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1、英语小学三年级阅读理解专项提高试卷(含答案)一、三年级上册英语阅读理解专项练习1 This girl is Linlin. She is ten. Its her birthday today (今天). She has (有) two presents. Look! This present is from (来自) her mother. What is it? Oh! Its a book. Now it is on the desk. Her father gave (给) her a cat kite. It is blue. Linlin likes (喜欢) the presen

2、ts.31、Linlin is _. ()A9B10C1232、Linlin has two _. ()ApresentsBblackboardsCbirds33、The book is from her _. ()AteacherBgrandmaCmother34、Now the book is _. ()Aon the chairBon the deskCin the book35、Her father gave her a _. ()ABC2 Hello! Im Mike. Im from the UK. Im a student. I have a brother. Hes a stu

3、dent, too. We like watermelons. My mum and dad are teachers. They like strawberries. We have a watermelon and twenty strawberries on the desk.31、Mike is from _. ()Athe USABthe UK32、Mikes brother is a _. ()AstudentBteacher33、Mikes mother and father like _. ()AstrawberriesBwatermelons34、Mikes family h

4、as _ strawberries on the desk. ()AtwelveBtwenty35、Mikes family has _ people (人). ()AfourBthree3 Lucy is my new friend. Shes from the USAShes tall and thin. She has big eyes and a small mouth. She likes apples and oranges. She has a white cat. It has small eyes and a long tail. Its very cute.31、Lucy

5、is my _. ()AbrotherBnew friendCsister32、Lucy is from _. ()Athe USABthe UKCChina33、Lucy is _. ()Atall and fatBtall and thinCshort and thin34、The _ has a long tail. ()AdogBfishCcat35、Lucy likes _. ()Aapples and pearsBapples and orangesCpears and bananas4 Hi, my friend. Im Mike. Im from the UK. Im elev

6、en. Look! This is my room(房间). A ball is under the bed. A toy boat is on the desk. I like strawberries. I dont like watermelons. My brother Jim likes oranges. He is fat and tall. He is twelve. He has small ears and big eyes.31、_ is from the UK. ()AJimBMikeCFriend32、A boat is _ the desk. ()AunderBinC

7、on33、Jim likes _. ()AorangesBstrawberriesCwatermelons34、Mike is _. ()A10B11C1235、Jim has _. ()Asmall earsBbig eyesCBoth A and B5 One day Mr. and Mrs.White go shopping by car. They stop their car near a store. They buy a lot of things and they want to put the things in the car. But Mr. White cant ope

8、n the door of the car, so they ask a policeman to help them. The policeman is very friendly to help them. Just then a man comes up and shouts, “What are you doing with my car?” Mr. and Mrs. White take a look at the cars number and they are frozen there. It isnt their car.31、Mr. and Mrs. White drive

9、for _. ()AfishingBshoppingCbusiness32、They stop their car _. ()Aat the parking spotBnear the seaCnear the store33、They want to put the things _. ()Ain a big bagBin their carCin others car34、Mr. White cant open the car, so _. ()Athey walk homeBthey ask a policeman to helpCthey call a taxi35、The car _

10、 their car. ()AisntBisCare6 Mr. Smith lives in a village, but he works in a big city(城市). He goes to work by train every morning and comes home in the same way.This morning, when he was reading his newspaper on the train, a man behind him said Hello to him and began to talk to him. Your life is not

11、interesting, isnt it? You take the same train every morning, and you always sit in the same seat and read the same newspaper. How do you know all that about me? Mr. Smith said angrily(生气地). Because I always sit in the same seat behind you, the man answered.31、Mr. Smith works _. ()Ain a villageBin a

12、cityCin a townDin the country32、He comes back home from work _. ()Aby shipBby busCon footDby train33、When he is on the train, Mr. Smith often _. ()Areads booksBreads a newspaperCtalks to othersDlistens to others34、Mr. Smith _. ()Alikes the man very muchBlikes reading booksCdoesnt like the man.Dhas m

