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1、六年级阅读理解精选毕业英语复习提高试题测试题(含答案)一、阅读判断阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。In China, people celebrate on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Its usually in September or October.On that holiday, children make beautiful lanterns(灯笼)and carry them to play. The lanterns have different shapes(形状). There are pig lanterns, fish l

2、anterns, lion lanterns and so on.People usually watch the moon and eat moon cakes at night. They believe that moon cakes mean good luck. The moon cakes also have different shapes, but most of them are round.Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Su Yang and her twin sister are watching the moon. Their pa

3、rents are eating the moon cakes. Su Yangs cousin, Andy, is playing with a fish lantern. They are having a good time.1、Children play with lanterns at the Mid-Autumn Festival. ( )2、The lanterns and the moon cakes have different shapes. ( )3、Moon cakes mean bad luck. ( )4、There are five people in Su Ya

4、ngs family. ( )5、Su Yangs parents are watching the moon. ( )答案:1、T2、T3、F4、F5、F【解析】1、句意:孩子们在中秋节玩灯笼。根据文中句子On that holiday, children mak解析:1、T2、T3、F4、F5、F【解析】1、句意:孩子们在中秋节玩灯笼。根据文中句子On that holiday, children make beautiful lanterns(灯笼)and carry them to play. “在那个节日里,孩子们会做漂亮的灯笼,带着它们去玩。”可知该表述正确,故答案为T。2、句意:

5、灯笼和月饼有不同的形状。根据文中句子The lanterns have different shapes(形状).和The moon cakes also have different shapes.可知该表述正确,故答案为T。3、句意:月饼意味着厄运。根据文中句子They believe that moon cakes mean good luck.“他们相信月饼意味着好运。“可知该表述错误,故答案为F。4、句意:苏阳家有五口人。根据文中句子Su Yang and her twin sister are watching the moon. Their parents are eating

6、the moon cakes.“苏阳和她的双胞胎妹妹正在看月亮。他们的父母正在吃月饼。”可知苏阳家有四口人,所以该表述错误,故答案为F。5、句意:苏阳的父母在看月亮。根据文中句子Their parents are eating the moon cakes.“他们的父母正在吃月饼。”可知该表述错误,故答案为F。二、阅读判断True or False(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容 ,符合的用 T表示 ,不符合的用F表示).Jimmy, Tommy and John are classmates and friends. They study at the No. 9 Middle School.

7、 They study Chinese, English, Maths, History, Geography, PE, Art and Music. Jimmy likes Chinese, English and History. They are his favourite subjects. Tommy is good at Maths and Music. Johns favourite subjects are English, History and Art.The three boys all like sports. They often play ball games af

8、ter school. They think its really fun and exciting. In the evening they do their homework, and sometimes they watch TV.6、Tommys favourite subjects are Chinese, English and Maths.( )7、Johns favourite subjects are Maths and Music.( )8、The three boys all like sports.( )9、Playing ball games is fun and e

9、xciting for them.( )10、They are hard-working. They do homework in the evening every day.( )答案:6、F7、F8、T9、T10、F解析:6、F7、F8、T9、T10、F三、阅读理解Ann lives in New York. Her father has a shop there and her mother is a doctor. She is seven years old and begins to go to school this autumn. Its a little far from t

10、he shop and her father drives a car to take her to school every day. So she is never late for class and her teachers like her. It is Monday today. Miss Green is teaching them to count from one to ten. Ann is studying hard, and then she can count them. Miss Green is happy and asks, “How many people a

11、re there in your family, Ann?” Ann stands up and says, “Two, Miss Green. ” “Who are they?” “My father and my mother. ” “Oh?” Miss Green is surprised. She says, “There are three people in your family. ” Ann answers, “But now I am not at home. Im at school, you know. ”11、Ann is an _ girl. ()AEnglishBA

12、mericanCChinese12、What grade is Ann in? ()AShe is in Grade Three.BShe is in Grade Two.CShe is in Grade One.13、How does Ann go to school every day? ()ABy car.BBy bike.CBy bus.14、Why is Miss Green happy? ()ABecause Ann is late for class.BBecause the children arent listening to her.CBecause Ann can cou

