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1、GUITARTHETHEGUITARSGUITARS2DIFFERENT TYPES OF GUITARS There are many types of guitars.But There are many types of guitars.But they can be divided into two broad they can be divided into two broad categories,acoustic and electric.categories,acoustic and electric.Acoustic guitars:Acoustic guitars:Folk

2、,Classical,Flamenco Folk,Classical,Flamenco Electric guitars:Electric guitars:Electric guitar&Bass guitar Electric guitar&Bass guitar 3Acoustic Guitar45Acoustic-Folk Guitars6Folk GuitarClassical Guitar GuitarThe fingerboard of folk guitar is longer.But classical guitars fingerboard is broader.The st

3、rings of folk guitar are steel,and the classical is nylon.The head of classical guitar is hollow.The body of the classical is smaller than folk guitar.Their tuning key is different.7UkuleleThe instrument has long been associated with Hawaii,but its origins were actually in Portugal.In the late 1870s

4、,Portuguese sailors brought a ukulele-type instrument to the Hawaiian Islands.The native Hawaiians were impressed when they saw the speedy and intricate finger-work of the man playing the stringed instrument They dubbed it a“ukulele,”which means“jumping flea”.In only a decade,it became Hawaiis most

5、popular instrument.89Structure of GuitarStructure of GuitarFret 品丝Top 面板Side 侧板Neck 琴颈Body 琴体Back 背板Head 琴头Bridge 琴桥Maker 泛音点Headstock 琴头Sound Hole 音孔Pick Guard 护板Tuning Key 旋钮Finger Board 指板指板10In GeneralIn Generalsoundboard:Usually,for the soundboards,soft coniferous(松柏科)woods are in use.The tradi

6、tional,European material is German spruce(云杉).Except in the USA,almost every instrument made before 1960 will be fitted with a German spruce top.It provides a warm timbre11Backs and Sides:Backs and sides are made from firm to very hard woods.Because they need keep the shape of the guitar.Usually we

7、use rosewood(玫瑰木),maple(枫木)etc.These have already gained a certain popularity on steel-string guitars.12Fingerboard:Fingerboard:The most important property for a finger-board is its mechanical resistance.For this reason,only very hard woods should be used.Such as black ebony(乌木),rosewood(玫瑰木).The bl

8、ack ebony is very expensive,so it is usually for high quality instrument.13Neck:For the necks,woods with a medium density are preferred.The most important factors are stiffness and a high resistance to warping.For a long period,American cedar(雪松)and several kinds of mahogany(桃花心木)have proved their s

9、uitability.142024/5/8 周三15Electric Guitar锐普PPT论坛chinakui转载:1617Bass Guitar18Electric GuitarBass GuitarThe fingerboard of bass guitar is longer than electric guitars.Electric guitar has six stings and bass guitar has only four strings.Normally,the bass guitar is heaver than electric guitar.19Some Too

10、ls Pick20Some Tools CapoIt used on the neck of a the guitar It used on the neck of a the guitar pressing all strings to shorten the pressing all strings to shorten the strings,hence raising the pitchstrings,hence raising the pitch.21TheWorld FamousGuitarBrand2223Martin24锐普PPT论坛chinakui转载:Taylor2526THANK YOU2024/5/8 周三28

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