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1、英语六年级上册阅读理解专项质量提高试卷测试卷(附答案解析)一、阅读理解Jack is a twenty-year-old young man. Two years ago, when he finished middle school, he found a job in a shop. Usually he works until ten oclock in the evening. He is very tired when he gets home.After a quick supper he goes to bed and soon falls asleep. His grandma

2、 who lives downstairs is satisfiedwith (满意) him.One day, on his way home, he met Mary. They were both happy. He asked the girl to his house, sheagreed happily. He bought some fruit and drinks for her. And they talked about their school, teachers,classmates and their future (未来). They talked for a lo

3、ng time.Have a look at your watch, please, said the girl. What time is it now?Sorry, something is wrong with my watch, said Jack. Wheres yours?I left it at home.Jack thought for a moment and found a way. He began to stamp his foot on the floor, Bang! Bang! Bang! The sound woke his grandma up. The ol

4、d woman shouted downstairs, Jack. Why are you still jumping upstairs?1、Jack was _ when he finished middle school.()AsixteenBeighteenCtwentyDfifteen2、The old woman is satisfied with Jack because _.()Ahes her grandsonBhes cleverChe can keep quietDhe gets home on time3、From the story, we can know that

5、Mary is Jacks _.()AclassmateBcolleague (同事)CauntDwife4、The word stamp in the story means _ in Chinese.()A盖印B跺C贴邮票D承认5、Jack stamped his foot on the floor in order (为了) _.()Ato wake his grandma upBto make his grandma angryCthat his grandma was going to tell him the timeDthat his grandma was going to b

6、uy him a watch二、阅读理解Dear John,My names Wu Yifan! Im very interested in(对感兴趣) Australia, and Im learning English now. I can speak Chinese and English. Lets be friends! I like reading books. I live near a library, so sometimes I go to the library to read books. My favourite colour is yellow, my favour

7、ite food is ice cream, and I like summer best. What about you? Can you tell me? Please write to me.Yours,Wu Yifan6、This email is from(来自) _. ()AWu YifanBJohnCJack7、Wu Yifan is learning _ now. ()AChineseBEnglishCJapanese (日语)8、Wu Yifan likes _. ()Areading EnglishBliving on the farmCreading books9、_ i

8、s Wu Yifans favourite colour. ()AYellowBRedCWhite10、Wu Yifan likes _ best. ()AspringBwinterCsummer三、阅读理解阅读理解。On Christmas morning, children like to get up early to find the presents in the stockings(长筒袜) or under the Christmas trees. On Christmas Day, Mike got up at six twenty. He quickly put on the

9、 clothes and looked for his presents in the stocking. “Wow, what a lovely toy dog! I like it very much.” He said happily. Then he ran down to the ground floor to see whats in the box. He shook(摇) the box. His sister, Nancy came to him, “Oh, Mike, you are taking my present.” “What? Open it and have a

10、 look!” Then they opened the box, a pretty dress in it. Mike looked around, and he saw another box for him under the tree. He was happy.11、Mike got up at _. ()Atwenty to sixBsix twentyCsix12、The lovely dog is for _. ()ANancyBNancys sisterCNancys brother13、The pretty dress is for _. ()ANancyBNancys s

11、isterCNancys brother14、Mike got _ presents from his family.()AoneBtwoCthree15、Whats in the box for Mike?()AA toy dog.BA dress.CSorry, I dont know.四、阅读理解Zhao Hua lives in Guangzhou. His mother is an English teacher. She goes to work by bus every day. Zhao Huas father is an engineer (工程师). He works in

12、 a toy company. He likes designing (设计) toys. He goes to work by car. Zhao Li is Zhao Huas twin sister. Zhao Li likes playing the piano and watching cartoons. She goes to school on foot. Zhao Hua likes swimming and riding a bike. He goes to school by bike. On the weekend, Zhao Li plays the piano and

13、 watches TV. Zhao Hua swims or rides a bike. They are happy.16、What does Zhao Huas mother do? ()AShes a teacher.BShes an engineer.17、Whats Zhao Huas fathers hobby? ()AHe likes playing the piano.BHe likes designing toys.18、How does Zhao Li go to school? ()AOn foot.BBy car.19、What are Zhao Huas hobbie

14、s? ()ASwimming and riding a bike.BPlaying the piano and watching cartoons.20、How do they feel? ()AThey are happy.BThey are worried.五、阅读理解On Christmas morning, children like to get up early to find the presents in the stockings or under the Christmas trees. On Christmas Day, Mike got up at six twenty

15、. He quickly put on the clothes and looked for his present in the stocking. Wow, what a lovely toy dog! I like it very much. He said happily. Then he ran down to the ground floor to see whats in the box. He shook the box and listened. His sister, Nancy came to him, Oh, Mike, you are taking my presen

