的作息

22、和饮食习惯才能使他健康。最后约翰按照医生建议去做,看起来更年轻了。犇1、句意:医生_。A让老约翰吃药。B不让老约翰吃药。C说了许多关于药的话。根据文中The doctor checks and says, Medicine cant help you. 可知医生不让约翰吃药。故选B。犇2、句意:老约翰 _ 一个月后。A没有好转;B变好了;C年轻了。根据文中A month later, Old John comes to the doctor again. Well, says the doctor, Im glad to see you. You look much younger. 可知一个

23、月后约翰好转了。故选B。犇3、句意:哪个是正确的?A老约翰看过医生后早睡觉。B老约翰没有走很多路。C休息一个月后老约翰很难过。根据文中Oh, Doctor, says Old John, I feel quite well now. I have a good rest, I go to bed early, I drink a lot of milk, and I walk a lot. 可知约翰看完医生后早睡觉,多走路。故选A。犇4、句意:当老约翰生病的时候,他看起来_。A老;B开心;C更年轻。根据文章大意可知他生病时候看起来老。病好了之后看起来年轻。故选A。犇5、句意:这篇文章的最好的标

24、题是_。A老约翰;B老约翰生病了;C医生的建议。通过文章大意可知本文主要讲述老约翰生病后他看医生,医生给他提了许多建议,后他按照医生的建议做之后病好了。围绕医生的建议展开的。故选C。二、阅读理解解析:犇6、B犇7、C犇8、A犇9、C犇10、B【导语】本文讲述了一天早上,妈妈带比尔去看医生的故事。犇6、句意:比尔和他妈妈那天早上_去看医生。A坐公共汽车,B坐出租车,C步行。根据“His mother called a taxi and took him to the doctor.她的妈妈叫了一辆出租车,带他去看医生。”可知B选项符合题意,故选B。犇7、句意:比尔早餐吃了_。A没有什么,B一点点

25、,C很多食物。根据“His mother said, “Well, he had some bread, two eggs, a bottle of milk and an orange.” 他的妈妈说:嗯,他吃了一些面包,两个鸡蛋,一瓶牛奶和一个橙子。”可知C选项符合题意,故选C。犇8、句意:医生没有给比尔任何药,因为_。A他认为比尔没有生病,B比尔不喜欢吃药,C比尔的妈妈没有足够的钱。根据“The doctor smiled, “Dont worry. Its nothing serious. The boy will be all right after the football mat

26、ch.” 医生笑着说:别担心。没什么大不了的。足球赛结束后,这个男孩子会好的。”可知A选项符合题意,故选A。犇9、句意:电视上有_。A排球比赛,一场英国戏剧,C一场足球比赛。根据“This afternoon, the biggest football game of the year will be on TV. 今天下午,今年最大的足球赛将在电视上播出。”可知C选项符合题意,故选C。犇10、句意:事实上,_。A比尔生病了,B比尔喜欢看足球比赛,C比尔是一个诚实的男孩。根据“The doctor smiled again, “This afternoon, the biggest (最大的)

27、 football game of the year will be on TV. Your boy doesnt want to miss (错过) it. I think he will be fine after the game. You wait and see.” 医生再一次笑着说:今天下午,今年最大的足球赛将在电视上播出。你的孩子不想错过它。我想足球赛后他会好的。你等着瞧吧。”可知B选项符合题意,故选B。三、阅读理解解析:犇11、C犇12、B犇13、A犇14、B犇15、A【解析】犇11、根据短文句子 The Roses like having picnics on Sundays

28、.(在星期日罗斯一家想要去野餐。)可知是喜欢野餐。C选项正确。故答案为C。犇12、根据短文句子 Jack puts on a shirt and jeans, and Mike puts on a T-shirt and jeans. They also put on their running shoes. (Jack穿上一件衬衣和牛仔裤,Mike穿上T恤衫和牛仔裤。他们还都穿上他们的跑步鞋。)可知两人一样的穿着有牛仔裤和跑步鞋。B选项正确。故答案为B。犇13、根据短文句子 Jack and Mike, their sons, get up early in the morning.(Jac