13、uch money35、The man knows Mr. Smith because _. ()Ahe is Mr. Smiths good friendBthey work in the same factoryChe sits behind Mr. Smith on the same train every dayDthey live in the same village7 Grandpa & Grandma: Happy Birthday, Bobby. This is for you.Bobby: Thank you, Grandpa and Grandma. What is th

14、is?Grandpa & Grandma: Its a robot.Bobby: Great!Mum & Dad: This yellow jacket is for you, Bobby. Happy Birthday!Bobby: How nice! I like (喜欢) this colour. Thank you, Dad and Mum.John: Bobby, Happy Birthday! This CD is for you.Bobby: Thank you, my friend!Tina: This ball is for you, Bobby. Happy Birthda

15、y!Bobby: Thank you, My sister.31、Its _ birthday. ()ATinasBJohnsCBobbys32、Mum and Dad give (给) Bobby _. ()Aa jacketBa robotCa CD33、Bobby likes (喜欢) _. ()AblueByellowCred34、_ is Bobbys friend. ()AJohnBTinaCTim35、Bobby has got (得到) _ presents (礼物). ()A2B3C48 Hello, Im Bob. Im a boy. Im ten. Im a studen

16、t.Hello, Im Nick. Im thirty. Im a doctor.Hi, Im Amy. Im a woman. Im a teacher.31、There are _ people. ()A2B3C432、Hello, Bob. Are you ten? ()AYes, I am.BNo, Im not.CNo. Im thirty.33、Hi, Nick. Are you a teacher? ()AYes, I am.BNo, Im not.CNo. Im a student.34、Im Amy. Im a _. ()AdoctorBteacherCstudent35、H

17、ello, Im a student. Im _. ()ABobBNickCAmy9 This is my room. Look at it. It is big. My desk is near (附近) the window. There are (有) many books on the desk. My bag is in the desk. My books, pens and rulers are in the bag. I have a toy car. It is under my bed. I like it very much.31、My room is _. ()Abig

18、BsmallCnot good32、Many _ are on the desk. ()ApensBrulersCbooks33、My bag is _ the desk. ()AonBinCunder34、My toy _ is under the bed. ()AtaxiBcarCbox35、My _ is not in the bag. ()ApencilBrulerCpen10 Hi, this is my classroom. Its big (大的). The walls (墙壁) are green. The desks are yellow. The chairs are ye

19、llow too. The doors are blue. The windows are white (白色). Look, the books are on the desk. I like (喜欢) my classroom.31、My classroom is _. ()AsmallBbigCbright32、The _ are yellow. ()AchairsBwallsCwindows33、The windows are _. ()AredBgreenCwhite34、The _ are on the desk ()ApensBballsCbooks35、I _ my class

20、room. ()Anot likeBdont likeClike11 My name is Jim. My favorite day is October 18th, because its my birthday. I am very happy on that day. I eat eggs for breakfast. Then my friends come to my home and play with me. We sing and dance. Someone plays the piano and someone plays the guitar. Lunch is very

21、 nice. After lunch, my parents take me to see a movie. My favorite movies are comedies and action movies. After supper, my parents, my sister and I watch TV. Then I go to bed at ten thirty. I dont do my homework on that day. I am very tired but happy on my birthday.31、Jims birthday is on _. ()AOctob

22、er 8BOctober 18CDecember 8thDDecember 18th32、Jims favorite movies are _. ()AComediesBaction moviesCthrillersDA and B33、Jim goes to bed at _. ()A10:30B10:13C10:00D3:1034、Does Jim do his homework on his birthday? ()AYes, he does.BNo, he doesnt.CNo, he isnt.DI dont know.35、How is Jim on his birthday? (

23、)ATired.BHappy but not tired.CTired but happy.DHappy.12 There are (有) three pandas in the zoo. Look! That is Father Panda, he is fat (胖). That is Mother Panda, she is big (大的). This is Baby Panda, he is lovely (可爱的). They (他们) are very happy (开心).31、There are _ pandas in the zoo. ()AtwoBthreeCfour32