13、nt from one to ten.15、How many people are there in Anns family? ()AOne.BTwo.CThree.答案:11、B12、C13、A14、C15、C【解析】短文大意:介绍安及她上学时发生的故事。11、句意:安是一个_女孩。A英国的;B美国的解析:11、B12、C13、A14、C15、C【解析】短文大意:介绍安及她上学时发生的故事。11、句意:安是一个_女孩。A英国的;B美国的;C中国的;根据Ann lives in New York. 可知她是美国女孩。故选B。12、句意:安在几年级?根据 She is seven years o

14、ld and begins to go to school this autumn. 可知她七岁了,今年秋天刚去上学。故应该在一年级,故选C。13、句意:安每天怎么去上学?根据Its a little far from the shop and her father drives a car to take her to school every day. 可知她乘小汽车去上学。故选A。14、句意:格林小姐为什么高兴?A因为安上学迟到。B因为孩子们不听她的话。C因为安能从1数到10。根据Ann is studying hard, and then she can count them. 可知因

15、为她能从1数到10。故选C。15、句意:安家有几口人?根据My father and my mother. 可知有三口人。故选C。【点睛】四、阅读理解Dear Editor,Uncle Wang works in a book shop in the middle of the city. The shop is not far from his home, It is about one kilometre away. So Uncle Wang seldom(很少)goes to work by bus. He usually goes there by bike, sometimes o

16、n foot. It takes (花费)him twenty minutes to get there by bike and forty minutes on foot. Today his bike is broken. He wants to walk there. Now he is having breakfast. He leaves home at ten minutes to eight and he walks to work twenty minutes earlier. His work starts at half past eight in the morning

17、and finishes at a quarter to five in the afternoon.11、What does Uncle Wang do? ()AHe sells books.BHe grows flowers.CHe makes shoes.DHe works in a hospital.12、Why does he seldom go to work by bus? Because_. ()Athere is no busBhis shop is not far from his homeChe likes riding a bikeDhis shop isntin th

18、e middle of the city13、How long does it take him to walk to his book shop? _ ()ATwenty minutes.BForty minutes.CTen minutes.DHalf an hour.14、What time does he usually leave home by bike? _. ()AAt ten minutes to eightBAt half past eightCAt ten minutes past eightDAt twenty minutes past eight15、He usual

19、ly gets back home from work at_ in the afternoon. ()A4:45B5:15C4:55D5:05答案:11、A12、B13、B14、C15、A解析:11、A12、B13、B14、C15、A五、阅读理解Hi! My name is Mike. Today is Saturday. My family are at home now. Look, my grandpa is reading a newspaper (报纸) in his bedroom. My grandma is cooking a big meal in the kitchen.

20、 My mother isnt cleaning the rooms. She is washing clothes in the bathroom. My father loves his car very much. He often washes his car at the weekend. But now hes mopping the floor! And I am doing my homework in the study. What is my little brother Bill doing? Hes watching TV with the dog. Everyone

21、in my family is very busy.16、Today is _.()AFridayBSaturdayCSunday17、Mikes grandpa is _. ()Acooking a big mealBreading a bookCreading a newspaper18、Is Mikes mother cleaning the rooms?()AYes, she is.BNo, she isnt.CNo, she is mopping the floor.19、Mikes father often _ at the weekend.()Awashes his carBwa

22、shes clothesCcleans the house20、What is Bill doing?()AHe is doing his homework.BHe is playing with the dog.CHe is watching TV with the dog.答案:16、B17、C18、B19、A20、C解析:16、B17、C18、B19、A20、C六、阅读理解Mrs. Jones was a teacher. Her house was not far from her school, and she often walked there in the morning. A

23、ll the students in the school were very young. One cold and windy morning in October, Mrs. Jones walked to school. The cold wind went into her eyes and big tears(泪) began to run out of them. She reached(到达) the school, opened the door went into the classroom. It was nice, warm there and Mrs. Jones w

24、as happy. But then a small boy looked at her for some time, put his arms round her and said(说), “Dont cry, Mrs. Jones. School isnt very bad.”21、Mrs. Jones usually went to school _. ()Aby bikeBby trainCby busDon foot22、_when she went to school one morning. ()AIt was hotBIt was sunnyCIt was windy and

25、coldDIt was snowing23、The classroom was _.()AcoldBcoolCwarmDhot24、When Mrs. Jones reached the classroom, she was _. ()AangryBsadChungryDhappy25、The small boy wanted to _. ()Amake Mrs. Jones happyBmake Mrs. Jones sadCmake Mrs. Jones angryDlaugh at(嘲笑) Mrs. Jones答案:21、D22、C23、C24、D25、A解析:21、D22、C23、C24、D25、A

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