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1、My Hometown County of Suqian,Jiangsu Province1ContentsGeography foodIntroduction124Scenic spot3Geography 22IntroductionvSuqian is located in the north of Jiangsu Province,boarding Lianyungang,which is one of the 8 largest ports in China,to the east,Xuzhou。3IntroductionCovering a land of 8555 square

2、kilometers,Suqian has a population of 5 million.The city enjoys popularity for it is the hometown of the Great Conqueror Xiang yu of West Chu Period in China。4GeographyGeographyText in here Suqian is located in the north of Jiangsu ProvinceCity5Xiangyus hometownXiangyus hometown is located in the so

3、utheastern part of the city of Suqian.Now the home of the king is the beginning of 80s to repair the.It has both the architectural style of the Han Dynasty folk houses,but also the characteristics of the Han Dynasty palace architecture.6Xiangyus hometownWith the continuous expansion of the central c

4、ity,in order to increase the cultural connotation of the city,promote the development of tourism,give full play to the leading role of Xiang Yu cultural tourism,the municipal government decided to expand the hometown of the king.7Luoma LakeText in hereLuoma Lake is one of the four largest lakes in J

5、iangsu province.Luoma Lake Jiangsu province was designated as the north water wetland protection zone,is also an important diversion of transit station.8乾隆行宫乾隆行宫Qian Long palace is located in the city of northwest of Luoma Lake South of the soap Town,three times Qian Long had lived here return in our province is well preserved the ritual,a group of ancient buildings.9This is just the tip of the iceberg10My Favourite11Thanks for your listening12此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!13

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