24、、_ is fat. ()AMother PandaBBaby PandaCFather Panda33、_ is big. ()AMother PandaBBaby PandaCFather Panda34、Baby Panda is _. ()AgoodBfatClovely (可爱的)35、They are _. ()AfineBhappyCthin13 Hello! Im Tom. Im ten. I like dogs, cats, pandas and elephants. I like blue. My bag is black, but(但是) my pencil box is

25、 blue. My eraser is yellow. I like bread, eggs and milk. I dont like cake.根据短文内容选择正确答案。31、Tom is _()A6B10C832、Tom likes _. ()Adogs, cats, pandas and elephantsBdogs, cats, pandas and ducksCcats, pandas, pigs and elephants33、Toms bag is _. ()AredBblueCblack34、Toms pencil box is _. ()AblueByellowCblack

26、35、Tom doesnt like(不喜欢) _()AeggsBbreadCcake14 My name is Lily. Im eight years old. I have three white pens and two black rulers. Look at my red bag. Its nice and a dog is on it. Its yellow and brown. I like it. Id like some milk. Can I have some?31、My name is _. ()ALilyBMary32、Im _ years old. ()Athr

27、eeBeight33、I have two _ rulers. ()AblueBblack34、_ is on my bag. ()ADogBPanda35、Id like some _. ()AjuiceBmilk15 Hello, Im Polly. Im a bird. My eyes are black. My mouth is red. My head is yellow. My body is green. Today is my birthday. Im two years old. Kitty is my friend. Its a cat. Its brown. Its th

28、ree years old. We are happy.31、Polly is _ years old. ()A2B3C432、Pollys mouth is _. ()AblackBredCblue33、Pollys _ is green. ()AheadBeyesCbody34、Kitty is _. ()AyellowBbrownCgreen35、Kitty is a _. ()ABC16 Hi! My name is Xiao Xue. Im eight years old. I like red. I like fish and rice. I have a school bag.

29、Its blue and white. I have four pencils and five books. At home, I have a black dog. Its small(小的). Its funny. I like it. I have a yellow cat. It is fat. It is very lovely(可爱的). I often(经常) play with my cat and dog.31、Xiao Xue is _ years old. ()A7B8C932、Xiao Xue likes to eat _. ()Afish and riceBbrea

30、d and eggsCmilk and hamburgers33、Xiao Xues school bag is _. ()Ablack and whiteBblue and whiteCblack and red34、Xiao Xues dog is _. ()AfunnyBlovelyCfine35、Xiao Xues cat is _. ()AfatBgoodCsmall17 Mum: Dinners ready (开饭了)!Lily: Mum, Im hungry. Id like some cake and juice.Mum: Here you are. Would you lik

31、e (你想要) some cake, Lucy?Lucy: No, thanks, mum. Id like some eggs and water.Tom: Can I have some rice and beef, mum?Mum: Sure, here you are. What about you (你呢) , Jim?Jim: A cake and some milk, please. Thank you, mum.Mum: Youre welcome. And Id like a cake and some milk, too.31、How many children? ()AT

32、hree.BFive.CFour.32、Lily is hungry. She wants some _. ()Acake and riceBcake and juiceCcake and water33、Lucy doesnt like eating (不想吃) some _. ()AcakeBeggs and waterCeggs and milk34、Tom wants some _. ()Arice and beefBjuice and beefCbeef and noodles35、_ and mum both like (都喜欢吃) some cake and milk. ()AJ

33、imBTomCLucy18 Hello, kids! Here are many gifts (礼物) for you. Theyre in the red bag. Look! Three white erasers, two yellow pens and a green pencil. The pens are for Sarah and John. The pencil is for Sam. How many books? Six. Whats this? Oh, its a toy tiger. Its brown and funny. Its for Sam.31、The bag

34、 is _. ()ABC32、Here are three white _ and _ yellow pens. ()Aerasers; 3Bpencils; 2Cerasers; 233、How many books? ()ABC34、The toy tiger is _. ()Ayellow and funnyBbrown and coolCbrown and funny35、The pencil is for _. ()ASamBSarahCJohn19 Hi! My name is Mike. I am a boy. I have a blue bag, a green pencil

