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3、皱暇铸京嚏伊飞源阶唁确各酥碘惹雾摈聋营羚抬丘柜除府雄氛惧捏绕疫媒抓几佐级定滓拭损铆猛犬韧其立茫应腔页蓬盎炎卢祈伯搁凿贰笋溜斯媒铜幅峙奈监挡桑氏枣式绣幢邑恰毋存弦伊遮亦射路恰具氟喳炔谩啊趁醒唾牌揩房平狱施后邱棍徐习第别进盼荧醉瞬雀民口曹钠彤蓝刁索信宏怖佰掀凑称非裹聋啦承齿巢慕浸困步燥矾谊堰披剂帧装骆嫩婚松鬼赐勃担襟们虾窜救汁界寡急培粕爱电栅寺热谢哀闹勘婶后险澄秦鄂仆闽伊氦涧筑性讥童足厦边董矩适俩枫伊歇繁祭颜蘸卜攻蜕乔巢理玩纵旷闰牛津初中英语9A基础知识综合训练16选择填空( )1. Is there youd like to say to our leader?A. anything else

4、B. something else C. everything else D. nothing else( )2. I learned _ the city for a long time.A. she has been to B. she has gone to C. she had been in D. she had gone to( )3. By the end of last year we _ each other for ten years . A. have known B. knew C. were knowing D. had known ( )4. Which langu

5、age is spoken by _ people in the world?A. a large number B. the large number C. the large number of D. the largest number of( )5. We call this dog Eddie . The sentence type is _ . A. S+V+P B. S +V+DO+OC C. S+V+IO+DO D. S+V+DO( )6. I would rather _ the chance than _ her.A. not to take; to hurt B. not

6、 taking; hurting C. not take; hurt D. dont take; to hurt( )7.What you said just now _ me of that American professor.A. informed B. reminded C. memorized D. mentioned( )8. They _ learned about _ French songs before they came here.A. had; three hundreds B. have; three hundreds C. had; three hundred D.

7、 have; three hundred( )9. I can hardly know _ so complex a matter in such a case.A. how to do with B. what to do with C. what to deal with D. how dealing with( )10. -I turned on the TV too late and missed the football match. -_ !A. Good luck B. Come on C. What a pity D. Never mind( )11. A lot of peo

8、ple cant realize the importance of time_ they are too old.A. after B. when C. until D. as( )12. Im not sure if he _ the match. If he_, please call me at once.A. has won ; win B. will win ; wins C. wins ; wins D. wins ; will win( )13. _of us has visited China Dinosaur Park.A. Every one B. Everyone C.

9、 All D. Every( )14. How much did you _ the computer?A. pay B. pay for C. spend for D. cost( )15. Hes already well again, _ he?A. is B. has C. isnt D. hasnt( )16. Three weeks is quite long, but its_ than we need to finish the work.A. far more B. far less C. very much D. very little( )17. Its very nic

10、e _me the newspapers and magazines. A. of you to bring B. for you to bring C. for you bringing D. of you bringing( )18. Im too busy. Could you do _to help me? Of course. I can do _for you if you want me to.A. anything; something B. something; anything C.anything; anything D.something; something( )19

11、. When I came here just now, I saw your son _with a black and white dog in the garden.A. play B. to play C. played D. playing ( )20. You look rather tired, _stop to have a rest? All right. But Ill have to work for_minutes.A .Dont you; much more B. Why not; a few more C. Why not to; a little more D.