16、t. What? Open it and have a look! Then they opened the box, a pretty dress in it. Mike looked around, and he saw another box for him under the tree.21、Mike got up at _. ()Atwenty to sixBtwenty past sixCsix22、The lovely dog was for _. ()ANancyBNancys sisterCNancys brother23、The pretty dress was for _

17、. ()AMikeBMikes sisterCMikes brother24、Mike got _ presents from his family. ()Aonly oneBtwoCthree25、Whats in the box for Mike? ()AA toy dog.BA skateboard.CSorry, I dont know.六、阅读理解Everyone has his or her own living habits. Keeping good living habits is important. Why are some habits better than othe

18、rs? Lets find out.Why do we need to eat coarse grain (粗粮)?Corn, sweet potato, soybean and oats are all coarse grains. Eating coarse grains is good for your health. They have a lot of dietary fiber (食用纤维).They are good for your digestion (消化). You can cook them in porridge or make drinks with them.Wh

19、y shouldnt we bend (弯曲) our heads for a long time?Keeping your head bent down for long is not good for your neck. Why is that? Its because you put too much pressure on your neck. Its like putting two watermelons (about 27 kilograms) on your neck. You might have neck and shoulder pain by doing that.W

20、hy shouldnt we rub (揉) our eyes?Your hands are dirty. When you rub your eyes, the bacteria (细菌) on your hands may go into your eyes. Your eyelashes (睫毛) might also break or fall off. If something gets in your eyes, do not rub them. Rinse (冲洗) them with cold water.Why is a cold-water bath after exerc

21、ising bad? After exercising, your skin is sweating (流汗) and your heart is beating fast. A cold-water bath will stimulate (刺激) them too much. It might give you a cramp (抽筋) or headache. Youd better wait for a while until your body cools down. Then you can take a warm-water bath to relax.26、Which is N

22、OT a coarse grain? ()ACorn.BSoybean.CRice.27、What should you do if you get something in your eyes? ()ARub your eyes.BRinse your eyes with cold water.CTake some medicine.28、What does the word “pressure” mean in Chinese? ()A重量B压力C疼痛29、_ might give you a cramp or headache. ()AEating more coarse grainBT

23、aking a warm-water bath after exercisingCTaking a cold-water bath after exercising30、We can read this passage (短文) in a book about _. ()AHEALTHBFOODCSPORTS【参考答案】一、阅读理解1、B2、C3、A4、B5、C【分析】本文讲了杰克平时在家总能保持安静,但是有一天上班的路上遇到了玛丽,他邀请玛丽来他家,他们一直在聊天,后来玛解析:1、B2、C3、A4、B5、C【分析】本文讲了杰克平时在家总能保持安静,但是有一天上班的路上遇到了玛丽,他邀请玛丽来

24、他家,他们一直在聊天,后来玛丽想知道时间,但是杰克的手表坏了,玛丽的手表在家,杰克想法叫醒奶奶,让奶奶告诉他时间。1、句意:杰克中学毕业时_。A十六,B十八,C二十,D十五,根据Jack is a twenty-year-old young man. Two years ago, when he finished middle school, he found a job in a shop.,可知杰克中学毕业时十八岁,故选B。2、句意:老妇人对杰克很满意,因为_。A他是他的孙子,B他很聪明,C他可以保持安静,D他按时回家,根据After a quick supper he goes to b

25、ed and soon falls asleep. His grandma who lives downstairs is satisfied with (满意) him.,可知老妇人对杰克满意是因为他可以保持安静,故选C。3、句意:通过故事,我们可以知道玛丽是杰克的_。A同学,B同事,C姑姑,C妻子,根据第二段可知玛丽是杰克的同学,故选A。4、句意:故事中的单词“stamp”中文意思是_。根据最后一段可知,stamp意思是跺,故选B。5、句意:杰克在地板上跺脚是为了_。A叫醒他的奶奶,B让他奶奶生气,C他奶奶会告诉他时间的,D他奶奶要给他买块手表,根据文章内容,可知杰克在地板上跺脚是为了让奶

26、奶告诉他时间,故选C。【点睛】二、阅读理解6、A7、B8、C9、A10、C【分析】本文是吴一凡向约翰介绍自己。6、句意:这封电子邮件来自_。根据My names Wu解析:6、A7、B8、C9、A10、C【分析】本文是吴一凡向约翰介绍自己。6、句意:这封电子邮件来自_。根据My names Wu Yifan!,可知这封电子邮件来自吴一凡,故选A。7、句意:吴一凡现在正在学习_。A汉语,B英语,C日语,根据Im very interested in(对.感兴趣) Australia, and Im learning English now.,可知吴一凡正在学习英语,故选B。8、句意:吴一凡喜欢_

