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1、Unit 1 They touch noses!1编辑编辑ppt国家国家 语言、人、国家的语言、人、国家的 China中国中国Chinese中文,中国人,中国的中文,中国人,中国的Japan日本日本Japanese日语,日本人,日本的日语,日本人,日本的England英国英国English英语,英国人,英国的英语,英国人,英国的America美国美国American美国人,美国的美国人,美国的France法国法国French法语,法国人,法国的,法语,法国人,法国的,Australia澳大利亚澳大利亚Australian澳大利亚人,澳大利亚的澳大利亚人,澳大利亚的Canada加拿大加拿大Can

2、adian加拿大人,加拿大的加拿大人,加拿大的Russia俄国俄国Russian俄语,俄国人,俄国的俄语,俄国人,俄国的Germany德国德国German德语,德国人,德国的德语,德国人,德国的India印度印度Indian印度人,印度的印度人,印度的2编辑编辑pptPeople from different countries have different ways of body languages to greet(欢迎欢迎)each other.Look at the following(下(下列)列)pictures.3编辑编辑pptVarious(各种各样的)(各种各样的)ways

3、 of greetingsmileshake handshugwavekissbowPeople in different countries may use different body People in different countries may use different body language to language to greetgreet each other.each other.touch4编辑编辑pptbow kiss shake hands smile 321Activity1 Match the pictures with the words and expr

4、ession from the box.1/2/35编辑编辑pptBritish French German Japanese RussianActivity2 Listen and match the pictures with the nationality(国籍).3216编辑编辑ppt3.Listen and choose the correct answers.(导学案二)(导学案二)Who will come to Linglings school tomorrow?A Some Russian students.B Some Russian teachers.C.Some Eng

5、lish students.D.Some Chinese stars.How many times do people kiss in Russia?A Once B.Twice C Three times D.Four times What do Chinese people do when they meet visitors?A.Kiss.B.Nod heads.C.Shake hands.D.Both B and C.Who touches noses when they meet?A.Maori people.B Chinese people.C English people.Ind

6、ia people.Read after the tape7编辑编辑pptChinese wayShake hands and smile8编辑编辑pptRussian wayKiss three times9编辑编辑pptAmerican wayShake hands,kiss or hug10编辑编辑pptIndian wayPut hands together and nod heads11编辑编辑pptMaori peopleTouch noses12编辑编辑pptActivity3 Now complete the table with the correct form of the

7、 words from the box.India,kiss,Russiatogether,touch,visitorIn China,people shake hands and smile American people shake hands and sometimes(1)_when they meet(6)_kissvisitors13编辑编辑pptIn(2)_,people put their hands(3)_In(4)_,people kiss each other 3 timesMaori people(5)_ noseswhen they meet(6)_India tog

8、etherRussia touchvisitors14编辑编辑ppt3Lets read:1.Read with the video in low voice(小声跟读)小声跟读).2.Read together in your group.15编辑编辑pptPeople in different countries may use different body language to express(表达表达)the same meaning and feelings(感情)(感情).When you talk with people from other countries,try to

9、understand and respect(尊重)(尊重)their body language.16编辑编辑ppt What do you do and say when you meet your teacher in the morning?I smile and say good morning.17编辑编辑ppt What do you do and say when you meet a Russian?I smile,say hello and kiss each other three times.18编辑编辑ppt1.in Russia,people usually kis

10、s three times,left,right,left.在俄罗斯,人们通常亲吻三次,左、在俄罗斯,人们通常亲吻三次,左、右、左。右、左。kiss v.吻,亲吻吻,亲吻The mother kissed the sleeping baby on his head.kiss n.吻吻He threw me a kiss and went away.Language points19编辑编辑ppt2.Thats because people do different things in different countries.那是因为不同国家的人们做法不同。那是因为不同国家的人们做法不同。tha

11、ts because 表示表示“那是因为那是因为”,例,例如:如:Thats because you were not careful enough.那是因为你不够仔细。那是因为你不够仔细。Thats because I didnt know much about body language in this country.那是因为我对这个国家的肢体语言了解不够。那是因为我对这个国家的肢体语言了解不够。20编辑编辑ppt3.They touch noses!他们互相碰鼻子!他们互相碰鼻子!碰鼻礼是毛利人传统的打招呼方式,碰鼻礼是毛利人传统的打招呼方式,也是一种表达真挚问候的礼仪。行礼时,也是一

12、种表达真挚问候的礼仪。行礼时,相互问候的两个人要鼻尖相碰,表示交换相互问候的两个人要鼻尖相碰,表示交换双方的呼吸,使之融合在一起。毛利人是双方的呼吸,使之融合在一起。毛利人是新西兰的原住民,他们有自己独特的生活新西兰的原住民,他们有自己独特的生活方式和文化。方式和文化。21编辑编辑pptI、根据首字母及句子意思,填入恰当的词。根据首字母及句子意思,填入恰当的词。1.“Welcome!”,she s_ hands and smiles.2.She came and gave her grandpas a h_.3.If you agree with(同意同意)my ideas,you n_ yo

13、ur head.4.Maori people in New Zealand t_ noses when they meet.5.They b_ to their king every morning.hakes ug od ouch ow导学案三导学案三 随堂检测随堂检测22编辑编辑pptII、根据今天所学内容,完成短文。根据今天所学内容,完成短文。In _,people shake hands and smile when they meet visitors.In _,people shake hands and sometimes kiss.In _,people put their h

14、ands together and nod their heads.In _,people usually kiss three times,In _,Maori people touch noses.China America/the US India Russia New Zealand23编辑编辑pptIII.根据所给汉语完成英语句子。1.那是因为你不够仔细。_you were not careful enough.2.我们应该互相帮助。We should help _.3.他们互相碰鼻子!They touch _ !Thats becauseeach othernoses24编辑编辑p

15、pt抽测:抽测:翻译下列句子和词组1我应该怎样做呢?2 不,我不知道那样。3 那是因为 4 做不同的事情5 在不同的国家6 双手合十How do I do that?No,I didnt know that.Thats because do different thingsIn different countriesput hands together25编辑编辑pptThey are from China.They are Chinese.They usually 1._ when they meet.Where are they from?How do they greet?Maybesh

16、ake hands and smileReview26编辑编辑pptThey are from Russia.They are Russian.They usually 2._ when they meet.Where are they from?How do they greet?Maybekiss three timesReview27编辑编辑pptWhere are they from?They are from Japan.They are Japanese.MaybeThey usually 3._ when they meet.ReviewHow do they greet?bow each other28编辑编辑pptThey are from New Zealand.They are Maori.They 6._noses.Where are they from?How do they greet?touchReview29编辑编辑pptHomework 1.Remember the new words and phrases in unit1.2.Finish the workbook.3.Preview the new words in unit 2.30编辑编辑ppt惠东中学初中部:李平芳 2015-4-15Thank you,bye!31编辑编辑ppt

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