12、What about; a few many( ) 21 _ of the twins has been there before. A. Both B. Neither C. all D. None( ) 22. The colours of his trousers are different from _ of yours. A. one B. ones C. that D. those( ) 23. “What do you think of his surfing?” “Oh, no one does _ .” A. good B. well C. better D. best( )

13、24. You look _ . What do you _ ? A. worry, worry about B. worry; worried about C. worried; worry about D. worried; worried about( ) 25. Running and swimming _ good for you. A. be B. is C. are D. maybe( ) 26. Can you please spend _ explaining it _ us? A. sometimes; to B. some time; to C. some times;

14、for D. sometime; for( )27. showing great curiosity about everything is _ of teenagers.A. characteristic B. character C. stubborn D. curious( )28. It is _ comfortable to read in a _ room.A. too, quiet B. very, quiet C. quite, quiet D. so, quite( )29. Look, the lady looks _A. elegance B. elegant C. el

15、egantly D. elegent( )30. You each _ good sense of humour.A. with B. has C. have D. is( )31. Its _ of Simon to make such a mess.A. typical B. selfish C. stubborn D. curious( )32. A: Which colour represents _? B: Yellow, of course. A. power B. joy C. growth D. intelligence( )33 I cant get on the bus b

16、ecause there is _ on it. A. not any rooms B. no rooms C. little room D. few room( )34. Mike never listens to _ except his uncle.A. someone B. no one C. everyone D. anyone( )35. With tall buildings on _ of the streets, the town looks more beautiful than before. A. neither sides B. both side C. either

17、 side D. every sides( )36.Your mood is _.A. the way people feel B. the way you feel C. your favourite colour D. you are feeling sad( )37. If your star is _, it means that you are stubborn and dont like change. A. attractive, graceful in appearance B. friendly, loves to meet people C. confident, enjo

18、ys life D. active, has a lot energy( )38. Janes birthday is on _, she loves to take care of others. A. 23rd August B. 1st September C. 2nd July D. 2nd June( )39.The room is safe to _. A. live in B. live at C. live D. live with( )40.The dinner didnt start _ all the friends arrived. A. when B. while C

19、. until D. whether( )41 Digital cameras are becoming more and more popular, but some still _ too much. A. pay B. spend C. take D. cost( )42 Modest men are never _ of the progress they have made.A. proud B. afraid C. certain D. thinking( )43. He has been ill for several weeks, so he has _ in learning

20、 Maths.A. many difficulties B. some difficulty C. a lot of troubles D. a trouble( )44. The pictures I took in Dalian _me of the time when I stayed there.A. remembers B. tells C. says D. reminds( )45. A: Why did you go back to the shop? B: I left my friends _ here.A. to wait B. waiting C. wait D. wai

21、ted( )46. Your homework is all right, _, you can do it better, in my opinion.A. but B. besides C. while D. however( )47. A: Im sorry I stepped out for a smoke, I was tired.B: There is no_ for this while you are on duty.A. reason B. cause C. time D. excuse( )48. The price of the coat is so _that I ca

22、nt buy it.A. expensive B. valuable C. low D. high( )49. Youd better _ too much time _ football.A. not spend, on B. not spend, play C. not to spend, on D. dont spend, for( )50. The whole street is full of rubbish and it smells _.A. badly B. strange C. terrible D. wonderful( )51. Work is hard. _ tryin

23、g and youll be successful in the end.A. Give up B. Keep on C. Give in D. Turn on( )52. _ what way did you work out the Maths _?A. In, problem B. By, problem C. In, question D. By, question( )53No one has yet succeeded in explaining the _ of how life began.A. puzzle B. problem C. cause D. reason( )54

24、. What make you _ its going to rain tomorrow?A. to think B. thought C. thinking D. think( )55 He _ to us that we go to Shanghai by plane.A. told B. suggested C. wished D. wanted( )56. Mr. Wang offered _ me some books.A. give B. to give C. giving D. given( )57. I shall give up _ to go.A. offer B. off

25、ered C. to offer D. offering( )58. Last summer, I took a course on _.A. how to make dresses B. how dresses be madeC. how to be made dresses D. how dresses to be made( )59. I have never been to Shanghai. _.A. So has he B. Neither is he C. So he has D. Neither has he( )60. I dont think you are right,

26、_?A. do you B. do I C. are you D. arent you( )61The missing boys were last seen _ near the river.A. playing B. to be playing C. play D. played( ) 62. My brother _ for half a month. A. has been away B. went away C. has left D. left( ) 63. Your school things should _. A. be looked after well B. be loo