35、box and a yellow ruler. I have a good friend and her name is Sarah. She has big eyes and a small mouth. She is very beautiful (漂亮的). She has a red bag.31、The boy is _. ()AJohnBMikeCSarah32、I have a _ bag. ()AyellowBgreenCblue33、The _ is green. ()AbagBpencil boxCruler34、_ is my good friend. ()ASarahB

36、MikeCJohn35、Sarah has big _ and a small _. ()Amouth; eyesBeyes; mouthCmouth; head20 Hello, Im Liu Wei. Look! This is my family photo. I have a brother and a sister. My brothers name is Liu Chen. Liu Xian is my sister. We are students. Liu Xiaomin is my father. He is tall. Zhao Fan is my mother. She

37、is beautiful. My father has a brother. Liu Xiaojun is my fathers brother. So he is my uncle. My grandpas name is Liu Guoqing. Chen Jie is my grandma. We all live together. And we all love one another.31、There are _ people in Liu Weis family. ()A7B8C932、Liu Wei is _ brother. ()ALiu XiaojunsBLiu Xiana

38、CLiu Xiaomins33、Liu Chens mother is _. ()AChen JieBZhao FanCLiu Xian34、Liu Guoqing is Liu Weis _. ()AfatherBgrandmaCgrandpa35、画线单词“uncle”的中文意思是“_”。()A叔父B姨母C堂哥【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、三年级上册英语阅读理解专项练习1B解析:31、B32、A33、C34、B35、A【导语】本文描述了今天是一个叫琳琳的女孩的生日,琳琳收到了什么生日礼物,这些礼物都是谁送的,都分别是什么。31、句意:琳琳_岁了。根据She is ten.可知琳

39、琳10岁了,故选B。32、句意:琳琳有两个_。根据She has two presents. 可知琳琳收到了2份礼物presents,故选A。33、句意:书来自她的_。根据This present is from her mother. What is it? Oh! Its a book. 可知书是妈妈送的。故选C。34、句意:现在书在_。根据Now it is on the desk.可知现在书在课桌上。故选B。35、句意:她爸爸给她一个_。根据Her father gave her a cat kite.可知爸爸送给她一个风筝,图A符合,故选A。2B解析:31、B32、A33、A34、B

40、35、A【导语】本文介绍了迈克一家人及一家人喜欢的水果。31、句意:迈克来自_。A美国,B英国,根据“Im from the UK.”,可知迈克来自英国,故选B。32、句意:迈克的弟弟是一名_。A学生,B老师,根据“I have a brother. Hes a student, too.”,可知迈克的弟弟是一名学生,故选A。33、句意:迈克的妈妈和爸爸喜欢_。A草莓,B西瓜,根据“My mum and dad are teachers. They like strawberries.”,可知迈克的妈妈和爸爸喜欢草莓,故选A。34、句意:迈克家的桌子上有_个草莓。A十二,B二十,根据“We h

41、ave a watermelon and twenty strawberries on the desk.”,可知迈克家的桌子上有二十个草莓,故选B。35、句意:迈克家有_口人。A四,B三,根据全文可知迈克家有四口人,故选A。3B解析:31、B32、A33、B34、C35、B【导语】本文主要介绍了我的新朋友露西。31、句意:露西是我的_。A哥哥(弟弟),B新朋友,C姐妹,根据“Lucy is my new friend.”可知,露西是我的新朋友,故选B。32、句意:露西来自_。A美国,B英国,C中国,根据“ Shes from the USA.”可知,露西来自美国,故选A。33、句意:露西是_。A又高又胖,B又高又瘦,C又矮又瘦,根据“Shes tall and thin. ”可知,露西又高又瘦,故选B。34、句意:_有长长的尾巴。A狗,B鱼,C猫,根据“She has a white cat. It has small eyes and a long tail.”她有一只白色的猫,猫有一双小眼睛长尾巴,故选C。35、句意:露西喜欢_。A苹果和梨,B苹果和橙子,C梨和香蕉,根据“She likes apples and oranges. ”她喜欢苹果和橙子,故选B。4B解析:31、B32、C33、A34、B35、C【导语】本文主要讲述迈克房间物品摆放的位置。31、句意:

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