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1、1.2.Whats materials science and engineering?3.Such asStone age andBronze age4.It was not until relatively recent times that scientists came to understand the relationship between the structural elements of materials and their properties.Materials processing process not only alters the structure,but

2、also decides the material characteristic and performance.5.Material engineering mainly to solve the problem and create material application.6.Advancement in the understanding of a material type is often the forerunner to the stepwise progression of a technology.For example,automobiles would not have

3、 been possible without the availability of inexpensive steel or some other comparable substitutes.In our contemporary era,sophisticated electronic devices rely on components that are made from what are called semiconducting materials.7.8.9.Many an applied scientists or engineers,whether mechanical,c

4、ivil,chemical,or electrical,will be exposed to design problem involving materials at one time or another.Examples might include a transmission gear,the superstructure for a building,an oil refinery component,or an integrated circuit chip.10.Of course,materials science and engineering is totally invo

5、lved in the investigation and design of materials.11.select the right materials Many times,a materials problem is to select the right materials from many thousands available ones.There are several criteria on which the final decision is normally based.First of all,the in-service conditions must be c

6、haracterized.12.13.A second selection consideration is any deterioration of material properties that may occur during service operation.Finally,probably the overriding consideration is economics.14.15.The more familiar an engineer or scientist is with the various characteristics and structure-property relationships,as well as processing techniques of materials,the more proficient and confident he or she will be to make judicious materials choices based on these criteria.16.17.

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