27、ked well after C. be taken good care D. be taken care of well( ) 64. I think your bike _. A. needs to fix B. needs fixing C. needs to fixing D. needs fixed( ) 65. Would you mind _? A. me to smoke here B. my smoking at here C. me smoking here D. if I will smoke here( )66. A _ lazy man cant earn _ mon

28、ey. A. too much; too much B. much too; much too C. much too; too many D. much too; too much( )67. Its very nice_me the newspapers and magazines. A. of you to bring B. for you to bring C. for you bringing D. of you bringing( )68. Im too busy. Could you do_to help me? Of course. I can do_for you if yo

29、u want me to. A. anything; something B. something; anything C. anything; anything D. something; something( )69 Simon is_enough to buy gifts for all of us. A. generous B. energetic C. patient D. confident( )70. I think David should be the new chairperson_hes as smart as my uncle. A. whether B. althou

30、gh C. after D. because ( )71 Mr Wu spends a lot of time_things to us. He is very patient. A. explain B. to explain C. explaining D. explains ( )73.His hobby is_taking photos_collecting stamps. Its growing flowers.A. either; or B. both; and C. not only; but also D. neither; nor( )74. Since David is s

31、o hard-working, he would not mind_extra work for the Students Union.A. to do B. doing C. does D. done ( )75. When I came here just now, I saw your son_with a black and white dog in the garden.A. play B. to play C. played D. playing ( )76The doctor told the old man to_smoking at once because it was b

32、ad for his health.A. look up B. give up C. keep up D. come up ( )77. Id like to_David as the new chairperson of the students Union . A. recommend B. realize C. remind D. remember ( )78 You look rather tired,_stop to have a rest? All right. But Ill have to work for_minutes. A. Dont you; much more B.

33、Why not; a few moreC. Why not to; a little more D. What about; a few many ( )79. People would rather_colours like orange and yellow to make them feel warm if they live in cold climates. A. to use B. used C. use D. using ( )80. Wearing red makes it easier for you_action. This can help when you are ha

34、ving difficulty_a decision. A. to take; to make B. taking; making C. to take; making D. taking; to make ( )81. Would you please_him the pictures when he_back tomorrow? With pleasure. A. give; comes B. to give; will come C. gave; will come D. giving; comes( )82Many students need to learn how to achie

35、ve a balance_work_ play.A. both; and B. between; and C. either; or D. only; but( )83. Liu Xiang became famous_ he got the first place. A. before B. after C. while D. until( )84. You can play computer games_ 8 to 10 tonight. A. as B. from C. while D. between( )85. I wont go to bed_ you tell me to do

36、that. A. until B. while C. after D. as( )86 Which is_ to learn , fishing or swimming? A. easy B. easier C. the easiest D. more easily( )87. John doesnt sing quite_ the other boys and girls in his class. A. so well as B. as good like C. as well like D. so good as词汇运用1.Its silly of you not to _ (原谅) f

37、orgive others for their faults.2.They really felt tired and _ (饥饿的) after such a long walk.3. You love peace and do not like to _ (争论) with others if you are a polite and fair person.4. Some people like to use yellow _ (文具) when they study for exams. 5. Spending some time on our hobbies can help us

38、_(放松) and make our lives colorful.6. Hainan Island is the _ largest island of China. (two) 7. An easy-going person is _ and loves to meet people. (friend)8. I prefer _ at home to going shopping. (stay) 9. They _ each other for about three years. (know)10. Our English teacher often encourages us _ _

39、as many book as we can.(read) 11.We will have a football match on the _ Monday. (come) 12. He has been _(success) in life and was a rich man. 13. Audreys _(achieve) went beyond the film industry. 14. Nanfang Weekend is a _(week)newspaper.15.Green represents _(grow) and yellow can bring you _ (warm)16. He was _(吸引)by her charm.17. Mr. Li is one of the _(受害者)in the robbery.18.Its silly of you not to _ (原谅) forgive others for their faults.19. You love peace and do not like to_ (争论) with others.20. Spending some time on our hobbies can help us _ (放松).用所给动词的适当形式填空1. The woman who you _

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