27、。A读英语,B住在农场上,C看书,根据I like reading books.,可知吴一凡喜欢看书,故选C。9、句意:_是吴一凡最喜欢的颜色。A黄色,B红色,C白色,根据My favourite colour is yellow.,可知吴一凡最喜欢黄色,故选A。10、句意:吴一凡最喜欢_。A春天,B冬天,C夏天,根据and I like summer best,可知吴一凡最喜欢夏天,故选C。【点睛】三、阅读理解11、B12、C13、A14、B15、C解析:11、B12、C13、A14、B15、C四、阅读理解16、A17、B18、A19、A20、A【导语】本文主要介绍赵华和他的家人。16、句意

28、:赵华的妈妈是做什么的?A她是一名教师。B她是一名工程解析:16、A17、B18、A19、A20、A【导语】本文主要介绍赵华和他的家人。16、句意:赵华的妈妈是做什么的?A她是一名教师。B她是一名工程师。根据“His mother is an English teacher.”可知赵华的妈妈是教师,故选A。17、句意:赵华父亲的爱好是什么?A他喜欢弹钢琴。B他喜欢设计玩具。根据“He likes designing (设计) toys.”此处he指赵华的父亲,可知赵华父亲喜欢设计玩具,故选B。18、句意:赵丽怎样去上学?A步行。B坐小汽车。根据“She goes to school on fo

29、ot.”此处she指赵丽,可知赵丽步行上学,故选A。19、句意:赵华的爱好是什么?A他喜欢游泳和骑自行车。B他喜欢弹钢琴和看动画片。根据“Zhao Hua likes swimming and riding a bike.”可知赵华喜欢游泳和骑自行车,故选A。20、句意:他们感觉怎么样?A他们很开心。B他们很担心。根据“They are happy.”可知他们很开心,故选A。五、阅读理解21、B22、C23、B24、B25、C【分析】本文讲述了圣诞节早上迈克早起找礼物的事。21、句意:迈克在_起床。A五点四十,B六解析:21、B22、C23、B24、B25、C【分析】本文讲述了圣诞节早上迈克早

30、起找礼物的事。21、句意:迈克在_起床。A五点四十,B六点二十,C六点,根据原文On Christmas Day, Mike got up at six twenty. 可知他在六点二十起床,故选B。22、句意:这只可爱的狗是给_。A南希,B南希的妹妹,C南希的弟弟,根据原文Wow, what a lovely toy dog! I like it very much. He said happily. 可知狗是给迈克的,故选C。23、句意:漂亮的连衣裙是给_。A迈克,B迈克的姐姐,C麦克的弟弟,根据原文 Oh, Mike, you are taking my present. What? O

31、pen it and have a look! Then they opened the box, a pretty dress in it. 可知连衣裙是给南希的,故选B。24、句意:迈克收到家人的_礼物,A仅仅一件,B两件,C三件,根据原文 Wow, what a lovely toy dog! I like it very much. He said happily. Mike looked around, and he saw another box for him under the tree.可知他收到小狗和另一个盒子共两件礼物,故选B。25、句意:迈克的盒子里是什么?A一只玩具狗

32、,B一个滑板,C不好意思,我不知道。根据原文Mike looked around, and he saw another box for him under the tree.可知盒子没有打开,所以不知道里面是什么,故选C。【点睛】六、阅读理解26、C27、B28、B29、C30、A【导语】本文主要写了一些与健康有关的生活习惯。26、句意:哪个不是粗粮?A玉米,B大豆,C大米。根据解析:26、C27、B28、B29、C30、A【导语】本文主要写了一些与健康有关的生活习惯。26、句意:哪个不是粗粮?A玉米,B大豆,C大米。根据文中句子Corn, sweet potato, soybean and

33、 oats are all coarse grains.可知大米不是粗粮,故选C。27、句意:如果眼睛里进了东西,你该怎么办?A揉揉眼睛。B用冷水冲洗你的眼睛。C吃点药。根据文中句子If something gets in your eyes, do not rub them. Rinse (冲洗) them with cold water.可知眼睛里进了东西应该用冷水冲洗,故选B。28、句意:pressure这个词在中文里是什么意思?pressure是名词,意思是压力,故选B。29、句意:_可能会让你抽筋或头痛。A多吃粗粮。B运动后洗温水澡。C运动后洗冷水澡。根据文中句子A cold-water bath will stimulate (刺激) them too much. It might give you a cramp (抽筋) or headache. 可知运动后洗冷水澡可能会让你抽筋或者头疼,故选C。30、句意:我们可以在一本关于_书中读到这段话。A健康,B食物,C运动。根据短文内容可知文章是关于健康的,故选A。

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