29、k和Mike,他们的儿子,在早上起得很早。)可知A选项正确。故答案为A。犇14、根据短文句子 After that they help their mother put bread, milk, eggs and some fruit in a basket and carry it to the car. Mrs Rose also takes four glasses of juice with her.(穿完衣服后,他们帮助妈妈讲面包,牛奶,鸡蛋和一些水果放到篮子里,并将篮子提到车上。Rose太太还带了四瓶果汁。)可知B选项正确。故答案为B。犇15、这是考查阅读理解的题目。首先仔细阅读短

30、文,然后根据短文相关叙述来选择合适的答案。四、阅读理解解析:犇16、A犇17、B犇18、B犇19、A犇20、B【分析】对话主要讲奥利弗询问张鹏在哪里买糖葫芦。犇16、句意:_想买一根糖葫芦。根据Oh! Your tanghulu looks nice and delicious! Where did you buy it?可知奥利弗想买糖葫芦,A奥利弗;B张鹏;故选A。犇17、句意:店铺离学校_。根据Is it far from our school?和No, you can walk there.可知店铺离学校近,A远离;B在附近;故选B。犇18、句意:店铺是_。根据The shop is

31、red.可知店铺是红色的,A黄色的;B红色的;故选B。犇19、句意:店铺在_附近。根据 Its just near the cinema.句中it指糖葫芦店铺,可知店铺在电影院附近,A电影院;B餐厅;故选A。犇20、句意:他大约_分钟能到糖葫芦店铺。根据Go straight for ten minutes (分钟) then turn right, then go straight for three minutes. Its on the left.可计算出大约需要13分钟到达,故选B。五、阅读理解21、A犇22、B犇23、D犇24、B犇25、C【解析】犇21、句意:华盛顿和_去把马牵回来

32、了。根据文中句子Washington went解析:犇21、A犇22、B犇23、D犇24、B犇25、C【解析】犇21、句意:华盛顿和_去把马牵回来了。根据文中句子Washington went with a policeman to get back the horse.可知华盛顿和一个警察去把马牵回来了,故选A。犇22、句意:华盛顿把他的_放在马的眼睛上。根据文中句子Washington put his hands on the eyes of the horse and said to the man可知华盛顿把他的两只手放在马的眼睛上,故选B。犇23、句意:那匹马是_。根据文中句子Was

33、hington took his hand from the right eye of the horse and showed the policeman that the horse was not blind. 和It was not blind in the left eye, either. 华盛顿把他的手从马的右眼移开,向警察表明马没有瞎。左眼也没有失明。可知马的左眼和右眼都不是瞎的,故选D。犇24、句意:那匹马是_。根据文中句子and you know the horse is not yours. You must give it back to Washington.“这匹马

34、不是你的。你必须把它还给华盛顿。”可知那匹马是华盛顿的,故选B。犇25、句意:你觉得那个人怎么样?A. Kind.善良;B. Warm-hearted.热心;C. Foolish.愚蠢;D. Clever.聪明。阅读短文可知那个人是愚蠢的,故选C。六、阅读理解26、B犇27、C犇28、B犇29、A犇30、C【分析】犇26、题干句意:小汤姆_去购物。根据短文He gets on a bus an解析:犇26、B犇27、C犇28、B犇29、A犇30、C【分析】犇26、题干句意:小汤姆_去购物。根据短文He gets on a bus and sits near an old woman. 他乘上公共汽车,坐在一位老妇人的旁边。故选B。犇27、题干句意:小汤姆在老妇人的包里看到_元。根据短文There is ten yuan in it. 在里面有10元。故选C。犇28、题干句意:单词thief汉语意思为_。该单词汉语意思为小偷。故选B。犇29、题干句意:小汤姆在他的位置下发现了_10元。根据短文He quickly looks into his pocket. The money isnt there now! 他看了他的口袋,现在钱不在那儿了!故选A。犇30、题干句意:哪一句是正确的?通读短文可知Little Tom makes a mistake.小汤姆犯了一个错误。故选C。

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